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Chapter Ten – Sorry Not Sorry

Why did it feel so exciting instead of embarrassing to stand naked by the kitchen counter and enjoy a simple sandwich? Matty couldn’t help stealing glances at Rusty’s cock that, as asleep as it was, still looked good enough to eat. His little inspections served a purpose, which was to collect as much information about the man and master of his dreams, such as how the hair down there was coarser and scratched lightly when Matty rubbed his cheek against it, or how that mighty V of muscles felt under his fingers, or—

“I am glad to see that you’re making progress,” Rusty commented while munching on his sandwich.

“What?” Matty was sure as hell he looked guilty.

“You’re finally looking at me like a gay boy should.”

You have no idea.

“How is that?”

“You know, like you’re interested in more than just the Mighty Thor.”

“The Mighty Thor? Is that what you call it?” Matty was happy to file that piece of information away.

“Yours doesn’t have a name?” Rusty asked.

“No. I don’t think I know anyone who names his penis.”

“You obviously don’t know a lot of people. And don’t say penis. It’s boring. Say ‘cock’,” Rusty challenged him with a smirk. “Come on, do it. You’re way too shy. Sex between dudes is supposed to be more straightforward, you know? Like simple and direct.”

Obviously, Rusty was quite good at that, even though he had a lot more experience fooling around with girls and not guys.

Since he kept silent while brooding over Rusty’s many former lovers of the female persuasion, his host decided to explain it all for him. “You have too many hang-ups, Matty boy. It’s a cock, not a penis, when we’re not studying biology in high school. Wait, do you have a good relationship with your cock?”

“What exactly do you mean by that? I jerk off,” Matty replied.

Rusty wiped his hands on a paper towel, having finished his sandwich and moved closer. “You will need to show your appreciation more. After all, it’s your best friend, always there for you.”

Matty munched on his lower lip. “Since it’s attached to my body, I don’t see how it’s a choice for my… cock to get away from me.”

“Have you ever measured it?” Rusty asked promptly.



Rusty began to fondle him directly, making the words die on his lips. His entire being was focused on how that big rough hand felt on him. Obviously, its owner was quite adept at handling sensitive flesh, because Matty sensed it growing to full length and girth within seconds. He steadied himself by grabbing Rusty’s shoulders. A look down was enough to make a gasp escape his lips. His cock was the happiest it had ever been, leaking already, while Rusty manipulated it with ease.

“What’s your favorite position when you jerk off?” Rusty asked in a husky tone.

“Um, sitting on a chair or something?” Matty replied, unsure of the proper answer.

“So, you’re jerking off at your computer, watching porn?” The interrogation continued, as did Rusty’s hand.

“Sometimes,” Matty whispered.

“Sometimes? Don’t tell me you stare blankly at the wall while doing the deed.”

“No, it’s not like that. I just use my imagination.”

“Hmm, interesting. What do you imagine? I hope it’s not something boring, like holding hands with some dude.”

Matty groaned and tipped his head back. That seemed to be an invitation for Rusty to move closer, change the way he stroked Matty’s cock, and torture his charge even more.

His lips were close to Matty’s ear, caressing it. “Come on, Matty, what do you jerk off to?”

“Priapic zombies?” Matty tried a new way out.

“I call bull on that.” Rusty’s voice was deep and husky, blowing hot air over Matty’s skin.

“It’s normal stuff,” Matty said softly. It killed him how much he wanted to turn his head and kiss Rusty again. “Like doing it.”

“Hmm,” Rusty purred into his ear. “Do you take it up the ass in these fantasies, Matty? Or are you top dog and make some sexy dude call out to whatever deity he’s fancying?”

“You think I’d be able to do that?” Matty asked, avoiding a reply, afraid that the truth might just fly out of his mouth like a savage bird.

“I can’t see why not. But first, I need to teach you how to be more in touch with the little friend you carry between your legs.”

“That’s one weird way of putting it.” Rusty had moved away already, and that made Matty just a smidge more articulate in expressing his ideas. “And is it little?”

Rusty stared at his cock shamelessly. “Nope. As I told you. With that kind of gun in your possession, you should be killing it on the hookup scene. Seriously, I’m not even gay, and my mouth waters when I look at your cock. I almost want to drop to my knees and suck it.”

