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Chapter Twenty-Seven – The Good Ol’ To And Fro

The only thing that prevented Matty from moving faster was fear alone, and he wasn’t about to talk about it out loud, since if Rusty did as little as say a word, not even a kinky one, he was in severe danger of blowing up.

How many times had he imagined a moment like this? Sure, his fantasies tended to be foggy from one point onward, and that lack of definition and detail was showing its shortcomings now. He was buried, balls deep, in Rusty’s amazing ass, and he was afraid, no, completely terrified, of moving again.

“I do enjoy the pressure and how full you make me feel, but, seriously, Matty, do I need to remind you that fucking involves friction and a to and fro movement--”

“Rusty, please,” Matty grunted. “Oh, fuck, what are you doing? Are you squeezing my cock with your ass?”

“It’s worth a try. I haven’t used my asshole like this before. It’s quite, hmm, how should I put it? Interesting.”

“Interesting.” Matty inhaled sharply. “Okay, I’ll move.”

He did and the pressure eased slightly, letting him breathe.

“Are you going to be a fast shooter?” Rusty questioned. “Then I’ll know that I’m better than you.”

“Ah, screw you,” Matty moaned. “You really like pushing all my buttons, don’t you?”

“The real question here, Matty boy, is this: do you even push, bro?”

Matty took one deep breath. Rusty’s joking served a good purpose, because now, he was no longer about to shoot at the slightest provocation. “I’m sure that’s not how that goes, but here’s some push for your tush,” he joked, too, with every intention to show that he didn’t feel as affected as he truly was.

“Give me that push,” Rusty challenged him.

Matty grabbed hold of Rusty’s hips to leverage himself and then slammed in, pulling the other toward him.

“Oh, fuck,” Rusty breathed out. “Why is your cock so big, again?”

“So that I can fuck you better.”

They both snickered at the same time. That was how their relationship existed and thrived, through jabs and good humor. And it looked like it had brought them to this very particular point, where, as unimaginable as things might have seemed at the beginning of the academic year, Matty was actually giving the king of Sunny Hill a real dicking.

He made a move to take Rusty out of his restraints.

“Leave that be,” came the imperative order. “It’s all right if you just use my ass. This time around.”

Matty caressed the small of Rusty’s back and pressed on. It felt really good; he only wished Rusty didn’t play the selfless party at the moment so that he knew that everything was reciprocal.


Even without hearing a peep out of Matty, Rusty could tell that his baby dude seemed to be disappointed in being ordered to leave the belt in place. He couldn’t just outright admit that feeling Matty’s cock against certain parts inside his ass were already doing such crazy things to him that he wanted to enjoy them for as long as he could.

Call it a masochistic streak or not, Rusty liked being able to prolong his pleasure and, if given the chance to touch his cock, he’d come to it way too fast. Now, as things stood, Matty was moving against his ass, finally riding it like he was supposed to, and all the friction that made things unbearable was also igniting a fire in him that burned bright and fast.

Since the time he had discovered that masturbating could be an adventurous affair by adding all kinds of things to the mix, he had managed to prolong and postpone his climax for as long as he wanted.

With Matty now, he teetered on the edge of losing control, and it was so pleasurable that it brought tears to his eyes. Damn, his bed partner was a bit clumsy, but he was so considerate while still knowing what he wanted that the entire combination was nothing but pure dynamite.

Rusty challenged the loss of control he had feared for so long by trying to keep his wits about him, whether by counting backward from one hundred, or trying to remember the last Ethics lecture he had been present at… No, that was a dangerous topic. Matty was tutoring him in Ethics. Also, if he counted backward, he only found himself counting Matty’s every push and pull.

Whatever he did, even facing down and away from the guy ravishing his ass presently, his thoughts and sensations were pulling him back to Matty. He groaned and hid his face in the crook of his elbow, as that fickle tickle in his ass grew to the proportions of a bomb about to explode. “Fuck me,” he whispered, mostly to himself.

“I’m working on it,” Matty’s reply came.

Rusty didn’t manage to tell him that particular ‘fuck me’ had been rhetorical because his entire body shook and he felt his balls pulling tight.

“Rusty, I can’t…” Matty let out breathlessly, “fuck, your ass does some crazy… ah, I hate you…”

Rusty fucked the pillow. Matty fucked him. It made some freaking sense, because he dropped, breathing hard and covering his eyes while he could feel his special friend shooting inside him, filling him up.

