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Annie had finally finished all her work. As she walked into the manager's office, she noticed that the young manager was on the phone again. "Okay, okay, we'll have the party tonight! Let's meet at the usual place, haha!" "Here's the file, manager." "Thank you, Annie. Now handle these files and get them to me next week." "...... Manager, you're supposed to be the one in charge of handling these files." "I don't have the time. You are my subordinate, you should help me." "No time?" "Yes, I have a party today." "Again? You go to more than three parties a week!" "Parties are important for young people, old lady!" "You ...... listen, you only got this position because you're friends with the boss. I don't think you're competent enough, and you don't even understand how hard I work!" "Is that it? You're just handling files and talking to clients. I don't find that hard. Don't try to trick me." "If you think that's easy, let's make a bet." "What?" "You do my job for a week. If you do a good job, I'll promise never to complain again." "Okay, I'll prove to you that I'm good enough!"

Annie handed him the papers. "Finish these papers." The job was too difficult for the young boy. When he finished all the papers, he slumped down on the table in exhaustion. "It's too bad! I hope you can do better tomorrow." As he planned to go home, he realized that he had a party tonight, but had missed the time.

The next day, Annie arrived at work to find the boy still on the phone. His friend was angry with him for not going to the party yesterday. "I'm sorry, I was too busy last night. I promise I'll be at the party tomorrow night!" After hanging up the phone, he noticed Annie. "Why are you on the phone? You have work to do!" "Paperwork again right?" "No, you need to see a client today." "Thank God, that's easier than dealing with paperwork." "...... Too stupid. You'll see how hard it is in a minute, and ...... that client wants a lady to receive him." "So it's not a job I can do anymore, is it?" "You can still do this." "What?" "Come here."

Annie pulled the boy into the restroom. "Hey! This is the girls' restroom!" "Quiet! Take off your clothes and put these on." "Underwear? Are you kidding?" "You have to be an office lady to receive that client." "But ......" "Don't forget our bet!" "...... Fuck." Reluctantly, the boy took off his clothes, then slipped on the soft panties and put on a bra, but he couldn't get the buttons right. "I'll help you this time, but you'll have to do this yourself next time! Next put on the pantyhose." "Is that necessary?" "Of course! Look at your legs, too hairy! Remember to shave it when you get home!" The boy put the silky pantyhose on, its beautiful black color covering his leg hair. Annie took out a copy of her outfit: a white shirt and a black pencil skirt. After the boy put them on, he stepped into a pair of high heels. "Ah! I can't keep my balance!" "Now you know how hard it is to be an office lady." Annie took out her cosmetics and turned the boy's face into that of a pretty lady. "Change your voice." "Uh ...... how about this one?" "Just up to par. You need more practice. Now go greet the client!" "Really? In this outfit? At least let me wear my jacket. It'll give me confidence." "Okay. By the way, you need a lady's name. How about 'Anna'?" "Uh ...... maybe okay?" "Okay, Anna. Now get to work!"

Anna wobbled in her heels and she almost fell over several times. It took her a lot of work to walk to the room where she was meeting with the client, and she was nervous as she talked to the client. Anna was afraid that the client would find out that she was a boy, so she did her best to feminize her tone and movements. After an hour, their conversation was finally over.

"Finally!" "This is your first time with a client, Anna. Do you know what he said about you?" "What?" "'She's a very gentle and pretty lady. I enjoyed talking to her!' Well, Anna, it looks like you're making progress.'" "Uh ...... thanks?" "I'll keep watching how you do. Let's see you tomorrow."

On the morning of the third day, Annie once again took the boy into the restroom and turned him into Anna. "I can't do this every time. You should learn to do your own makeup. So today you should learn the daily life skills of an office lady."

Anna spent the day learning how to be a lady. At first, she had no idea what to do. She would use makeup to make herself look like a monster, she walked very slowly in high heels, and she often made boyish movements unconsciously. With Anne's help, Anna finally achieved something by the end of the day. She learned basic makeup skills and she was able to walk normally in her heels. She was able to control her movements and prevent the boys mannerisms from appearing. "Well done, we'll continue tomorrow."

As Anna was getting ready to go home, she suddenly realized she had a party tonight. Luckily the party wasn't starting right now. She arrived at the party and her friends were already waiting for her. The sound of her high heels attracted the young boys. Their eyes locked on this pretty lady. "Oh lady, why are you here?" They wore lewd expressions that scared Anna. It was then that she realized she hadn't changed back into her boy's clothes. "Sorry, I'm in the wrong place!" Anna ran out, she didn't want her friends to realize she was in girl's clothes.

