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Chapter Eight – From the Gut

Billy came to his senses with a groan. There was a metallic taste inside his mouth. He must have bitten his tongue through. His eyes hurt as he tried to look ahead. The harsh light in the room was making his headache worse. A simple attempt to move convinced him that he was tied with his hands behind his back, and he was sitting on a chair.

“Hmm, finally.”

He turned his head toward the source of the sound. A couple of feet away from him, on another chair, stood a man. He was dressed in black, head to toes. Except for his head, everything was covered. He even wore gloves, and Billy felt a small shiver. That was no fashion statement, nor was he dealing with a mysophobe by chance.

Without saying a word, he studied the man’s face. His complexion appeared dry like paper in the blue light. His skin stretched on his bony skull, and his cheeks were sunken. His head was perfectly shaved, and again, Billy knew that it wasn’t some fad the man was following or simply a sign of early onset of alopecia.

It was simply practical. He was facing a practical man, with practical motivations and even more practical ways of dealing with a problem.

Of course, that begged the question. Why was he still alive?

“You’re probably wondering why you’re still alive.”

“I knew I must have knocked on the right door. Are you Stevo Binky, the mind reader?”

Not one trace of a smile appeared on the man’s face. “Who are you?”

Billy stood still. Was that a trap? Mr. X must have known he was coming –

Unless all had happened simply by accident.

“A tourist,” Billy replied brightly.

“A tourist,” Mr. X said slowly. “How interesting.”

By his bored voice, yeah, that must have been exactly what he was thinking.

“I see that you are busy, so I should be on my way.”

He didn’t look toward the cage on purpose. He could tell Florence was still glued to the glass, most probably waiting for her rescuer.

Who had proven to be an unadulterated dumbass.

“Why the rush? Soon, someone will be here for you.”

Billy frowned. “Who?”

Mr. X sighed as if he found the conversation terribly tedious. “I’m rather disappointed. I would have thought the detective in charge of the case himself would come knocking on my door.”

The detective in charge? Was that a red herring? The operation was hush-hush. No one was supposed to know, outside the people read in, who was in charge of the case.

“You’re basically looking at him,” Billy decided to bluff. There was no way he would let Mr. X know anything about Robert.

His captor angled his head and offered him a crossed look. Robert was wrong. This man’s eyes weren’t cold. They were dead.

“Then you look nothing like your picture, detective Stryker.”

Billy froze. No, it couldn’t be. Was there a mole inside the police department?

“Don’t bother,” Mr. X said, looking completely detached from the situation. “I made the phone call. The real detective is on his way as we speak.”

When he had used to hack into networks for the fun of it, Billy had often felt like his brain was on fire. His synapses, under the microscope, must have been glowing, making connections at the speed of light. Who had told Mr. X about Robert being in charge of the case?

His eyes darted to and fro, and for a split second, settled on the glass cage. Florence was using her earring to scratch something on the glass with a trembling hand. Billy felt his pupils dilating and noticed, from the corner of one eye, how Mr. X was starting to turn toward the source of his sudden interest.

“So you want to know who I am?” he said loudly, stopping Mr. X dead in his tracks.

His outburst was met with a grimace. “That would be a start, yes.”

“Then how about we make the game interesting?”

“Is it a game to you?”

“Why not? You already caught me, and I probably won’t live to tell stories about you. So why not indulge me? I’ll answer your questions if you answer mine.”

“You’re in no position to negotiate. Is this all the police are capable of hiring these days? I hoped detective Striker would put together a team worthy of such a high profile case. I must say that I’m disappointed. And intrigued.”

“So, you know who I am? Or you don’t? I bet you don’t.” Billy sounded playful on purpose. If he managed to squeeze any reaction from that stone-cold bastard, it would be a win.

Mr. X frowned for a moment. “You must be terribly insignificant.”

“For the record, that hurt.”

“Irrelevant. Who are you?”

Like an implacable investigator, Mr. X returned to the only question seemingly bothering him.

