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Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven / Chapter Eight / Chapter Nine / Chapter Ten / Chapter Eleven / Chapter Twelve / Chapter Thirteen / Chapter Fourteen / Chapter Fifteen / Chapter Sixteen / Chapter Seventeen / Chapter Eighteen / Chapter Nineteen / Chapter Twenty / Chapter Twenty-One / Chapter Twenty-Two / Chapter Twenty-Three / Chapter Twenty-Four / Chapter Twenty-Five / Chapter Twenty-Six / Chapter Twenty-Seven / Chapter Twenty-Eight / Chapter Twenty-Nine / Chapter Thirty / Chapter Thirty-One / Chapter Thirty-Two / Chapter Thirty-Three / Chapter Thirty-Four / Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six – Will You Tell Me If I Go Too Far?

It was definitely a hurdle to focus on the topics he was supposed to be teaching Rusty while there was something like that burning his retina from the corner of one eye. Was that a sign that Rusty knew about his secret identity? If that were the case, why wasn’t he mentioning it out loud? The chances were Rusty was looking forward to teasing him over it, with the intention of making him give himself away. But if he did that, was that the most satisfying end for Slicky Coolplums?

Of course, there was an equal chance that Rusty, tired of waiting for that threesome, had put into action the sexy threat he had issued some time ago. He wanted him with a cat tail up his butt so that he could indulge in his fantasies. Yes, that was just as credible a possibility. At the same time, it was difficult to tell which one of those variants was the truth, as Rusty, sitting across from him, seemed very much into paying attention to the information being taught to him, with no sign on his face that he was up to no good.

Matty willed the beating of his heart to go down. It was all fun with Rusty, and even if he had realized who Slicky Coolplums truly was, it looked like he wasn’t mad about it. That was the best conclusion to reach for the time being, and he liked it very much. So, maybe, just maybe, Rusty didn’t mind a little bit of playing and beating around the bush in regard to the true identity of the cat boy. He took some liberty in watching Rusty across the table and decided that he would play it cool until the unavoidable unmasking. He so hoped he wasn’t wrong.

“Okay, I’m quite puzzled,” he eventually said as he closed the textbook in front of him. “You really applied yourself today. What gives?” He hoped his poker face was completely unreadable.

Rusty appeared not to think anything about his poker face, either, which meant that it was working. However, there was no point in celebrating victory; after all, with Rusty everything was a fun war of attrition, right?

“I wanted to be a good boy so that you won’t say ‘no’ to that.” Rusty gestured vaguely over his shoulder, but they both knew what he was talking about.

Matty felt his cheeks getting warm, as his eyes moved to the offending object that lay on Rusty’s bed, as if it was waiting to be used. “Okay,” he said, his throat getting dry, and all the courage he had mustered for himself just earlier completely gone. “You know I’m not that hard to convince.”

“You’re not that hard yet,” Rusty said with a devilish grin.

Matty rolled his eyes, using that as an excuse to look away. Did Rusty know? Or was he still completely in the dark? He also had to focus on the other important part, which was to find out why Rusty was hiding his amazing singing abilities behind a mask. In his case, he knew why he was donning a cat boy suit at night; it had all been part of a strategy to get the king of Sunny Hill to himself, one way or another. It didn’t matter that Slicky had grown into being his own thing, and now Matty didn’t have it in him to abandon him, especially since Rusty enjoyed his time with the cat boy so much.

“So, what do you say?” Rusty asked and leaned over the table, pushing the textbook slightly away so that he could get as close as possible.

Matty decided to give himself a pat on the back later for the – presumably – cool face he offered as he looked into Rusty’s eyes. “Yeah, why not? But why now?” he asked, feigning complete innocence.

Rusty smiled. “I asked Slicky about that threesome, you know? The one you said ‘yes’ to.”

“And?” Matty asked, swallowing the big lump in his throat with plenty of difficulty.

“Can you believe it? He said ‘no’,” Rusty replied. “I’m counting on you being more open-minded than him.”


Rusty felt a particular kind of elation as he watched Matty. His sexy tutor was, apparently, in no mood to reveal himself as Slicky, and that was fine by him. It went to show that all his presumptions about Matty’s double persona had been right on point. Playing with a cat was, therefore, in store for him, and it was starting right now. Of course, at the end of it all, once he had Matty completely cornered and had him surrender in both his shapes, it would be so amazing that he should fear some kind of explosion or implosion might occur inside himself.