Matty moved slowly away. “I came inside you, sorry,” he said softly, but his breath was ragged and the sweet smell of his sweat filled the room.

Rusty took a deep breath. “No worries, I filled your ass, too, remember?”

“Yeah, but you didn’t neglect my needs,” Matty reminded him. “We both came.”

“Just like we did now.”


“Yeah. Come on, untie me. I need to check the damage.”

Matty hurried to take off the belt. “What damage?”

Rusty pushed himself up and showed his partner the pillow. “This one’s toast. Unless you want to sleep on a cummy pillow.”

Matty stared nonplussed at the proof of Rusty’s shameful discharge ahead of time and then shook his head.

Rusty shrugged and dropped the pillow to the floor. Then, the following moment, he was all over Matty, kissing him, and rubbing their sweaty bodies together.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Matty said quickly while pushing him slightly away to look into his eyes. “Did you really come with your hands tied behind your back?”

“Kinky, I know,” Rusty said.

“I don’t know about that. But it’s awesome,” Matty replied, his eyes all shiny. “Rusty,” he said, “you’re awesome.”

“I actually came too fast. Since it was your first time fucking a dude, it was supposed to last.”

“I came too fast,” Matty disagreed and pointed at himself.

“I hope you don’t want us to call ourselves the fastest shooters in the West. People might get what we’re hinting at. Then, we might be all over Xpress with Wanted written under our names.”

“Wanted for what?” Matty asked and snorted.

“Cheap entertainment,” Rusty replied promptly. “We’d get invited to parties where we could make the audience laugh by jumping on a little stage and popping like champagne corks.”

Matty snickered and hid his face against Rusty’s chest. “I bet they won’t laugh when we end up turning those parties into bukkake parties.”

“You’re not allowed to come on some random people’s faces, though. Okay, we’ll keep it to ourselves, this little thing, about fast shooting and all.”

“Can I come on your face?”

Rusty laughed. “You’re so naughty, Matty. You make me want to ride you into the sunset.”

“How about you ride me right now?”

“Fast shooter, fast reloader, then?”

“Totally,” Matty confirmed. “In case I have to make it clear, whatever’s poking you in the butt right about now, that ain’t my gun.”

Rusty laughed and pushed Matty down, holding him pinned by his shoulders, flattening him against the bed. “What do you say? Can we make the last round go for longer?”

“We won’t know unless we try. Let’s go,” Matty said and bit his bottom lip.

It was easier now, since his ass was lubed properly with jizz and Matty’s cock stood proud like a mast. Rusty forgot to laugh as he impaled himself on that hard thing and felt the now familiar tickle deep inside him.

Matty wrapped his arms around him and held him close, and then pressed his ass down firmly, making him fill himself with cock.

All right, that was fine, too, although Rusty was eager to be the one in charge, even if he was still the dude getting a dicking. Their bodies came together like they were meant for one another, and it was one of the best sensations ever. Rusty realized, at that very moment, that he didn’t want it to end, whatever this thing was. Now that he had discovered what it truly felt like to lose control while a myriad of sensations pulled him apart without breaking him, he wanted to experience the same thing over and over again.

The best part of it? Matty didn’t mind being used for his experiments. That was a big plus. Too many times, Rusty had found himself in the company of bed partners who weren’t keen on trying new things, whether for lack of imagination or simple wariness of the unknown. Of course, when they were too far ahead, like that chick who had wanted to probe his ass as far as he could go, he found himself the one to be the chicken.

Finally, the planets must have aligned, because with Matty, things were just about right. There was honesty in how they were handling each other, and that kind of thing was hard to find. He pushed himself down, moving his hips, while getting help from firm hands keeping him in place. If he wanted, he could break free at any moment, but it felt safe to have someone holding him like that, like he couldn’t really escape that easily.

And Matty was getting good at giving it to him, because he clearly knew how to move his hips and give him more of that dick. Rusty felt invaded by so many things at the same time that he didn’t know when to stop and savor one because the next was rushing over him. Now, it was his ass doing all the feeling, but then, his sensations climbed upward, and there came the need to have Matty as deep as he could go, like he would be capable, all of a sudden, of swallowing the other completely and making him part of his own body.