On the fourth day, her friends were so angry at Anna for missing another appointment that they said they would never let Anna go to a party again. This was very bad news for Anna, but Annie was very happy. "On the bright side, it means you have more time to work, doesn't it?" Anna looked at Anne and felt very angry, but couldn't complain about anything. "I've brought something with me. They will make you more of a lady."

Annie pulled out two boxes. Inside the first box was a pair of large prosthetic breasts, a silicone vagina and some butt pads. In the other box was a corset which was the same color as her skin tone. It was hard for Anna to breathe with the corset on, but because of its color it looked like she really had a natural hourglass figure. The shape of her body was reshaped by those things to perfection. "This is so weird! I can't go to the toilet with this vagina ......!" "You can, you just need to sit and act like a lady. By the way, I noticed you haven't shaved your legs!" "Ah! I'll do it tonight!" "Good, now go greet your new clients!"

Anna began her work. This time she was more natural and relaxed. She was beautiful and adorable like a real lady. The client was definitely mesmerized by her and he kept looking at Anna's plump breasts. When she stood up, he would peek at her slender legs. When she walked, all his thoughts were on her swaying hips. The work was over, and once again, Anna got rave reviews.

"I think I'm getting more used to this job." "Yes, you're more suited to being an office girl than a manager." "...... Don't toy with me." *giggles*.

When they got home, Anna shaved off her body hair. Anne gave her a lot of things, let's say lotions and masks. She said they would make her more of a lady. She didn't really want to use them, but now she didn't have parties, so she had to spend her time on being a lady.

On the fifth day, Anna got dressed at home, including the props that changed the shape of her body. She put on a sexy make-up and came to the office. "Wow, you're even sexier than me." "Does this mean I can win the bet?" "Today is the last business day of the week, but we won't know the outcome until the end of the day." "Okay ......"

Anna started her work as usual. Her beautiful appearance and graceful movements attracted many of her male colleagues. Many people asked who this lady was after Anna became an office girl and Annie said she was a new employee. Everyone cared about this sexy lady, but the boss knew he didn't have such an employee. Eventually, he came to Anna.

"Who are you, lady? I don't remember having such a beautiful subordinate." "Ah! Keep quiet and come here!" Anna led her boss into her old office. "Why did you bring me here? This is my friend's ......" "It's me! Me!" "What? Oh! You! You ...... Why?" Anna told the boss what had happened. The boss thought for a moment, then called for Annie.

"Annie, you made him dress up as a lady, didn't you?" "I'm sorry boss, I just wanted to teach him a lesson. He has absolutely no respect for my job." "You don't have to apologize, I'm not blaming you, Annie. In fact, I like the way she looks." "Uh ...... what?" "Wait, what do you mean?" "Haha, Anna. Being a lady for so many days must have worn you out, and I'm giving you permission to rest. How about we go for a drink? Like old times." "Oh! Thanks!"

Anna was glad she could finally do something she enjoyed. However, the boss didn't seem to be talking to him about things between friends like he used to. It was more like he was ...... flirting. He was definitely treating Anna like a lady, but who was to say that Anna wasn't an attractive lady now? The boss kept getting Anna drinks and eventually she fell asleep from the alcohol.

When Anna woke up she realized she wasn't in her room, it was her friend's room. Her friend was lying next to her, naked. She was also naked and all her clothes, including her panties, were on the floor. Anna's mind was in turmoil, she tried to recall what happened last night, but she couldn't. Suddenly she noticed her nipples were covered in saliva and she was covered in a white sticky liquid. She knew what it was, cum, but it wasn't hers. The only other boy here was her friend, so it must be his. She felt a great pain in her mouth and ass, as if something had entered them. She looked down and realized her friend's cum was coming out of her stretched out vagina. Now Anna knew what was happening ......

The sound of high heels reached the ears. The boss's secretary was making her way to the office with a graceful stride. Her large breasts were half exposed, her breasts and hips swaying at a sensual frequency as she walked. Her long natural hair was flowing in the air and the scent was coming from her body. After a year of education from her boss, Anna had become a beautiful secretary. She was the dream girl of all her male colleagues, but only the boss could get her.

"These are the papers, boss." "Thank you, Anna, you have completely turned into my favorite lady." "Thank you for the compliment~ *giggles*" However, Anna stepped on a piece of paper on the floor and fell. The paper scattered all over the floor and tea spilled on her pantyhose. "Ah..! Sorry!" "Looks like you still need some practice to become my lady. Okay, I'm going to punish you. Your 'work' time for the day will be increased by one hour." "Yes, Boss ......"

Anna pulled down her shirt, leaving her large breasts fully exposed. She pulled down her pantyhose and panties , rode on her boss's lap and began her daily 'work'.



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