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Here is the script for this chapter!!! 

It was a pretty long one, hopefully this is the last super long chapter ^^;;;

I tend to draw comics on paper , so the scripts I do are mostly just text.



SSEC 298

Sky pan

We see all the buildings

Close up to the pokemon daycare


"2 Years ago"



Trainer is riding her bike. The Panel will prolly be like, Half the page and the trainer/her bike is popping out. 4 Eevees are in her basket, and one egg is in it too. Dawn is on the back.

Trainer: Alright! One more egg to hatch, then we can do another contest!

[Title of page]

"Meanwhile, 2 years ago"

-Eve Hatches!!!-

Trainer: OOOO!!! A girl! Hmmm. I'm going to name you Eve! ^^

Eve: …eve?

Trainer: Welp! None of you are shiny, soooooo

*Throws Pokeballs at PC*

*Eevees have been deposited in the PC!*


SSEC 297


So Cool!!

Where are we?


Hey Eve! Come see this!!


Welcome to the eevee boxes in the Trainer's PC… u-um… So! My name is Pup and I'll be your guide to the PC! Um… I'll pop up when there are things I can explain and um…

We will be following this group of young eevees as they get um… a-accust… accustomed to the Eevee boxes!

What is this place?


Tike: Save… Meh….


SSEC 298



Where do you think you're goin-

!! Oh. New eevees.

Hello fellow kids.





The Eevees in the eevee boxes mostly all live in here! Um… some don’t, like the LKD trio who live somewhere underground and um.. Walter! Yeah, Walter lives in Box 1! There are three floors and each brotherhood has one floor! Icedrop has Floor 3, um… Lightfire has floor 2 and… Greenpaw has less than half of the first floor. The other half is used for genia-g-general brotherhood use! 

The eevees go between the floors via stairs…

O-Oh! And, um… if you don’t know what brotherhoods are… we'll go through them soon!

Here is the layout and a few key locations!

Dusk and Dawn both stay on the roof and Dawn does not have a room, but Dusk does!! And when Dawn wants to stay in a room, she stays with Daisy! Bolt's room kinda turned into an office… he doesn’t even have a bed, he sleeps on the floor! And the windows in Vay's room and the jail room are boarded up! Flame has a secret room 


SSEC 299

Larry: -signs-

Pup: Huh?

Pup: Hey, um… Joe?

Joe: Yeah babe?

Pup: Its just that… Larry says that Eevees are not born being able to stand on two legs, they have to learn how to, like… how Eve learned how to by Bow. And…. Blizz did not break through the wall, and throwing pokeballs at the PC… is not how anyone deposits pokemon.

Joe: Yeah. And?

. . .


Joe: Well. Let's ignore it and continue.

Pup: Ah-

Larry: -furiously signing-

Pup: U-um… Larry says you need to be more careful with the continuity…

Joe: Tell the MIME that I know what I'm doing

Larry: !

Joe: It's about ENTERTAINING the AUDIENCE! Who cares about Continuity!

Pup: Larry says everyone who reads the comic cares.

Larry: -signs-

Joe: FINE. I'll keep things more consistent. But that means NO VAY!

Pup: Vay… wasn't even in the PC at this time…


. . .

Joe: Hey! Stop looking at me like that! 


SSEC 300

Joe: (holding a sign) "In Unova, at this time"

Nego: Zzz…

Fern: What are you talking about!? That is not MY kit!

Fern: I don’t know what got into that thick skull of yours, But we NEVER did ANYTHING like that. And I'm NOT taking it! I have my own problems!

Fern: For the last time. I DON’T WANT IT!

Vay: grrrrrrrr…. That liar.

Vay: …

Vay: Tch.

Vay (thinking): Its not like I am doing anything wrong.

Vay (thinking): Pokemon abandon their eggs and kits in the wild all the time.

Vay: -stops-

Vay: . . .

Vay: I'm sorry… I won't leave you…

Egg: -crack-

Poodove: -Dunk-

Vay: ?



