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Author’s note: Since today is a special day, I thought about offering you something thematic! In this case, my chosen victims to play into my twisted plot are, of course, Rusty and Matty. The following is the result of some chocolate-induced fantasies and watching way too many videos of cats under the influence.

In a nutshell, this is a (wacky) story of how Rusty is advised by the unknown sender of a Valentine’s card to get catnip as the best lure for his cat boy. Accidentally, Matty ends up smelling the catnip instead. And then… But you better read the story :)

Happy Valentine’s Day!

(Disclaimer: This little piece has no impact or relation with the main storyline, and it’s just supposed to entertain. In the main story, I think we’ll have Rusty and Matty get their HEA way before Valentine’s Day comes around in their timeline. Also, Matty is 100% human, so don’t feel tempted to try catnip on him!)


Catna(i)pping And Valentines

Rusty stretched and yawned, and then he rolled to the edge of the bed. Contemplating his life for five seconds while looking at the floor, he suddenly remembered the date on the calendar. That promptly moved him to his feet, where he could continue to stretch and yawn while struggling to find the exit.

A prompt knock centered him immediately. At his mumbled ‘come in’, Jonathan put his head through the slightly open door.

“I’m decent,” Rusty said promptly, as Jonathan probably worried that he was still naked and sporting some morning stiffy. “I mean, when I sleep, although not even then.”

At his ramblings, Jonathan replied with a knowing smirk. “This came for you,” he said and opened the door wide.

Rusty stared at the small pink envelope with a red heart as the seal. “A Valentine’s Day card? For me?”

Jonathan grinned. “So it says on the back. To be handed directly to His Majesty, Rusty Parker.”

Rusty turned the envelope and smirked at the message written by a sure hand in clear, slightly rounded letters. “That’s me.”

“I believe so,” Jonathan agreed. “I’ll get going. By the way, I’m surprised we don’t have to rent a truck to deal with all the cards and gifts sent to His Majesty.”

The smartass. “I’m a good boy lately,” Rusty explained.

“How so?” Jonathan teased him.

“I only have one buttfucking friend and a healthy obsession with cat boys.”

“Don’t you mean, an unhealthy obsession?” Jonathan cocked his head and stared, his eyebrows wiggling.

“Nope, no mistake made. My obsession is very healthy. And, by the way, it’s only one cat boy I’m into these days. You should praise me not rib me about it.”

Jonathan put his hands up as a declaration of truce. “Forgive me, then.”

Rusty held the envelope in one hand and stretched the other, palm facing up. “Where’s my Valentine’s chocolate?”

Jonathan acted surprised for a moment, just to annoy him, but then he smiled and took a small square box from his pocket. He handed it to him. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Rusty.”

Well, that was nice of Johnny boy and all, but wouldn’t it make Maddie jealous? He wasn’t the type to keep such things to himself. “Does Maddox know you’re giving me chocolate?”

“Of course, he knows. He even helped me make it. So, it has both our love in it.”

Rusty stared at the pretty box. Homemade chocolate, even. He almost wanted to kiss Jonathan, but he had a feeling that his bestie might get a little pissed at him trying to put the moves on his better half.

Not that he wanted that. He was just grateful, and his hands were full with Matty and the cat boy, anyway.

His hands were also full without any attempt at metaphors. “Thank you, my dudes,” he said. “You’re fucking it.”

“Just eat your chocolate,” Jonathan said with a laugh.

Rusty didn’t wait to be told twice. As soon as Jonathan was out, he put the envelope on the table and opened the chocolate box. They were even shaped like little hearts! He popped one in his mouth and groaned in delight. Then, he grabbed the envelope and pulled out the card. It was so pink it could blind him. Maybe he needed to put on his rose-colored glasses.

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Leave some catnip outside

Then enjoy your prey, too

Catnip? Rusty smacked his lips and reached for another tasty little heart. He hadn’t seen the cat boy in quite a while now, and he missed playing with that tail and tease that perky butt. So long it had been since he had fooled around with the cat boy that his heart couldn’t grow any fonder.

Hmm, catnip. Well, that meant that he had his shopping list squared up for him.