“You said it. I’m nobody.”

“I didn’t say you’re nobody. Who are you?”

Now he had a crucial and sensitive piece of information. Like a dangerous weapon, it had to be used only at the right moment, not sooner, not later.

“My name is Billy Jackson.”

Sometimes, you had to throw one trump card in the game to hide your real purpose.

Mr. X appeared to search his brain. A grimace of disgust twisted his face. “You look nothing like that guy.”


“Detective, where are you?”

“On my way to save Florence.”

“You’re no longer at your post. What do you mean, you’re on your way to save Florence?”

“I know where he’s keeping her. I’m going there.”

“Without a team behind you? What is this nonsense, Robert?”

He was starting to lose his patience. His old car couldn’t handle the speed he needed to get where he needed to be. Mr. X didn’t have to spell it. Robert knew what kind of bonus he was talking about.

His gut knew it, so he knew it. He should have never left Billy to handle that alone. One hand on the wheel, he felt his gun. He doubted he would be allowed to walk into Mr. X’s fortress with it. Still, he left it in the holster. Then his hand moved to the glove compartment. Under the circumstances, anything would do.

“Robert, get back here.”

His captain’s voice pulled him back. “Sorry, captain, but you’ll have to trust me on this one.”

“At least, tell me where you’re going.”

Robert hesitated for a moment. Billy wasn’t the kind to get caught. Some details of their mission had been shared with the department. He didn’t like to put two and two together in this case, but he had to.

“I’ll tell you later.”

“Later?!” The captain was a woman with nerves of steel, but it was clear that she was starting to lose her patience.

“I’m afraid we have a mole, captain.”

The tensed silence on the other end told him that his theory wasn’t discarded. “I’m out of earshot from the team,” she said after a while. “Are you sure, Robert?”

“It’s just a hunch. You don’t have to trust me.”

“It looks like I don’t have a choice. I’ll put together another team that won’t know what case they’re on. This one gets disbanded right now. Send me your location before you get into some serious shit.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice, chief,” Robert replied. “I’ll send you the location soon enough.”

He didn’t want to scare Mr. X into killing Billy and Florence. If cornered, that bastard could be capable of anything.

The fact that he had invited him over proved only how confident he was in his position. Robert was well aware that he was walking into a situation that would turn him quickly into a hostage. The bargaining coin Mr. X could use just got an increase in value with him a captive.

But there was no choice. He could only hope Billy was still alive. The bastard had said nothing about what state his partner was in. Therefore, he had to count on Mr. X’s practical nature. He wouldn’t kill anyone without a profit or if his own survival wasn’t in the balance.

What could his angle be? The last thing he wanted was to walk into a situation of which he knew nothing about. Billy’s and Florence’s lives depended on him walking in there, though. Therefore, he had no alternative, to begin with.


“Haven’t you heard? I’m the master of disguise,” Billy retorted.

Mr. X frowned. His dead eyes set on Billy.

“Just take a look at this profile.” Billy turned his head. “Nothing familiar? Really? Then I should tell you a few things about how Levine shat his pants when we caught him.”

Finally, something was happening. Mr. X got up from his chair, walked toward him, and smacked him once, hard, across the face.

Billy grimaced as he tasted blood again. That would give him a fat lip. That meant that there would be no more dates for him for a while. He could live with that if, of course, he lived long enough.

“You cost me a lot of money, Billy Jackson.”

The voice was void of any emotion, but the slap hadn’t been. “By the way, what the hell are you doing with that much money?”

Mr. X hovered, but his eyes were as dead as ever. “None of your business.”

“Seriously, I mean, do you have a bunker where you keep the entire Picasso collection? Nah, you don’t look like a guy into art.”

“Stop your babbling,” Mr. X ordered shortly.

Billy was about to ignore that when a loud ring coming from outside the room interrupted them.

“Ah, that must be the detective. Let’s not keep him waiting.”

