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Hi everyone!! I have an important update on Patreon rewards! This will affect everyone who is currently a Patron, and everyone who views my work.

So. This winter break, I have mostly been working non-stop on different projects, The comic dub, the actual comic, commissions, running the Discord server, etc, and, I kinda realize that doing all of that is unhealthy and that I should try to do something that'll help me lighten the work I do in the future. And also, with all of the things I have to do, I don't get a lot of the things done because I always have something to do. Like. I was supposed to draw 2 comics a week this month, but I couldn't because of all of the work I piled on myself. ^^; Sorry.
So. I have decided that instead of focusing on a ton of things and piling more and more work on myself, I'll try to only focus on one thing at a time. What does this mean? Well. I want everyone to vote on what  I should focus on. This will affect what rewards I offer, along with a lot of other things.  

You can vote on 2 options.
Content or Commissions

If Content is chosen, I will close down commissions/requests indefinitely and focus on improving SSEC more, along with providing MUCH more planning sketches and rambles for Sketchy vees and higher.  This will also give me more time to make youtube videos such as the dub, make more PMVs like Battle scars, and all of you guys will be getting more content and planning and SSEC/EeVeE aCaDeMy/other related drawings from me in general again, with the only downsides being that I am going to stop providing the icons and commissions for future Patrons, basically taking off the rewards. Also, if this is chosen, I will produce physical items for the higher tiers, since I am graduating from college soon. If I ever have an emergency and need money, I'll open up commissions with limited slots, and Patreons will get 5%-50% off depending on the tier (yes, even $1 Patrons)

If Commissions are chosen, I'll add to the Patreon commission rewards (after I graduate), and focus more on providing commissions, focusing less on providing content for the comic/other things. There will be a general decline of SSEC content all around, BUT, an increase in commissions and requests done in a more timely manner. Normal Commissions will open and stay open, and there will be more types of commissions opening. Patreons will get 5%-50% off depending on the tier (yes, even $1 Patrons) There will not be as much focus on providing physical content for the high tiers due to this as well, but physical content will still be made for purchase after I get a PO box.

Comics once a week will stay the same no matter what happens.

Since this poll affects everything I do, it will be opened for everyone, not just Patrons, to vote on. But. The TLDR is

Content- More SSEC content from me, more flexibility for me, more time for me to work on things like Comic dub, SSEC development, and Patreon only comics. No commissions or requests except in emergencies. Less about rewards and more about supporting what I do.

Commissions-  Less SSEC content from me, less flexibility for me, Less time to work on things like Comic dub and Patreon only comics. Commissions always are open, More rewards for Patreons.

So yeah!! Thank you for reading! Please vote on what you think I should focus on! ^^



Content is a better solution as commissions is hard enough. I could care less about rewards, I care for supporting content.


To be honest, I couldn’t care less about commissions at the moment