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The sunlight poured into the room through the cracks in the curtains, bringing in the first rays of the morning. Yuzi opened his eyes and stretched, today was a special day and he woke up early in order to prepare his outfit for the day. He rolled out of bed and walked over to the mirror, a small smile of anticipation appeared on his face as he looked at himself in the mirror.

First of all, Yuzi took out of his closet the specially tailored purple dress which was designed with a round neckline and a large bow which was decorated with a golden star in the center of it. He gently slipped the dress over his body, adjusting the hemline to make sure that each layer of ruffles was fluffed up just right. The hemline of this dress was a multi-layered design with gradations of colors from pink to white to purple in distinct layers, making the entire hemline look very fluffy.

Next, he grabbed the pink jacket, which was loose and comfortable enough to shield him from the coolness of the morning without hiding the beauty of the dress. He slipped on the jacket and carefully straightened the collar and cuffs, making sure that every detail of the jacket looked perfect. The design of the jacket made him look even more petite and cute, especially when he zipped it up, making his whole body look warmer and softer.

Yuzi walked over to his vanity and began to apply his makeup. He started by applying foundation evenly on his face, covering all the imperfections and making his skin look smooth and delicate. Next, he patted blush on his cheeks to create a natural flush that added a touch of cuteness. Then, he picked up an eyeliner and carefully traced a thin line on his eyelids, making his eyes look bigger and more intense. He chose an orange-red pupil contact lens, which made his large eyes brighter and more dynamic with a playful touch. Finally, he applied a light pink lip gloss which made his lips look full and glossy, adding a sweetness to the whole look.

Next came the hairstyle part. Yuzi smoothed out his hair and then left a handful of bangs in front of his forehead, which were dyed purple and pink to complement his overall look. He tied his hair into two buns, a cute and playful hairstyle that particularly suited his outfit for the day. To add more highlights to his hair, he pinned a few colorful barrettes to his buns and wore a decorative headband on top of his head, which had a small cat motif that made it look very cute.

Yuzi took out two black gloves which were intricately designed with purple ribbons and baubles. He put on the gloves and his fingers looked slim and elegant under them. He then picked up two small charms, one was a cute black cat doll and the other was a purple bear, these charms added to the playfulness of his overall outfit.

Continuing with his outfit, he took out a pair of striped stockings in purple, pink and yellow, the stripes making his legs look slender. He carefully slipped on the stocking, making sure that each stripe lined up neatly on his leg, and then he slipped on a pair of purple Mary Janes, which had little yellow bows on them and were designed to be both comfortable and adorable, and fit in perfectly with his overall outfit.

Finally, Yuzi stood in front of the mirror and scrutinized every detail of his outfit, from his hair to the shoes on his feet to the accessories on his hands, making sure every element was perfect. He spun around, the hem of his skirt gently swaying as he did so, making a rustling sound that sent a wave of pleasure through him.

Yuzi's outfit today wasn't just for a special event, it was a way for him to express his inner world. Although he is a boy, he has managed to create a cute, sweet, girlish image through meticulous makeup and carefully chosen outfits. He knows that today's version of himself will attract a lot of attention, but he doesn't care what others think because he knows that this is the real him.

After getting ready, Yuzi picked up his small bag, which contained some necessary small items and makeup supplies. He stepped out of the room and the sun shone on him as if it had cast a golden glow over him. He felt an overwhelming sense of confidence and contentment that today was going to be a wonderful day.

As he walked down the street, passersby gave him appreciative glances, some even stopping to take pictures with him. Yuzi smiled in response to each compliment, his heart filled with joy. Walking to a coffee shop on the corner, Yuzi pushed his way into the cozy and peaceful atmosphere, and the clerk couldn't help but smile when she saw his outfit.

Yuzi ordered a strawberry milkshake, his favorite, and found a seat by the window. He took out his cell phone and started browsing through today's schedule of events. He knew that there was an anime cosplay party today that many people who loved dressing up like him would be attending. Not only was it a chance to show off his skills, but it was also a great time to meet new people and share interests.

While waiting for his milkshake, Yuzi's thoughts flew back to a few months ago, when he was still a shy boy who didn't dare to express his true feelings. He always envied those who could dress up and express themselves, but his inner timidity kept him from moving forward. One day, he saw a girl named Akane on the Internet, and her story touched Yuzi deeply. Akane found confidence and courage in dressing up, and became a charming person. Yuzi decided to learn from her and started experimenting with different outfits, from the simplest makeup to the most complicated outfits, he put his heart and soul into every step.

Today, Yuzi is no longer the timid boy who proved himself with his actions. He knows that this is just the beginning and there is still a long way to go, but he is ready to meet every challenge. Yuzi's strawberry milkshake finally arrived, he took it with a smile and gently sipped it, the sweet flavor spreading in his mouth as if foreshadowing a wonderful day.



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