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A boy named Alex was adopted into a strange castle as a child. He has short, crisp blue hair and clear blue eyes, and he has an introverted and gentle personality. Even though he lives in this castle, he is always curious and longing for the outside world. However, the castle has all sorts of strange rules that prevent him from leaving. As a result, he hates these rules and even now he hasn't figured out all of them.

One day, there was a big ball held in the castle, and all the people had to dress up in fancy costumes to attend. Alex had been looking forward to showing off his handsome side in the prince's costume he had long desired. However, when he walked into the dressing room, he was told that he needed to wear an elaborate maid's costume. It was a white and blue lolita style dress complete with lace and delicate bows.

Alex was very confused and upset, he didn't understand why he had to wear such a dress. However, the butler at the castle told him that it was one of the castle's rules. Despite Alex's extreme inner resistance, he was forced to wear the maid's outfit. When he put on this dress and walked out of the locker room, all eyes were on him. He felt his cheeks burning and blushing, and lowered his head, not daring to look directly at anyone. However, to his surprise, instead of laughing at him, everyone gave him appreciative glances. Alex still didn't understand what the rules actually were, but he felt somewhat happy.

Halfway through the ball, Alex met a young boy in a princely dress who smiled, walked up to Alex, gently took his hand, and led him onto the dance floor. Alex gradually relaxed under the boy's guidance and began to enjoy the ball. He realized that the maid's outfit had given him a whole new identity, one that would make him happier. He gradually immersed himself in his new role, moving and speaking more and more like a girl. With the melody of the music, Alex and the boy danced, and the audience around them were infected by their dancing and joined in the dance floor. The whole ball was conducted in a cheerful and harmonious atmosphere, and everyone felt free and happy like never before.

After the ball was over, the butler said that according to the rules, Alex was to keep living under this new identity and stay with the boy. Alex didn't hate the rules anymore, and although he still hadn't figured out exactly what the rules were, he was now enjoying the joy that his new identity brought him. From now on, she was a girl.



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