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Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three / Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six / Chapter Seven / Chapter Eight / Chapter Nine / Chapter Ten / Chapter Eleven / Chapter Twelve / Chapter Thirteen / Chapter Fourteen / Chapter Fifteen / Chapter Sixteen / Chapter Seventeen / Chapter Eighteen / Chapter Nineteen / Chapter Twenty / Chapter Twenty-One / Chapter Twenty-Two / Chapter Twenty-Three / Chapter Twenty-Four / Chapter Twenty-Five / Chapter Twenty-Six / Chapter Twenty-Seven / Chapter Twenty-Eight / Chapter Twenty-Nine / Chapter Thirty / Chapter Thirty-One / Chapter Thirty-Two / Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four – Sorry, We’re Cheaters

The sight of a perfect Matty sprawled over his bedsheets while leafing through a textbook, his cheek pushed upward by a closed fist that also made the corner of his mouth curl in a half smile, was the kind of thing Rusty wished he could be more prepared for.

“What?” Matty asked, turning toward him and dropping his fist, making the half-smile disappear.

“What-what?” Rusty asked, a little belligerently and slightly unnerved by having been caught staring.

Matty grinned. “Are you thinking of naughty things? Because I think I can tell when you’re thinking of naughty things.”

“You’re in my bed, ass up. You’re wearing too many clothes, but that’s okay, ‘cause I know what you look like naked, and the shape of that ass is clearly visible.”

“Was that your answer to my question?”

“In there, somewhere,” Rusty said and put one knee on the bed, while Matty turned slowly on one side, never letting him out of sight. There had been thoughts as he had stared at his baby dude in his bed, looking so casual and so himself, and they hadn’t been the naughty kind. He wouldn’t dwell on them at the moment, since he preferred solid ground. When it came to sex matters, he’d rather not be a pirate, but very much a landlubber. No, that wasn’t right. He was adventurous, right? But what if Matty was getting bored with the same-old, same-old?

His musings were brought to a halt by a slight nudge that made him lose his balance for a moment. Without hesitation, he threw himself on Matty, ready to fight, his secret weapon being curled fingers, optimal for delivering the tickling of his adversary’s life.

“I surrender, I surrender,” Matty shouted through hiccups of laughter.

They were in quite a nice position, Rusty on top rubbing himself against Matty, although there were two layers of fabric between them. With one hand, he pushed his sweatpants lower so that he could now rest the Mighty Thor against that still-clothed perfect ass.

“Rusty,” Matty warned and looked over his shoulder, “don’t you think I should undress?”

“That’s what I keep telling you ever since you set foot in my room. Don’t you know the rules yet?” Rusty bent over his ‘victim’ and bit Matty’s ear, careful to chomp on it only hard enough to make the other shudder and gasp softly. “You’re in my bed, you should be naked.”

“Oh, yeah? What about that thong? You know, the thong in cheek?” Matty joked.

Rusty straightened up and smacked Matty’s butt cheeks through his pants. “You think you’re funny, right?”

“Totally. I’m a very funny guy.”

“Let’s see if you can still laugh once I put you in your place.” Rusty pulled Matty’s pants lower until they were right under the beautifully shaped buttocks, making that ass pop even more. He rested the Mighty Thor between them and began to play around, grabbing the perky cheeks and pulling them apart. “As they say,” he joked, “ready or not, here I come.”

“Wow, you’re horny,” Matty said, but his voice had turned deeper, softer, filled with meaning.

“I haven’t seen you since Friday. The Mighty Thor was starting to fear that he might never see action again.”

“Wow, in just two days?” Matty asked, feigning surprise.

“What can I say? This guy has short memory issues. To him, it is like ages have passed.”