Poodove: Poo?

This has been… POODOVE ORIGINS


SSEC 301

Bolt: …bla bla, and you should not try to put your head in the microwave again, why were you even trying to do that? Dusk? Hello? Are you list-


Dusk: ??
Bolt: !???

Blizz: hhhhhhhhhhhh



SSEC 302

Pup: The three brotherhoods each have a leader

Bolt: Why are you chasing eevee kits?

Dusk: Scary Glaceon Scary

Blizz: It's a misunderstanding!!

Blizz: I saw a greenpaw eevee being bullied by Mike and Tike and-

Bolt: Did all of you just come into the PC?

Chet: Pee…she…?

Harrison: W-Whats dat?

Jeremy: P-PC?

Bolt: Ah! Then you are new eevees! Great! You are in our trainer's PC! Well… its called the PSS… or rather, the Pokemon Storage System, But, we just call it the PC for short. It's where trainers digitally store pokemon that they are not using!

Bolt: I guess I'll have to inform Don that we have new eevees…

Bolt: What are your names?

Chet: I'm Chet!!!

Chet: An' Dis is Wade

Wade: …

Chet: And Dis is Jeremy

Jeremy: Hi…

Chet: And Dis is Harrison
Harrison: Wah! U are g-goin' too fast, Chet!

Chet: An' Dis is Eve!!

Eve: uwahh…

Bolt: Heh, My name is Jolteon
Dusk: And I'm Umbreon kun!!!

Blizz: *is being ignored*


SSEC 303

Jeremy: I cant beweve we get dis WHOLE room for ourselves!

Harrison: Jolteon said that its temporary…

Chet: Its still cool that we get to stay toget-er!

Harrison: Do we sleep on those yellow things?

Wade: I guess…

Chet: Hey! Why don’t we play a game before bed?

Jeremy: a game?

Chet: Yeah!

Chet: Look at all da building blocks! Why don’t we build somethin' like a castle!!

Harrison: A castle?

Jeremy: I wanna to be da fat king!!!

Eve …

Chet: Ok! So we aw all knights and Jeremy is da king!

Jeremy: Yeah!!

Eve: …

Chet: Hey Eve!

Chet: Do you want to be our pwincess?

Eve: …Pwincess…?

Eve: Ok…


SSEC 304

*This all happens in Watercolor style*

-The eevee kits building the castle

-The eevee kits almost done

-The eevee kits finish! Happy babus

-The 3 knights bow down to their king & princess

-The kits fight each other with foam swords

-Chet on one knee, asking to marry Eve

-Harrison and Wade butting in, saying that THEY want to marry Eve

-Jeremy saying that NONE of them will marry Eve

-Eve laughs

-They all laugh!

-More play!

-They fall asleep together~

Bolt: *checks up on them, smiles*

Troll: …You should set the room on fir-
Bolt: No.


SSEC 305

Pup: S-sorry for all of the breaks in the story… And sorry for the lack of visuals and all the text, but there is so much to explain! Like.. u-um… When new groups of eevees come, there is a small group of older vees who take care of them! um… T-They spend 2 weeks learning about the eevee boxes, then one week in each brotherhood, learning about them and… then one last week to think about their brotherhood choice!

Pup: Of course, they don’t have to choose im-immediately… but almost all of them have a house in mind!

Pup: And if they didn't choose, they choose in the weeks afterwards!

Pup: … W-well, I guess one didn't… but they are an exception…

Larry: ?

Pup: We don’t have enough time to show all of that time go by with Eve and her littermates, so we are summarizing the whole experience and giving you guys only the basics, which is why I was trying to explain some things b-beforehand.


Pup: !!!

Larry: !!

Joe: Now that Don and the others are taking over, we can spend some time together~

Pup: *happy embarrassed noises*

Larry: ?? 


Joe: You can stay here and keep your precious "Continuity" in check!

