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Upon Valles' return to town, he greets the town with a very puzzling "Thank you all, but for now, please call me Valerie."

The townspeople don't know what happened to Valerie, all they know is that a month ago she was chosen as the lucky winner to get a week in a nobility school. When he returned, people couldn't see the boy's likeness in her. Valerie talks constantly about the life of nobility, including the enviable learning environment and elegant etiquette. When Valles entered the school, he was surrounded by girls. They told him that the life of a noble girl was easier and more luxurious than that of a boy, so he eventually chose to follow them and become Valerie. Valerie learned everything she needed to know about being a noble girl at school, and by the time she was able to create her own fashions, she was fully a noble girl.

Valerie goes on and on telling her stories and letting out a sweet giggle. She talks about dresses, stockings, high heels, accessories and cosmetics, happily displaying aristocratic superiority. Because of her remarkable accomplishments, she becomes a formal student, which means she will always be an aristocratic girl. Valerie hasn't forgotten her old friends, so she comes back to town to bring them into the school. Soon she will have many noble girl friends and they will enjoy the romance of nobility together.



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