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OwO;; I thought I uploaded this, but I guess I forgot to in the mad dash to do my homework

Also yeah, another hiatus ^^;;
I'm sorry, but, I have finals and the comic has made me very very behind in my homework >...>;;; as in... I have a whole game to code in less than 2 weeks and 4 other classes full of homework that I did not start yet.
All Patreon rewards will be handed out during my winter break! I am sorry for the delay! But hey, after I'm done with college in a few months, I'll have more time to dedicate to providing content for you guys!! And! I'll finally be able to have the means to give you guys physical items! >:3 Yes yes! That is my goal for Summer 2020 onwards! Because all of you guys deserve it!! 

TT_TT But seriously, thank you for all your support, despite my scatterbrainedness and tendency to bite off more than I can chew. I'm going to keep on doing my best to make SSEC the best I can make it!

And if you have any alternative hosting sites I can use, please tell me




*Scooby-Dooby Doors chase scene starts*