Pup: Sorry Larry

SSEC 306

Don, Bow, Moe, Omar: WELCOME TO Box 3 Orientation!!

Kits: uwahhhhh

Don: We are going to be your teachers, and guide to the PC

Omar: If you have any questions, feel free to ask them, we don’t bite- much

Don: Omar, how about we don't scare the kits

Omar: Heh, sorry

Moe: =w= *nodding off*

Bow: *walks up to Eve* Hello sweetie, You are Eve, right?

Eve: *shy nod*

Bow: uwahh! I'm so happy! I love getting new sisters!!

Eve: S-sisters…?

Omar: Hey Bow! Stop picking favorites and lets get this show on the road!

Bow: Heh. I'll talk to you later, okay?

Eve: Kay…

SSEC 307

Don: Lesson #1! The PC!

Omar: We all live in a digital space called the PC

Bow: It's a system designed for pokemon trainers to store pokemon in!

Moe: zzzzzz

Jeremey: How?
Don: We are stored into pokeballs as data. 

When our trainer puts our pokeball inside the PC, our data is inputted into her server in the PSS system. The server that we are on is our trainer's PC.
Author's note: Just think of the PSS servers as a minecraft server! The PC is the world in the server!

Bow: Our trainer's server has 18 boxes. These are the different "worlds" that the trainer can store different pokemon in! 

Chet: Can we go into other servers?
Don: No. It is not possible for us to go into other trainer's servers, but we can go to the different boxes in our trainers server!

Omar: The box that we are in is Box 3, it is called the Eevee box because it is where our trainer stores all of her eevees. Usually, boxes have a 30 pokemon per box limit, but our trainer's dad pays to upgrade her storage to 1000 pokemon per box. 

Eve: 1000?

Omar: Yeah, 1000! It’s a pretty massive number. 

Bow: Only 1000 pokemon can be in a box at one time, luckily, our trainer doesn’t catch a ton of pokemon.

Don: Each PC box is a cube, on one of these walls, there is a blue bar that goes across at about a liittle above ground level. This is the same for every box. We can go to different boxes by entering a room that is located on the ends of this blue bar, on the corners, but, you need permission to go to some of them.

Omar: There are 2 boxes we are not allowed to go into, Box 2 and Box 18. Box 2 is locked, and you can only go into it with permission. And Box 18 is open, but, no one can get out without permission from someone on the outside.

Jeremy and Eve: Why?

Omar: Box 2 is where our trainers keep the pokemon she uses to fight and Box 18 is where she keeps the legendary pokemon she caught

Chet: I wanna go in Box 18! 

Don: No. The first, and only Eevee who went in there never came back

Chet: What happened to them…?
Omar: .…

Don: ….
Moe: .…*SNORT* I'm up!


SSEC 308

Bow: There are a few boxes that are open to everyone, anyone can go there at anytime, these are Box 1, and box 17. Box 1 is where the trainer puts pokemon she just caught, it is a town where a lot of pokemon from different backgrounds live. And, Box 17 is where the trainer stores the eggs of the pokemon she breeds before she hatches them.
Eve: So we all came from there?

Bow: Correct! Our trainer takes the Eevee eggs that she gets from our mother and trades them with other Eevee breeders. She then keeps all the eggs in this box until it is time to hatch them
Harrison: W-why does she trade eggs…?
Moe: =w= Our trainer wants a shiny eevee, so like, she trades with others that might have a higher chance of getting one.

Wade: …No wonder she threw us all in here the second after we hatched

Bow: OuO;;

Moe: The rest of the boxes like… besides our own and box 16 are type specific. So there is like, a box for most types of pokemon to like, chill out in their element. 

Bow: A-any questions?

Chet: How can we go to box 2!?

Bow: You need to be with a mon that is from the trainer's team to get in! Pokemon who are from the main team can enter and exit box 2 freely!

Chet: How big are boxes?

