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Chapter One / Chapter Two / Chapter Three 

Chapter Four – Shut Up, Mr. Brown

To his surprise, he wasn’t taken to the toys’ room, but to a bedroom that appeared to be the place where Brown must have been sleeping regularly. The place looked lived in, a bit less austere and cold than the rest of the house. Christian walked quickly inside because the heavy hand on his shoulder was making him skittish. He hurried to the bed and bounced on it a couple of times.

One thing he didn’t dare to do was look up.

“I have a few things here.”

He looked, but only at the items thrown on the bed, not far from him. Condoms. Expected. Lube. Of course. Rope. Ugh, okay. Blindfold? Oh, he liked that. Did Brown really think he was scared now? Far from it. Now, he knew exactly what he wanted to do.

“I’m at your mercy,” Brown said, and Christian could read the teasing in his voice.

He stood up and said primly, “Lie on the bed, Mr. Brown.”

“Mr. Brown? I told you to call me Rhett. You’re making me feel like I’m getting a physical examination.”

“I will call you how I want,” Christian replied, feeling a bit rebellious over being told what to do, and indulged only as a favor.

Brown put his hands up. “All right. I promised you that we will play it your way, so I’m here to obey your desires. Do you know what they are, Christian?”

He just nodded and patted the bed. With restless fingers, he explored the items on the bed and picked the rope. It was split into several pieces of different lengths. “Wouldn’t this be too much? I don’t want to cut your circulation.”

“I’m not afraid of a bit of chafing, but you’re right. Just make it tight, but not too tight. I have great trust in your good judgement.”

Brown acted all gallant, but Christian didn’t fall for his act. He couldn’t deny the thrill he experienced just thinking of how he would have this man, tall, muscular, and strong, all at his disposal, to do as he wished.

It was awkward to lean over and tie Brown’s wrists to the headboard that seemed to have been made to order to accommodate such kinks. He could feel the other’s eyes on him, provoking him to become clumsy and make a fool of himself. People knew a few things about him, such as how proficient he was in sailor’s knots.

He leaned back to take a good look at his handiwork. Brown rotated his wrists for a few seconds. “Aren’t you a bit too good at this? Secretly a bondage aficionado, then?”

“No. I just know how to tie knots.”

“All right. What’s next? You didn’t bother to ask me to undress.”

The teasing was there, again. Christian couldn’t allow to let himself swayed, not at this point. He had to pretend he had it all figured out. “I only have to undress your bottom half.” With that decision voiced out loud, he began fiddling with Brown’s buckle.

The asshole looked great in a suit. Christian straddled him to have better leverage and shivered as he felt the hard thighs under his legs. For a moment, he felt inadequate and insecure again, but he pushed those thoughts away. Now wasn’t the time to back down and run home to mom and dad.

Important decisions could take only the blink of an eye. He would become a man tonight. He would have sex.

But what about your cherry?

Maybe it was time to part with that thing, anyway. He wasn’t a girl, and he saw no reason to remain a virgin indefinitely.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Brown said, drawling the words on purpose.

“I want to see your cock,” Christian replied and hoped his voice was steady and confident.

It was one thing to watch sexual acts online. All the theory in the world hadn’t prepared him for this. It was like he didn’t know anything, which wasn’t true, he tried to convince himself.

He eventually managed to pull the other’s pants down but decided against undressing him completely. Like this, Brown would have less freedom of movement.

One look up, and there it was. Christian had been curious of other boys’ bodies, hungry for running comparisons. “Wow,” he let out at the sight in front of him. “Your cock is huge, Mr. Brown.”

“Oh, thank you. I’m glad you like it.”

Christian took a moment. The thing was hard, and it looked a bit different than his. Brown’s cock must have seen plenty of action; it was rugged, dark, stiff, and already leaking. “Are you on Viagra?” He pushed one finger against the shaft and then pulled his hand back.

“No. It’s because of you, pretty boy.”

Christian stole a glance at Brown’s face. His thing was this hard, but he could still afford to make fun of him. That meant that he needed to take action. He grabbed the blindfold and placed it over Brown’s eyes.

“So soon? Aren’t you going to let me watch what you’re about to do to me?”