Billy followed Mr. X with his eyes. He exhaled once the bastard was out of the room. Florence had given up scratching the glass and stood crouched by the transparent wall with a lost look on her face. “Cavalry’s on the way, Florence,” he whispered.

He could only hope that he hadn’t dragged the detective into a trap by being a perfect nincompoop. How come his electronics had died once he had stepped inside this room? Or had it happened when he had stepped foot inside the house? No, he had them working while inspecting the rooms.

It had to be only inside this room. He had been surprised to see Florence locked in that cage, and he shouldn’t have been. He had left his guard down, right there.

Mistakes were supposed to be lessons, but if one died from them, the lessons were lost. Therefore, he needed to live.


“Ah, detective. I see you’re a man of your word. Please, come in.”

The words sounded charming, but the voice was flat and emotionless. He examined Mr. X with hard eyes. It was the first time he saw that criminal in flesh and blood.

He had questions to ask, but he allowed his so-called host to lead the conversation. There was more to learn from him this way. People tended to babble when the other was silent.

“Will I have to search you for forbidden items?”

Robert shrugged. “Be my guest.”

Mr. X closed the door but didn’t take his eyes off him. He patted Robert down with expert moves. He reached for the holster and took the gun out. “Now, detective, I’m disappointed.”

“You told me to come alone, not to leave my gun behind.”

“I suppose. Any other things you need to confess? I don’t plan on making this visit of yours a long one. We’re both busy people.”

“This is the only gun I had on me.”

Technically, it wasn’t a lie.

Still, Mr. X continued to frisk him for another full minute until declaring himself satisfied.

“After you, detective.”

“How am I supposed to know the way?”

“I’ll give you pointers.” Mr. X took the gun and gestured with it. “Up the stairs and to the left. No wrong moves or – But I don’t have to tell you that. You seem a clever man, detective. Too bad.”

Robert walked up the stairs without another word. He didn’t need extra explanations on what Mr. X meant by that.


The detective’s face was a mask. Billy watched him the moment he walked in, followed by Mr. X. He didn’t insist on communicating non-verbally with Robert. His eyes remained on Mr. X’s hand.

The bastard was holding a gun. That was enough to change the game completely. What was his plan?

“So, for the sake of my curiosity, what are Billy Jackson and detective Robert Stryker doing, invading my property?” Mr. X’s voice was calculated.

“Do you expect an answer?” Billy asked.

“Detective, move over there. I want to look at you, both, as I tell you what happens next.”

Billy locked eyes with their captor. It didn’t look good, whatever the scumbag’s plan was. Not for them, at least.

“I think I know,” Billy intervened.

“You have a strange habit to play the fool, Billy Jackson. No, you’ll hear what --”

“But I know already.”

Mr. X stopped. “Well? Say it. I have a couple of minutes to spare.”

“You’re going to kill us.”

Billy didn’t dare to look at the detective as he was running his mouth.

“All right. Go on.”

“But we already know who hired you to kidnap the girl, so you won’t get to see your money this time around, either.”

“You’re bluffing. Stop being tedious and listen.”

“I’m not bluffing.” Billy hoped the detective was well prepared. The gun changed things, but slim chances were better than nothing. After all, his hands were rubbed raw, but it was all worth it. “You were hired by Florence’s uncle.”

Intentionally, he let his eyes move to the glass on which Florence had scratched, in bold letters, the truth that should be enough to set them free.

His entire body tensed as Mr. X turned his head toward the cage. He got to his feet, his hands already freed and bloodied from the way he’d done it.


Moments of opportunity were always short. Robert joined his hands and pulled the nylon string from his sleeve, and in a split second, he wrapped it around Mr. X’s neck, dropping with him to the floor.

The other’s body tensed and struggled against the surprise attack. Robert could feel the muscles in his arms on fire as the string dig into his palms.

Mr. X pushed against him, digging his elbows into his ribs, making him groan in pain. He was thrown down, and the other pointed the gun at him while holding one hand at his throat. “You’ll die by your own gun, detective.”