Bow: The size of the box depends on how many pokemon are in the box and the medium height of all the pokemon in the box! So, for example, if a Rattata and Snorlax are the only mon in the box, the things in the box will settle on a medium between them. If the Snorlax leaves, the box will automatically shrink to accommodate the average size of the Rattata! 

Eve: Are there any other pokemon the trainer hatches?

Moe: Like, yeah. The trainer like, also breeds Jigglypuff and Buneary! But, like not as much as she breeds Eevees

Harrison: D-does the trainer just… leave the poor eggs alone?

Bow: Gosh! No! A nice Chancey named Chance takes care of all the eggs, She is very nice!

A/N: An Audino named "Heal" Joins her after the trainer goes to Unova

Chet: What are other boxes like?

Omar: We'll get to that! Right Don?

Don: R-right!


Box explanation!!!

Box 1- "Hub" Box - fence

Box 2 - Main team box- city

Box 3- Eevee Box - field

Box 4- Grass/bug pokemon box- field

Box 5- Mountain box- Rock

Box 6- Volcano- fire pokemon box

Box 7- Ice pokemon box- An icy planes/ mountain/ snow area

Box 8- Normal pokemon Box- field

Box 9- Electric/steel pokemon Box- Steel floor

Box 10- ghost/poison pokemon cave- cave

Box 11- Ground/fighting pokemon box- dessert

Box 12- Ice pokemon box- An icy planes/ mountain/ snow area

Box 13- Non underwater water pokemon box- river

Box 14- Underwater pokemon box- Ocean, Mostly underwater, connects to other boxes

Box 15- Flying type box - Sky

Box 16- Empty- Odd blank box

Box 17- Egg box- pokemon center

Box 18- Legendary Box- Distortion box


SSEC 309

Omar: For These are the most important boxes to know about in order, along with explanations on them!

Box 1: The place where pokemon of all types gather, a bustling town of different types of pokemon! This is the box all newly caught pokemon go into when they are caught, most stores are here

Chet: Do legendary pokemon also go here??
Omar: Yes, but mon that enter their without the trainer putting them in get put in special rooms where they are monitored and mon determined to be hostile or not. 

Box 2: "Main team box"- The box where The trainer stores her pokemon she uses to battle, it’s a big city! And a lot of stores are here, but not as many as Box 1.

Box 3: The box you guys are in right now! heh

Box 14: The underwater box. This box is connected to other boxes via some bodies of water, so you can accidently teleport into it if you are not careful.

Box 16: An empty box. No pokemon is stored in here, and it’s a blank void.

Box 17: This is the egg box! We already explained it!

Box 18: The legendary pokemon box. This is where the trainer keeps her legendary pokemon and mythical pokemon. No one can get out of the box once going into it without permission, and its hard to get in the box without the trainer putting you in. This is a very dangerous box. From what we know, The legendary pokemon constantly fight and its like a war zone

SSEC 310

Don: In the Eevee boxes, we are split up into 3 brotherhoods

Chet: Split up…?

Don: Yeah, After orientation, you'll have to choose which brotherhood you'll go into.

Bow: All of the girls choose Greenpaw sooo, Eve'll be with me!! Right Eve?

Eve: *nods, smiling*

Jeremy: What are you guyzes brotherhood?

Don: I am from the Lightfire house

Omar: And we are from the Icedrop house

Moe: Like, yeah

Moe: Like, Each brotherhood has a leader

Chet: Are they the veelutions we met yesterday?

Moe: Like, yeah bruh. 

Don: Glaceon, or Blizz is the Leader of Icedrop, His deputy is a Vaporeon named Vay

Author's note: About a year after this, Blizz gives Vay his leadership and takes the deputy position due to an unknown reason.

Moe: Dusk-
Bow: Umbreon Oneesan!

Moe: is like, the Greenpaw brotherhood leader, he like, doesn’t have a deputy

Author's note: He actually does, but, No one knows who it is.