He took his time pouring lube over Matty’s crack and getting the enticing hole primed and ready for his cock. Matty appeared to have forgotten about joking and fooling around and was now waiting, his breath peppered by cute soft moans. He was so pliant under his hands, so exposed, and Rusty loved every second of it. When he put the head of his cock against Matty’s hole, ready to delve in, he felt like he could stay like that forever, on the precipice of an undefined desire that made him want all and still postpone the inevitable so that it didn’t come to pass and become the past already.

He shook his head. All that talk with August must have gotten into his head. He was thinking like a chick now, seeking signs in everything, including how Matty’s hole opened up to him, so warm, so tight, and yet so hungry.

“You have a hungry little hole,” he said. The words didn’t come out as much of a joke as he had hoped for. “So beautiful and tight.”

“You’re damn right it’s hungry,” Matty said and brought back a hand to pull at one of his butt cheeks. “I have no idea why you’re taking so long. I can tell the Mighty Thor is ready for the ride.”

Rusty laughed and draped his entire body over Matty. “You do realize,” he whispered right into a cute ear laid bare to his eyes and lips, “that I’m going to fuck you into the mattress, right?”

“I wish,” Matty challenged him. “It looks to me like your precious friend has got a terrible case of shyness overload.”

“That’s not true,” Rusty retorted and finally pushed.

He groaned without artifice. It did feel that good.


Matty could tell something had changed in Rusty’s attitude, but he couldn’t tell what it was. Also, it was sort of unnerving, because Rusty, without even realizing it, was teasing him beyond what was possible for him to withstand at the present moment. Since he was being held down, there was little he could do to hurry things up, so he just lay there on his belly at Rusty’s mercy.

He bit back a moan as Rusty pushed inside him, making him feel too full. Yet, the familiarity of having that hard gorgeous cock inside him made up for that almost unbearable sensation. Rusty was all over him, fucking him in short, deep thrusts, not letting go, and showering his neck and exposed ear with kisses.

“Fuck, this is so good,” Rusty whispered huskily, “it’s so good fucking you, Matty. Do you have any idea just how perfect the squeeze of your ass is on my cock?”

“You seem in the mood for talking dirty, it seems,” Matty uttered with some difficulty. He said each word with a punch at the end, to the rhythm of Rusty’s thrusts. Under any other circumstances, he would have found that a bit hilarious, but, as things were, he couldn’t see himself starting to laugh. Yeah, sex with Rusty was no laughing matter for sure.

“Then you should match me, word for word,” Rusty challenged him.

“I don’t know,” Matty grunted back. “You’re the king, after all.”

“Not anymore,” Rusty said and bucked his hips again. “I mean, I’m only the king of this castle, and there’s only one loyal subject I need.”

“That would be me, right,” Matty said heatedly. “Always at your service.”

“Yeah, ready to service my cock,” Rusty replied with a bawdy joke. “You can’t say no, and I can use you as I see fit. All the freaking time. Oh, yeah, that’s the life of a royal.”

“If this royal saw fit to make the best out of the movement of his hips, that would be swell,” Matty suggested. What they were doing at the moment wasn’t enough to make him go crazy completely. He needed more, a lot more.

Rusty finally appeared to understand his predicament and changed the angle of his thrusts while helping him up onto all fours. Then, he trapped both his arms, linking them through his and then using only his hips to pound into him, more amply this time around.

“Yes,” Matty whispered as Rusty bottomed out inside him, making him feel like dying the most pleasurable death, if there was such a thing.

Then, Rusty pulled back, giving him enough room to breathe, but only for a fraction of a second. The next, he slammed back in, and Matty could swear that it was true what people said about feeling launched straight to heaven through the means of simple friction.

“Oh, fuck, Matty, you’re so fucking hot,” Rusty praised him and pulled him close, forcing him into an almost upright position.

Almost, because he still was able to buck his ass backward to meet Rusty’s fucking. They were now acting like two battering rams, pulling apart only to smack back against each other with increasingly higher and higher desire to rush toward the end.

“Fuck, I hope it’s all right, because I need to come--” Rusty’s words turned into an unintelligible mess.

