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Bly is called in for a talk by his father. His father says that he needs to think about his future partner, but Bly says he is still a child. His father says that his brother decided on a marriage partner at his age, and that it is normal for nobles to make infant matrimon. However, Bly doesn't have any girl he likes. Father says that he has selected several noble girls as marriage candidates and that Bly will spend the next week with them in a mansion. After this week, Bly needs to tell his father who he wants to marry. He does not need to choose from these girls. If he meets another girl he likes during these days, he can choose her. But, he must have someone to marry.

"What is this ......?" Before heading to the mansion, Bly needed to get dressed, but the maids handed him a dress! "Young master, the master said you need to disguise yourself as one of the marriage candidates. It's the only way you'll be able to see the true personality of the girls." Bly got dressed up all over. The maids said his identity must not be revealed, so they dressed him up as girlishly as possible.

Day one. Bly arrived at the mansion and stood with all the marriage candidates. "All right, girls. From today you will live here for a week, we will observe your behavior and at the end we will choose the most elegant girl as our young master's fiancée!" Father had asked Bly to dress up as a girl in order to get a better look at the personality of the girls, but now he was in no mood to care about such things because he was not used to this kind of attire. The maids suggested that he act like a girl so that he would not be exposed. If not, then once the girls knew that Bly was a cross-dresser, it would have an adverse effect on his family. Although the heir to the family is his brother, Bly has always been a neglected presence by outsiders, but avoiding the extraneous is the right thing to do. These words made Bly even more nervous; he was just a kid and didn't know what to do. Almost as if the girls were pushing and shoving, Bly ended the day. The good news is that the girls just treated him like a shy girl and no one questioned his gender.

"So boring ......" Maybe Bly is not that age. He was surrounded by so many girls but not shy at all. All his shyness comes from his costume. Each one had a separate room, so he had some free time at night to be a boy, except he didn't know why the maids had prepared a nightgown for him. Bly was standing in front of the balcony, looking up at the stars. Suddenly, he felt someone was looking at him. He looked down and saw a child about his age standing behind a tree. The child seemed to know that he or she had been discovered and quickly left. Bly did not get a good look at the child's face or attire, but the child's figure gave him a ...... fondness.

Day two. Bly continued to play the girl. Today he just started to observe the girls. After a day of observation, Bly came to the conclusion - they were all very ordinary in his eyes and did not have any features that appealed to him. They were all pretty, but this level of looks was not enough to get him excited. Bly was a little disappointed, and his attention shifted to other things. He started to think about some messy things, and then he remembered the kid from last night. At night, he went out to the balcony again to see if the child would appear again. Soon, he found the child behind the tree again. To prevent the child from escaping again, Bly waved for the child to come closer. But the child seemed to be a bit scared, just a few steps forward and then stopped. Bly felt he needed to use a more romantic approach. He threw a handkerchief under the streetlight in front of the child. The child went to the light to pick up the handkerchief and looked up at Bly, showing a cute and shy face. Bly took a closer look at the child's face, which was very cute and pretty. She was a girl ...... Bly's heart stirred, this was the first time he met a girl who could make his heart beat so fast. "Who are you?" The girl was spotted by a maid. She ran away again without saying anything to Bly.

Day three. Bly was a little distracted by the girls around him, and he kept thinking of that girl from time to time. He didn't know what it was about the girl's appearance that he liked, but he just thought she was prettier than all these girls. The girls had noticed him wandering off a lot and joked that he had been lusting after the young master. He is indeed lusting after someone, but not himself. At night, Bly went out in front of the balcony again. As luck would have it, the girl was there again. Bly was prepared for this, he tied one end of a rope to the balcony and threw the other end down. The girl grabbed the rope and froze for a moment, then looked up awkwardly and said, "I...I don't know how to climb this ......," a very sweet voice that matched her lovely appearance. "That's okay, we can just talk." "Uh ...... my name is Carnation." "I'm ...... Chinensis. "" Miss Chinensis, why so many girls here?" "They are candidates for young master Bly's marriage." " Bly? Oh ...... " "What's wrong? Why are you so sad all of a sudden?" "Nothing ...... Miss Chinensis, are you also a candidate for Bly's marriage?" "Uh ...... yes." "...... Sorry, Miss Chinensis, I'm afraid I'll be found out by the maids again, so I have to go now." "Wait! We haven't talked much yet! Will you come back tomorrow?" "Uh ...... I...I ......" "At least give me back my handkerchief, so you have to come tomorrow. I'll have a way for you to get up here!" "Okay ......"

