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I have been slightly obsessed with Night lately, and Idk why. I think it prolly has to do with him being TOTALLY MEGA GAY for Dusk.

Night is ofc, Dusk's clone. Likeee, you know how people can hack into the game to clone/make pokemon? Dusk basically did that. Lol. He wanted Sky, but like, he forgot that Sky was never IN the PC, so Sky's data wasn't on it, and he accidently used HIS OWN data from when he was an eevee! Lollll, ripto. And thus, Night was born! UwU What a good story.

But... Why is a clone essentially in love with himself? Why did Dusk make him?  Well... Dusk was sad. Very sad. After he quit his job, he had a lot of time to reflect on things that happened in the lab, and, has been using the powers he acquired in the lab more, testing and experimenting with the things he can do. After he accidentally cloned organic life, he became obsessed with the notion of recreating Sky somehow by using left over data in the PC. There were... many failures, and only 2 out of his hundreds of attempts succeeded in cloning something. One was corrupted, and the other, his last attempt, resulted in Night. Obviously... Dusk was upset that he successfully managed to clone himself, and not the one he wanted to actually clone. And, then is the time he realized that cloning Sky was undoable, because Sky was never in the PC, as said before. But, the thing is... he made it so that any clone he made will automatically love him. Why? It might have been paranoia of Sky hating him if he succeeded, It might have been the desperate need he had for someone, anyone, to show him affection. But, what it resulted in was Night... Night... and Night's elder 'sister'. The one we do not name.



We all like night