Matty bit hard on his bottom lip as Rusty turned to lead the way back to the bedroom. That ‘almost’ thing did the killing, and the target was him. They were so close, and yet the little space that remained between them made all the difference.

It didn’t matter. He was doing a lot more with Rusty than he had ever thought would happen for real.


He hadn’t lied. To the point of becoming unsettling, he had gotten in the business of eyeing Matty’s cock from all possible angles, and that impulse to take it in his mouth and taste it fully was as real as they come. Supposedly, he had to be the selfless party in this endeavor, and it was getting a tad too difficult to keep that in mind. Since he had never had a cock in his mouth, if toys and candy didn’t count, the idea itself was a bit startling.

Therefore, while still turning the idea on all sides in his head, he grabbed Matty and pushed him toward the bed. “On all fours,” he ordered.

“Okay, master,” Matty muttered.

“Are you pouting?” Rusty asked. “Why?”

Matty assumed the position without being told twice and looked at him over his shoulder, as Rusty placed himself behind him. “I am totally not pouting.”

“You are. I could see that pout from space. Wait, do you want to be the master? We could play it either way, I don’t mind.”

“Maybe later,” Matty suggested and hid his face by turning his head.

“Give me one of your hands. The one you jerk off with.”

Matty hesitated.

“What? Do you jerk off with both hands?”

“I like variety, what can I say?”

“Awesome. Do you ever use a glove?”

“No, but it’s a good idea.”

Now, that was a thing to like about Matty. He was open to everything. Since the guy could use both his hands, Rusty just went for the left and brought it to Matty’s cock. “Hold it and start jerking off.”

“Just like that?”

“Yeah. Now, let’s see what you like the most.”

“Is there a reason why I have to be in this position?”

There was. Rusty wanted to stare at Matty’s ass from behind while he jerked off, too. During that time, Matty should be too busy browsing through the porn Rusty had selected for him to notice that he was being used as a visual stimulant for a handjob.

“You need to free your body of all inhibitions,” Rusty replied promptly. “Doing things differently once in a while can work wonders for your brain.”

“Thank you for your concern, then, doctor Rusty,” Matty replied.

What a smartass. Rusty looked at Matty’s round ass. Boy, he kind of wanted a piece of that. The guy had such nice skin, and he had a perky butt on him. Most probably, he would like to bottom at least half the time. Satisfied with that average, Rusty grabbed his phone and searched for the list he had put together for Matty. Just for the record, he must have seen enough gay porn to last him a lifetime, but whatever. New things to learn popped up everywhere.

He put the phone in front of Matty and hit play. “Whenever there’s something that really gets your groove on, just tell me. It’s important for research.”

“We’re really approaching this in an academic style. I must say I’m impressed,” Matty commented.

“I never do things by half.” Rusty smacked Matty’s ass playfully.


“Really? I barely touched you. Do you want me to kiss it to make it better?”

“Totally,” came the brazen reply.

Rusty didn’t mind and kissed the exact spot where his palm had landed. That made Matty release a soft moan. Boy, the dude could charm the pants off a super-straight dude with that kind of thing. He grabbed his own cock and stared directly at Matty’s round ass. Could they try a little butt plug? Maybe another time. Preferably, they would get one with a tail attached. A cat tail.

Hmm, worlds were colliding, but Rusty didn’t really mind. Maybe he could get Matty and the cat boy to make out in front of him. That would be the best kind of cat boy porn. He would tell them what to do, how to grope each other and kiss, and maybe have the cat boy fuck Matty in his gorgeous ass while his own tail was swinging around.

Matty seemed to be hard at work judging by the way his arm moved and his balls bounced to the rhythm. That meant that he could stare to his heart’s content, and no one would be the wiser.


He hadn’t meant to do it, but somehow, he had got out of the list of gay porn Rusty had curated for him. No, he had totally meant to do it. He felt guilty as hell, but he couldn’t stop himself. Rusty was to blame, inviting him into the privacy of his phone like that. His heart was beating out of his chest and, using his fingers fast, Matty went to the photo folder in his search for some real goodies.

“I can’t hear anything,” Rusty said. “Did you put it on mute?”

“Yeah. Noises are distracting sometimes,” Matty replied quickly.

