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Chapter Twenty-One – I Want To Put My Mark On You

Rusty tip-toed into his own bedroom, not to make sure that he didn’t wake Matty up, but because he wanted to surprise his soon-to-be buttfucking friend in some crazy position like earlier. The sight of Matty lying on his belly, with his ass up, was forever etched on the wrinkled surface of his brain that got fired up like Christmas lights the moment he thought of stuff like that.

He grabbed his cock through his sweatpants. Soon, they’d get there, both he and Mighty Thor, and then maybe they’d feel a lot more satisfied than they had felt lately.

Indeed, Matty lay on the bed, but he was on his back and looking at the ceiling, an activity that didn’t appear to be very conducive for buttfucking activities. Rusty moved closer and then Matty’s pretty eyes settled on him. He climbed on the bed without losing eye contact and pondered over what that stare meant.

“Are you mad at me or something?”

Matty wasn’t even naked, something that told him that maybe they would have to postpone their buttfucking friendship debut. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be indefinitely.

“No, but I need to come clean,” Matty said and propped himself up on his elbows to look at him.

Rusty lay on one side and gestured with his chin for the other to continue.

“I just eavesdropped on your conversation with your friends,” Matty confessed.

Rusty groaned. “Don’t worry about them. They mean well. I mean, wait, stop, it’s me who did something wrong, right? I tend to do that.”

Matty welcomed that last bit with a surprised expression on his pretty face. “What? No, Rusty, I have to apologize. Although, yeah, maybe, the fact that your friends know what we’re about to do--”

Ah, so there was hope. “We’re still on, right?” he asked.

Matty nodded, but he didn’t appear that enthusiastic. Well, that was bad. Rusty could feel his entire body temperature dropping.

He lay on his back and did the same as Matty had earlier, staring at the ceiling, knowing it wouldn’t judge him for the world. “So, I did bad by telling them.”

Matty scooted closer and put a hand on Rusty’s chest. “We shook on it, remember? Don’t tell me you’re going back on that.”

Rusty searched Matty’s face for clues to understand what this was all about, but he came up empty. “I don’t want to. But I don’t want us to do it if you don’t feel like it. I just wish you’d tell me what pissed you off. Besides my telling my friends that we’re about to do it, which I get it, it’s pretty much inconsiderate of me… Wait, why are you laughing?”

Matty was chuckling, mostly to himself by the way he angled his head, and that sound went straight into the pit of Rusty’s stomach, something not so giggly or bubbly like the usual, but deeper, more masculine. It both irked him and made him hot all over. It wasn’t easy to explain. If he were to compare it to something, he recalled the way Jonathan laughed in Maddox’s ear when trying to provoke his boyfriend to react in a certain way. That certain way was, usually, Maddox turning to face his better half and kiss him within an inch of death by asphyxiation, regardless of how many people were present.

Was Matty playing him like that? He was one hell of a player, then. Rusty found it difficult to stay in place, not move at all, as he waited for that sexy chuckle to die down.

Matty moved even closer and crowded him by placing his arms, bent from the elbows, on top of Rusty’s chest, and his chin on top of them. From there, he stared at him, digging into Rusty with his chin in his chest so that their eyes would meet.

“What kind of thing is this between us?” Matty asked.

It felt like the most natural thing in the world then was to run one hand through Matty’s silky hair. The pretty eyes closed slowly as a small purr of satisfaction followed the caress. In a way, Matty was like a cat, reacting well to being petted. “Honestly, dude,” Rusty replied, “I’d say it’s pretty awesome.”

Matty laughed and the sound reverberated from his chest into Rusty’s, causing another tickly and giddy sensation to blossom there. “Because it’s about sex?”

Rusty considered his reply carefully. “Man, you’re having me talk when my dick wants me to get into action already. Fine, I’ll do what you want me to. Yeah, because it’s about sexy fun times, but there’s also something else.” He tried to swallow the last word, but it was too late.

Matty put his head to one side and stared at him, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He looked so pretty like that. “Well?” he drawled. “Like what?”

“Like because we’re friends,” Rusty said quickly.

“And?” Matty continued and blinked slowly.