Robert couldn’t help a smile. Then the gun flew from the bastard’s hand as a well-aimed kick hit his arm.

He watched in disbelief as Billy hurried to take the gun and point it at Mr. X’s head. “I don’t think so, asshole.”

So, he didn’t need much saving, after all?

Mr. X took them both by surprise by starting to laugh. Then, he grabbed Billy’s hand and twisted it, making the gun drop again.

Robert hurried for it now.

The door blasted open. “Don’t move!”

The captain was a miracle worker. Robert wasn’t expecting the strike team for at least ten more minutes, and that was a stretch.

But the single guy pointing a gun at them with trembling hands looked nothing like Robert expected. He looked like a guard, not law enforcement, he was a bit overweight, and his face was sweaty.

“What the hell?” Robert asked out loud.

“Don’t move!” the guard yelled. “Nobody move!”

Robert put his arms up. “All right. I’m a police detective.”

“You’re a police detective?”

If he hadn’t been shocked by anything before, he was now. Behind the guard trembling in his shoes, stood Andy and Tyler. And then Robert remembered vaguely about having seen the guard before. He was from the honeymoon resort.

“These people invaded my home,” Mr. X began. He stood up slowly.

Robert felt his heartbeat slowing. Mr. X could disarm the guard if he got close enough. And this time, he would have a gun with bullets in it.

“And how do you explain keeping a prisoner inside a cage, then?” Billy said.

The guard stared at the glass cage in disbelief. So did Andy and Tyler. “What on earth --” Andy said in a whisper.

Robert pushed himself up, his eyes never leaving Mr. X. He waited only a fraction of a second, and when the scumbag tried to reach for the guard’s gun, he dashed toward him, pushing him to the floor. This time, he punched him hard in the head and watched as the dead eyes rolled in the bastard’s head.

“Oh my God, you guys,” Andy babbled. “What’s going on here? What’s with the girl?”

Robert grabbed the nylon string from the floor and began to tie Mr. X’s hands behind his back. “Billy, a bit of help here, please. I didn’t bring any handcuffs.”

“I’ve got anything you want.”

“And your name is not Matt?” Andy continued.

Robert smiled. The guard was still holding his gun, but he didn’t know where to point it. “I’m afraid we’re not who you guys thought. Sorry about that. Could you please lower your gun, sir?”

The guard dropped his arm. “Sorry, detective. What’s going on here?”

“I should ask you how you three got in here to mess with a police investigation,” Robert said in a stern tone.

Andy began talking. “We saw Matt dressed up like a cat burglar and followed him. He broke into this property, so we rushed to Mr. Winston, here, told him our friend just got into something fishy.”

Robert turned his head to look at Billy. He was already making himself busy with figuring out a way to free Florence from the cage. The strike team would arrive shortly, and they could help, too.

He was worried about the girl. She just stood there, impassible. Could it be that she was in shock? Then, he noticed scratched words on the glass above her head.

“Bad uncle,” he read under his breath.

Clever girl.

“Anyway, we’re like really really sorry,” Andy continued to talk quickly. “I mean, we didn’t want to get Matt, sorry, Billy, in any trouble. We hoped that Mr. Winston would convince him to give up on a life of crime.”

That must have been why they hadn’t called the police.

“I’m afraid it’s a bit too late for that,” he said with a smile as he watched Billy working a narrow nook into the cage with what looked like a lock pick kit.

“Can you forgive us?” Andy asked anxiously.

“Don’t worry,” Robert said. “No harm done.”

Billy managed to break inside. Then Robert noticed Florence getting to her feet and rushing toward her rescuer. No words were needed. Billy hugged the girl back as she wrapped her thin arms around him and buried her face into his chest.


“Thank you for allowing us to stick around after we almost ruined a police investigation,” Andy said.

“Thank you for caring, really,” Billy offered.

