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Hi guys,

I am proud to present the final form of the second book in the Hungry Heart saga! Dave was, once more, hard at work to put together the book and proofread it again, and I'm so grateful for it. Of course, this accomplishment would not have been possible without his generous patronage, so I use this occasion to address my deepest thanks again.

With no further ado, here is the summary of the work:

Toru, Varg, and Duril embark on a new adventure, this time accompanied by their newfound friend, the bearshifter Claw. Leaving Shroudharbor behind, they head toward an even bigger challenge than in their previous adventures. In front of them lies the Great Barren, home to the orcs and their fearsome tribe called Zukh Kalegh, a name given to the bloody desert by their rightful ownership of the place.

It is Duril’s turn to hear a call, the one of blood, and one night, when it grows too strong for him to ignore, he follows the scent in the wind, unwittingly forgetting his companions.

A tale of brotherhood, roots, and unbreakable bonds rises from this call of blood. Will the heroes prevail once more when the evil grasps the desert in its dark fist?

And this is the cover on which I worked this time on my own (with the help of the right tools, of course, such as a 3D program, and Canva for putting together the elements).

I hope you will enjoy the book in this format whenever you feel like revisiting our heroes' adventures! Download the pdf by clicking on the attachment below, and have fun!



The artwork is amazing!!!!! I nearly jumped out of my skin when I touched the link. - - - ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!!! 😎. Thank you Laura. Happy New Year!!!!

Laura S. Fox

Wow, thank you so much for your reaction! It makes me so happy! Happy New Year to you, as well!

Rob Wilkeson

Is there a book 1 assembled? I've read the individual posts.

Laura S. Fox

Yes. This is the link for it - https://www.patreon.com/posts/hungry-heart-1-53070679; and Book 2 is also put together - https://www.patreon.com/posts/hungry-heart-2-60762207; when in doubt about books put together, check the 'gift books' tag - clicking on it will bring up a page with all the books in their final shape.