All in all, he believed that he had done well with putting together the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for Rusty. Matty fiddled again with the contents of the bag, doubt creeping in again. What if it wasn’t perfect? What if anyone gave Rusty something better? By now, he must be swimming in lace panties, sex toys, and other crazy items his fans must have sent.

It was too late to have second thoughts. Matty threw his regular bag on his shoulder and held the gift bag tightly. It would have to do.

Jonathan was the one to open the door when he reached his destination. “Is Rusty here?” he asked.

A warm smile welcomed him. “He’ll return soon. He just went out to get something, but he told us to let you know to wait for him in his room.”

Rusty was waiting for him, then. That was good. Most probably, he was expecting a gift, and Matty already knew how much Rusty loved gifts. He just hoped that his would be considered worthy enough of consideration.

After a moment of deliberation with himself, he turned toward Jonathan as he was walking toward the stairs. “Has Rusty received many gifts today?”

Jonathan eyed the gift bag and smiled. “No, not many. Actually, just a card and Maddox and I made him some chocolate hearts.”

Matty nodded. “Thanks.”

He was already up the stairs, when Jonathan’s voice reached him from below. “Don’t worry about a thing, Matty. He’ll be happy to see you.”

What was Rusty telling his friends about him? He had a feeling Jonathan would tell him if he asked, but he didn’t dare to take that step.

Inside Rusty’s room, he placed his shoulder bag on a chair but didn’t let go of the gift bag, which he took with him to the bed. It was so nice just to stretch and rub his face against the pillows. They smelled faintly of Rusty’s shampoo, which Matty knew very well since he had even used it plenty of times. As adventurous as Rusty seemed to be about everything in his life, he really didn’t change his shampoo brand and proved loyal to a tee.

With nothing to do while waiting, Matty got to his feet and began examining the room. He knew it by heart now, even the contents of that mysterious closet in which Rusty stuffed all the gifts he had ever received in his life.

There was something new, however. On the desk, there was a small plastic bottle with what looked like herbs in it.

“Catnip?” Matty read out loud and shrugged. Was that really something that had an effect on cats? As far as he knew, those videos were pretty funny, but not all cats got crazy over it.

He opened the bottle and sniffed it. It smelled like dry grass, and it was pretty pleasant. Hmm, it was quite enjoyable now that he thought about it. He took another sniff. Hmm, hmm, he really liked it.

Matty rubbed the back of his neck and worked a kink there. A small groan of delight escaped his lips while he continued to sniff the dried catnip in the bottle. Now he could totally see what cats saw in that kind of thing. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of it.


“Matty’s here,” Jonathan announced him, as soon as he got back.

“And it looks like he got a gift for you,” Maddox added. “Did you get him anything?”

Rusty smirked. “Why would I? When he can have all this?” He gestured at his body with his free hand.

Maddox narrowed his eyes. “Ah, so that’s not a gift for Matty in that bag?”

Rusty hid the bag behind his back. “Of course, it is,” he said.

“Then why are you hiding it?” Maddox asked, looking puzzled.

“Because I didn’t get you two anything, and I don’t want you to be jealous, bye,” Rusty said quickly and rushed up the stairs.

Phew, that had been low-key embarrassing. That was the first time he had spent so much time picking a gift for someone. But nobody had to know.

He walked into his room and remained staring, nonplussed, at the scene in front of his eyes. Then, he promptly shut the door because there was no way anyone was allowed to see Matty in that state.

His special friend was sprawled on the bed, completely naked, his hair disheveled, his eyes glossy, and he was humping the bed, the hypnotic rolling of his hips too much for Rusty’s other friend.

Rusty looked at Matty and waved. “Um, hi.”

Matty startled him by jumping from the bed and directly into his arms, making him drop the bag. Good thing it wasn’t anything that could break by accident.

Warm lips were on his neck, and then teeth followed. Rusty gasped and wrapped his arms around Matty. “Someone’s really horny,” he declared.

Sounds were leaving Matty’s lips, and they made little sense. They resembled purring and small mewls. Oh, it had to be because Matty was low-key jealous of Slicky Coolplums. He could play into that and ease his friend’s anxiety regarding a certain feline cosplayer.