Matty squeezed his ass, to milk Rusty dry, and it really did feel like that because Rusty remained there for what seemed like moments of eternal bliss. He didn’t have time to react because Rusty, as soon as he withdrew, turned him around, pushed him on his back and took his cock in his mouth.

Normally, Matty would ask the other to slow down so that he could prolong his enjoyment, not only the feeling of expert lips moving up and down his cock, but also the sight of that blond head from above. Just knowing that Rusty, the famous king of Sunny Hill, was going down on him, gave him power. But above all else, he loved the feeling that this amazing guy was his in ways that he didn’t belong to anyone else.

No, this wasn’t a good time for postponing. Yeah, they had only been apart for two days, but it did seem too long in retrospect. Matty’s pent up desire rushed through him and exploded. Rusty seemed to appreciate it, making sounds of delight as Matty practically served him a new warm meal straight from the source.

And the blond head emerged from Matty’s crotch looking glorious and satisfied, just a few pearly white droplets at the corner of his mouth. Matty laughed and brushed his hand over them only to push his finger into his mouth.

Rusty smirked, pleased with himself, and leaned over, making their mouths meet again. They kissed for what seemed like a long time.


His friends were trying to push him to move faster than he wanted. But he had a thing for preparation, and it was justified. As much as he might have seemed to everyone around as someone who cared absolutely nothing for keeping things tidy, there was a part inside himself eager for control. Therefore, he couldn’t just rush into it.

Matty was resting his head on his shoulder, so it was easy to caress his hair. “I’ve heard that the weekend here was pretty wild.”

“I don’t know more than what I’ve read online,” Matty offered. “Apparently, Connor’s guys tried to crush a party, but they got crushed instead.” He giggled. “I can only imagine what Connor is thinking right now. Or doing. He’s probably foaming at the mouth.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Rusty pondered over his next question. “And there was that guy who broke into some singing and stuff. What do you think of him?”

“I don’t know. It all seems very dramatic from what Xpress reported. I mean, masks and all that. Kind of over the top, don’t you think?” Matty was talking fast, like he didn’t want to dwell on that topic for too long.

Now that was quite disappointing, Rusty thought. Matty didn’t seem to care a smidge about his masked persona, because he appeared too dramatic and over the top. That was why he never rushed into things. He knew it.


Why on earth was he sounding so defensive right now? It wasn’t like Rusty could know or guess that Rybalt, the masked hero and singer, had kissed him. Matty felt so guilty, especially after having had Rusty going down on him like that. Gawd, he was turning into a horrible person, a two-timer in his mind – and wasn’t that just as bad as doing things for real? And hell, he had done… something, by letting himself be kissed.

It was all for the better if Rusty didn’t think that Matty liked that Rybalt character for a moment. After all, what was there to like? Except that the guy was absolutely gorgeous, had an amazing voice, and was also sexy and mysterious? Fuck, fuck, fuck, Matty thought. It was better if he threw Rusty off that scent. There was no way in hell he would admit that he liked that guy even a smidge. Damn Zoey and her crazy ideas! If he were caught in the same situation again, he’d push the guy away and not allow the kiss.

“I mean,” he added quickly, taking Rusty’s silence for something else, “he must be a total coward, wearing a disguise and all.”

“What do you mean?” Rusty stopped caressing his head. “Slicky wears a costume, too.”

Oops, damn. Of course, Rusty liked the cat boy. “Yeah, but I mean, that’s like a… a… I don’t know, something completely different,” he blurted out, not knowing what to say.

“Matty, Matty, admit it,” Rusty said in a sly voice. “You don’t like the cat boy because you’re jealous of him.”

“Why would I be jealous of that guy?” Matty sputtered, annoyed with having created a trap for himself without meaning to. “Wait, are you doing the same things with him that you do with me?”

“No, why would you even…? Oh, damn, you are jealous.”