It was more than just physical, too. It tickled Rusty all the right ways, how Matty stared at him with his big shiny eyes, his lips parted and waiting to be kissed. Making a cage with his arms on either side of Matty’s head, he indulged his prisoner’s silent plea. They kissed like it was the last thing they could do before the world ended, just as Matty had wondered before. Yeah, it was liberating. Not easy to explain, no. But liberating, like no other feeling he had ever experienced.

He made their bodies clash and move toward one another like two meteorites finding themselves on a collision course. No surprise there, it ended with a bang, and Rusty was proud to report that this time, their coming together had taken longer.

He dropped to one side with a groan. When he turned his head to look at Matty, he was surprised to see the other carefully dipping his fingers in the jizz Rusty had left on his belly and then bringing them to his mouth.

Matty noticed he was staring one moment later. He pulled the fingers out of his mouth, looking guilty. “What?”

“Nothing,” Rusty said with a shrug. “But, man, you’re kinky.”

Matty laughed and then, catching him unawares, he smeared some of it on his face.

“Dude,” Rusty protested.

“What? It’s yours. And I want to lick it from your face.” Like a little, annoying dog, Matty drew a long tongue over his cheek. “What do you say now? I made you clean.”

“You’re still the biggest perv that ever walked the earth.”

“Gee, thanks, and I thought you wouldn’t relinquish that title for the world.”

“Anything for you, my baby dude,” Rusty joked and pulled Matty closer.

He enjoyed the weight of Matty’s head on his chest. The other began to purr softly as he ran his hands through the silky smooth hair. A long inhalation and it was all it took for him to realize.

He was happy. Not the kind of nervous excitement that usually made him search for new things and taste them all at once. No, this was a type of chill happiness, and it made all his bones melt, and his body dip the bed a little heavier. The sensation was too pleasant to fight; he drifted off, while his mind sent new roots, like tender tendrils, spreading out of him.


This wasn’t his room, but it was familiar. Right, he had slept over at Rusty’s and… Matty opened his eyes wide. Something important had happened during the previous night. Yes, something very important. He had given the king of Sunny Hill a real dicking, one with his dick involved. Matty touched himself in inappropriate ways and felt his cock growing. That hadn’t been a dream. Nope, not at all.

He turned and savored the sight of a very naked Rusty, sleeping on his belly, with a hint of a smile on his handsome face. His eyes moved along the muscular back, rushed down the dip before climbing up the perfect ass he had fucked last night.

“The hell you’re grinning at?” A voice, rough from sleep, interrupted his shameless ogling.

Matty didn’t care to stop smiling. He stared at Rusty, who had only opened one eye to look at him crookedly. “I fucked you,” he said and could feel his face stretching into the biggest grin that had ever been grinned in the history of grins.

“You did?” Rusty pushed himself up on his elbows and smirked. “I didn’t feel a thing. Did you take advantage of me while I was asleep?”

“Advantage, right.” Matty snorted and reached for Rusty’s ass to give it a naughty squeeze.

The way the green mischievous eyes blinked lazily let him know that the good feels from the night were very likely to continue into the morning, and maybe even beyond that.

Rusty’s phone buzzed, interrupting the moment.

“It’s Jonathan, asking about brunch.” He laughed. “I think we scared Hamilton good. That guy is never going to set foot in this room ever again,” Rusty added and shook his head.

“Ah, I guess that’s my cue to take a hike,” Matty said.

“Nope. Jonathan is asking how many people he should put down for brunch, which means that he suspects you’re here, hence his decision not to come knocking. And I just told him to put me down with a plus one. What do you say?”

“Plus one,” Matty repeated without thinking.

Rusty pinched his cheek and snickered. “You look fucked.”

“Oh, yeah? So do you.”

“Come on, let’s make ourselves presentable. We’re having brunch at the castle. Just fucked hair won’t sit well with Hamilton.”

“The castle?”

“It’s a recurring joke. Because Jonathan really likes to make meals an experience from time to time, we say that we’re having – introduce whatever meal of the day Hamilton’s making and making it special – at the castle. Dex even brushes his hair for the occasion.”

“Dex has like a super short haircut, though,” Matty pointed out.

“My point exactly.”

“I don’t have any nice clothes. Is it okay to attend brunch at the castle as Clark Kent?”

“I don’t see why not. I could lend you some clothes, but I don’t want you to look like the poor youngest brother of this big family. You know.” Rusty began moving his arms as if he was wearing sleeves that were too long for him.