They executed together a complicated dance until they reached the bed. Matty was all over him, bent on taking him out of his clothes by means of ripping them apart. Fuck, he was so hot, Rusty thought while his bottom lip was nibbled quite forcefully.

He moved his hands lower and tested Matty’s asshole. Wow, that was quite slick, which meant that Matty had made himself ready for action.

There was nothing Rusty wanted more, but any possibility to be in charge was taken away from him, because Matty pinned his wrists above his head and kissed him hard. Moments like this reminded him that he had a guy in his bed, someone who could at least try to overpower him, even if it required a lot of effort as well as some allowance on Rusty’s part to make it happen.

Matty released him only to get him out of his pants, and then he straddled his lap and took it upon himself to put Rusty’s cock inside.

Fuck, was it his imagination or was Matty’s asshole really hot, too? Hotter than usual, Rusty concluded as his bed partner impaled himself down to the hilt and threw his head back, exposing his throat.

Matty held him down while riding him, keeping his hands linked with his so tightly that Rusty could tell there was no joke about how much the other wanted him to stay put.

“Oh, yes,” he whispered, “oh, fuck, yes, ride that cock, Matty.”

The even nicer part was that he had unimpeded view of Matty’s cute cock bouncing up and down to the rhythm. The ample moves became more elaborate, and the same pretty thing now began to make circles, determining Rusty to roll his head to keep up with it.

Then, Matty changed the rhythm again and began slamming his entire body down so hard that the bed shook with each move. Fuck, now that was an awesome rodeo, Rusty thought. Even the Mighty Thor had to admit that it wasn’t every day that someone managed to squeeze the life out of him like that.

He squirmed as Matty was still holding his hands, and it didn’t look like there were any chances to free himself. Also, since Matty practically used them to hold on to something while performing his rodeo show, it wouldn’t have been gentlemanly to leave him without his leverage.

“Fuck, you’re so going to bring home some milk if you continue like this,” Rusty warned.

That didn’t appear to disturb or annoy Matty in the least. On the contrary, dirty talking seemed to unleash even more of that demon inside him, because he only increased his rhythm. Rusty wanted to comment again, but Matty began shooting so hard and fast from his cute cock that a shut mouth was a given.

The muscles clamping down hard on his erection were enough to get him going. Rusty shot deep inside Matty’s ass for what felt like minutes. He cradled a sweaty Matty in his arms, as soon as the other collapsed on top of him. He whispered into a pretty ear, “You realize that you’ll only get ruined now for this stunt you pulled.”


Rusty was doing nothing by half, and promises were promises in the guy’s book. Matty had lost count of how many times he had come already, with Rusty holding him down and with his ass up, while giving it to him over and over. While he had expected them to go a little nuts on Valentine’s Day, he hadn’t been prepared for this sex marathon.

The sheets under them were soaked in sweat and cum, and the lewd sounds their bodies made while slamming against each other were enough to make his mouth drool. Neither of them seemed to be able to stop. Matty was vaguely aware that maybe he shouldn’t have sniffed that catnip because now, he was being turned into a sex doll by an insatiable Rusty and he seemed up for the task.

“Rusty,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse from so much moaning and shouting his pleasure, “please.”

Rusty laughed and pinched his nipples. “Ah, finally, I see that you’re turning back into a human. I thought you were some animal, the way you gave it to me today.”

Matty groaned pitifully. As much as he wanted to enjoy getting wrecked endlessly, his body seemed to have a threshold for so much delicious abuse.

“Okay, okay,” Rusty agreed and held him close, while planting small kisses on his ear and neck. “But it’s your fault for provoking me. Take responsibility.”

“I’ll take all of it,” Matty said with difficulty.

“You sure do,” Rusty commented and laughed. “I’m so deep in you I can’t feel my balls.”

That had to be it for both of them. Even their tolerance to dirty talking had a limit. They came together and surrendered in a heap of tangled limbs on the bed.


“That was like a ten out of ten performance, my baby dude,” Rusty teased his beautifully ruined bed partner.