Matty pushed himself away from Rusty. The conversation had gone off the rails, and he saw no rescue in sight. “Stop it already. You can have your cat boy, whatever.”

To his annoyance, Rusty laughed. “You sound so jealous right now, Matty. And no, I haven’t gone down on him, you little crazy jelly freak.”

Of course, it wasn’t like he didn’t know exactly what Rusty had done or not done to Slicky Coolplums. Damn, the situation was so tricky and it would have even been hilarious if it hadn’t been for all the concealed truths.

“I’m not jelly,” he said, his back turned to Rusty.

Rusty embraced him from behind. “Actually, I think that’s pretty cute. And Slicky’s a cockteaser, anyway.”

“While I’m not,” Matty blurted out.

Rusty forced him to turn and looked into his eyes. “No, you’re not,” he said gently and brushed the hair away from his forehead. “You’re pretty awesome, you know?”

Matty groaned. One moment of paying attention to someone else and he had made a total fool of himself in front of Rusty. He covered his face. “Sorry about the outburst, for real. I mean, it’s not like--”

Rusty pulled his hands away and kissed him. “It’s fine. You didn’t cross an invisible line or whatever. I don’t have those.” Matty had no idea what to say to that. Rusty, however, seemed more in control. “We’re totally cool.”


How cool they were was a matter up for debate. On the one hand, Rusty felt elated at the mere thought that Matty was jealous of Slicky; it proved that he really cared, even if they were nothing but buttfucking friends. Sure, they were more than that, since they weren’t just fucking and they liked each other well enough, but that wasn’t the point.

On the other hand, Matty’s cute jealousy put him into a very difficult position. He still wanted to catch that elusive cat boy, take him out of his costume and play with him until he made him melt completely. What was he supposed to do? Make promises he wouldn’t keep? Sure, he wouldn’t do the same things with Slicky that he did with Matty, but wasn’t even the fact that he was trying to rationalize that a sign that he was acting like a potential cheater?

Ah, damn it. Things were supposed to be simple, right? The only thing that crossed his mind at the moment was to continue to kiss Matty slowly, without even making it sexual, because it was simply more than that, what was happening between them. Who said they needed labels? Why was everyone so keen on busting his balls lately?

Matty keened as he munched on his bottom lip a bit too vigorously.

“Sorry, sorry,” he said quickly.

“It’s okay,” Matty said, just as quickly. “And I have nothing against the fact that you like Slicky. Nothing at all.”

Rusty pondered that while munching on his own bottom lip this time. That kind of hurt if done for too long. He really needed to be more mindful. “How open would you be to a threesome?”

Matty burst into laughter. “No way! I mean, come on, Rusty, that’s so kinky!”

“Yeah, right. I’ve seen you trying to eat your own cock.”

“You were making me try to do it! Anyway, just for the record, do you want me and some other guy from the street--”

“No,” Rusty said promptly. “Just you and Slicky.”

That appeared to make Matty stop his protests for a bit. Then, he said quietly, “If you manage to convince him, sure, I’m game.”

“What?” Rusty couldn’t believe his ears. “For real?”

“Yeah, for real.” Matty seemed not to have one smidge of hesitation in him as he said that.

“Consider it done,” Rusty said, feeling quite pleased with that development.

“Full of yourself much?” Matty teased him. “Just for the record, do you think you’d be cured of your cat boy obsession if we did that?”

“Nah. He might become a fixture. I’m telling you, Matty, if I had you and Slicky both in my bed and in my life, I wouldn’t want anything else. Anything.”

“That’s quite something. All right, let’s see if you have what it takes to make Slicky come to heel and bring him here.”

“Sure. Let’s shake on it.”

Yeah, not one trace of hesitation remained as Matty grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Damn, life was good, Rusty thought as he pulled his baby dude into another crazy kiss.


