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As they say, better late than never. Here I am, guys, with the final shape of Dating Rules and Pretty Fools in ebook format. As I let you know, I decided to change its name to suit the story better since it was the sort of creation that made my imagination run away with me. 

First of all, I want to thank Dave again for making this story possible as he generously sponsored Otis's journey along the way. And I want to thank you all for supporting this special character that will always have a special place in my heart. Not that I don't love Hudson, too! But Otis is just a bit higher!

And now, these are the final cover and blurb (I had to add a bit to it, as well). You will be able to download the book by clicking on the pdf attachment to this post.

The Lovely Eye - summary:

To have someone to love is one of life’s greatest gifts, his grandma used to say. However, what grandma didn’t know, and Otis didn’t have the heart to tell her, was that getting there in this day and age required going through a painful phase called dating. Something he’s not very good at, to put it lightly.

However, when someone moves in an apartment a few doors down from his, Otis begins to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Because, based on the impressive number of young men going in and out that place, currently inhabited by an impressive man displaying equally impressive sleeve tattoos on both arms, that must be someone who knows an awful lot about dating.

Otis wants a bit of advice. Just a bit.

Hudson is working undercover to infiltrate a human trafficking ring that preys on young men. He should be focusing on his job while trying his best to prevent the darkness that comes with the job from engulfing him whole.

Salvation comes from the least expected places, and in his case, it takes the shape of a shy young man who stares at the world from behind a fringe of blond hair that covers his left eye. No matter how ill-prepared he is for the beautiful accident called Otis, fighting against the mutual attraction is not working.

Without his knowing, it’s only for the best, undercover op rules be damned.


And the cover :)