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"I lost my limited edition collectors copy of the new millennium playpoke magazine espeon x umbreon January 2000 Johto New year's special! I must have dropped it outside!"

    - (Insert title here), Comic 42

    General Characteristics

Name: Flame

Appearance: Slightly chubby normal, scruffy looking flareon. Dark blue eyes. Has freckles

Other Names: -

Titles: Deputy

Alternate Forms: Does invisible count?
Theme Song: -

    Personal Characteristics

Birth Date: Unknown

Birth Place: The outskirts of Sunyshore city

Hometown: Sunyshore city

Primary Objective: 

None. Is depressed because of this

Secondary Objectives:

Collect every single Play poke magazine volume

Desires: To find something to do with his life, to find a way that'll keep the mon he cares about safe.

Secrets: He was part of a secret agency that went against the lab for a time. His cynical personality.

Quirks: He tends to tell really insensitive or cheesy jokes. Using them as a coping mechanism. 

    Mental Characteristics

Known Languages: Pokemon

Lures: "Corn", Books, Miku

Savvies: He knows a lot of BIG words

Ineptities: What are they simply unable to understand?- Sensitive mon, Dusk, why the world Sucks so much

Temperament: (Is your character choleric, sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic, phlegmatic II, or supine/leukine? Wikipedia and TVTropes have great articles on this.)


What activity or interest doe your character pursue simply for pleasure?- Flame likes reading, and collecting magazines.

Intellectual Characteristics


How well can your character use reason and logic in their thinking?- He does often, actually. He is more cold in his thinking than others. 


How well can your character create an image in their mind?- Very easily. Well.... Only with things he cares about.


How good is your character with words, written and spoken?- Flame is a very good writer, but, talking is another story. He can express himself better with written words than talking, but, tends to not write due to him thinking his writing is trash. 


How well does your character control their body motions- Well enough

how well do they handle objects?- Fine, lol 

How clear is their sense of goal of physical action?- I dunno


How clear is your character's perception to sounds, music, tones, and rhythms?- He never put any interest in music, so, he is pretty bad. Can't keep a rhythm or anything. 


How well does your character interact with and understand others?- He doesn't understand others well. And, his stubbornness keeps him from thinking in their point of view. He can be very insensitive, and is oblivious to this. He tends to lie to others frequently, and is quiet at times so he won't have to deal with others bothering him. He likes to tell jokes, and tends to tell very insensitive ones without even thinking, just because he doesn't actually think that what he is saying will hurt anyone when he says them. At this point, he just doesn't like interacting with others because he finds other mon to genuinely be annoying and just an obstacle, unless he has to use a mon for his own gain. Despite this, he does try to do things with mon he cares about, even if he doesn't want to do it. He actually deep down really cares about the safety of everyone, he just, is frustrated that he can't do anything to help, and pushes away people so he won't care as much. He understands fictional characters moe than irl mon due to their tenancy to be simple.


How well does your character understand their self?- He thinks he understands himself very well, but, he actually doesn't. Despite thinking that he is very confident, he actually has very low self-esteem due to him thinking he doesn't have a purpose, and him thinking that nothing even matters. He uses his play poke collection to give some purpose to his life, because, he wants to collect every single issue, but, he seems to even be losing interest in that. He reads a lot of books because he wants an escape from his depressing thoughts and life.


How well does your character understand their natural surroundings?- Tends to not care about his surroundings, so, He doesn't understand it much.


How well can your character understand phenomena or questions beyond sensory data?- He understands it very well. Maybe too well. Because of it, he thinks nothing in life matters because everyone will die anyways, and the world is horrible and he can't do anything about it, which pisses him off.

    Philosophical Characteristics


What divides your character's definition of good and bad? TVTropes has some good tropes on this here.

Above Good and Evil , Accomplice by Inaction, Ambition Is Evil, At Least I Admit It, Dark Is Not Evil, Disproportionate Retribution, Good Feels Good, Good Is Not Nice, Good Is Not Soft, Good Victims, Bad Victims, Gotta Have It, Gonna Steal It, Half Truth, Heroic Neutral, I Did What I Had to Do, Ignored Epiphany, Jerk Justifications, A Million Is a Statistic, Morality Adjustment, Not So Different, Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil, Smiting Evil Feels Good, Suicide Is Shameful, Was It Really Worth It?