He had to be absolutely mental. He liked playing with fire, obviously. The lecture dragged on, and he didn’t have one clue why he was allowing his mind to wander to the crazy conversation with Rusty from last night when he was supposed to be studying. So, the guy liked being teased, and only Slicky could do that properly.

One, very easy, course of action was to put Slicky in storage forever but, in all honesty, Matty enjoyed being a cat boy at night, time permitting. It gave him a taste of adventure, just like that kiss from Rybalt. He was so doomed. He shook his head and turned all his attention to the professor giving her lecture.

He needed to pull himself together and stop thinking about crazy things. Studying came first, and he’d better remember that. Playing cat boy and Rusty in the meantime had to come second, with all the regret he felt at that.


“Rusty, I think there’s something you should see,” Jonathan said as they almost bumped into each other on the landing.

Rusty peered over Jonathan’s shoulder as the other pointed at something on his phone.

He is doing a wonderful job so far. You shouldn’t tell him I said so. That boy already believes he’s entitled to all the praise in the world. And he is, but he shouldn’t know it. It would only go to his head.

The rest of the message held things of little importance, just the usual between a loving but stern mom and her son. He scratched his head and pulled at his ear. “That was from Francine, right? She was talking about me. I mean, obviously, duh. Wait, why did you show that to me? She practically said that you shouldn’t let me know what she said.”

Jonathan laughed, all good-naturedly. “Yes, she did. But I believe in positive reinforcement, unlike her. Maddox and I have already decided that we’re going to raise our kids in a completely different way than my family did. I’ve always wished she’d praise me more. Consider it a bit of payback.”

Rusty grinned and grabbed Jonathan by the back of his neck, squeezing. “Kids, huh?”

“Was that all you got from what I said?” Jonathan rolled his eyes, but he was smiling wildly.

“Yeah, because that’s the most shocking thing. Francine liking me? Meh, I knew it already,” he said, hiding just how much pleasure that praise actually gave him. “But wait, how does she—ah, it was Mrs. May, right? I thought she wanted to turn me into this beautiful butterfly with wings of steel or something before throwing me in front of Francine for a performance.”

“Don’t put it beyond my mom to do her own research. Also, I told her about how awesome you are as a singer. I couldn’t keep it from her, not when she’s so bent on you having to become a world class singer.”

“Uh, man, thanks for the extra pressure.”

“Rusty, you’re strong,” Jonathan said and turned to squeeze his shoulder. “You can take pressure, and I know it.”

“Yeah. Then tell me, how do I get out of a promise of a threesome?” Rusty had struggled with that all day. He had been so brave when he told Matty that he wanted a three-way with him and the cat boy, but the more he thought about it, the more complications that kind of thing was bound to create. Sure, as far as sex went, it would be totally explosive. But Matty, in his own cute way, had shown that he could be jealous. And Slicky was… well, he was sexy and all, but he was more like a fantasy.

It hadn’t felt that way when Rusty had kissed him while dressed as Rybalt. He had felt very real, and despite having done no other naughty things since that time when Rusty had blown a load on his slick costume, there hadn’t been much going on between them.

“Rusty,” Jonathan said, pulling him back to the real world, “what threesome are you talking about?”

Rusty smiled and patted Jonathan hard on the back. “Parents with kids shouldn’t hear about kinky stuff like that.”

“Come on, you can’t mean it,” Jonathan said and laughed. “And kids will appear somewhere in the far future. And when they do, we’ll warn them that Uncle Rusty is a bit strange.”

Rusty made a face as if he had just licked a lemon. “You and Maddie are both crazy. I can’t see myself married with children.”

“You’re still young. That might change. Or not. It’s all up to you, remember that.”

“Thank you for the wisdom pill. Anyways, good talk, Johnny boy. Thank Francine from me. No, better not. She must remain oblivious of my knowing of her praises. Still, jokes aside, my man, thank you both, you and your mom. You really turned me around.”

He hadn’t expected Jonathan to catch his shoulder before he could disappear into his room. “You’re not off the hook yet. Tell me about that threesome. In a few words, if talking at length about it is not possible.”