Day Four. After last night, everything seemed boring. Bly couldn't remember what had happened during the day and he didn't care at all, he just wanted to wait until the evening to meet Carnation. Finally, the night came. Carnation came under Bly's balcony again, and this time Bly prepared a ladder for her. It took him many excuses to get the maids to allow him to put a ladder in the room. Carnation climbed up the ladder and they finally met up close. "Here's your handkerchief." "Take it, Carnation. It's a gift from me." "...... Thank you, Miss Chinensis." "Tell me, why did you leave so suddenly last night?" "......" "The night was short and we had no time to waste." "...... I...I don't think I should have a relationship with someone's fiancée." "Fiancée?" "I happened to see you sitting in the carriage on the first day of the week. I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, so I snuck under your balcony at night in order to get a few more glances at you. I didn't realize that you were Mr. Bly's fiancée." "I...I'm just one of the marriage candidates, I'm not a fiancée yet." "But being a marriage candidate means you like Mr. Bly, so there's no chance of me getting your love." "...... Wait, you like girls?" "............ Oh! Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm a boy! I've been treated like a girl since I was a kid even when I wore boy's clothes ......" "...... You...you're really a boy? " "Yes." Bly was silent because he didn't know how to handle this - his first love was a boy! Just then, Bly heard the voices of the maids at the door. "They're here! You'd better go now, Carnation." Carnation nodded and immediately left the room down the ladder.

Day Five. Bly had been distracted all day. The first person he had fallen in love with was a boy... It kept haunting him. He was worried about whether he should see Carnation again, but it was not up to him, it was up to Carnation. Night had come again, and Bly lay in bed. If he wanted to escape, then the best thing to do was to sleep immediately, but he could not. He went out to the balcony, where Carnation had been waiting for a long time. Bly hesitated for a moment and then still lowered the ladder. " Miss Chinensis, let's continue our conversation from last night!" "Uh ...... where were we talking about?" "You found out that I'm a boy." "......" If the conversation continued to revolve around Bly then he would get more and more confused and he would have to change the topic. " Carnation, you're sad that I'm Bly's marriage candidate, but you still have a chance." Bly wasn't sure if that was a good topic, but it was the only thing he could think of to say right now. "Really?" "I might be willing to be your wife if...if you can show me more attraction than Bly can." "Wife!?" "...... Why are you so surprised? You said you came to see me because you fell in love with me." "But ...... wife? Is it too early to talk about such things for children?" "Father has told me that adults often think about benefits, so the love between adults is not that pure. If I want to experience pure love, I can only do so as a child." "Well ...... that sounds right." "So is there anything unusual about you?" "I ...... I like to write." "Writing?" "Mommy used to tell me stories before I went to bed, and I loved them. But the number of stories she knows is far less than the number of nights, so I want to create more stories." "Can you tell me a story that you created?" "Yes, it's about a tender boy ......"

