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The magician and his female assistant appeared on stage. The female assistant took a lipstick out of her handbag and then drew a heart on a glass plate. She walked into a black box, and then the magician sealed the box with that glass pane. On the other side of the stage there was a box the same size, but it didn't have a heart on the glass pane and it was pink. The female assistant blew a kiss to the audience and then her form was covered in smoke. As the lights disappeared, so did the smoke. Then the spotlight shone on the box and the assistant disappeared. The next second, the spotlight shone on another box and the female assistant was in it! The other assistants removed the glass pane and then the female assistant stepped out. The audience broke out into cheers and clapped. The female assistant blew a kiss to the audience to show her appreciation.

The two boxes were moved backstage and then the real female assistant stepped out of the black box's compartment. "That was a great show." "Yes, but I actually had some problems. I'm still a little uncomfortable with heels, and I fell when I walked into the pink box from the back. That was almost seen by the audience." "That's okay, our show succeeded anyway." "Yes, let's celebrate with a drink." "Okay, but can you keep this dress up? You look like my sister in this way and I think it's funny~" "Oh ...... okay."




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