Matty smiled. He was rewarded instantly with a mirrored reaction. Brunch at the castle as Clark Kent it was, then.


Rusty hadn’t exaggerated, was Matty’s first thought when he took in the white tablecloth dressing the table, the matching plates and the beautiful, real glass, glasses, symmetrically placed to compliment everything else. Even the lighting, filtered through the tall windows, created the illusion that the otherwise normal-looking kitchen belonged to a completely different place.

Matty felt his mouth watering instantly at the sight of the casseroles placed along the midline of the table, all elegant containers that shouldn’t have been there, ready to serve some college kids that survived on pizza and takeout more often than not.

“Hey, you guys were really fast,” Jonathan said brightly and turned to face them, while taking off his apron. “Everyone else, I believe, is still getting up.”

“What are we having? What are we having?” Rusty asked like an impatient child.

Jonathan pointed at each of the dishes on the table. “I thought of keeping it simple today. We have kedgeree, well not exactly the classic recipe, but my take on it, honey buns with sausage filling, some potato hash, green salad, and, for dessert, lemon pancakes. And plenty of raspberry punch, of course.”

Rusty took seat at the table and patted the place next to him for Matty to join him. “Matty, I’m telling you, this kind of stuff is what they have in heaven, and Johnny boy here is like an angel or something.”

Jonathan laughed and threw a kitchen towel at him. “If I were an angel, I would be here to punish you because you don’t study enough.”

Rusty grinned ear to ear and moved an arm to take Matty by the shoulders. “You’d have no reason to punish me.”

“Because Matty is tutoring you?” Jonathan asked and offered Matty a bright smile, as well.

“No, because he’s in charge of my punishment, and he’s a little devil. It’s why I can’t sit right this morning.” Rusty made a show of shifting on his chair while groaning theatrically.

Jonathan’s smile wavered for a moment, but then turned into something well-knowing and pleased. “Well, if that’s the case, we can safely say that justice has been served.”

“Come on,” Rusty moaned, “I’m not that bad.”

Jonathan’s lips quirked in a larger smile than before. “I suppose Matty made sure of that.”

Under their gracious host and cook’s keen examination, Matty began feeling a little hot under the collar. He pulled at the fake tie, forgetting that it was sewn in.

“So, how was your baby brother’s birthday party?” Jonathan asked, changing the subject.

“Ah, you know, kid stuff,” Rusty said with a shrug.

Something was telling Matty that Rusty was making a mistake by selling himself short, so he started to go into the details. “It was totally rad. Rusty was the soul of the party. He played at least thirty-seven different characters. I don’t even know that many beloved kids’ characters from movies and cartoons. Now I feel richer in my life experience because I witnessed everything firsthand.”

He stopped abruptly and blushed. Why was he launching himself into some kind of tirade over a thing like that? For starters, he wanted to praise Rusty so hard that the guy would drown in it. But it was a bit embarrassing to gush like that in front of Jonathan. There was a chance Rusty might not like it.

“That’s our Rusty,” Jonathan said and laughed, sweeping the slightly awkward moment away with grace. “That means you two had fun.”

“Yes,” Matty confirmed and stole a glance at Rusty.

The guy was beaming at him, resting his cheek against his palm, staring with eyes so shiny that Matty felt blinded for a moment.

“Babe, why didn’t you wake me up to help?” Maddox interrupted the magical moment by coming in.

“You looked too pretty to wake up,” Jonathan replied and accepted Maddox’s kiss on the lips.

Matty looked at them. They acted like they were a happy married couple. #relationshipgoals, he thought and barely kept himself from sighing.

“Hey, Matty,” Maddox said after having received his mandatory smooching from his guy. “How’s it going?”

“Fine, I guess,” Matty replied, a bit unsure of what that question meant. Maddox was treating him as if he was a regular at the brunch table.

“What do you mean, fine?” Rusty protested right away. “And you guess?”

Before Matty had time to offer a proper reply, Rusty grabbed him and smooched him loudly in front of his friends.

When Rusty was finally done with him, Matty barely had the guts to look up. He expected Maddox and Jonathan to be staring at them in complete shock, but much to his surprise, the two were busy dealing with a delicious stack of pancakes and paid them no mind.

“See?” Rusty said. “Everything you feel like having at this table, you can. No point in drooling over anything without getting satisfaction.”

