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Yes, here I am, my dears, with the book in its final form! This has been a crazy thing to write. 300k words, can you believe it?

I've sent the copies for the people in VIP tier via email, so if there's someone who didn't get theirs, just drop me a message, and I'll get back to you.

To get the gift book, download the pdf file attached to this post. Thank you again for all your support!

(I'm still working on getting the paperback to Amazon for those of you who want it - when it finally gets approved, I'll post the links to all the marketplaces.)

As per usual, here's the summary:

Rusty Parker has one big-ass problem, unlike any other big-ass problems he has ever had in his life. No, it’s not the impending sense of doom that comes with senior year and the fact that he has no idea what to do after or that he’s running out of kink ideas. No, it’s a very peculiar issue.

Ever since Maddox Kingsley, his bestie and the most awesome guy alive – nine out of ten college kids would agree – got all mushy over Jonathan Hamilton, one perfect GPA score and amazing cook wrapped in the same sexy package, and the two became joined at the hip, Rusty has been experiencing certain… tingling feelings. It’s not about what they do in bed or whatever, ‘cause he has already tried everything (except that! – at least not with a dude).

No, the reason why he dreams of sneaking between those two while they lie in bed and stare at each other with stars in their eyes is not… very clear. It’s not the sex stuff; no, Rusty’s sure. It’s just something worth chasing and that Rusty’s also sure about. Just that he has no idea what it is.

That is until he gets the most insufferable tutor in the world. And meets a cat boy. Yeah, finally.


And here's the cover: