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Happy Valentine's Day, my dear patrons! Since this day is marked as special for all the romantic souls out there, I wanted to offer you a story to keep you company, aside from the chocolate and lots of love you might already get!

I did work for quite some time on this story, and I was even afraid that I won't be able to have it ready on February 14th, but here it is! It is a cozy small-town romance that I hope you'll enjoy. Also, because the proofreading and the cover and all the other little things that went into the final product took me longer than expected, I had to pick my battles and focus on this gift book for you. That means that Jamie's story will begin next week and not this one, and I hope to start that one with a bang, too.

And now, about this book! Read below the synopsis and see the cover I made for it. Then click on the pdf attachment to have it downloaded to your device.  Happy Valentine's Day!

The Unattainable Mr. Fairworth - synopsis:

After his parents’ death, Nicholas Fairworth returns to Briarwood Ridge with a heavy heart. His parents’ estate has left him with a long string of problems he finds himself poorly equipped to solve, so seeing his high school crush again after fourteen years is the last thing on his mind.

And yet, there he is, in flesh and blood, all-knowing smile, attitude, and sexiness incarnate. However, Anthony Lamb is much more than he was during his days as the small city and high school black sheep. He’s a successful businessman, he has his life in order, and he’s the opposite of his unruly rebellious image from those halcyon days Nicholas still remembers fondly.

Until he opens his mouth, and Nicholas realizes that his nemesis has never forgotten what happened the last time they saw each other fourteen years ago. And that he will be called Golden Tongue again, whether he likes it or not.





Thoroughly enjoyed your generous gift! Fantastic!!


Wonderful Valentine’s Day treat! Unattainable became attainable.