Bow: And Bolt, the Jolteon, is the leader of Lightfire! His deputy is Flame, a Flareon, but! Flareon is a gross Pervert!

Don: He isn't that bad, Bow

Bow: Dawn says he is icky, so he is.

Chet: Can we see the two deputies?

Omar: Errr… Both are not in the PC right now
Chet: What are they doing

Omar: Dunno. They don’t really interact with us much.

Don: We'll talk more about brotherhoods later on, but-

Bow: Now it's time for a field trip!! -^^- 


SSEC 311

Blizz: Hi!

Kits: Ahh! The Scary Glaceon!

Blizz: *gets stabbed*

Don: Uh, Blizz? We kinda need you to explain weather.

Blizz: Hey kids, so, this is the weather machine. There is one per box, and, I'm in charge of the one in this box! Which is why its in my room.

Blizz: There is a wall surrounding us called the sky wall. It is like, a giant screen or something. It displays a simulation of a sky. Every few hours, I change it to mimic a day-night cycle. Using this machine, I can also change the weather and the basic layout of the box.

Jeremy: That’s cool! Can you make it rain? Or snow? I wanna see snow

Blizz: Yeah! But I have been told to not do it often.

Jeremy: What about seasons? Like uhhhhh fall! And Jump!

Blizz: You mean Spring. There are no seasons in the PC, but some boxes like box 1 simulate them.

Chet: Can I use the machine!??

Blizz: I dare you *scary*
Eevees: !!! *scared

SSEC 312

Omar: Welcome to jail, kits

*The kits look around, scared*

Omar: This is the place where bad vees go to get punished

Chet: W-what do they do to bad vees here?

Omar: Lock them up and feast on their brains!


Don: OMAR! 

Split: I can assure you, we don’t do that *steps out*

Omar: Oh hey Junior, how's it shaking?

Split: Don’t call me that.

Split: I'm going to be a full cop soon, so, calling me junior is an inaccurate description of my character.

Omar: Ok. Jeez Split, why are you always such a kill joy? =3=

Split: Why are you always such a hooligan Set an example for once. 

Split: *turns to he kits* My name is Split. I am a police officer


Split: *anger mark on face, glares at kits* I am the only police officer currently, since the other officer, vaporeon, disappeared half a year ago and no one else is interested. I do all the work here! Stopping crime and putting bad eevees into these cells as punishment, patrolling the eevee box, helping the detectives, and keeping the peace in general

Jeremy: Das so cool!!! You r like a knight! Or a hero!

Split: !!! *blushes, embarrassed* Y-yeah, I-I guess-

SSEC 313

Don: This is the common area, Its where you can go upstairs to the other 2 floors, go to the kitchen or gym, the greenpaw area, or go outside!

Omar: Here is the kitchen, it is where you get food, if ya want, we don’t need to eat in the PC.

Chet and Jeremy: How we get food den?

Omar: This panel on the minifridge! Just choose what you want! The meals on it changes daily, so there is always something different. There are also ingredients you can use to cook other kinds of food if you want to. If you want something warm, then just pick it and pop it into one of the microwaves, or the stove, and it'll warm it up! As Dumbreon- I mean. Umbreon is demonstrating with his head.

In background: *Dusk is putting his head in the Microwave*

Bow: This is the gym! Its just a place with exercise equipment you can use. It also has balls and jump ropes and other fun equipment!

Eve: *walks up to Bolt* 'scuse me…

Bolt: ? Oh, you. Hello, did you need something?

Eve: Umbreon kun is putting his head in the microwave again

Bolt: *blink blink*

Bolt: *Rushes out* DUSK!!

Moe: Like, Mini bruhs, its snack time~

SSEC 314


Eve: *staring*






Eve: …dummy.

Chet: …

Eve: *bites her food, looks at Chet* …

Chet: …

Eve: Are u ok, Chi? You have been sad lookin

Chet: .…. 

Chet: *sniff*

Chet: Dey said we were gonna split up….