“Let’s see you with it on,” he added. “Since you’re not that hard to convince and all.”

For a second, Matty appeared to reconsider, but, in the end, he nodded and stood. Rusty took his hand and dragged him toward the bed with a big smile on his face. Oh, damn, Matty’s cheeks were so red now, they made him want to lick that pretty face all over. He sat on the edge of the bed and brought Matty between his legs. He snuck his hands under Matty’s hoodie and caressed his lower abs slowly.

“I should undress, right?” Matty whispered.

“Only the bottom part,” Rusty said promptly and began fiddling with Matty’s jeans slowly.

Even if Matty’s usual fashion involved wearing baggy jeans, it was a satisfaction to notice the resistance that perky behind showed when pants were being pushed over it. Rusty took a moment to grab Matty’s ass and fill his hands with those round butt cheeks before proceeding forward and helping his tutor slash baby dude slash cat boy out of his jeans and underwear. That reminded him that he had also threatened Matty with a cute thong. Later. Now, he wanted his sexy partner to put on a little show for him and lash his tail like a pissed off cat.

Matty allowed Rusty to turn him once he was out of every article of clothing covering his lower body, and even bent over of his own accord. That gave Rusty an unimpeded view of that bubble butt, and even more, of that pink entrance that would soon swallow the butt plug that would keep the cat tail in place.

He took his time, dragging a finger between the pink hole and the heavy ball sac slowly. “You know, I should ask,” he said slowly. “If you have anything against this kind of stuff, this is the moment to speak up. Later, you might like it too much to object and I don’t want you to leave here with this tail still attached.”

Matty’s body shook with laughter. “Do you really think I’d walk out of your bedroom, swinging my tail without realizing it?”

His tail. Of course. The cat boy didn’t mind having a tail. Ah, Rusty thought with satisfaction, and Matty had done this kind of thing before, securing his fluffy appendage in place with a butt plug like the little pervert that he was. Yeah, the cat boy had been his all along, and now, he was also at his mercy. “Hey, we might get into a bit of alternative lifestyle, and you might enjoy it a little too much,” he warned.

Matty let out a long sigh and then laughed. “I’d say there’s no danger of that. And you will tell me if I happen to prance out of here with the tail still inside my butt, right?”

“Yeah. This sight,” he said and took a small playful bite out of each of the butt cheeks in front of him, “is for my eyes only.”

“That’s a relief. So, if Slicky doesn’t want that threesome, you’re okay with it?”

“Yeah. There’s no one else I’d share you with,” Rusty hurried to say. It looked like Matty needed some reassurance to put his jealous streak to sleep. He wanted to laugh but couldn’t give himself away. Matty was really a cunning one, so quick to approve of the threesome only because he knew that would lead to absolutely nothing because it was up to him alone and not even possible to begin with.

In due time, he’d have Matty wear a complete cat boy suit. He would have such a big laugh while torturing him slowly. For now, however, he had some plans in mind, and he was really dying to see how Matty would look with that tail stuck in his naked butt.

He reached for some lube and the tail and began preparing the tight hole slowly. Damn, it felt good to experience that tight grip around his fingers. For a moment, he had to squeeze the Mighty Thor and get him to behave until he got his fill of watching Matty in a cat tail. The short gasps assured him that his baby dude was enjoying the slow penetration of his ass. Rusty slowly pushed the butt plug in until the enticing hole swallowed it whole. He let his hand roam over the fluffy tail and then snuck it in front to caress Matty’s cock and balls for a moment. “Now,” he said, “let me see how you look.”

Matty took a couple of steps forward and wiggled his ass playfully. “Do you really want me to keep my hoodie on?”

“Yeah, it gives me the best view of both worlds,” Rusty assured him. Yes, for real, he had half the cat boy and half of Matty before his very eyes. Who said he couldn’t have that threesome still? All he needed was to be creative.

Matty turned and a hint of the tail could be seen between his legs as he moved. His cute cock was hard as a rock and bobbing slightly left and right. Rusty beckoned to him and his directions were dutifully followed. A certain type of hunger had started to accumulate in the pit of his stomach. He stopped Matty right in front of him and grabbed his hips with both hands. Then, he began to lick the engorged head slowly. A soft moan confirmed that he was doing just what he was expected to.