How do they perceive their situations?- Pessimistically

    Spiritual Characteristics


The religion of Arceus


What superstitions does your character subscribe to?- None. He thinks they are dumb.




Lust, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Despair

    Supernatural Characteristics


- Molecular manipulation

He thinks his only ability is that he can turn invisible, but, that is not the case. His ability to turn invisible comes from his ability to directly manipulate the partials around him to refract light and air molecules in a way that makes him seem invisible. This ability can evolve with time, and, he can currently also phase through walls and make invisible force fields, but, doesn't know this.

Element: Air???

Strengths: He can flipping turn invisible, has strong defense

Weaknesses: His invisibility only can work with him and one other small thing/mon at the same time, and they have to be touching, or else it won't work. He can't phase through metal or walls thicker than 2 feet well. His force fields are invisible, but, will show visible ripples in the air where they are.

Restrictions: He can still be touched when invisible. He can still make sounds, and can be easily detected by a body heat sensor. His force field take a lot of mental strain and he can only hold it up for 10 minutes straight before collapsing.

    Likes and Dislikes

Likes: Books, Play Poke Magazine, Sleeping, Sora, Bolt, Hot chicks, money

Dislikes: Dusk, Harmony, how sucky life is, Dawn, exercise, homos, 



What equipment does your character carry with them? - His fur has an assortment of different things in it, including pepper spray and a pocket knife.


None, lol

    Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability:
How much emotional inflictions can your character take before they break? Lots? None at all? Negative amounts?- Flame gets angry easily from little things, tho, him showing it is another story. He tends to meet emotional inflictions with simmering anger


What does your character think is funny? Blond jokes? Death? Farting?- Flame likes Dark humor. Morbid jokes, Jokes about more darker themes than ssec has. He also likes cheesy jokes, and lewd jokes.


How is your character viewed by their peers?- Well. He isn't viewed as "good" per say. Most eevees have a neutral or negative opinion of him, due to him never doing anything, not interacting with them, and being borderline hostile to them.


What is their social status?- Quiet

   School and Work

Education:  He was taught by Dusk how to read after they came back into the PC, and, aside from that, learns stuff from the internet. He likes listening to documentaries on Poketube.

Occupation: (What does you character do for a living?- He is the second Light fire leader, but, he never actually does anything. Asides from that, he has no job.

Boss: He takes orders from Bolt! But, Flame tends to get away with not doing work due to how Bolt is

Work Schedule: 


9am to 12pm: Optional Brotherhood Leaders Meeting (Never goes unless he wants to, usually wants to when big events that interest him happen)

    Interpersonal Connections

Family: Bolt

Allies: LightFire, the agency

Enemies: The Lab, Labsol, Harmony 

Followers: No one

Friends: Daisy, Bolt

Heroes: Blaze

Pets: None

Rivals: Dusk

    Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'9"

Weight: lbs ( kg)

Nationality/Species: Flareon

Skin/Fur Color: Orange

Hair Color: Yellow

Hair Length: Short

Eye Color: Normal- Blue; Ability-Tanish Brown

Tail Length: Long (and fluffy)

Tail Color: Yellow

Scars: None visible

Tattoos and Piercings: None

Locomotion: Plantigrade or digitigrade

    Health and Fitness

Addictions: Porn

Handicaps: Is not too empathetic. He tries tho, when it is pointed out to him.

    Sexual Characteristics

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Significant Other: None


Anima: How does your character act when they are really being their self?- I don’t think even he knows at this point. He has been switching personas and hiding his true self from others for so long that he doesn't know his true personality. 

Persona: How does your character act to hide their real self?- Shy and quiet. Flame tends to act shy and quiet so he won't have to interact with others in the PC, though, he is very bad at keeping this consistent. After a while though Flame tries to act more uncaring and confident than he actually is, to the point where the others actually think he is like that. He tries to act cooler around Miku… but, tends to let his guard down with her more than intended.

    Other Information



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