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In his memories, his mother's figure was so vague yet doubly painful to him. Every time he recalled his mother, the sight would deeply pierce his heart. He was dragged away by his enemy's men, while his mother could only leave helpless tears on the side. After being sold to his enemy's mansion he realized that his family was just one of dozens of families that had suffered the same fate. The world is always for the strong, and his hater is exactly that. The Hater relies on his power to destroy countless families just to force them to sell their children. The Hater has a special hobby of dressing up boys as girls. Turning boys into cute girls and admiring their feminine appearance. However, this does not mean that he is safe because boys cannot always fit into dressing up as girls. When they could no longer dress up in girls' clothes, it was the end of their lives. He was a lucky boy that after all these years, he was still able to wear beautiful dresses and dress up as a beautiful girl. As he got older, he got wiser. He had always wanted revenge, and here was his chance. He stole a guard's gun while he was dozing off. They searched all over, but still couldn't find it because he hid it in his teddy bear. It wasn't an ordinary toy. He had been acting very girlish just so he could gain access to his hater. He was loved by his hater and got that teddy bear as a gift. No one dared to damage that teddy bear, so it was the safest place to hide the items. Finally, the day came. The hater took him to his bedroom and there was a set of lingerie on the bed. He knew what the Hater wanted to do because the Hater had already started taking off his pants. Hater thought his cock would get a loving touch, however after the gunshot, it was penetrated by a bullet. Then several more shots rang out and Hater fell in a pool of blood. The guards broke into the room and he shot them. The mansion was thrown into chaos and the "girls" escaped. Knowing that the boss was dead, most of the guards chose to leave because no one was going to pay them and there was no reason for them to stay in a place with a murderer. After the last gunshot, the last remaining guard fell. He sat down on the floor, his back against the wall. In front of him, all blood and bodies. He had succeeded, he had gotten his revenge, but ...... what should he do next? The mansion was very quiet, he was the only living person here now. His goal in life had been achieved, he had nothing left to hold on to. He picked up his gun, intending to let the bullet go through his head. However, there were no bullets left. Perhaps this was God's way of telling him that he still had a lot of meaningful things to do. Maybe ...... yes. He looked at the dark mansion and prepared for the unknown.




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