Rusty cupped the round butt cheeks again, squeezing and kneading them while he filled his mouth with the delicious lollipop in front of him. It was so easy to go lower and lower, swallowing the whole thing, due to the practice he had gotten ever since he had started fooling around with his tutor. Matty was caressing his head, his hands running through his hair, making his entire skin go into goose bump mode, while the taste on his tongue, so pleasant and exciting, was warming him up for what was to come.

He moved his fingers around the tight ring of muscles, squeezing the base of the butt plug so nicely. It looked like Matty was very sensitive there, as his harsh breathing indicated. Rusty used his tongue to lick the underside of the hard candy in his mouth, using all the tricks he had learned along the way. At the same time, he pushed at the base of the butt plug, knowing that it was probably not enough to stimulate Matty’s bud of pleasure, but enjoying the idea that the other sensed the sweet torture he was being subjected to.

“Rusty, I think--” Matty barely managed and began shooting in his mouth, rope after rope of tasty cream that seemed not to end for quite a while.

Rusty took great pleasure in eating Matty’s release. It was slightly different from his, and he was pretty sure he’d be able to recognize it from others… not that he intended to sample other wares, so to speak. He rested his head against Matty’s belly, still holding the tip of his cock in his mouth.

“Thank you,” Matty whispered. “Rusty, you’re so good. I’d wear any kind of tail for you.”

Well, that was great to hear, especially since Rusty had plans that involved metamorphosing Matty into the cat boy under his very eyes. He needed to shop for the exact costume, the same wig, and the same contacts, but the investment would be worth it. Of course, he would tell Matty that it was because he wanted to live out his fantasy of being with Slicky, and watch for any signs of defeat or jealousy. Could Matty become jealous of himself? That was one thing Rusty very much intended to test to see how it would go. In all truth, it sounded like crazy fun.

He placed a small kiss on the head of Matty’s cock that was starting to go down and then pushed him slightly away. “Okay. Do a three-sixty for me. Awesome. Now, you can take off your hoodie, but keep the tail.”

Matty obeyed without any sign of resistance. Now, he looked delicious, with that tail stuffed in his butt, and wearing nothing else.

Rusty made room for Matty to climb on the bed. “On all fours and walk around on the bed for a bit.”

Matty’s breathing was still uneven after what must have been a glorious release only earlier, but he did as told nonetheless. He looked over his shoulder while wagging his tail slowly. “Do you want me to mewl, too?”

“Let’s not go crazy. I don’t want the others to hear you.” Rusty discovered, that very moment, that he wanted to keep the secret of Slicky Coolplums’s identity to himself for a while longer. It was something he would share only with Matty until he got the okay to reveal who the cat boy really was.


The more Rusty encouraged him, the more daring he was getting. Matty really felt like he owned that tail, and it was pleasant to feel the little nudge against the most sensitive parts of his ass as he moved his hips to entice his ‘owner’ with all that wagging and swinging. The naked desire in Rusty’s eyes was enough confirmation that his efforts were highly appreciated. Not to mention, he had a real desire now to be used. Therefore, he leaned forward, holding his ass as high as he could. Maybe he was acting more like a dog now, but that didn’t seem to matter to Rusty in the least.

“Matty, you’re so sexy,” Rusty whispered. “Fuck, you’re making me so hard.”

“Do you want me to suck you off?” he offered, while still moving his hips.

“Yeah,” Rusty confirmed.

He turned and sank his head between Rusty’s thighs, although there was a layer of fabric between him and the object of his desires. He played around, grabbing Rusty’s cock through the sweatpants with his lips and blowing hot air on it. He felt a hand running through his hair and then moving down his spine up to his butt. It looked like Rusty was fascinated by how well that cat tail worked for him. Matty enjoyed the attention to the extreme.

“Wait, let me get the Mighty Thor out,” Rusty said jokingly.

Matty gripped harder, making Rusty gasp in pleasure. Oh, he was so getting good at this. Obviously, they liked each other enough for a little bit of teasing. And since the cat tail was used as an instrument for exactly that, no rule said that he couldn’t enjoy doing a little bit of teasing himself.