“Shut up,” Matty mumbled. “By the way, I brought you a gift.”

“What is it?”

“Aren’t you going to take a look?”

“I can’t move.”

“Fair point. So there’s chocolate, of course, and my faithful wooden ruler, and a crown.”

“A crown?” Rusty echoed.

“Yeah. Well, it’s not made of gold or anything, but I think it doesn’t look half bad.”

“Super cool. Do you want to know what I got you?”

“Sure, tell me,” Matty agreed. “I can’t move, either.”

It would have been better if Matty just looked, but it was too late to back down now. “A ring,” he said quickly.

That made Matty jerk up and stare at him. “A ring?”

“Yeah. I mean, I’ve ordered it last week and went to get it from the delivery drop box today.” Yes, he had put quite a bit of thought into that gift. But why did it turn Matty speechless? “It’s the ring the king of the zombies wears on his left hand in A Kingdom to Plunder.”

“For real?” Matty whispered. He jumped from the bed and went to grab the bag Rusty pointed at. He took the small box out and opened it. “Wow, Rusty, this is really well-made. Just as I imagined it. Thank you. It’s an awesome gift. Wait, there’s something else.” He rummaged through the bag and extracted the chocolate sauce bottle. “Wow. I don’t think I can eat this much.”

“It was supposed to be used to draw little chocolate hearts on you so that I could lick them,” Rusty said. “But I have some risky precedents with whipped cream, so maybe it wasn’t that good an idea.”

Matty nodded and then jumped on the bed to kiss him. “If I put on the ring, are you going to wear your crown?”


Did Rusty have the slightest idea what the significance of the ring was in the book? Matty couldn’t tell, and he didn’t want to ask. It was a wedding ring, in fact, and a clue to the true identity of the king of the zombies, the actual king to the queen of the realm. Maybe he was reading too much into it. After all, Rusty got it for him because he thought it would be a cool gift.

Rusty looked very happy with the mock crown on his head.

“I saw you got some catnip,” Matty remarked, willing to tear his thoughts away from the significance of the ring. “Do you want to catch the cat boy?”

Rusty stretched on the bed like a satisfied tom cat. “I was thinking to, but then you jumped my bones, and, you know.”

Matty could live with Rusty still having his little crush on Slicky Coolplums, since they were friends, and also because he was actually the cat boy.

“And? Don’t you want to see him at all?”

“You know me. I do. But I doubt catnip would work on him. He’s actually a dude.”

Matty snorted. “Still. It would be like a sign, right?”

Rusty examined him, his eyes hooded. “I thought you were jealous of Slicky.”

“I’ve never said that,” Matty protested.

Rusty grinned. “Well, then, if you’re so keen, yeah, I think this day would be totally perfect if I got to smooch and smother Slicky, too.”

“Then you should go for it,” Matty declared.

Rusty gave him a look filled with uncertainty. “Okay, for your sake, I’ll leave some catnip outside tonight. But I won’t hold my breath. That guy just disappeared.”

“I have a feeling he’ll appear,” Matty said in a light tone.

If it made Rusty happy, why not?


It hadn’t been his best idea, Matty considered while putting on the suit and sneaking outside as the evening set in. His body ached from all that hard loving Rusty had given him, and now he had to act all nimble and pretend to be into catnip. Hmm, maybe he was a little into catnip, because of how horny he had felt earlier.

Nah, that couldn’t be the catnip. It didn’t work on humans. He snuck outside, bent on making Rusty as happy as he could be.


“Hey, kitty, kitty,” Rusty called softly while spreading more of the catnip right outside the door.

All his housemates had already given him weird looks, but he had a bottle of catnip, and it wasn’t like he would use it for stuff other than luring his cat boy. What if it didn’t work on him? From what he had read, it looked like only two thirds of cats loved it or something.

“I’m here,” a screechy and well-known voice let him know that his efforts of attracting Slicky with that special herb for cats worked, after all.

It was just as he had started suspecting. Slicky must have been the one to send that card, and now, to keep up the act, he was strolling in, as if it was all just a big coincidence. Rusty didn’t mind the ruse; after all, he liked the cat boy for that particular reason.