Matty had a distinct sensation that Rusty wasn’t talking about food.


Something was a bit off, Rusty thought, as he took in his friends, one after another, while everyone got busy with Jonathan’s delicious food. No one stared at him, or laughed behind cupped hands. Actually, that wasn’t those mofo’s usual MO. There was no teasing, either. No direct questions. Nothing.

Everyone behaved as if Matty wasn’t even there. Well, that wasn’t exactly so. They acknowledged him, asked him questions, but none of those were ‘Are you sleeping with Rusty?’, ‘Are you two hooking up now?’, or ‘What exactly are you two to each other?’.

Absolutely nothing. That was mighty weird, and, while he usually didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, mainly because it wouldn’t be nice toward said horse to shame it for getting old, right now his curiosity was off the charts.

“Are you going to eat that?” Dex gestured at his plate.

Rusty put both arms around his dish. “I totally am.”

Dex shrugged. “You look like you don’t have that much of an appetite. And it would be a shame to let any of what Jonathan cooked go to waste.”

“I’m just eating daintily,” Rusty explained. He couldn’t outright say that he was too busy examining the suspects to eat as fast as usual.

“Yeah, you’re a dainty little thing,” Dex teased him, saying ‘thang’ while drawling the word.

Now, that was more like it, because, obviously Dex was laughing at him, and an enemy known was an enemy he could beat. “Just you wait,” he promised and began shoveling food in his mouth at the speed of light while locking eyes with his foe.

“Does this have alcohol in it?” Matty asked after he sipped from his glass.

“Just champagne,” Jonathan replied.

“Oh,” Matty said. “It’s really tasty. I’ve never had champagne for breakfast before. I mean, brunch.”

“Neither had anyone of us,” Kane offered right away. “I mean, before Jonathan got here. We’re lucky Maddox’s just this pretty,” he joked.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Maddox bristled, but he was grinning and his eyes were twinkling.

“Come on, man,” Dex joined in, “it’s not like we don’t know you used all your charms to get Mr. Chef Extraordinaire here.”

Rusty was happy at not being on the receiving end of all that banter. And that allowed him to steal glances at Matty without seeming weird to his friends. His tutor was one pretty boy, for sure, but that wasn’t it. No, Rusty liked to believe that he saw, noticed things that others couldn’t. Like the way the thin skin right under the eyes darkened slightly when the long curly lashes dropped lazily, but only for a moment, creating a contrast with Matty’s otherwise flawless complexion. Like the slight ripple caused by a pebble dropped into a pond while making a wish. Or should it be a coin, for the wish to come true? He searched his brain while munching on his lower lip.

It took him a bit to realize that everyone was silent. Like in a scary movie, he slowly turned his head and, through the sheer magic of his movement, the guys began talking between them, pretending that they hadn’t been staring until a moment ago.

Weird. Yeah, something was off, but he wasn’t going to put Matty in some embarrassing position – that only worked when they were alone – with all those people watching. But damn, he needed to have a word with those assholes he called his friends.

And, of course, ask for their opinion on how great Matty was. He was sure their options were: great, awesome, off the charts, beyond all the known galaxies.


“Thank you for your outstanding support, Mr. Superman.”

Matty grinned and leaned in for a goodbye kiss, but then he reconsidered. Rusty narrowed his eyes and threw a look over his shoulder. Everyone was pretending to be busy with something, but he wasn’t fooled. They were dying to grill him; he knew it.

“We superheroes stick together, right?” Matty joked.

“Yeah, at least these two guys.” Rusty gestured between the two of them. “But seriously, that could have been a major disaster and turned out awesome because you were there.”

“You give me too much credit. I was only your sidekick. Your family loves you, Rusty.”

“They’re not—yeah, well, I guess. They’re kids. What do they know?”

“I think your dad does, too.”

Rusty forced a smile and patted Matty’s head. “Good thing you have a pretty head. It must compensate for what’s inside.”

Matty laughed and pushed his arm away playfully. “I’ll let it slide this time, Mr. Parker. Mainly, because I think that sweet thing Jonathan gives an innocent name such as punch must have gone to my head.”

“Yeah, I guess I should’ve warned you. I didn’t know Jonathan was throwing one of those.”

“No worries. See you around, then?”

Rusty wrapped one arm around Matty’s shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. “All the time.”

