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Mik has screwed up again and he is facing the fate of being fired. The boss says that he is not suitable for the job, but Mik begs the boss not to fire him. The boss thinks for a moment and then says that Mik cannot continue with his current job, but he can do something else. The new job pays a lot more than the current one. If he wanted, he could start the new job immediately. Mik couldn't believe his ears, was he going to get a promotion and a raise? But ...... was this possible?

"Here's your new uniform." The boss handed Mik an office lady's uniform with black pantyhose and high heels. Mik looked at the boss at a loss for words, thinking it was a joke. "It's not a joke, young man." Mik gulped and put on the costumes. The costume made Mik uncomfortable all over but his boss said that if he took off any part of it at work, he would be fired immediately. Amidst the jeers of his colleagues and the torture of his heels, Mik finished his first day of work. Before leaving the company, his boss once again coached him to the office. The boss startled him by slapping him on the buttocks before speaking. Not learning how to balance in high heels yet, Mik fell down. " Terrible! You're meant to be my secretary, but today you're all squirmy. Is that what a secretary is supposed to look like? You need more training! I will give you a chance, and I want to see a new you tomorrow!" The boss gave him a letter and an address and told him to send it to the destination on his way to the company tomorrow.

The next day Mik obeyed his boss's order and arrived at the destination, which was a beauty salon. The staff looked at the letter Mik had sent and then caught him before he left. "Oh, you are Mr. Mik! Your boss has prepared a makeover for you, let's get started!" Mik was tied to the chair before he understood what she meant. The staff brought out a lot of cosmetics and their magic gave Mik a beautiful face. A long wig was placed on Mik's head as he marveled at his new face in the mirror. Mik's nails were trimmed to perfection and painted with shiny polish. "It's done, Miss Mik." Mik was now a beautiful lady.

Mik came to the office with his new look and this time the jeers were gone, replaced by the men's surprise and the women's jealousy. Mik thought he wouldn't be punished this time, but the truth was the opposite. Once again, the boss slapped him hard on the ass. "Where's your uniform?" It was then that Mik realized he was wearing his old uniform instead of the new one he got yesterday. As punishment, the boss handed him a pair of underwear ...... to be precise it wasn't underwear, but a chastity belt to tie up his manhood. In addition to it, there was a bra. The rule was that he would get a spanking every time he made a mistake, and then the padding in the bra would increase.

For the next few days, Mik worked as a female secretary, but he still made mistakes regularly. This caused his buttocks to remain sore and his fake breasts to grow in size. After a week, Mik was fully accustomed to the high heels, falls were almost non-existent, and to save time, he learned to do his own makeup, stuffing his wallet with cosmetics. The boss gave him the reward of avoiding spanking when Mik was punished again in the future. This didn't make Mik happy, because his butt was already swollen to a large size.

On the first day of the second week, Mik made another mistake. He accidentally stepped on a banana peel on his way to work and fell down. Worst of all, his pantyhose are torn off and his chastity belt wrapped around his manhood is exposed to the public. The men who were just whistling at this beauty were stunned by the sight. Before they could react, Mik left the scene immediately.

When he came to the office, Mik thought he would be scolded by his boss again because he had torn his pantyhose. However, the boss didn't say anything. "You've done a good job these days. Don't be sad, have a glass of water and relax." Mik didn't know why the boss was suddenly so considerate, maybe because he was now a beautiful lady? He drank the water his boss handed him, and then he had some strange feelings. He started to heat up all over and then passed out.




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