“It’s just a fantasy,” Rusty said quickly. “Matty and the cat boy making out in my bed. Me, getting to be the most delicious filling of that sandwich. You know, mid things. Nothing special.”

“Right,” Jonathan commented. “So, you still like that cat boy? Even though you and Matty are so serious about each other now?”

“Yeah,” Rusty declared with emphasis. “There’s nothing wrong with having hobbies.”

“I don’t know,” Jonathan said, a smile still curling his lips. “It might be if that hobby implies you like cheating on your baby dude.”

“Urgh, it’s not cheating,” Rusty protested. “I mean, they know about each other. And Matty said yes to the threesome, just so you know. And, basically, if he were to make out with the cat boy, he’d be a cheater, too. Only that we will all be in the same room, so it doesn’t count. Of course you can’t understand. You want kids, for fuck’s sake.” At the end of his tirade, Jonathan was already bending over, laughing. Rusty groaned like an annoyed diva. “Are you satisfied now?”

“Yeah. Without a doubt. Then I’ll leave you be. Just don’t be disappointed if the fantasy doesn’t turn out to be as good once it becomes reality.”

“Psh, you don’t know cat boys, Johnny boy. And you don’t know Matty. Once I have them both under me, I’m going to implode or something. Or explode. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner. Don’t bury me. I couldn’t stand it. Just use an old Greek vase or something for my remains. I’m sure you have something like that at the castle. And tell Mr. Simmons that’s actually me, not some ordinary dust that needs dusting.”

“We will all treat your remains with the utmost respect,” Jonathan assured him, still shaking with laughter. “You have my word. However, I feel like I need to ask you something before you combust and leave us all weeping after you.”

“Yeah, sure, go ahead.” Rusty examined Jonathan carefully. This time, the laughter had almost gone, so what followed had to be a serious question.

“You asked Matty what he thinks of a threesome, and he said yes. Have you also asked the cat boy about it? He might not be so keen to share. You know how cats are.”

“Damn, Johnny boy, you’re a genius!” Rusty shouted in disbelief. How come he hadn’t thought of that? There was a way out without losing face. If Slicky said no, and he would say no, then he was off the hook, and he didn’t need to bother his head with all the dilemma about him cheating on Matty, Matty cheating on him, Slicky cheating on him…

Jonathan was still stunned as Rusty smooched his cheek for a moment and disappeared, laughing like a madman, into his own bedroom.


“I am so blaming you, Zoey,” Matty started.

“Hopefully, not for the dying of our planet,” Zoey replied promptly and patted beside her for him to join her on her bed.

“No, that, apparently, is because of others,” Matty said tersely. “You, little lady, are getting me into a world of trouble.”

“Okay, grandpa, what did I do wrong this time?” Zoey teased him and put her arm around his shoulders as soon as he had seated himself next to her side.

“You put all those crazy thoughts into my head about having an alternative to Rusty, and guess what? Now I feel like a cheater. Also, I said yes to a threesome.”

“Wow, wow, wow, slow down,” Zoey warned him. “What threesome? Who’s the third wheel? That floozy?”

“Oh, gawd, Zoey, August’s so not a floozy. No, a threesome involving Rusty, the cat boy, and I.”

Zoey was still holding him by the shoulders. She pulled back a little, gave him a long incredulous look, and then burst into laughter.

“What?” Matty whined. “What now, really?”

“Only you’d end up in this kind of situation, but it’s actually pretty awesome. That’s never going to happen, so you don’t have to worry while pretending to be all up for it. It must give that kink doctor a boner the size of the Eiffel Tower.”

“Yeah, I guess, but it’s also lying. And he brought up Rybalt, so I went overboard and told him that guy’s a coward for wearing a mask and all that, and that prompted Rusty to talk about Slicky and take that guy’s side, and, and—ugh, Zoey, it was only because I didn’t want Rusty to hear what I really think of the masked singer!”

