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In a dimly lit cabin, a middle-aged man is intently applying fine make-up in the mirror. His name is Alan·Black, a highly acclaimed private detective. However, today's mission was unusual. He needed to disguise himself as a girl and blend into a school to conduct an investigation.

Alan's petite stature was one of his advantages in carrying out this task. He sat down at the table and started applying makeup little by little. The first step was a make-up base to adjust the skin to be delicate and smooth. Next, he carefully covered any facial imperfections with concealer to make sure he looked flawless. The third step was to make up his eyebrows. With a careful touch, he trimmed his eyebrows in a soft and elegant manner. Alan knew that a girl's eyebrows were crucial to her entire makeup look. He constantly compared himself in the mirror with his target, trying to make sure every detail was perfect. Then came the eye makeup. He chose a soft eyeshadow and used a tiny brush to gently smudge it on the eye sockets to make his eyes look brighter and more vibrant. Next, he carefully outlined his eyes with eyeliner and then applied thick mascara to make his lashes look long and curved. Now comes the contouring of the face. Using foundation and grooming products, he skillfully created a girlish soft contour. He knows that a girl's face contour should be soft and attractive so that she can blend in better with her target group. Finally, there is the lip makeup. He chose a pink lipstick and gently applied it to his lips to make them look seductive yet innocent and cute. Alan knew that a girl's lips were one of her most attractive weapons, so they had to be carefully taken care of.

Finishing the last stroke of makeup, Alan stood up and scrutinized himself in the mirror. The figure in the mirror no longer looked like a middle-aged man, but a young girl who looked like a flower. He smiled slightly, satisfied with his handiwork. After completing the fine make-up, Alan turned to the school uniforms that were neatly arranged on the side. He gently took out a set and carefully arranged it on the table. The school uniforms had been prepared in advance and were the right size to match the image of the girl he was disguising himself as.

He first put on a white shirt, simple but elegant in style. Then, he carefully straightened the collar neatly, making sure he looked like a disciplined and dignified student. Then came the main part of the school uniform. He put on the black dress and the brown jacket, looking incredibly serious in every movement. The length and size of the jacket were precisely adjusted to make his figure look slimmer and more petite. Finally, there were the pantyhose and shoes. He chose a pair of well-fitting pantyhose with just the right thickness to keep. He gently squatted down and slowly pulled the pantyhose up and stepped into the shoes, then stood up and gently patted the pantyhose with his fingers to dust them off.

In a side mirror, a perfectly disguised girl had stood up. She was exquisitely made up, neatly dressed, and looked perky and cute without being overbearing. Alan smiled slightly, proud of his disguise skills. He tied his silver hair into a double ponytail with two ribbons, disguised himself as this beautiful looking young girl, and quietly infiltrated the target school. This was only the beginning of the investigative operation, and he knew that the next step in the mission would be even more daunting. However, at the moment, all he could think about was how to play the role perfectly, hiding his true identity deep down until the moment the truth was revealed.



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