“You’re the first friend I’ve had I want to fuck in the butt.” Muddy, unclear desires from before didn’t matter at all.

“Wow, so I’m special?” Matty asked and smiled broadly.

“As special as you want to be,” Rusty replied. At this point, he knew that his actions had to count more than his words. Therefore, he moved his hand from Matty’s head to his perky sexy ass.

Matty’s eyes grew wide. However, he didn’t seem to mind because he let his eyelashes drop again in silent invitation.

“I know,” Rusty said promptly. “I need to make this special for you.”

“You do?” Matty seemed taken aback as Rusty pushed him away and got to his feet.


He had tried to get any unpleasant feelings out of the way before Rusty came into the room, but he hadn’t been particularly successful. Therefore, he had been forced by circumstances to admit to eavesdropping earlier. Rusty hadn’t gotten mad, but he must have gotten some strange ideas in his head because he was now rummaging through his closet, the same one from which that worrying number of sex toys and other things had escaped during one of their first tutoring sessions.

Was Rusty thinking about taking his virginity with a dildo or something like that? Matty prepared mentally for the argument that would follow. A dildo wouldn’t count. He could do the same by himself, with no one as company. He really, really regretted not showing how much he actually wanted Rusty and him to become buttfucking friends.

“Found it!” Rusty announced victoriously and showed Matty something that looked like the statue of a man with a happy expression on his face and a very big belly. “It’s a candle,” he added and placed it on the nightstand, looking very pleased with himself.

“What do we need a candle for?” Matty wished he could use his glasses, but he really didn’t want to deal with any other obstacles that would prevent him from having proper sex with Rusty.

“For atmosphere,” Rusty replied. “Too bad I don’t have rose petals.” With determination, he walked over to the window.

When he turned, Matty saw that he had one hand filled with dead leaves. With a theatrical gesture, he threw them up into the air and Matty watched as they fell to the floor. Then, Rusty returned to his closet and rummaged inside it some more.

Just when Matty was about to intervene to stop the madness, Rusty emerged from the depths of his furniture holding what looked like an impressive bottle of lube. Well, that was needed. He had nothing to say against that.

Rusty ambled toward the bed, with a naughty glint in his eyes. “Undress, Matty, and you’ll see how special I can make it for you.”

“Between the happy fat man,” Matty said and turned slightly to rub the candle on its huge belly, “and the dead leaves, I should say that my hopes and expectations are getting pretty high.”

“Great,” Rusty said cheerfully. “Come on, get out of those clothes. I prefer you naked, anyway.”

“You do?” Matty asked, then he remembered that he needed to be a bit more assertive in his dealings with Rusty so that he didn’t end up penetrated by anything other than the Mighty Thor. “Sure,” he added with confidence and pulled his t-shirt over his head.

Rusty surprised him by jumping on the bed and pouring from that bottle all over his chest.

“Ouch, that’s cold,” Matty protested. “And do I really have to get drenched in lube for this to work?”

“It’s not lube,” Rusty said with a roll of the eyes. “It’s body oil. I was keeping it for a special occasion.”

“Really? What special occasion?”

“This,” Rusty said triumphantly and pushed Matty on his back.

It was a real wonder how he managed to keep the bottle steady in one hand and undress Matty with the other.

Soon, Matty was all naked and exposed. Rusty let his eyes travel appreciatively over all the bared skin, making Matty feel pretty self-conscious about himself.

“We’re going to make a mess out of your sheets,” Matty warned him, as Rusty continued to massage more of the oil into the skin on his belly, while humming and smiling.

“I’ll just do the laundry tomorrow or something. And we’re going to make a mess out of them, anyway,” Rusty let him know with another self-assured grin.

Right. Matty inhaled deeply. With Rusty being Rusty, it was easy to lose focus. He tried to stave off the butterflies in his stomach that were going wild at that promise.

Rusty reached his crotch and began to massage Matty’s cock and balls slowly and intently. It only lasted for half a minute, because he then ordered, “Back to me.”

Matty turned on his belly, the swarm of butterflies now going nuts. Rusty proceeded the spread more of the body oil on his back. It had a pleasant, flowery scent that was probably meant to relax the person it was being applied to. It had no power whatsoever on Matty’s jittery nerves. Rusty’s skilled hands moved across his back, lower and lower, until they stopped right above his buttocks.

“I won’t put oil there,” Rusty declared in a stern voice, “because I want to lick it.”

Matty didn’t have the time to ask what ‘it’ was, because Rusty pushed his butt cheeks apart and soon there was a tongue moving slowly across his crack and stopping at his asshole. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered.

“We’ll get there, don’t worry,” Rusty assured him. And then, added in a sugary voice, “my baby dude.”

Matty wished he still had the power to roll his eyes and pretend Rusty’s jokes still reached him one way or another, but the same earnest tongue was back at the job at hand, pushing and flicking over all the sensitive spots. Sensations flared like fireworks from that point in his body and seemed to take over everything else. Rusty snuck one hand under his belly and hiked him up, probably to ensure a better angle.

With each lick, he seemed to become a bit fiercer. Matty whispered obscenities as Rusty moved his lips over the taint and teased his balls, too.

“Oh, fuck, Matty, too bad you can’t eat your own ass,” Rusty commented, “because this is fucking it.”

He would have liked to remind his bed partner that their little understanding included reciprocity on that front, but the words were lost to him. At this point, the only sounds coming out of his mouth were short grunts, long moans, and unintelligible noises of various intensities and lengths in-between.

Finally, Rusty took mercy and unhanded him. It only lasted for a bit, because Matty felt himself being turned again. Rusty dragged him over his lap and his Mighty Thor now rested along Matty’s crack, ready for action.

Matty’s heart beat wildly. So it was going to happen after all, and there was no need for him to expect Rusty to make another trip to his closet and take who knew what else out of there.

“I bet you thought I’d take you on all fours or something boring like that,” Rusty said.

Matty shook his head like he had water in his ears. All fours, boring. Those words had no place in the same sentence, unless there was a ‘not’ somewhere between them.

“Or that I’d pretend to be romantic and give you my dick in the missionary position,” Rusty continued.

Apparently, dead leaves and fat man candles didn’t count. Matty was speechless, mostly because his mind was still reeling from that rimming from earlier.

“No,” Rusty said playfully, “I’m all for empowering you, Matty, so that’s why you’re going to sit on my dick.”

Matty had little idea as to how he was going to do that, not because the mechanics weren’t clear, but because his knees had been rendered mush by Rusty’s previous ministrations involving his body.

Rusty grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him into a hot, demanding kiss. At the same time, he was now pouring something else along Matty’s ass crack. When he had managed to grab some lube, Matty couldn’t recall.

Capable fingers were now teasing his asshole into opening slowly, while Rusty kissed him hard, penetrating his mouth with his tongue as if he wanted to show him what would happen with his ass soon, too.

Matty moaned into the kiss, as he sensed Rusty coating his cock with lube while rubbing it gently in his anal cleft. It would happen, but only if he managed to control his legs. As if he could tell what was going on, Rusty helped him by hiking his butt up, now sneaking both hands under it. “Do you think you can do it, Matty?” he whispered raggedly. “Can you put it in by yourself?”

If it cost him one arm and one leg he could, Matty thought and brought one hand back to grab hold of Rusty’s cock. A short inhalation from the other assured him that he wasn’t the only one with some pretty urgent needs. With all the courage he could muster, he aligned the blunt head with his hole and began pushing down slowly.

“Easy, I got you,” Rusty whispered while hugging him.

Encouragements worked wonders. Matty was all for positive reinforcement, especially when it involved his impaling himself on Rusty’s cock. Of course, his butt was still tight as fuck, and patience and nice words from Rusty could only do so much.

He breathed out, stopping for a moment. He felt the area with his fingers, but it looked like not even the head was in. “Rusty,” he whispered in distress, “I think my ass doesn’t want to cooperate.”

“Let me put in some more lube,” Rusty said, and his nimble fingers were back at work.

Matty sighed in relief as Rusty took it upon himself to pull his cock away. Soon, he was slowly coaxing the tight ring of muscles into giving in. The sensations were all pleasurable, and Matty focused on them as Rusty continued to encourage him. “It’s normal that you’re this tight,” came the warm whisper in his ear. “You’re still a virgin.”