Oh, fuck, he had just struck gold. Was this the usual nude set Rusty was sending to girls? No wonder they fell like flies. Rusty’s cute smirk was to die for, and of course, there was also that cock, hard and perfectly framed and in focus…


Rusty’s voice right by his ear startled him so much that he fell on his side like a whale washed ashore. He was just as helpless as one.

“Why?” Rusty asked, looking confusedly at the phone.

Matty swallowed hard. That was a legitimate question. “I think I just—I mean… I’m sorry,” he mumbled quickly.

Rusty looked at him from above, puzzled. “Stop saying sorry all the time. Why would you jerk off to my pics instead of using the real me to get off? Oh, fuck, are you one of those dudes that are only into 2D husbandos?”

Matty closed his eyes. Rusty was amazingly intelligent, but his mind could run so many threads at the same time it was no wonder it sometimes returned some sort of scrambled output. “Yeah,” he said still keeping his eyes closed.

“Whatever floats your boat, my dude. You only need to tell me. Do you want me to send all these pics to your phone? I have a lot more.”

Matty opened one eye and stared at Rusty for signs that his leg was being pulled. Nope, no sign of that. “Yes, please,” he squeaked.

Rusty grinned at him. “See? It’s not so hard, is it?”

Matty grinned, too. Rusty was just too precious. “But it is,” he said and grabbed his cock, pointing it upward.

“Would you rather we jerk off together?”

“I’d like that, yeah. You can watch straight porn.”

“Hmm, nah, not in the mood for that. Let’s jerk each other off.” Rusty climbed on top of him, catching Matty’s legs between his thighs. “Come on, your hand on my cock, my hand on yours. What do you say?”

“Perfect,” Matty said and grabbed both cocks, forcing them to align.

“Dude,” Rusty said with a grin.

This time, Matty seemed to have forgotten to apologize judging by the confident smirk on his face. “Sorry…” – ah, damn, was it that hard to learn? – “not sorry.”


Pushy wasn’t a word to describe him, usually, but with Rusty around he felt bold and daring. He was holding both their cocks between his hands, and while there were differences to consider, his own light-skinned and thinner, Rusty’s darker and veiny, they fit together perfectly. “Is it good like this?” he asked.

“Uh-huh,” Rusty confirmed, his eyes a little dazed. “Just go a little slower.”

“Okay,” Matty agreed and moved his hands at a more moderate pace. “Would you like to kiss?” he ventured to ask. “To keep your erection and all that?”

“I don’t think there’s any need for that,” Rusty said matter-of-factly.

Matty suppressed his disappointment. What was with him and all this thirst? There was no end to it, obviously.

“I need to guide you,” Rusty said. “For instance, you can be a little rougher, squeeze a little harder.”

Matty nodded in agreement as Rusty put his hands over his. Now, they were working together.

“Can you feel the difference?”

He didn’t know what to say, because he was trapped between the sensation of stroking his cock while rubbing it against Rusty’s, and the feeling of warm hands cupping his in a gentle yet firm touch.

“I can,” he whispered. He began to squirm as the sensation grew in intensity, while Rusty increased the pace. “Oh, gawd, oh, fuck, Rusty,” he breathed out while their eyes locked.

He was supposed to close them, not look at his sex tutor or whatever Rusty assumed his role to be, but he just couldn’t help staring. Rusty’s eyes were so beautiful, a bit dazed and hooded, filled with pleasure. His cock started shooting, fat long ropes that ended up as high as his chin.

“You came first, nerd,” Rusty said victoriously.

Matty didn’t have it in him to protest anymore. His hands stopped rubbing, but Rusty held them in place, allowing only his satisfied cock to escape. Yeah, Rusty was basically using his hands to jerk off, and Matty didn’t mind it. He stared at the target of all his horniness and affection, his eyes half-closed, while breathing hard. “Can I help?” he asked, his eyes glued helplessly to Rusty’s intense green gaze. “Should I do anything?”

“Say something kinky,” Rusty challenged him and continued to stroke his cock faster and faster. Matty felt like a toy, as his hands swung up and down, guided as they were by the other boy.