Jeremy and Harrison: *looks their way* ?
Wade: *focuses on his food*

Chet: *in tears* I dun… I dun wanna split up… I wanna stay togeder…

Eve: …
Wade: *ignores and focuses on food*
Harrison: .…

Jeremy: How about we aw pick da same bwoterhud? Wike… Let's all go into Icedwop! 

Harrison: …………….

Chet: But.…Wat about Eve…?

Eve: …

Jeremy: She has ta go to da Gweenpaw house, Bow said so.

Chet: Oh…

Authors note: If only the naïve kits thought "Lets all go into greenpaw!"

Eve: Is ok! ^^ No matter wat, we will aw be friends! Even if I am in a differwent house!

Chet: *crying uwahh, hugs Eve*
Eve: *giggles and pats*

SSEC 315

Bow: This is the hospital! I work here when I'm not showing new vees like you guys around ^^

Eve: Wow Bow onee-san! That’s so cool! *wags tail

Bow: *smiles brightly* hee hee~ *sparkles around them both, Omar has T_T face*

Bow: Here is where we treat you

Bow: Here is the Medicine cabinet

Bow: And here are the recovery beds!

Bow: These are my friends, Dewey, and Lilly, We all take care of and help injured eevees together!

Dewey: H-hello…
Lilly: Hiyah! ^^

Bow: Oh! And that is Al!

Chet: Is he your friend too?

Bow: Nope!

Lilly: If you ever get injured or sick, just come over here! We'll help you in a jiffy! 

Dewey: A-and if you see someone hurt, please call us! So we can help them!

Lilly: We work for leafeon, but, she isn't here at the moment

Chet: Where is she?

Dewey: Her and Flareon have been going off together, but she never says where

Jermey: Maybe they are in a secwet Mition from the king!

Chet: I wanna be on a secwet Mition too!

Bow: Heh heh, Kits and their wild imaginations

SSEC 316

*all of them holding hands, in a line

Don: Ok kits, stay together now…

Moe: This is like, Eevree forest. Its like, pretty safe in here, but its very easy to get lost if you don’t know where to go. Like. Uber easy.
Chet: What are those things in in the bushes and making noise?
Moe: Some places in the PC like, have some ai pokemon in it to simulate life. In the Eevee box they like, only appear here and like, in the ocean.
Jeremy: There is an ocean!??

Don: We're going there next.

*Ozzie can be seen talking to Dominic, but Dom is covered by trees/bushes*

*an ear twitches (Oliver's)*

Moe: This lake is like, uber dangerous. It leads straight down to box 14

Chet and Jeremy: Why?
Eve: *hugs bow, scared*

Don: A few bodies of water in the boxes are connected to box 14, so water type pokemon who can breathe air can have a place to go if needed. In the eevee boxes, it is this lake. 

Omar: It's very dangerous to go in, so don’t. Funnily enough, the ocean is a safer place to swim.

Forest: Aye! Omar! Moe! Bros!

Moe: Yo bruhhhh

Omar: Hey Forest

Chet: Are there any other things in the forest?

Don: Besides trees?

In the treetops: *Oliver staring down at Eve* ….. *something is glowing in his paws*

Don: …Nothing else, to my knowledge


SSEC 317

Devin: *looking out at sea*
Kevin: Establishing a hold on the vees in the box will be our best course of action for now, because finding eevees willing to infiltrate the different corners of the PC will have its benefits. Having connections high up in both box 3 and box 1 will also be highly beneficial to us.
Levin: An' how we going to do that

Kevin: We… need a base of operations first. And we also need connections… especially in the other two brotherhoods first. Devin? Any ideas?

Devin: What would happen if we use a boat to sail out into the sea and import hard to get stuff from the other boxes?

Levin: We'd hit the Skywall, but that ain't even what we were talkin' 'bout, Devi-
Devin: But do we know? What if it connects to the other boxes, like the lake does with box 14?
Kevin: .…

Levin: That’s impossible
Devin: In a digital space? How do we know?