“Hopefully, not for long,” Matty said, expressing his surprise at having an ass that didn’t understand that it was part of the deal of getting Rusty Parker.

Rusty chuckled. “I’ll make sure of that.”


The squeeze on the head of his cock was fantastic. Rusty didn’t remember having ever fucked anything this tight. It was even tighter than his own hand, as sometimes, the Mighty Thor liked it really hard and rough. But it wasn’t only the crushing grip that made his cock harder; Matty was right about saying that the cock he’d like would have to be attached to the right person. Now, Rusty thought the same about assholes, and this particular asshole was attached to an awesome person.

Still, it looked like it was distressing Matty that he couldn’t relax his ass muscles properly for the Mighty Thor to perform his triumphal march through those gates. “Hey,” he said gently, “Matty, look at me.” The pretty eyes were blurry and unfocused as they settled on him. “It’s going to be fine. I mean, a lot of people in the world are having anal sex right now. If they can do it, so can you.”

Matty smiled and giggled. “I guess. How about we try a bit more?”

“Sure.” Rusty rested his hands on Matty’s hips to guide him.

His bedfellow adjusted his position and began pushing himself down. Rusty had to close his eyes and count slowly from ten to one. He could feel his cock pulsing inside the taut heat. The lube helped and he could feel Matty slip down, even if at an excruciating pace.

It seemed that things were getting a bit easier. He searched for Matty’s mouth with his lips, to give him something to do and distract him from the discomfort he had to be feeling. Matty attacked his mouth and gave him plenty of tongue, which Rusty accepted greedily.

Fuck, they were fucking doing it, and it was like nothing he had felt while fucking before. Matty was hard and unyielding but it only made it all the more delicious because he wanted it and his hips moved until Rusty felt the perky ass resting on his thighs.

“Wow,” he whispered.

Matty breathed out, “Yeah, you can say that again. Is it all in?”

Rusty checked with his fingers. “Yeah, now we should go for the next stage.”

“What? Are you telling me there’s more?”

Rusty laughed and flicked Matty’s nose. “For a proper dicking, smarty-pants, my cock needs to go back and forth in your ass at least a few times.”

“All right, it doesn’t sound that challenging,” Matty replied. “Just give me a moment. I had no idea I would feel… so full.”

“Yeah, you’re full of me,” Rusty said and grinned.

Matty looked like he was about to come back with some clever retort, but then he settled for another kiss. He began to move up and down, only a very little at first, but it was enough for Rusty to feel like his cock was in absolutely fucking heaven. If that was what being buttfucking friends with Matty felt like, he was all for going at it again and soon. He’d have to establish a schedule or something, and ask Matty when it was convenient…

His mind rarely went completely silent or blank while having sex, but Matty hiked his butt up, almost to the point that Rusty’s cock was about to break free from that sweet torture, and then slammed himself back down.

Rusty groaned. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered.

“Too much?” Matty asked. “I thought this was all about that.”

“Not too much. Do it again. And do it faster, if your sweet ass can handle it,” Rusty said.

Matty closed his eyes and exhaled. “I’ll do my best.”

He was too damn pretty when he was all determined like that. Rusty smooched him again, and held one arm around his waist, enjoying how Matty moved his ass.


At one point, it had gone from unbearable sensations to something a lot more pleasurable. Matty could still feel that he was fighting an uphill battle with his ass, but he was doing a lot better. Rusty kissed his lips and face and neck and had one finger resting along his crack as if to check that his cock was going all in.

Miracles had to be real because there was no other way that this coupling between them was happening. It felt good to be in charge, and Rusty had read him well, allowing him to give himself all the dicking he wanted, because now he felt a lot more courageous and he was going at it with all the tenacity he had inside him.

“Yes, like this, fuck me, Matty.” Rusty’s lips caressed his ear.

That choice of words was a bit strange, seeing who was doing the penetration, but he understood it well. After all, he was the guy on top and he was controlling how much pleasure he gave the Mighty Thor who might have been pretty used to being the one in charge.