“Wow,” Zoey whispered and looked at him from up close. “You’re coming apart!” She began laughing again.

“Thank you, asshole,” Matty said with a scowl. “There was no reason for me to feel guilty in any way about Rybalt. I mean, there was,” he contradicted himself the very next moment. “Only that Rusty didn’t know about it, and he’ll never know. He just thinks that I have something against Slicky Coolplums and that I’m jealous.”

Zoey rubbed her forehead, still throwing glances at him and barely keeping from breaking out into laughter again. “Only you’d feel like you cheated on a guy after only a little peck. Wait, sorry, I take that back. It was a mind blowing kiss, right? Eh, in that case, I think you’ll have to spend a lot of time on your knees, making amends.”

“On my knees? Praying for forgiveness?” Matty asked, not quite believing his ears.

“Well, if you want to call it that. What I meant was--” Zoey began making puppets with her hands to illustrate her words.

When she started bending her middle finger, Matty caught her hand and put it down. “You have a dirty, dirty mind, young lady.”

“Yeah, grandpa, I know,” Zoey said with a long sigh. “Too bad it’s not appreciated. It’s my number one skill.”

“Think of developing better ones. This one might leave you going hungry,” Matty joked.

“Maybe not if I spend enough time on my knees,” Zoey replied promptly.

Matty rolled his eyes. “That’s so like you to say something like that. Anyway, thanks for making me feel like a cheater. Now, I can’t stop thinking about wanting a threesome with Rusty and Rybalt!” Wow, that really did come out a bit unexpectedly. Yeah, that was something on his mind and no amount of lecture had been able to squash it.

“Uber kinky,” Zoey approved. “Rusty wants a threesome, you want a threesome… I’d say you two, my dudes, have quite a lot in common. No wonder you ended up together.”

“But we’re not really together, and wanting threesomes with strangers is not cool, Zoey,” Matty continued his lamentations. “I need to get that Rybalt dude out of my head and focus on Rusty. I feel like I might be going slightly mad.”

“Yeah, cool song.” Zoey nodded in approval. “Now listen here, Matty, since you say I got you into this mental mess or whatever you want to call it. Dress as Slicky, go hunt down Rybalt. Do the crazy with him and get him out of your system. See? All guilt-free.”

“Only in your head, obviously.”

“No, it’s not. And after that, I promise I’ll kneel with you and say, to the powers that be or whatever: sorry, we’re cheaters.”

“I’m not doing any kind of kneeling with you,” Matty said and shook his head. “You’re crazy.”

“But you love me,” Zoey added and nudged him in the ribs.

He took her by the shoulders and held her close. “Yeah, heaven knows why.”


Next chapter 



100% agree with both Bella and Jayce! These boys need to stop running away from sharing their real feelings. They’re magic together and it’s pretty obvious to everyone close to them but themselves. Wonder if it’ll be the idea of the threesome or flirting or falling out (hopefully not this) that’ll help push them to be more honest. Can’t begin to imagine how the truth behind their secondary characters will be revealed. The notion of a threesome has them both questioning themselves and their secondary characters but can’t see either discarding them quite yet. Maybe Matty will see Rybalt’s costume in the closet as I suspect that’s what Rusty was hiding last chapter? Will be fun and likely explosive when they finally figure it out… woohoo. Love their steamy intimate scenes. And Rusty feeling his extra little deep feelings. And, everyone needs an adorable Zoey and Jonathan in their lives ❤️. Roll on more steamy times and the inevitable drama they don’t yet know is to come! 😉😊

Laura S. Fox

They're Rusty and Matty... they don't exactly excel in the logic department when it comes to how they see each other... I have some scenarios in mind about their alter egos... and I'll see which one appeals to me the most!


😂😊Can’t wait! I’m sure whatever path they lead you down, will be both perfect and highly entertaining!