Harrison: Know wat?

LKD: *Glares at Harrison* 

Levin: Ehhhhhhh? Look what we 'ave 'ere boys… a little lost kit was listenin' in on us

Kevin: *cracks knuckles* And we beat up little lost kits

Devin: …

Harrison: !!!!!

Chet: Chet: *shields Harrison* 

Levin/Kevin: *glares at the two kits*
Devin: *looking at the group of eevees* …

Devin: G-guys.… Threatening kits is not worth it, lets just go.

Levin: Tch. Right. They look scared enough. Whatever, Come on guys.

*they leave. Harrison is holding onto Chet tightly*

Harrison: *crying* They were so scawy!!!

Chet: *pats Harrison* Don’t worry, I'll be your knight! ^^

Omar: *running towards them* There you guys are!

Don: Harrison!?? What's wrong!?


SSEC 318

Harrison: *shaking, scared, next to Chet*

Chet: …an' the bad vees were so big an' dey wooked wike dey were 'bout to hurt Harri! So I went to save him!

Eve: *looks worried* Are dey gonna come for him?
Chet: I dunno, dey weft
Wade: .…

Jeremy: …*angry face*

Jeremy: When I grow up! I'm gonna become just like Spwit! And fight all the bad vees!

Chet: And when I grow up, I'm gonna pwoteced aw of you!



Larry: *signs*

Joe: I leave for a few comics and you turn this into some SNOZE FEST!

Joe: No one CARES about all of this stuff! They want the COMEDY AND DRAMA!

Pup: I care…

Joe: Babe, you do but the readers don't

Joe: Look. We started this chapter what? Over 20 comics ago? And there is no end in sight! Even Author chan is getting tired of it! 

Joe: By the way, Author chan, that name is weeb cringe. 

Larry: *signs defensively*

Joe: NO WAY! You had it your way for too long! Lets speed things up!

SSEC 319

Joe: The next day the kits learn about Roommates. Yes, there is a roommate system. A max of 5 eevees can stay in one room, (Except in Cringepaw where the max is over 10) and roommates can pick roommates or be assigned to a room, as long as they are in the same house. 

Joe: Brotherhoods are explained more too, but whatever, the Author will just put it in the FAQ or something. All you need to know is that each Brotherhood is considered as a big family, and those outside of a brotherhood isn't. The only exception to this is Littermates, usually.

Joe: Bla bla bla, yada yada yada

Joe: Ahah! There we go! Then the eevees pick their brotherhoods…

Jeremy Picks Icedrop. He wanted to go in it, being interested in everything they were told about it, and he goes in with dreams of one day helping Split out.

Wade picks Icedrop. He's kind of a mute, and didn’t care about what brotherhood he went into. I really doubt he cares about anything.

Harrison Picks Lightfire. He doesn’t like Icedrop because he's a big fat crybaby, and didn't even tell the others he picked it until after they all chose their houses because he's also a coward.

Little Ms. Mary Sue-I mean, Eve chooses Icedrop. She chose it because she didn't want to be separated from her Littermates, after all, they all were suppose to go to icedrop

And Chet…

He chooses Greenpaw, despite wanting to go into Icedrop, because he didn't want Eve to be alone and thought she was choosing Greenpaw as well…

Big mistake lol

In the end, The kits get separated but, Bow does tell Eve something interesting…

Bow: No matter what brotherhood you are in… we'll always be sisters. ^^
Eve: *eyes sparkle, hugs*

Joe: Its so sweet it hurts, eww.


SSEC 320

Joe: And we are DONE

Larry: *Grumpy*

Joe: Whaaaat? You should thank me!

Larry: *angrily signing*

Pup: He said you skipped over the story, it was s-suppose to be more impactful.

Joe: What story? We are on a TIME CRUNCH HERE! We have been on this Chapter since SmackJeeves, and you were making boring pages full of boring exposition and boring kit fluff!