That realization filled him with a new rush of pleasure. Rusty’s cock filled him to the brim, and it triggered so many sensations that were soon topped by those caused by the friction and especially the brushing over a certain point inside his ass. He understood it all; he had read about it. But books couldn’t describe the complexity of what he was feeling. At the same time, he felt like bursting out of his skin and drawing himself inward to a single point, that one that caused him so much pleasure.

At the same time, his cock was stiff as a rock and got barely any action from rubbing against Rusty’s washboard abs. Funnily enough, he didn’t mind. On the contrary, he enjoyed that feeling of teetering right on the edge of an abyss that promised nothing but mind-blowing pleasure. If it were up to him and his legs weren’t starting to show signs of exhaustion, he would go at it forever.

Rusty sensed that his legs could no longer hold him and placed him gently on his back. “I’m sorry, Matty,” he mumbled, “I wanted you to do it all the way, but I just can’t take it anymore.”

That made two of them, at this point. Matty grabbed his own cock and began to rub it quickly, all the while keeping eye contact with Rusty, who was holding his hips and pushing himself forward, making the bed shake.

It was everything, Matty thought, everything he had fantasized about and even more. Rusty was moving in and out of him, with ample moves, while still keeping him close, and that single-minded spot inside him intensified its reactions with each of them.

“Oh, fuck, Matty, can you come for me?” Rusty pleaded with him. “Please, come for me. I want to see you come.”

Gone was the usual playfulness from Rusty’s voice. He sounded like he was standing on the same edge as Matty, and the understanding that they were in that together, that they were sharing this thing happening between them was enough to make him arch his back, hold his cock tightly and make it spurt all over him.

“Oh, yes, oh, yes,” Rusty chanted and increased the movement of his hips.

Matty felt it all. The way his secret bud of pleasure was hit over and over, and how Rusty’s cock felt like steel inside him, hot steel wrapped in velvet, so hard, and yet so smooth and scorching. Although his eyes were full of tears from his thrilling orgasm, he could see Rusty well, the way he looked, his head tipped back, his throat taut and exposed, his chest sweaty, the most beautiful man he had ever seen in his life.

“Inside,” Rusty murmured incoherently, “can I?”

“Please… fill me up,” Matty grunted, as the way Rusty’s cock was brushing over the sensitive spot inside him pushed him higher despite his not having anywhere to go after a climax like that.

He could tell Rusty was coming inside him by how the hard cock pulsed. He was dying to feel the hot cum flowing out of him, a solid proof of what had just happened between him and Rusty, because otherwise, everything felt like a dream, one come true.


“Wow,” Rusty whispered as he pulled out. He brushed his fingers against Matty’s opening, while holding his legs up. “I came like a fucking hose.”

Matty laughed. “Let me see, too.”

Rusty released his legs and watched as Matty felt his crack, his fingers coming up wet with fresh jizz. “Your first time getting spread, your first time getting bred,” he joked.

Matty stared at him in amused shock and then burst into laughter. “Oh, yeah?” He challenged him with his pretty eyes. “At least there’s no chance for you to get me pregnant like rumor has it that you did with that cat boy or girl, or whatever…” The laughter died, and he looked away, hiding his face, seemingly embarrassed.

“It’s definitely a cat boy,” Rusty said. “But you don’t have to worry. If anything like that happened, I would totally assume responsibility.”

That seemed to trigger a bout of alertness in Matty. He pushed himself up and looked him in the eye. “For real? Have you had a lot of unprotected sex, then?”

“Not as much as I want,” Rusty assured him. “But seeing how we’re buttfucking friends now, I hope you’re going to put out frequently. On a schedule.”

Matty laughed again.

“I mean it,” Rusty insisted. “I mean, come on, you have to admit it. This is fucking great. Unless your butt hurts or something.” Damn, he should have been smoother than this, not just hurrying to be demanding like an asshole.

Matty lay on his back and smiled contentedly. “It doesn’t hurt now. But I guess I’m going to feel it later. How about we have another round of negotiations at a later date?”

“You are so pulling my leg right now, aren’t you, Matty?” Rusty laughed, too, and smacked Matty’s thighs playfully.

“We fucked. I guess it comes with the territory. Unless you want me to pull something else?” Matty winked at him like an all-knowing bastard.

