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Dewey x Oliver~~




Lol. I wasn't expecting this. How aDeweyble X3. So this must be the official thing for Oliver huh? Cuz I know how Adamant you were about Dusk liking only girls and Sylveons in pages way back in the day. This is a fine consolation. What kind of hat is that? It's like a sun hat that old ladies wear in a garden. Reminds me of the old lady from the fox and the hound. Darn you. I was just about to say that I really shouldn't be donating so much money every month and that 20 is the more responsible thing to do cuz i'm poor to pieces, but then you go and give more fanservice. Fine, you baka :v. Btw, on a scale of "yum" to "uuuugh, hurk!, uuuuuugh" how much has your daily hot pocket consumption rate increased? Also, did you see the neat thing I did with my profile pic? I downloaded and edited the new guest pic. And of course had to add a little easter egg in the corner. You can see it better on SJ. :3


I'm pretty sure in one of the alt texts it said that dusk was bi. In that same text, it said Jolteon was asexual.