“No.” He sounded vengeful, and he was. Brown would laugh at him if he saw just how helpless he was. But, like this, he could pretend to be skilled and mysterious.


It was true that removing one sense worked wonders for the others. Rhett stood still, curious about the kitten walking into his lair, pretending to know what he was doing. Curious fingers probed his cock now. His breath caught when a thumb rubbed over the head, spreading the precum. He heard a small sound shortly after. “Did you just taste me, pretty boy?”


He was getting crazy about that petulant voice. Tonight, he would allow Christian to do whatever he wanted. Later, he would turn the tables. He would take the boy on all fours, pounding into him and making sure to redden his behind. Christian had to have the most exquisite voice in the throes of pleasure.

If he wanted this to be remotely pleasurable for him and not pure torture, he needed to put a stop to his fantasies.

“Is it getting softer?” Christian seemed surprised.

“Maybe you’re not treating it right,” Rhett teased.

He wanted to start giving pointers, but he stopped when he sensed something soft, wet, and warm against the head of his cock. Was Christian Marshall, the golden boy, going down on him? Offering the blindfold had been a bad idea. He would have loved to see it, that beautiful mouth stretched around his cock, the sultry eyes watching him intently, their owner hungry for approval.

He hissed when teeth scraped slightly against the sensitive skin. “No teeth, please.”

“I know what I’m doing,” Christian huffed, but when he got back to the task at hand, he carefully covered his teeth with his lips by what Rhett could tell.

The boy had no technique, no finesse. He didn’t have any idea what he was doing. In all respects, he was less than the least experienced of his subs, past and present. But Rhett could feel his balls pulling tight as Christian placed one hand on them and squeezed them.

It was true, after all, that the biggest sex organ was the brain. Rhett had a hard-on like he hadn’t had in a long time. Christian was getting more and more enthusiastic, rubbing his lips against the engorged head and licking with undisguised pleasure.

“Slow down,” Rhett urged him, “if you want something else from it tonight.”

“Like fucking?”

If Christian played him with that innocent act, he was one hell of an actor.

“Yes. I suppose you didn’t tie me up and blindfold me just so that you could offer a mediocre blowjob.”

Rhett knew what he was doing. Pushing Christian into doing more required more than simple directness. The kitten was a warrior inside; he needed to be provoked to show his true colors.

“It’s only my first,” Christian retorted, “of course I suck.”

Really? No playing with other boys? Rhett was still unsure whether that was the truth or Christian was playing him. He could hear the rustling of clothes and regretted again his decision to offer that blindfold.

There was something else touching his cock now. Since it was no longer a mouth and neither fingers, it could only be one thing. Rhett laughed gently. “Are you measuring your cock against mine?”

“Shut up,” came the mumbled reply.

“Ah, I thought you were a good boy, always polite about how he addressed his elders.”

“Shut up, Mr. Brown.”

Sure. That was more like it.


Christian could feel his entire skin on fire. He had gone and sucked a man’s cock. It hadn’t been bad, either. Actually, if Brown hadn’t been an asshole about it, Christian would have taken his time to explore that thoroughly. Who knew? Maybe by morning, he could even deepthroat if he wanted.

Now, he had to move faster. He didn’t want Brown’s cock to go soft on him, and he didn’t have the practice to know how to keep a guy like that interested.

Christian had never thought of his cock as being too small or anything, but right now, he suffered a bout of penis envy. He chose to be philosophical for a moment; his cock wasn’t important. Although he hadn’t thought much of it, either, he knew he had to be a bottom. When exploring that area with his fingers while jerking off, he had the best orgasms. And then, it had been the times when he even fooled around with a dildo. He has been satisfied to see that it fit and that the pressure was pleasurable.

But this was the real thing. Christian took a condom out of the box and unwrapped it. How did they explain it in sex ed? Since he had never had sex, he wasn’t practiced in putting one on. He checked the short instructions on the back.

“May I know what you’re doing?”

“Reading the instructions on how to put a condom on,” Christian replied promptly.

Brown fell silent for a moment. “Are you pulling my leg?”

“I saw it in sex ed, even did it a couple of times, but not with the real thing. I just want to make sure.”