He allowed Rusty to get out of his sweatpants, but once he was back on the bed, Matty took matters into his own hands, pushing him on his back and hiking his thighs slightly upward so that he could have complete access to what he wanted. Rusty grabbed hold of his hair as he began to lick the heavy balls with lustful abandon. His crush was so tasty everywhere. Matty especially enjoyed taking one ball, and then the other, into his mouth, and caressing them with his tongue at length, especially since it looked like their owner enjoyed the treatment so much.

Assuming that he was on the right path, he moved his head lower and began licking the taint. A short grunt that qualified as an encouraging curse of sorts followed, giving him even more courage. He leveraged himself so that he could reach even lower and began rimming Rusty in earnest. At the same time, he used his fingers to get inside the sexy ass more, while his other hand got busy rubbing the impressive length of the Mighty Thor.

He could get completely lost in this, pleasuring Rusty until the guy ended up completely pliant in his hands and at his mercy. However, he was doing everything by ear, and it was great that his efforts were recognized for what they were meant to be and encouraged by moans and soft orders to insist on one part or another.

He now had two fingers lodged deep inside Rusty’s ass and he could get to the main course. He took the cock in front of him as deep as he could and began bobbing his head up and down.

“Oh, gawd, Matty, you’re such a naughty cat,” Rusty praised him. “You really like licking me all over, don’t you?”

It wasn’t polite to talk with a full mouth, so Matty just continued to swallow Rusty’s cock. At this point, he had no intention of stopping, not even for some hot conversation. He moved his fingers to make Rusty feel his intentions, and right away, he heard new moans and grunts. There was a warm hand on the back of his neck, guiding him, and making him take it all in. That was all the encouragement he needed. Although swallowing a tool like Rusty’s was no easy feat, he was trying to make the best of the situation and earn the praise raining down on his head from above.

“Do you want some milk, naughty cat?” Rusty teased him.

He had come only earlier, and now he was hard again because of all these praises and sexy talk.

“Here it comes, only for you,” Rusty warned him in a low whisper and then began voicing his release.

There was so much, he had to hurry and gobble it all down. Since the study week had left them with little time to get naughty with each other, they both seemed to be quite pent up. He didn’t mind it, but he regretted that he couldn’t swallow every drop, and the problem of overflowing juices manifested. When he finally let go of Rusty’s cock, he could tell his mouth was wet all over and that his chin was also covered in cum.

Rusty looked at him with hazy eyes. “Wow,” he whispered. “I gotta give it to you, Matty. You’re great at sucking cock, but you’re even double that with a cat tail in your ass. Come here, messy cat.”

Matty climbed over Rusty’s body to reach him and snickered as what he couldn’t eat earlier was slowly pushed into his mouth by deft fingers.

“So, how do you like my milk?” Rusty asked and grinned once he was done feeding Matty all the escaped jizz.

“I’ve had it before,” Matty said with a small huff, only because he knew that such teasing was right up Rusty’s alley. “It’s not like I don’t know it already.”

Rusty laughed and caressed his hair. “Yeah, but it’s the first time you’re having it as a cat.”

Matty reached back and caressed the fluffy tail slowly. “Is this thing really getting you going more than usual?”

“If you’re wearing it, yes,” Rusty confirmed what he was hoping to hear.

“Awesome. Can I take it out now?”

“Not just yet. Except for my hand, I’ve had no action all week. So, let me exploit you a little more. What do you say?”

“I’m down with it,” Matty confirmed, feeling elated at knowing that Rusty only wanted to get naughty with him and no one else.


Matty sucked cock like no one else he had ever experienced in his life, Rusty decided after the earlier session. And it looked like having a butt plug in his ass with a cat tail attached made him even hotter than usual. Since he liked it all to the extreme, Rusty wanted to take advantage of the situation and see what else he could do with Matty at his mercy like that. He had taken to wearing the cat tail with quite the confidence, and that was a good sign. Rusty would work toward making him feel confident enough to agree to other cat boy games. For now, this was enough, because any more of them and there was a chance that he would explode and burn out completely.

He gently turned Matty on his back and began to kiss him slowly, on the mouth, the same mouth that had drunk him dry minutes ago, and then move downward, along the arch of his neck, his chest, his cute nipples, and nicely shaped abs.

“I’m going to fool around while using you,” he announced.