Well, to be totally honest, Rusty had to admit that he and his cock alike hadn’t felt so good in ages, and regardless of how he had seemed to have forgotten all about getting laid since the beginning of the semester, it seemed like a pretty big deal.

“You’ll pull a lot of things, don’t worry about it,” he assured Matty and lay by his side. Sure, they could joke and they could laugh, but they couldn’t dance around the subject. “How was it?”

Matty turned his clear eyes to him. “It was amazing, Rusty. And, just so you know, I do appreciate your wanting me to be in charge and all.”

Rusty loved lying like that, so close to Matty’s body heat. That was the sort of comfort he could easily get accustomed to. Sure thing, now that Matty was getting a bit more practiced in the art of the horizontal cha-cha, at one point, he’d start pursuing some guy. Or maybe, guys would flock to him now that he was even sexier, having gotten fucked and all.

Yeah, one look at Matty and how gorgeous his face looked in the aftermath assured him that he would have to beat guys away with a stick from now on. It was selfish of him, but he couldn’t help it. He had never had anyone like this to call his own, just like he had never had a cat, because of his mom’s allergies. While growing up, a pet would have been nice to push away the loneliness, but the answer had always been ‘no’.

“Hey,” Matty called gently, “where did you go?” At the same time, he brushed some sweaty hair out of Rusty’s eyes.

“Thinking stupid shit,” Rusty said brightly. “That’s what I do like 99.9% of the time, so it shouldn’t surprise you.”

Matty caressed his face gently. “Thank you for an awesome first time, Mr. Parker.”

“Hey, I told you--” Rusty stopped.

“Ah, sorry, right, right,” Matty hurried to say and was about to move his hand away.

Rusty caught it and put it back on his cheek, holding it there. “Actually, if it comes from you, I don’t mind.”

“Really?” Matty asked, looking like he was genuinely trying to make sure that was the case.

Rusty nodded solemnly. “At one point in my life, I guess people will be going to call me that, whether I like it or not. I mean, professors also call me that, but they don’t matter because they don’t know me that well.”

“So,” Matty asked playfully, “am I going to be the first you’re okay with calling you that?”

“Totally. You gave me your first time in the butt, and I’m trading you this. What do you say?”

Matty laughed. It looked like he was having a good time, and Rusty felt all warm and pleasant inside at that sound. “All right, Mr. Parker, I’ll hold you to it.”

“Hey, it’s actually quite little seeing how I practically molded the inside of your ass to match my dick,” Rusty offered.

Matty looked at him with only one eye open. Oh, no, he was planning something, Rusty could tell. And then, suddenly, Matty lunged for him and planted his lips on the side of his neck, making sucking sounds.

Rusty didn’t push him away. Actually, it felt quite nice. If Matty decided to turn into a vampire, Rusty would be a willing victim, as long as he got all those super-duper orgasms promised by getting freaky with that kind of creature of the night.

Matty pulled back and admired his work. “Yeah, that is so going to turn into a hickey,” he said with satisfaction.

Rusty rubbed the side of his neck. “What was that for?”

Matty shrugged. “I wanted to put my mark on you.” Then, with that all-knowing smile of his, he turned his back.

Wrong move, Rusty thought and grinned. He hugged Matty from behind and put his cock right between the enticing mounds of flesh teasing him so much. “Well, I can live with it,” he said with fake resignation, “as long as you give me more of your sexy ass.”

Matty put one arm over Rusty’s and linked their fingers together. “It sounds like a plan. Now or later?”

“Totally now,” Rusty replied, feeling the mighty Thor getting longer and harder by simply rubbing against Matty’s round ass cheeks.


Next chapter 



Oh god, this was soooooo smoking hot!!! 🔥🌶 Rusty, getting closer and closer to his truth about his baby dude. Be selfish and explore that “something else” between you! And Matty, not giving up and gently coaxing more truths out of Rusty. Love their closeness ❤️😊❤️ My hearts all a melted mess.


Hot chapter! I liked that the chapter focused exclusively on Rusty and Matty. Some personal truths revealed with more to come. I can sense Connor lurking ready to extinguish Rusty and Matty’s new found flame with ice.