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Hey y'all, I know I've been a little MIA  and that's because on top of struggling with my crappy job I've started working on our video for this month. I wished I could've started this earlier, but life doesn't let us be free sometimes lol. You'll be seeing a favorite character in this project. Dwane is back! I've been wanting to do another video with my boo since the "Basketballz" video😈. I'll be posting more BTS pictures throughout the week as I make more progress more. This will be out before this month is over💖. Also, I want to welcome our new family members to the club! Thank you for seeing potential in my work and I can't wait to show you more☺️




YAss pmg you should start like sims series❤️


Yaaaaass, I've been thinking about giving Katrina and Dwane their own lil series. They're such an iconic duo 😘💅


Yass and then u should mix all all like straight and gay like it would be cool and you should like start a little youtube channel it would be so good rather its high schoolers or a regular series it would be so good


I actually do have a YouTube channel. You can find it here: https://youtube.com/channel/UCP6jpec7AR1iQKUgn1wu1Bw


Ohh ok i found itt i saw you beforee


What happened to your patreon its not letting me dm you x


I think it's because my page is suspended. I've already emailed they sour pussy asses yesterday and still waiting for their response 😭