Something kinky? What would be kinky enough for someone as experienced as Rusty? He bit on his bottom lip. “Come all over me, Rusty, please.” The harsh inhalation of breath from his partner convinced him to become bolder. “Yes, fuck, bathe me in your cum, spray it all over my face, and in my mouth--”

Rusty was one to take things at face value because he moved forward, dragging Matty’s hands with him. The reason Matty’s kinky speech was cut short was simple; Rusty was already coming, and Matty closed his eyes in the nick of time and felt the warm drops all over his face and on his lips from which he greedily captured them with his tongue.

“Fuck, that is sexy,” Rusty groaned his own delight from above.

Matty wanted to rub Rusty’s jizz all over his skin and have all the fun he could have with it. Rusty finally let go of his hands, and Matty continued to keep his eyes closed, eager to maintain the illusion for a little while longer. The short playful kiss on his nose lasted but a second. The next, Rusty dropped to the bed by his side, while letting out a long groan of satisfaction. “You are so going to drive a bunch of gay boys crazy.”

Matty’s illusion shattered. “You sure?”

“Yeah. I mean, look how much you made me come. You’re fucking sexy, and I mean it. I know what I’m talking about.”

“Really? Do sexy guys often land in your bed for lessons in sex?” Matty teased, burying his disappointment deep. How many times did he need to tell himself to face the truth? Apparently, countless times.

“You’re the first,” Rusty replied with a chuckle. “So, how did you like the lesson? But first, let me get you a tissue to wipe your face.”

“No need for now. It’s better than face cream,” Matty said quickly and began rubbing Rusty’s cum into his skin.

“I gotta give it to you, man. For a virgin, you’re pretty kinky. Now, rate my lesson, please.”

“On a scale from one to ten?” Matty asked.

“Yeah, let’s use that.”

“A hundred.”

“You’re just saying that,” Rusty drawled and bumped his shoulder playfully. “But thanks. You’re a good teacher, too.”

“Glad to be of help.” Matty wondered if this was the right time for him to remember that he needed to get dressed and leave.

“How about we try some butt plugs next time?” Rusty suggested.

“For you or for me?” Matty turned and supported himself on one elbow to look at Rusty.

Rusty’s grin broadened. “Are you curious about my butt, Matty boy?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? It’s a very nice ass.”

Rusty made a face like he had just licked a slice of lemon. “Nice? That is all you have to say about my glorious behind?”

“Glorious behind, really?” Matty teased.

“Don’t tell me you’ve seen better.” Rusty climbed out of the bed, turned his back to Matty and pulled his ass cheeks apart. “Now, go ahead, critique some more.”

“Um,” Matty managed and gulped. “You’re right.” The sight of that tight, puckered hole was enough to leave him breathless. The idea that he actually had a precise picture of how the thing looked to store in his mind for future pleasures left him speechless.

Rusty turned with a huff. He crossed his arms and looked down at Matty. “You don’t like my asshole,” he decided and pouted.

Matty rolled his eyes. “For fuck’s sake, Rusty. Your asshole just left me without words.”

Rusty smiled, a lot more satisfied with that reaction. “Good. So, just to be clear, you’d like to put your cock in an ass, right?”

“This is still about deciding whether I’m going to be a top or a bottom?”

“Or both,” Rusty reminded him.

“Well, the asshole test we just did,” Matty said cautiously, “is pretty conclusive. I’d like to fuck, too. But I also want to get fucked. Pleased, sensei?”

“Thoroughly pleased,” Rusty confirmed. “You’re going to sleep here, right?”

Matty considered for a moment. “If it’s not too much trouble.”

Rusty groaned. “Listen to him. He just stared at my asshole and now he’s back to being annoyingly polite.”

“Rusty, have you ever had a guy sleeping with you in the same bed?” Matty asked.

Rusty didn’t reply right away. “Yeah, I did,” he eventually said, but the words were shot out like bullets from the barrel of a gun. “But it wasn’t like this.”

Rusty’s clipped manner could only make him wonder. “Was it the same guy all those times?”

“Yeah,” Rusty confirmed. “No more questions. Let’s get to sleep. Goodnight.”

To show that he was serious about it, Rusty turned off the light and hopped in bed by Matty’s side, pulling a blanket over them both.

“Are we going to sleep naked?” Matty asked tentatively.

“I said goodnight,” came Rusty’s reply.

