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I know I'm a bit late to this, but, I have some important updates to share with all of you.
Okay, so, first of all, in regards to the current pandemic:

  • If you need to drop your pledge so you can focus on more important things, please do so! I completely support your decision!  You guys all matter to me, and I really don't want any of you to stay pledged if you need the money yourself. Patreon is my only source of income currently, but, I'll be fine for now, please take care of yourselves first.

  • As I say this, it actually is not the only update I have. As all of you probably noticed, this week's comic is not up. Why is that? Well. All of the stuff that is going on in the world has made a lot of changes to my living situation/school situation (Don't worry, I am completely okay), and ever since Spring break ended, I have been trying to adapt. This has made me not have any time to draw the comic this past week. Not including that tho, I have been trying to do my homework, and realized that it is not possible to keep the comic going currently with the amount of work I have from school (hopefully for the last time cause I am graduating college in the fall). I refuse to take another break, so some people who help me with comic stuff and I decided that it'll be best if from now till the end of May, SSEC will be updating once every other week. This is so I can have time to do all my homework and still update the comic. I know its a bit odd, but, at least after I graduate, I'll have more time to put into the comic and getting out content for you guys, since school won't be bringing me down. This is my final semester, so I need to try to get all my work done and not like, fail a class due to being overwhelmed with work

  • Thank you all for supporting me! The next SSEC page will be uploaded this Saturday!
  • I hope all of you stay safe! ^^


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