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There's no warmth left in this world. A catastrophe has changed everything. Animals, plants and buildings, were covered in ice and snow forever. The world is only cold, only pale, only death. It was an endless winter and people almost forgot what spring was like. There were still some people who tried to find hope and went into the blizzard. However, none of them came back. Had spring disappeared completely? People began to wonder if maybe spring was just a dream and the world was only cold and white from the beginning. However, he didn't believe that.

He had always been a hopeful boy, and he believed that spring was no fantasy. Spring must have existed once, or no one would know its name. He had been searching for spring, for the traces it had left behind. In a world of white, he needed to find that only color to prove the meaning of life. He went into the never-ending blizzard like all the other explorers. His companions have fallen, and now he is the only one left. The biggest difference between him and the others is that he will always keep hope in his heart. Even when he died, he still believed in the existence of spring. Finally, as he was about to lose consciousness, he saw something. A color different from white. Maybe it was pink, but he wasn't sure because he had never seen a color other than white. Was he crazy? Was it just his hallucination? He had no choice but to approach it.

Was that ...... a flower? He had never seen a flower before, but he knew they were beautiful. They were like angels, with bright colors and brought the smell of spring. What he saw in front of him fit those characteristics perfectly, so he was certain, it was really a pink flower. Spring, it never went away. He touched the flower, and then everything was different. Spring had finally met its savior, and now it was going to use its power to change the world in return.

The storms stopped, the snow and ice disappeared. Plants grew, animals moved and the sun shone again. He was completely different. He no longer wore those heavy clothes because it was spring. She wore lighter and prettier clothes, she was more beautiful and gentler. She became a messenger of spring, a lovely girl. People say that spring is as gentle as a mother, and now she is the mother who will bring this gentleness to everyone. She will bring warmth back to the world and give people new hope.



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