Well, he wouldn’t ask anything else, then. How was he going to sleep, inches away from Rusty, both of them naked? Matty yawned. Maybe he could think of sheep.



Matty’s soft snoring was pretty cute and not that loud, so it wasn’t the thing keeping him awake. Rusty linked his hands on top of the blanket and stared at the ceiling, although there wasn’t that much to see in the dark. Not that he was interested in counting cracks in the ceiling anyway.

Why had those memories rushed to his mind? They were messy and came from a place that wasn’t that happy. That, along with the annoying thought that his dad would attend his next game, made it impossible for him to fall asleep.

The night had been fun so far. Why ruin it with things like that? Too bad he didn’t have an off switch when it came to those shitty times. He and his mom had moved after his dad left for good, about two years after. His mom’s shrink, or whatever that guy was, had suggested that she should move elsewhere, to get rid of all the little things triggering her melancholies. For her, the change hadn’t proven that helpful. But for him, it had, and that was the thing he should be focusing on.

At first, it hadn’t been that easy. The last thing he had thought he needed was to be uprooted from the only place he had known as home to go to some small suburb where everyone knew everyone and he was a stranger.

That lasted for about two weeks, because then he had met Maddox. It was still summer break, right before starting school, and Maddox had started talking to him out of the blue, while Rusty was struggling with shooting hoops at the local sports center that was open to everyone, even those with no money.

Until Maddox, Rusty hadn’t imagined that people could strike up conversations so naturally, not even if they were kids. Here came this dude, shorter than him, but full of energy, who had somehow pulled him in, talking about everything, from school and teachers, to girls and TV shows.

His mom never managed to get rid of her melancholies, despite the change of location. She continued to spend many hours of the day just staring at nothing and ignoring him, surely not on purpose, something that soon, he discovered, suited him just fine. The evenings were the hardest, because she often forgot about dinner, and Rusty hadn’t yet found the right budget for administering his pocket money in such a way that he had enough for both snacks and small childish delights to last him throughout the entire day.

So, when Maddox asked him if he wanted to come over for dinner and then reading comics under a blanket with a flashlight when they were supposed to be asleep, he had had just one answer to give. Did his mom mind if he slept over? No, she was totally cool. Did he need to call her? Yes. So he pretended to be on the phone and beg a little, just to make it more credible. Maddox’s mom had looked at him with her keen eyes and later, filled up his plate with seconds without even asking him if he wanted more.

Had he been sad during those times? A little. When his mom told him they would move away, he had felt a sort of desperation. What if his dad decided that it was too long a ride to come see him, now that they moved away? She wasn’t thinking about such things, was she? She wasn’t on speaking terms with his dad, but Rusty was, on the rare occasions he visited. He was busy, caught up in his new job and new family, but he still made time now and then to come and see Rusty. And she wanted to take that away from him.

For that, he had hated her for a while. Although he never dwelled on such thoughts for long. She had her own problems, and he needed to be understanding. Being all that was hard on most days, but not so much after he met Maddox. Sleeping over had to happen at long enough intervals so that Maddox’s mom didn’t start suspecting that he was a freeloader at their house. Good thing Maddox was the youngest of the seven siblings, and most of them were either in college or had their own homes. Except for Al, who was just two years older, the house got busy only during some days. And Al was uber cool, so artsy and wearing the wackiest clothes Rusty had ever seen, even though he came from a big city. She covered for their sleeping late by knocking on the wall to let them know Flo was running her rounds of checking on the kids.

He had no reason to think of those times as sad times. A little muddy, yes, but they were mostly happy.

He turned his head to look at Matty’s back, his eyes now adjusted to the dark and the outside lights bright enough for him to make out shapes. The guy was soundly asleep, without a care in the world. Yeah, this sleeping together was completely different because he had never done such crazy things with Maddox when sleeping over at his house. Fun yes, but not this type of fun.

The blanket had slid down, showing the dip of Matty’s waist, right above that awesome ass. He was one fine-looking dude. And he seemed very much in touch with his sexuality, by how free and wild he had behaved around Rusty, albeit shy and reluctant on occasion. So, that begged the question. Why still a virgin? Why no boyfriend?

One reason Rusty could think of was that Matty was being incredibly pretentious when it came to guys. Maybe he wanted the equivalent of a fairytale prince or something like that. Hmm, he would need to have a conversation with him about that. What was his type? Did Matty have a type or was he still working on it?

