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In the future, many people get super powers. They become heroes, but not all super powers can help them make money. Therefore, many people set up companies to hire those superheroes. When the hiring comes, someone always gets fired. "Red Shadow" was one of those unfortunate people. His powers are getting weaker and weaker. That's what happens to most heroes, their powers get weaker as they get older. He was 40 years old, so the company fired him and hired younger heroes.

Shadow walks the streets in despair, now that he's no longer a hero. His power is to summon a mechanical scythe. It can't help him make money unless someone hires him as a bodyguard, but no company will hire a 40 year old hero. However, he still wanted to try and then he found a company hiring. They wanted to hire an experienced hero and unlike other companies they preferred older heroes. This might be a bit suspicious, but it was the only way Shadow could go.

"I know you, you're Red Shadow! You've saved many people. Do you remember me? I was the kidnapped kid you saved 20 years ago!"

The owner of the company was very warm to Shadow, and Shadow recalled that day. A rich man's child was kidnapped by a group of villains with super powers. Shadow used his scythe to defeat the guys and save the kid. Now the kid is the owner of a company.

"I know heroes like you have problems at this age, but our company has developed a new technology. It can make heroes with super powers younger! We wanted to hire an old hero to test it, but I didn't expect it to be you! Please help us! I'll give you great payback!"

Driven by favors and money, Shadow agreed.

Shadow entered a huge capsule and it closed. He felt as if he was lying in his mother's womb. It was warm and comfortable, giving him new life.

"We did it! Red Shadow, you became a young hero!"

Shadow left the capsule and then realized that his body became delicate and his skin became like that of a baby. He ...... wait.

"Hey, why did I become a girl?"

Shadow noticed her long pink hair and slit, she had lost her little partner who had been with her for 40 years.

"Uh ...... huh?"

The boss was shocked. After questioning all the techs, he apologized, "I'm sorry, we got a parameter wrong. It turned you into a girl."

"So can I change back?"

"Not yet, we can do it in the future but ...... are you sure you want to change back into a 40 year old man?"

"Uh ...... maybe not."

Shadow started her second life and then she realized that her interests and thinking seemed to have changed a bit as well. She loved wearing pretty dresses, pantyhose and Mary Jane shoes. She loved makeup, shopping and flirting, like a lot of girls did. And as for the person she was flirting with ...... well, when she got the idea, she realized that the owner was a very handsome boy. She knew what he looked like 20 years ago and he had gone from a little boy to a handsome boy. There is no better person to fall in love with than him, so she becomes the boss's girlfriend, secretary and bodyguard. To hide her identity, she uses the new name "Pink Shadow". When her boyfriend is in danger, Pink Shadow will use her scythe to gracefully destroy the enemy.



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