Joe: Look. If you wanted to tell the story, maybe you should have planned things out better to focus more on the important parts!

Larry: …

Larry: *angry*

Larry: *Signs in frustration*

Joe: What is he saying?
Pup: uh.… h-he said hijacking things for a chapter was your idea.

Joe: Explaining the world was important! And then you took over so I couldn't do what I wanted to do!
Larry: *signs*

Pup: Uh… H-he said that this whole chapter just… really confused the readers, and that we should have n-never did this to begin w-with….

Joe: Well….

Joe: Don't get angry at me just cause you don’t know how to plot out a single chapter.

Joe: I thought that August's little helper would have treated the story better.

Larry: !... *pauses, looks emotional* 

August: *offscreen* Neh? I heard my naameeeee *world shatters*

August: Oh! There you are, Larry!!

August: What are all you guys doing over here?

Joe: None of your business, you butt muncher

August: Vuiiiiiii =3=

August: Come on Larry.
Larry: ...

SSEC 321

August: Are you okay?

Larry: …

August: I guess Joe can get harsh sometimes, but he has a good heart! … Prolly.

Larry: *makes a face*

August: Pff! He isn't that bad. Hey come on! I think I made a breakthrough with the case! *walks faster*

Larry: *blushy boi* … *closes eyes, sighs in frustration, and follows*

SSEC 322

August: Look at this! 

August: In Oliver's report, year 1, 3, and 4 has information in it, but year 2 only has "Information unavailable" 

Larry: *looks confused*

August: Right! I asked Umbreon nee about if Oliver left the PC before, and he said that Oliver disappeared for over a year!

August: And look over here! You know how we have to take pictures once a year for the archivists? 

August: Well. Every year, Oliver's eyes change color, and his appearance is different.

See? Year one he has pinkish eyes and that cute scarf
Year three he has that weird necklace and red earrings

And Year four, the latest, looks like current Oliver. 

August: Now! It looks like Oliver's eyes change colors when he is in contact with the necklace. This is proven by these pictures and this picture I took of him after the last all brotherhood meeting.

August: Also! By eye witness accounts from both Vic, and Dexter, I can confirm that it also happens when he is angry.

August: You know who else's eye's changes color when they are angry?

Larry: …?

August: Right! Glaceon's! 

August: From all the information I gathered, I now believe that Oliver has the same ability as Glaceon, some kind of Strength Enhancing ability.

August: And unlike Glaceon, Oliver seems to be aware of it.

SSEC 323

Dean: …So, you are not coming back…?

August: Wellllllll, we'll still come in sometimes, but! Our detective work is getting intense, and we needta focus on it! Right Larry?

Larry: *nods*

Dean: …I see… *looks disappointed*

August: Don’t worry tho, I knew how much you needed help over here, so these guys said they'll help in our place! Right guys?

Bgeevee 1: Yeah!!

BGeevee2: Happy to help!

August: Welp!! Bye Dean! I'll see ya later!! *jogs off*

Dean: Wait!

August: neh?

Dean: *runs up to her, flushed* I *huff* I wanted to thank you for your help.
Larry: ?

August: It's no problem, organizing files is kinda boring but-

Dean: *still out of breath* Not that, as late as this may be, I wanted to thank you for your help with Chiki. 

August: … *blink* 

August: Ohhhhhhh. 

August: *smiles brightly* No problemo! It's part of my job!

August *smiling*

Dean *blushing*

August: OOP!

Larry: *pulling her away*

August: Welp! Bye again Deaannn!!!

August: Larryyyy, what's wrong???

Dean: …

Dean: *Sighs*

SSEC 324

Dean: *enters the room again*

Dean: *Looks over the BG EEVEEs* …

Dean: Do any of you even know how to read?
BGs: *Frozen*

BG1: K-kinda?

BG2: I know the alphabet!

BG3: I can count!!!

BG4: I can read food labels

Dean: ……… (This is why I didn't ask for help before) 


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