Day six. What happened last night seemed like a dream. Carnation told a story about a boy who was often bullied because of his softness. He has a friend who often helps him and whose dream is to follow in the footsteps of the legendary hero. When the story comes to the protagonist finds himself the descendant of the legendary hero and obtains the hero's sword, the voice of the maid comes at the door. Carnation had to leave again. The day became even longer, and Bly's head was filled with only Carnation and his interesting stories. The night finally came and the two met again. "What happened to the protagonist after he got the sword? He must have embarked on an adventure with his friend and gone from soft boy to great hero, right?" "No, he didn't start an adventure. As I said it was his friend who wanted to become a hero, so he gave the sword to his friend." "But ...... but the protagonist is a descendant of the hero." "Do people have to follow in the footsteps of their ancestors? I want to make this question the core of the story. In the subsequent episodes will debut many characters, their ancestors have uncommon identity, but they all have different ideals. This story is about the life of the protagonist as an ordinary person. In his daily life, the protagonist will help others and himself to find the path they really want. At the end of the story, the protagonist will meet again with his friend who has become a hero. They will share their stories and say that they have no regrets about the path they have chosen. The idea I wanted to convey is that there is no noble or inferior way of life and that people should choose the path they really want." "Wow ......" Bly was surprised that the boy was more interesting than he thought. Was this really a story that a child of this age could write?""If you like the story, I can tell you something new I've written every day." "Sure!" They made a promise.

Day seven. This is the last day, in tomorrow morning Bly will return home and decide who he will marry. But for the past few days Bly hadn't paid any attention to the girls, his heart was only for Carnation. Even knowing that Carnation was a boy, Bly's love for him hadn't diminished, but ...... what should he do? Suddenly, he remembered the outline of the story Carnation told him yesterday. One of the most central ideas is that people should choose the path they really like. Bly agreed with this idea, and now it was time for him to fulfill his beliefs. The final night came and Bly got all dressed up to greet Carnation. "Uh ...... Chinensis, why are you dressed so formally today?" "Because I have something very important to tell you." "What?" "You said that people should choose what they really like, and I agree with that. So, I want to say that I like you." "...... Well ...... it means that we both fall in love with each other?" "Yes, but there's one more thing." "What?" "I ...... am Bly." "...... Young Master Bly is actually a girl?" "No, Chinensis is a fake identity, I'm a boy. My father let me blend in with the girls so that I could get a better idea of their personalities." "...... I will keep what I said. Even though I know you're a boy, my ...... love for you remains undiminished, which means I should accept your confession." "Thank you, Carnation!""But what shall we do with your father? Will he agree?" "There are always more ways than difficulties. Let us enjoy the joy of the successful confession first! Can you stay overnight?" "...... okay." "Do you mind sleeping with me?" "No." "Okay, good night then, honey~"

When the maids came to wake Bly up, they were surprised to find a child lying beside him. "Young master, who is this girl?" "The person I decided to marry." " ...... Is this person among the marriage candidates?" "Father said I could choose the marriage partner out of the marriage candidates. Now please prepare the carriage for us to go home." "...... obey." When he got home, Bly told his father what he thought. His father was silent for a long time, then reminded Bly that he could not conceive blood offspring by marrying a boy, which meant that the family line would always be inherited by his brother and his brother's offspring. If Bly would accept this, he would agree to Bly marrying Carnation. Bly nodded, knowing that he was not interested in the family inheritance and that what was more important to him was love.

After deciding on a date for the pre-wedding ceremony, the two finally had time to spend for themselves. " Carnation, when we get married, I'll be your wife. From now on, call me by 'Chinensis'!" "Wife? You're willing to be the girl's side?" "Of course! See, I'm dressed as a girl completely now, and I'll always stay dressed as a girl from now on." "I've been treated as a girl since I was a child, and this is the first time my boy's identity is being emphasized." "This is the beginning of happiness~" "I want to ask ...... if it's too early for us to get married at this age? Neither of us are adults." "It's 'pre' marriage. It's a tradition of many nobles that two engaged children perform a ceremony to mimic a formal wedding to announce that they are unmarried couples. When we grow up, we'll have a formal wedding and become real couples. So you can see me in the wedding dress twice! They say the most beautiful time for a girl is when she wears a wedding dress!" "I'm too happy to say anything ......" "By the way, you just wrote new stories in the carriage, can you tell them to me?" "Yes!"

Carnation began to tell the story that Chinensis liked, and she listened with the same concentration and joy as before. Chinensis blushed at the mere sight of Carnation's face as he told the story. Nothing could be happier than that.



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