He waited, looking after Matty, while calculating his next move. Once his Superman was out of sight, he closed the door, making sure the noise was loud enough to get everyone’s attention. Four pairs of eyes were on him like wolves the next second.

“Well, my dear assholicus unfriendicus, what the actual hell?” he asked.

Maddox snickered. “What do you mean by that, Rusty? Use plain English, please.”

“You want to tease and torture me over Matty, don’t you? Come on, go ahead. I can take you all.” He opened his arms wide.

Maddox shrugged. “No one’s going to do anything like that.”

Rusty waited for a few moments. He made another round of his friends, eyeing them carefully. Dex was smirking. Kane seemed suspiciously neutral. And Jonathan was making himself busy with the dishes, barely sparing a smile in his direction.

“Wait, what’s the big idea?”

Maddox sighed. “Jonathan thinks we should all leave you alone and have faith in you.”

“That’s a bit too general,” Rusty argued.

“Take it and be satisfied for a change,” Maddox said. “We’re not allowed to tease you. We’re not allowed to ask you questions. We just need to get off your back.”

“Johnny boy, care to say more?” Rusty asked. “These asses are getting ready for a big hit, aren’t they? They’re going to jump me when I least expect it, tickle me until I spill, right?”

Jonathan shook his head slowly and his fond smile brightened even more. “No. You’re a big boy now, Rusty,” he joked. “And I personally like Matty a lot.”

“We all do,” Maddox added.

Rusty turned to take a better look at Kane and Dex. “How come you two are not presiding over the committee of happy banter at my expense?”

“We can’t,” Dex said and he seemed deadly serious. “As much as we’d love to, Jonathan used the carrot and stick on us already.”

“And we’re not going to break our promise,” Kane added.

“What carrot and stick?”

“The carrot was this brunch. The stick was not having this brunch. Or others.”

Rusty snorted. “You guys are so cheap. Sorry, no offense, Johnny boy. In the kitchen, you have no equal.”

Dex stared at him. “Your Matty’s a pretty amazing dude. Let’s say we were easy to convince.”

“Okay.” Rusty scratched his head, still not believing his luck.

Only it wasn’t luck. It was Jonathan Hamilton, who, somehow, had a level of sensibility that helped him understand others like no one else. He’d thank the guy later, when they were alone.


Matty still felt like floating on his way to his dorm when his phone started ringing. “Zoey,” he said cheerfully. “How’s it hanging?”

“Wow, someone’s in a good mood. How was your Superman stint?”

“Awesome. And boy, I have news.” He giggled.

“Are you tipsy, Matty? You sound tipsy.”

“I had champagne for breakfast. Don’t ask.”

“How could I not? Spill everything.”

“Well, I slept with… him last night,” Matty dropped his voice and stole a few anxious looks around, “you know who.”

“Good, good. Then I hope your bum is ready for what I’m about to drop on you.”

“It wasn’t my bum on the line,” Matty whispered.

“What?” Zoey’s shout almost busted his eardrum. “What are you telling me, man?”

“Exactly what I’m telling you.” Matty cupped his hand over the phone. “I topped, Zoey.” He giggled again.

“Well, good for you,” Zoey said, still shouting and sounding incredibly excited.

“Wait, what bomb are you talking about?” Matty remembered her early warning.

“Oh, fuck. Just check Xpress. I’m afraid your cat boy suit is going to remain in storage for a long time.”

Matty stared at the screen, his eyes not quite transmitting the information to his raspberry punch infused brain at first.

Is it really a secret society if anyone knows about it? Sunny Hill’s one and only Implacable Team is on the move, guys and gals! They’re looking to beat us at our own game. Of course, we have nothing in common with these do-gooders, but a challenge’s a challenge, and we don’t mind picking up the glove.

We’ve just found out about the big Team’s newest project. They’re looking to unveil the identity of the cat boy…oops, cat girl, so that she can be made an example of. Something about morality, yada, yada, yada.

Let them dream. We’re going to be the first to do it and we’re going to make an example out of her… for you to follow, of course. Ambition is what we’re made of. So, people of Sunny Hill, it’s open season for cat boys! Or cat girls. Whatever.




I really hope it’s something akin to Rusty saving Matty from an angry mob

Rainbow Ter

Catching up on overdue reading - this chapter is pretty awesome, on to the next!