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I have been designing some in-game eevees to fulfill some roles in the story, and I just made this boy, and I love him.

His name is Ozzie, a beautiful Dark chocolate furred eevee in Lightfire! He is also Dominic's littermate. 

He thinks Dominic's fur is beautiful and is borderline obsessed with being the most beautiful vee, but, doesn't think he can ever be as beautiful as Dominic.

Dominic may hate his white fur, but Ozzie loves it and wishes he was born a second earlier so he could be him (that makes no sense, but, hey. Its what he thinks, and he is a stubborn boi). 

Also. He HATES Being called a Trap. "His beauty transcends gender" 

Oliver hates his guts and calls him a trap anytime he sees him cause he knows it upsets him lmao.


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