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In a run-down town, there is a young beggar named Edwin. His life is full of sorrow and hardship, and he begs on the streets every day just to be able to fill his hungry stomach. Edwin lost his parents when he was young, and since then has been living a lonely life, his only wealth is his golden hair, but now, even it is covered with dirt.

One morning, Edwin woke up in a haze and realized that he was no longer the same as he was yesterday. To his surprise, he realized that his body had taken the form of a girl, with a pair of cat ears sprouting from the top of her head and a tail extending from her waist. Confused and bewildered, she looked around at a loss for words. Just then, a gorgeous carriage stopped in front of her. A nobleman in fancy clothes stepped down from the carriage, and his eyes fell on Edwin with a surprised expression.

"What's going on here, why do you have the ears and tail of a cat?" The nobleman asked curiously.

Edwin (or now Edelia) was silent for a moment, then whispered, "I don't know, I just woke up like this."

The noble frowned slightly, but soon his expression turned into a small smile." Such a strange thing indeed, but it looks like you need help. Come with me and I will take care of you."

Edelia hesitated for a moment, then followed the nobleman into the carriage. Doubt filled her mind, but at the same time she felt a glimmer of hope that the nobleman would give her a fresh start.

The carriage traveled through the elegant streets and eventually stopped in front of a manor. The manor had gorgeous gardens and magnificent buildings, and Edelia was amazed, such a luxurious place was something she had never imagined. The nobleman led Edelia through the gardens to a spacious and warm room." You can rest here, I will arrange for someone to prepare some clean clothes and food for you." The nobleman said gently. A few servants prepared a hearty meal for Edelia and gave her a clean dress. After taking a bath, she noticed that her hair had become long and shiny, its golden color glistening in the light. She was shocked at how she had changed, but also felt a surge of confidence and beauty that she had never felt before.

Day after day, Edelia lived a happy life in the nobleman's mansion. The nobleman pampered her, giving her a noble status and a warm family. She learns about art and music, makes many new friends, and lives a colorful life. In the noble house, Edelia found her sense of belonging and happiness. Though her past was full of ups and downs, now she has finally found her home and a place where she is truly loved and warm.



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