Matty agreed through a barely there moan. No need for any other confirmation, it seemed. Rusty knew that he was setting himself up for torture by not letting Matty out of his cat tail, but there was still plenty of fun to be had even like that. He aligned the Mighty Thor with Matty’s cute cock and began moving slowly. Then he reached lower, moving past Matty’s balls, teasing them, and even further until he was rubbing the head of his cock against the tight ring.

A longer moan assured him that he wasn’t the only one being tortured by his stubbornness. “Do you want something in your ass, Matty?” Rusty teased him. “Something harder, longer?”

“Yes, what the hell?” Matty murmured and turned his face to rub his cheek against the pillow as he hiked his legs higher and used his hands to pull his ass cheeks apart.

Rusty leaned back on his knees to watch the show his naughty cat boy was putting on for him. It looked like Matty knew he was one to truly appreciate a good performance, because he began pushing the butt plug out one moment, but only a little, then sucking it back in with his ass the next. Now that was the kind of thing he could see himself watching for some time, while stroking his cock slowly, not to bring himself to completion, but to ensure that he could control his own instincts. If he were to do what the Mighty Thor wanted at this point, he would just pull the tail out of Matty’s ass so that he could fill him up with some proper meat.

But, for now, they were in an accord of teasing each other until they couldn’t take it anymore. Rusty felt Matty’s sexy opening with a couple of fingers. “Hmm,” he purred, “it looks to me like you need to show a little more determination if you want my cock.”

“Oh, really?” Matty teased back without one moment of hesitation. “Maybe I like my tail too much. Maybe I don’t need anything else.”

A little denial, how nice. That was quite the game they were playing, and neither of them seemed in the mood to bring it to a close. Rusty used his cock again to rub around the bulging opening. It was starting to reach the realm of sweet torture indeed. The Mighty Thor was twitching and leaking precum, and he seemed very much in the mood for those games to be over already so that he could burrow himself into Matty’s enticing, sexy ass.

“You’re talking big, cat boy,” Rusty said with a grin.

Matty gave him a short look but then quickly closed his eyes. He pulled at his ass cheeks more, and this time pushed the butt plug out completely. That was all the cue he needed. Rusty was right there and pushed inside, the entrance made a little more pliant by the sex toy and the fooling around they had engaged in. He slid right in, the slight resistance only there enough to make the conquest feel even more delicious.

He couldn’t pull back, wouldn’t, not only because his desire was going through the roof, but because Matty’s legs were now firmly wrapped around him to hold him close and prevent any opportunity to escape. They were moving as one, Matty raising his hips off the bed to meet him half-way while he thrust inside over and over. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” he praised his unusual bed partner.

It was as if there had never been anyone else there, and seeing how long his list of former hookups was, that said a lot. Rusty took Matty’s mouth and indulged in it, forcing it open only so that he could get inside it as deep as he could, just the same as his cock was doing with the other end of that sexy body under him.

Was it possible to lose yourself in someone else like that? Sex made it possible. Maybe that was why he liked sex so much. All bets were off; all pretenses were out the window. And now, they were simply there, two naked bodies, coming together, and soon that became the truth. Rusty let go of Matty’s mouth only so that he could groan and shout how good it was to fill his bed partner’s hot ass with his cum. And he could tell, even if it was somewhere at the edge of his consciousness, that Matty was doing the same, spilling all over between them, and sealing the deal, so to speak.

They embraced long after the last waves of their release had moved through them, less and less intense, until everything was very still, but not in a state of tension, just the opposite. Their bodies felt like melted butter, still coming together like a living statue created by the hand of a skillful sculptor.


Matty could hardly find the words to describe what had just happened. Was Rusty aware of how complete their sex session had just been? Or was he the only one thinking like that? He didn’t have the courage to ask. The chances were he would end up ruining the moment, and that was something he didn’t want to destroy.

Rusty finally raised his head and looked him in the eye, although Matty wouldn’t have minded spending an eternity like that. “Matty, you’re so damn good,” he praised him. “You’re the best guy I’ve ever had in my bed.”

Matty laughed. “According to gospel, I’m the only guy that’s ever been in your bed.”

Rusty rolled his eyes and huffed. “I call girls ‘guys’, too.”

“Really? Don’t they mind?”

