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*sigh* "Can you not create negativity, sister?" "You naughty brother, you have no idea what kind of problems I'm having!" "Let me guess, does that have something to do with that date you were talking about last time?" "Yes, I promised a date with a boy for tomorrow. It's our second date." "So?" "But I don't want to date him anymore! Dating him is so boring!" "Why don't you say no?" "Because he's my boss's son! Who's responsible for my job if I say no?" "Okay, so you'll just have to reluctantly date him." "No, I have an idea." "What?"

"...... Are you sure this is okay?" "Shut up! I'm going to put lip gloss on you! Um ...... okay. Wow, you're so pretty! You look exactly like me now!" "This makeup took half an hour ......" "You think girls' makeup is a simple thing?" "No, I just ......" "Cut the crap. Now put on my dress!" "Okay ...... wait, even underwear?" "Of course! You're going to be a copy of me and I never wear boys' boxers." "I know it's hard to wear a bra so can I skip that?" "...... Okay, but you have to have breasts." "Padding? Oh sis, I used to think your big breasts were real ......" "Shut up! Is it wrong for a girl to want big breasts?" "Well ...... ah! What are you doing, sis?" "Hiding your manhood. Even though my skirt isn't very short, we should make sure any accidents don't happen." "This hurts!" "Bear with it. Now put on the wig ...... Oh, you're totally me in appearance. Put on the clothes." "Okay ...... oh ...... these heels ......" "Keep a graceful pace, I never fall in heels." "That's too hard." "You have to get used to them! Now try changing your voice!" "Is this OK?" " Great! You're me now. Okay, keep practicing and be well prepared for your date tomorrow!" "Okay."

"Haha, being home alone is fantastic! I can enjoy the perfect weekend without being bothered by work or my brother but ...... Oh, looks like it's almost time for him to come back now." "Sis, I'm home!" "*sigh* Good times really are short. Well my brother, you must have had a very boring ...... wait, why do you look so happy?" "Because I am! Dating him was wonderful!" "Are you serious? On our last date he took me to a game arcade, watched superhero movies and ate fried food. I don't even like those things! And he kept saying really gross words." "But I like those! And what he says ...... I don't find that disgusting, I find it romantic!" "Oh, maybe you're better suited to be his girlfriend than I am." "Actually I did become his girlfriend." "What!?" "We're both happy. We didn't hold back our joy. We were kissing by the time we realized. I ...... I accepted his confession and became his girlfriend." "Hey, he thought he was dating me! You can't accept his confession for me!" "You don't have to date him, I'll do that. I want to be prettier and more attractive for my boyfriend!" "Well, I'll teach you to be a cute girlfriend and then I won't have to see him outside of work." "Thank you, sis!" "You're welcome. By the way, if you are planning to get married someday, don't forget to invite me to your wedding. I'd very much like to see my lovely sister in a wedding dress." "Okay, sis~"




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