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Hey, guys! I received an email from Patreon claiming that my posts violate the Community Guidelines on drawing underage those that start with Lo and end with li, and those that start with Sh and end with ota (can't speak these words here.. '?')

well... if my account disappears it was because i was banned




If they are warning you , then they are giving you a chance to either deny or correct the alleged offense. But honestly there are no underage looking characters in your gallery. Ask them for clarification.


I agree with Signum73 they do not look underage at all maybe a clarifica tifon would be the way to go

Brandon Barger

I haven't been here long, but I don't remember seeing any characters or descriptions like that. All your chances look pretty legal.


That’s wired!!!! I don’t remember you brought underage looking characters!!!


Rin Tohsaka and Asuka and Froppy were used as an example, I don't think they know what exactly this content is....


Oh they may be going by the "canon" age. If the creator of Evangelion gave Asuka 's age as 14 then you may have to remove it.


Reach them at guidelines@patreon.com if you have questions. One reason they crack down is that credit card companies can remove their services from patreon.com if they think they are crossing lines.

Jayden A.

Nooo :'(