So, with allowance from Matty, his awesome buttfucking friend, he could now play a little with that fluffy tail and make Slicky squirm for a bit. They wouldn’t go any further than that, because it wouldn’t be fair to Matty, seeing how accepting he was of Rusty liking both him and the cat boy at the same time.

He waited patiently until Slicky moved closer, and then he grabbed him fast.

“What are you doing? Put me down!”

Rusty laughed and held Slicky under his arm, walking with him like this into the house. “I’m obviously catnapping you,” he explained to the screeching creature.

All the guys were inside and stopped what they were doing to stare at them.

“I’ll be damned,” Kane whispered.

Dex grinned ear to ear. Maddox was in shock. And Jonathan was blinking and giving him a frown.

“This is a catnapping in process, people. Move along, nothing to see.”

Four pairs of eyes followed him and Slicky as they disappeared up the stairs. It appeared that all the fight had eventually gone out of the cat boy, as he no longer struggled. To make sure that he wasn’t playing dead, Rusty stuck the bottle of catnip under his nose.

With some difficulty, he managed to get into his bedroom and plant Slicky on his bed. Man, that tail was totally it. Rusty grabbed it and began stroking it from root to tip, and back again. Much to his dismay, the cat boy didn’t protest. He probably still had that butt plug up his ass, like that time. Rusty liked to believe that was the case.

He sat gingerly on the bed, and a pair of glassy eyes raised to meet his. Wow, even with the contacts, the guy looked like he was… getting horny or something. Then, without his being able to process what was going on, the cat boy moved his head and aimed for his crotch.

A warm mouth was feeling his cock through his sweatpants and Rusty had to bite back a moan. His plans weren’t to go completely crazy with the cat boy, even with all the acceptance Matty showed. But it looked like catnip really worked on that particular cat boy, after all.

“Um--” he tried, but any possibility to add anything was snatched from his mouth, as the cat boy pulled down his sweatpants and swallowed the Mighty Thor in one, finely tuned, gulp. “Oh, fuck,” he managed.

The cat boy was a total slurper. Damn, each time he went down, Rusty had to wonder when he was going to stop. Apparently, only when his cute nose, partially covered by the face mask, got buried in Rusty’s pubic hair.

“How are you even doing that?” he whispered. “Are you one of those guys who can keep their breath underwater for like minutes and such?”

Slicky removed the hard cock in his mouth promptly and huffed. “Cats don’t like water.”

Yeah, completely true. Before he could gather his thoughts and think of a comment to make Slicky slow down, the cat boy was going down on him again, with the same enthusiasm and skill. Only Matty had made him feel that way with a simple blowjob… nope, there was nothing simple about the way his special friend gave him head.

Slicky slurped and worked his cock with his tongue, mouth and throat. From above, Rusty could clearly see a cat boy cosplayer sucking him off. That was one awesome finale for an awesome Valentine’s Day.

“Hey,” he said and reached for the wig.

The cat boy sensed him and promptly got up. He pushed Rusty on his back and then went back to his sucking. Bossy. Rusty had no comeback for that. He didn’t have time for one, either, because Slicky reached lower with his tongue, giving the balls a well-aimed swipe. Ah, and that made him a goner, and it was his last thought before coming and squeezing his eyes shut.

When he opened his eyes again, Slicky was on his window sill, watching him.

“Aren’t you going to stay? I still have some catnip.”

The cat boy hissed and went out the window. Now that was an exit.


Rusty plopped down by Matty’s side on a bench. It was almost afternoon, but they both looked wasted.

“By the way,” he said as he turned his head slowly toward Matty, “yesterday was the best Valentine’s Day of my life.”

“Mine, too,” Matty agreed with a wan smile and grimaced as he shifted.

“I wonder if Slicky thinks the same,” Rusty wondered out loud. The cat boy had taken a hasty leave last night.

“He does,” Matty said with another soft groan.


The End



Brilliant! Steamy, sassy and sweet … everything that makes these two so perfect together!! And, the ring?! Heart meltingly adorable. Happy ♥️ day


Cute Valentine’s gift. Thank you!