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"Flareon look! You are in the plan!! You are the lookout! Yeah… the lookout"

    - The box and the hole, Comic 124

    General Characteristics

Name: Blizz

Appearance: A bit more saturated Blue than a Normal Glaceon. He is slightly buff, and his back diamonds connect. He has blue eyes

Other Names:  Glaceon

Titles: Leader

Alternate Forms: Blizz's eyes can turn either Blue or green. His Blue eyes are a more saturated blue, with a white pupil and binary text going over it. His green eyes are pure green.

Theme Song: "I am the man" part of that one song I am making thinggssss for.

    Personal Characteristics

Hometown: Sunyshore city

Primary Objective: 

-Want's to stop getting angry all the time
-Wants to find out what everyone is hiding from him

Secondary Objectives:
-Protecc Eve and Vay



-Wants Vay to be closer to him

-Wants the greenpaw girls to stop picking on Eve

-Wants friends

-Wants to stop being bored all the time

-Wants to one up Dusk

-Other very stupid basic desires, usually on impulse

-He is.… a brony

Quirks: Blizz is kind of dumb, has anger management issues, is very rash, and can get very emotional very easily, especially when it comes to the eevees in his brotherhood

    Mental Characteristics

Known Languages: Pokemon

Lures: Food, My little ponyta, cute Leafeon youtuber

Savvies: Breaking things, the internet in general, cooking

Ineptities: big words, A lot of things, really. He doesn’t understand many things

Temperament:  choleric

Hobbies: Watching shows/poketube, playing games (not video games), cooking/baking when he feels like it

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical-Mathematical: Not very well at all, unless he is using his analyzing ability, Then he can very easily

Spatial: Easily

Linguistic: Not good with words. Gets frustrated if he doesn't know what to say

How well does your character control their body motion: Very well!

how well do they handle objects: Adeptly! Unless it is complicated somehow.

How clear is their sense of goal of physical action?: He doesn’t exercise like, at all due to laziness.

How clear is your character's perception to sounds, music, tones, and rhythms?: He can keep a good rhythm, Singing is not his strong suit at all tho.


How well does your character interact with and understand others?: He gets really quiet and shy around mon that he doesn't know well, and gets very frustrated about this. With mon he knows, he is more loud and outgoing, but, he still gets frutrated easily, and will act out more on this frustration. He seems to not be able to properly socialize in general, actually. He doesn't have any friends outside of the main character circle/voices in his head, unlike other characters, and is mostly feared/ revered by the eevees in the box due to his anger management issues and strength. He seems to not be able to understand other's true intentions when they are negative, and easily forgives others for negative things they might do or say to him, or deny that they had any negative connotation to it outright. He relies heavily on his friendship with Dusk, which is usually them having fun playing games together. But, Dusk tends to goat him on, to make him angry, to see what reaction he'll have. Blizz has a really strong sense of family, and will not hesitate to help any of his Brotherhood members if he hears that they are in true, real danger, especially Vay and Eve, who he deeply cares for. Tho, depending on the danger, he'd rush in and help, or get paralized with fear and break down. He also will easily reprimand or punish them if they did something wrong…. In his own odd way. It is very easy to tell how he is feeling, he tends to not hide his emotions at all.


How well does your character understand their self?: Blizz doesn't have a lot of confidence in himself. He knows he has anger management issues, and he knows he is rash at times, and he hates these things about himself, but doesn't know how to change or what to do to change. He also is not confident in his own intelligence at all, due to always being treated like he is an idiot by everyone around him + the usually stupid impulsive decisions he makes. But, despite this, Blizz seems to combat these thoughts by acting narcissistic, and putting emphasis more on his physical attributes than his mental ones, cause, he thinks he looks 100/10 at all times. He puts high emphasis on his Masculinity in particular cause he feels it is the only thing he has going for him. (Despite a lot of readers thinking that he looks like a girl, cough)


How well does your character understand their natural surroundings?: He knows a lot of things about how the PC works, and he knows a lot about the weather system, LED screen, and day/night changer in the PC. He doesn't know much about the outside world, or the other boxes, and prefers to stay in the eevee boxes.


How well can your character understand phenomena or questions beyond sensory data?: He is totally oblivious to it all unless told. Literally. 

    Philosophical Characteristics


Dark Shepherd, Forgiveness, Gotta Have It, Gonna Steal It, Greater Need Than Mine, The Men First, Shoot the Dog, Tears of Remorse, Wouldn't Hit a Girl

Perception: How do they perceive their situations?: Optimistically

    Spiritual Characteristics

Religion: The religion of Arceus

Superstitions: He truly thinks that he can catch "gay" (Blame Flame) and thus, is terrified of homosexual mon. This includes Oliver. He is very very gullible, so, he is very superstitious, and it is easy to convince him of things.

Virtues: NONE, LOL. 