The yard was invaded by police cars, and Mr. X was taken into custody. An ambulance was there, too, and Florence was already wrapped in blankets, and a nurse was giving her something hot to drink.

Robert was engaged in what looked like a serious talk with his captain.

“Being in the police must be exciting,” Andy commented.

“I’m not police,” Billy said. He shouldn’t have commented anything and let the guys believe that about him. “I was just hired to work on the case. I’m a freelancer.”

“And you got teamed up with detective Sexy over there?” Andy asked.

“Honey, I’m starting to get jealous,” Tyler intervened.

“Come on, just look at him. The way he smacked that asshole, putting him to sleep in like a second or something --”

“Sweetheart, we get it. He’s strong and manly,” Tyler commented and smiled at his partner’s enthusiasm. He took Andy by the shoulders. “But, seriously, you two fooled us pretty good. I mean, we really bought that you two were in love. Wait, is there something going on between you two? I mean, we both saw the sparks, right, honey?”

Andy nodded. “Oh, yeah, we definitely saw them. So, are you and the detective --”

“No, no, not at all,” Billy hurried to deny. “We just needed to blend in so that we could work on our investigation.”

“Wow, color me impressed then,” Andy said. “But are you sure --”

“Honey, he said no,” Tyler intervened to placate his husband. “Well, we can say that our honeymoon vacation just got intense. I think we should be back to our boring lives now. But, is it okay if we give you our numbers, Billy?”

“Sure, I like friends.”

Sure, I like friends. He mimicked his own words mockingly. He was just saying things randomly. His eyes kept following the detective.

“That may not be the only thing he likes,” Andy whispered.

“Let’s go before Billy starts to hate us. If you ever want to hang out, please give us a call. We’d be happy to have someone to talk to some more about our crazy honeymoon vacation. We’re not supposed to talk to anyone about it, right?”

Billy nodded. “Yes. Thank you for your discretion. And I might call,” he promised.

Andy surprised him by hugging him. “You should go talk to the detective,” he whispered quickly. Then he took his husband’s arm and waved Billy goodbye.

So, he was a bit transparent. But he couldn’t help it. It wasn’t every day that someone saved him. Usually, it was the other way around.

Saying thanks was in order.

And it meant that he had a chance to talk to Robert again.

About the case.

Of course.


“I’ll handle some of the paperwork, but starting on Monday you’re on,” the captain warned him.

“Do I get to spend the weekend at home, then?”

She wagged a finger at him. “And rest. Good job, Robert. For catching this scumbag and the asshole behind the whole thing.”

“How could Florence know?” Robert wondered.

“She told us that she heard her kidnapper talking on the phone. The words ‘I have your niece’ were quite self-explanatory.”

“I’m surprised he let that one slip.”

“Everyone slips,” the captain said and patted his arm. “And that’s why we’re always on guard. To catch the assholes as soon as they do.”

Robert nodded. The captain left him to talk to the rest of the team.

And then he noticed Billy standing at a fair distance from all the action. He had been part of it all, but now he looked so far away.

Robert walked toward him. The latest days had been so wild. He wasn’t sure he had the right words.

So, the first thing he did was to offer his hand. Billy shook it solemnly, and then Robert noticed the blood.

“What happened to your hands?”

Billy looked at them with a deprecating smile. “I needed to free myself and fast, and that without letting the scumbag know what was I doing. I ended up scratching them badly. Eh, at least they match my fat lip.”

“What fat lip?”

Robert searched Billy’s face. “Did he hit you?”

Billy laughed. “Don’t worry, detective. I’m not some helpless victim. I provoked him and knew what I was doing at the time. But that means that I won’t go on any dates anytime soon.”

Robert frowned. “That’s too bad.”

“I guess.”

“We can’t have it.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because I’m taking you out on a date this weekend.”



Next chapter 



Yay! Florence is saved and Billy has a date!! ❤️

Dave Kemp

Look at Billy! Making friends! Going on dates! Another great chapter!