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Telling me that I spelt something wrong will not fix anything, lol.




(I see 4 unforgivable grammatical errors. Your artist license is revoked.) I only mentioned it cuz you mentioned it. It's like when you're making a speech and you mess up, pause, then correct yourself. It makes it obvious to the audience you messed up. You're supposed to ignore the mistake and power through, taking note to make sure you don't slip again on something similar. My original comment was gonna be something like, "oh noes, it's not good to be alone. :'c" or something stupid like that. When you don't bring light to your mistakes, I get lost in the art and story, completely missing the little errors in between. Spinach is great. On a totally unrelated note to that, imma go poo now. k bye! Oh wait! That reminds me. One day I was thinking about all the adventures all the mons have, and how those adventures are often super far away from their house. What happens when they need to poo or something? Do they just go in the bushes? like, some kind of aminal?!?