Vices:  Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Wrath

    Supernatural Characteristics


-Super strength

Given to him by the lab. He doesn't know that he has it, but, it usually activates when he is angry. Which usually results in a LOT of damage, cause, he gets angry really easily. He is about as strong as the Hulk. The emotional trigger for this ability is anger


This power was inherited. He also doesn't know he has this, and, no one but Dusk knows that he has this ability. When using this ability, codes of binary cover his eyes. This binary translates into detailed data of the world around him/ situations that he is in. There is no emotional trigger for this ability.

Element: Physical, Mental

Strengths: Super strong, can analyze situations well.

Weaknesses: Literally doesn't know how to activate them, so they are random. His super strength ability can easily be defeated by someone with speed, and his Analysis ability can easily brake if someone starts taunting or making fun of him, or, if someone he cares about is in danger.

Restrictions: Blizz's super strength is very strong, but, using it for long periods of time will get him extremely tired. It is the same for his analysis power, but, he gets splitting headaches, and the world around him starts to blur. 

    Likes and Dislikes

Likes: My little ponyta, food in general, Burritos, Orange juice, having something to do, Eve, Vay, Dusk, Computers, Poketube, Leafeons, Play poke magazine, cooking, snow, Basil~

Dislikes: Being treated like an idiot, being inadequate at something, being bored, his outbursts, hurting others, 


Equipment: Usually nothing

Wardrobe: He has a bandana, if that counts

    Social Characteristics

Emotional Stability: Very little. He has a short fuse.

Humor: Fart jokes, regular jokes, all kinds of jokes

Reputation: The other male eeveelutions don’t think of him highly at all, and usually ignore him or don’t tell him when serious stuff happens. Dawn is cautious of him, because she can't figure him out and that fact annoys her. The eevees in Icedrop admire Blizz for his strength, ruthlessness, and obvious care he shows to them.

Status: Popular in icedrop! Not really popular anywhere else ^^;;

    School and Work

Education: He was taught by Dusk how to read after they came back into the PC, and, aside from that, learns stuff from the internet. He has terrible handwriting.

Occupation: Weather changer! Also, second leader of Icedrop! He is prolly the eeveelution who takes his job the most seriously.

Boss: He is mostly the big boss himself. Tho, Vay is higher than him

Work Schedule: 


9am to 12pm: Optional Brotherhood Leaders Meeting

Every day

7am- Change Night to Morning
8am- Change Morning to Day

7pm-Change Day to Evening
8pm-Change Evening to Night

    Interpersonal Connections

Family: Eve, Vay, Icedrop eevees

Allies: Icedrop

Enemies: No one, lol

Followers: A lot of icedrop eevees. Notable ones are Jed and his crew

Friends: Dusk

Heroes: He looks up to Wrestlers he sees on Poketube! And the My little ponyta "Rainbow flash" and a certain leafeon Poketuber. He also looks up to Dusk and [redacted].

Pets: -

Rivals: Lol, Dusk definitely

    Physical Characteristics

Height: 4 foot 11 inches (Biped, ears included)

Weight: 61 lbs 

Nationality/Species: Glaceon

Skin/Fur Color: Light blue/ dark Blue

Eye Color: Normal-Blue; Ability- Green/Blue/teal*

*teal only when both abilities are active at the same time

Tail Length: Medium

Tail Color: Light blue and Blue 

Scars: None at the moment

Tattoos and Piercings: None

Locomotion: Plantigrade or digitigrade

    Health and Fitness

Addictions: Food

Handicaps: Well, he is pretty dumb and socially awkward, and then there is his anger management issues and tendency to rush into things without thinking.

    Sexual Characteristics

Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Significant Other: None


Anima: Honestly, Blizz usually acts like his true self. He doesn't exactly hide anything, and, if he does, he easily will tell someone if probed, and is too dumb to see that his manly persona is mostly an act. Tho, around mon he doesn't know well, he is uncharacteristically quiet, almost calm. His speaking tone is different towards these mon as well, a bit more chill. He talks in shorter sentences/ phrases, getting to the point, and not really facilitating conversation, not on purpose. If with mon he doesn't know at all, in a setting he is not familiar with, these traits are amplified. Will usually let others do the talking, and not say anything at all if he can help it. He also gets embarrassed easier around mon he doesn't know, but, others getting him to the point of being angry is harder. When with mon he is close to, if they go to someone Blizz doesn't know, he tends to hang back and blend into the background until the mon he doesn't know makes an exit. Examples of this behavior are shown in the "Shopping...with idiots" and "Tying up loose ends" chapters.

Persona: Narcissistic, LOL. Also, He hides that he is a brony out of fear that people will make fun of him/ make him seem less manly.

    Other Information

-Has amnesia
-When he goes to sleep, his dream plane is always the same, and he has some "friends" there~


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