The second reason had everything to do with how bookish the guy was. He always had his nose in a textbook, or those weird fantasies he was reading. Of course, that led to a very sexless life, and while Rusty liked reading, real life had many things to offer, one of them being booty.

He stole another look at Matty’s backside. Yeah, they should try playing with that booty the next chance they got. With an ass like that, it would be a total bummer if Matty ended up deciding only to use his gluteus maximus for being on top and smashing some booty himself.

That also meant that Rusty needed to brush up on his knowledge of anal sex. It should keep him occupied for a decent amount of time and stop him from thinking ugly thoughts.

Everyone knew him as the happy dude who never gave a shit. The truth was he did, sometimes a bit too much, to the point of becoming bothered by it. It was better to cover all that with a thick blanket of dead leaves or something equally poetic.

Would people think that this happy self of his was a fraud if they knew what lurked right under the surface? Or would they just think he was playacting if he ever showed a miniscule amount of the pain that cornered him at times? It was even hard for him to tell the difference. It was much easier to present the world with the image they were accustomed to.

And that world included his dad, too. To some extent.


Matty woke up slowly, not wanting to let go of his dream. It was a pretty funny dream, in which he and Rusty were having a picnic, and Rusty was playing with the food, sticking his cock between two slices of bread and calling it a meat sandwich. Matty was about to take a bite when something from the real world made the dream disintegrate and he had no chance but to give up and let go.

“Hey, dude,” Rusty’s voice cut through the fog.

Matty opened his eyes. “Is it morning already?”

“It’s been like for hours.” Rusty stared at him, amused, with a large grin on his face.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“I barely got up myself. You were pulling at my dick, claiming it was your meat sandwich.”

“I totally didn’t.” Matty looked down and his hand was, indeed, on Rusty’s cock. He pulled his hand away.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Rusty protested. “It was getting good.”

“Then why did you wake me up?”

“Legit question. You were mumbling about wanting to take a bite, and I didn’t want to risk it. Fair enough?”

Matty nodded. “Fair. I should get going.”

“Do you have to?” There was something hopeful in the way Rusty asked that.

“I’ve already taken all your night. Don’t tell me you want to study on Sunday.”

“Life’s not only about studying, Matty boy.”

“Maybe you want to spend your Sunday with your friends,” Matty suggested.

“Maddox and Jonathan won’t come back until tonight. Kane and Dex are probably nursing a hangover the size of two continents. When they’re like that, their intelligence drops to two, and the only way to communicate with them is by grunting and pointing. If I were hungover, too, I’d understand them, but right now, they’re like a foreign civilization which I don’t want to disturb.”

“Should we hang out, then? I should buy you breakfast.”

“It’s usually dinner and sex, Matty, but I’ll take it.”

“Later in the afternoon I have to meet up with Zoey.” She was probably firing messages at his phone right now, but he didn’t want to check. “But I’m free until then.”

“Sounds like a plan. Zoey, who’s not your girlfriend, right?”

“Yeah.” Matty was unclear why Rusty needed extra clarification for that particular detail.

“You’re mine until you meet her, then.”

Just the way Rusty threw such casual words around was enough to make his heart jolt and bounce with joy. He needed to act cool enough so that Rusty didn’t suspect a thing. “Okay.”

“Super-duper,” Rusty declared and climbed out of the bed, sliding over Matty and touching him with his cock in the process.

Matty grunted and closed his eyes. His thirst for Rusty would never end.




More saucy fun! Rusty is so wrapped up in Matty - it’s adorable. Can sense that Rusty’s past and inner demons are going to play a part in this novel… interesting… guessing some angst is going to be dumped on these two lovelies. Upcoming sad to counter the hot saucy fun?

Laura S. Fox

There will be some drama and sadness, too. I guess it's kind of a thing I include in most of my writings. And Rusty, oh, well, yes, he has those inner demons.


I’m a sucker for your writing! Love how you weave so many different emotions and feels into your stories while allowing the potential for happy to remain within grasp 😊😉

Laura S. Fox

Thank you so much! I'm happy that you're enjoying the story. And, to repeat something I always say, when I write something, there will always be a happy ever after, no matter how winded the path there will be!