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Martin has screwed up his life and his career. His girlfriend broke up with him and he was fired from his company. He feels like his life has entered an endless darkness and blames it all on this wave of unemployment. The truth is, there are a lot of people like him these days, but they've all disappeared. Rumor has it that a mysterious charitable organization is behind it, giving these unemployed people a new life and a new identity. Martin was desperate, so he had to seek help from this organization.

Martin was taken into a room where a man in a suit was waiting for him.

"You can help me get a new life?"

"Yes sir, we have a lot of identities ready. We will give one of these identities to those who are desperate to start a new life."

"What identity do you have?"

"I must apologize, sir. Because of the wave of unemployment, many have accepted our help. We only have one identity left now, but we don't think you will accept this one, so please wait a while until we make a new one."

"How long do I need to wait?"

"At least a month."

"A month? No, I'll definitely be dead by then! I'll take that last identity left, whatever it is!"

"If that's the case, please review the information about that identity and then sign here."

"Okay ...... hmm? A gentle, sexy girl named Sophia who lives happily with her boyfriend in a peaceful town? And she works as a nurse?"

"Yes, that's our last identity."

"You mean I need to be a girl?"

"Yes. If you can live with it, please sign."

Martin's head was filled with worry, but he seemed to have no choice but to sign. From that day on, Martin attended a long course of transformation. He learned every day the mannerisms of girls and how to be a nurse. Estrogen was added to his food and he did daily exercises to stay in shape. His body type became more and more feminine and he even had full breasts. After growing his hair long and learning to wear makeup, his face was no different than a pretty girl's. Martin looked like a girl now, except for what was in his crotch. That wouldn't be a problem for long because at the end of the course he underwent surgery to become a real girl.

Sophia, dressed in a shirt and stockings that showed off the curves of her ample breasts and long slender legs, stepped out of the car and made her way to her new home. Her beautiful long hair was gently flowing in the air and her pretty face attracted a lot of attention. Sophia stepped out with grace on her heels and entered her home. At home her boyfriend was already there waiting for her.

"I'm so glad you're here, Sophia."

"You're so sweet, honey~"

Sophia started her new life.



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