“Nah. I call them that in my mind. Okay, so let me rephrase that. You’re the best ever. Period.”

“Wow. I feel quite a bit overwhelmed by such an admission, Mr. Parker. After all, you’ve had many lovers before me.”

“They weren’t lovers,” Rusty argued. “But I could call you that.”

“Lover? Hmm,” Matty barely managed, as he tried to make light of it. Rusty probably didn’t mean it the way he hoped he meant it.

“Yes. And you know, it makes sense. Because you’re special. And it’s like how they say in books, someone taking a lover, because it was more than just the sex, you know?”

“I do,” Matty said, although he couldn’t exactly follow Rusty’s reasoning. He didn’t dare ask for more explanations since he didn’t want to be disappointed.

“I mean, those guys were quite practical,” Rusty continued. “Because they wanted more than just getting freaky. They wanted a companion, too, someone to share stuff with, which they couldn’t share with anyone else.”

Matty thought he was just getting a glimpse of an opportunity. “And what’s the stuff you’re sharing with me and you haven’t with others?”

“This,” Rusty said. “You put on a cat tail just because I said so. That’s huge, Matty.”

“Okay,” Matty said, still unsure of where Rusty was trying to get with all that.

Rusty seemed taken over by a bout of excitement. He bounced off the bed and then back over him, grinning and staring at him. “I want to see how far you’re willing to go.”

Matty considered his next words carefully. “Do you mean how far I’m willing to get pushed by you?”

Rusty shook his head. “Pushed by me? You’re one guy with plenty of initiative if you ask me.”

What could that possibly mean? “So, if I take things into my own hands, so to speak, you wouldn’t mind?” he asked cautiously.

“Yeah, like that,” Rusty confirmed. “You clearly have a kinky mind of your own, and I’m crazy about it. I mean, right now, damn, that was some really hot stuff, Matty. Good thing you’re wearing those nerdy clothes, I’m telling you. ‘Cause I wouldn’t want random people to think they have a shot at you.”

Matty couldn’t help smiling. Maybe he was on the right track with Rusty, teasing him with his cat boy persona, on the one hand, while delivering as far as that fantasy was concerned, on the other hand. That really made him feel like he had a chance in the long run, too.

Nonetheless, it was important to ask, since it had been Rusty who brought up the matter of ‘not only the sex’ part of their apparent arrangement. “Will you tell me if I go too far?”

Rusty appeared to understand that Matty was asking a serious question. “I don’t see how you can do that.”

“It’s important,” Matty insisted. “Will you?”

“Sure. I definitely will. Although, Matty, I have to say this. With you, I feel like we could go… hmm… let me think…”

“Where no one has gone before? And boldly at that?” Matty chose to joke.

Rusty’s face lit up. “I’d say naughtily, but I don’t mind the way you put it, either.”

That was a relief. He could hope and strategize for the future then.


Next chapter 



Caliente! The cat and mouse play between Rusty and Matty is quite entertaining. It will be interesting to see if Matty will don Rusty’s version of the cat boy suit; maybe, it will be studded with candies as was placed on SHIT door several chapters ago. Matty’s confidence with the cat’s tail butt plug was almost too much for Rusty. Rusty has met his match for kinkiness, and it was from an unlikely person.


Spicy!! 🌶 Butt-plug cat-boy kinky fun, kind of spicy!! Woohoo. Can’t say it enough, I love these two together!!! Fun, tender, thoughtful, kinky and loving ❤️ Rusty plotting how to get Matty to admit to his cat-boy character made me giggle! Can’t wait to see what trickery, and cat boy games 😂 he pulls to get Matty to that point…while greedily keeping his cat-boy’s identity all to himself. Love a little gentle possessiveness. They sure skirt around their real heart feelings. Rusty keeps coming close to saying something deep and heartfelt but then doesn’t …hopefully one day soon!? But seriously, telling his baby dude he’s the best ever and he’s basically his lover!? Those are pretty big, deep-meaning comments and compliments! When and if, we get declarations of love, Imma gonna melt ❤️🫠

Laura S. Fox

He-he, he definitely didn't expect Matty to be so forthcoming... The king has met his match :)

Laura S. Fox

When that happens... when they end up declaring love... well, it will be an emotional high in more ways than one. And now I'll shut up :)