Silence fell again. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut? Brown didn’t need to know he was that inexperienced. He could even refuse to go further, and Christian cursed at his own lack of awareness about whatever he chose to confess.

“Are you a virgin, Christian?” Brown asked quietly.

“Like you didn’t know that.” Christian snorted.

“Then you’re about to --”

Christian didn’t need to have that conversation right now. He began to roll down the condom down Brown’s cock, satisfied to find it still hard. “I’m about to do what I want,” he said.

“Then knock yourself out.” Brown was amused.

Maybe he wouldn’t be for long. Maybe Christian would be so good that he would blow this experienced man’s mind. Right. Now he wanted to laugh at himself. But he was determined to go all the way, whatever it took.

He regretted not undressing Brown when he had had the chance. The dress shirt was still in place, so Christian chose to unbutton it and push the undershirt up so that he could admire Brown’s abdomen, hard as a rock, and his tough pecs. He ran his hands over them and shuddered. Just watching that muscular body made him lose his mind.

He knew what he wanted. With a hand filled with lube, he began to play with his own ass. Soft moans escaped his lips as he went a bit deeper.

“Make sure to prepare enough.” Great, now Brown sounded worried.

“I know what I’m doing,” he replied stubbornly.

“A virgin boy who knows what he’s doing,” Brown commented.

“How would you know about that? I bet none of your subs were virgins when you took them for a ride.”

“Touché,” Brown admitted.

Christian pushed it. “I bet they were used and loose.”

“Hmm, are you jealous?”

How could he be? He straddled Brown’s hips, adjusting his position so that he could align that fantastic cock with his ass. Ah, that was it. So now, he just needed to push himself down.

“Ah,” he gasped.

That was so much bigger than the dildo he had played with or his fingers. Christian looked between his legs. Had Brown’s cock grown all of a sudden? No, but it sure felt like it.

“This was a bad idea,” Brown huffed. “Untie me.”

“No way.” Christian couldn’t stand it. He should have said he was experienced and just gone with it. Now Brown didn’t want to go all the way because he hated virgins, probably. Yeah, he liked his subs, who were capable of jumping on any cock, loose as they were.

“Christian, I indulged you enough.”

“No, please, just let me. And don’t go soft on me,” he demanded.

It looked like there was no chance of that. As he struggled to make that thing go inside him, Brown’s cock got harder.

“You’re about to pop your cherry using my cock,” Brown said impatiently.

“And? Didn’t you know what I wanted when you took me here? No way am I going home tonight still a lame virgin.”

“Untie me, and I’ll take care of you,” Brown promised. He grunted as Christian descended a fraction of an inch. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

Was it a bad thing? But he couldn’t have his ass adapt to that monstrous cock if he didn’t put his mind to it. “You’re lying. The moment I let you go, you’re going to send me home, tail between the legs,” he said.

Ugh, a little more. The fullness was unbearable. Brown wasn’t unaffected, either. The harsh grunts coming from him unsettled Christian. “Am I that bad? Do you hate it?”

“I don’t hate it,” Brown breathed out. “Release me, Christian, and I’ll fuck your sweet ass into tomorrow.”

“If you don’t hate it, then I can continue.” He could barely breathe, let alone talk. There was pain, too, but he had read about it, so it was normal, and he just needed to let his body adjust. Brown’s cock pulsed like a hot rod in his ass. Christian shivered and gasped as he insisted on impaling himself into that thing. Was he insane? How could he think this was pleasant? Right now, he was being split in two, and he was supposed to enjoy it.

“Christian,” Brown moaned his name. “Are you crazy, attempting a thing like this for your first time?”

“Why? What’s wrong with how I do it?” Each word came out with another gasp. “You said you didn’t hate it. Is my ass strangling your cock or something?”

“No.” Brown bucked his hips, and Christian stopped breathing for a moment.

The lube was working, and so did whatever Brown had in mind, moving like that. Christian pushed down a little more and felt his ass resting against the other’s balls. “I did it,” he whispered.

“You crazy beautiful boy,” Brown let out. “Now move that sweet ass on my cock.”

He couldn’t stand being told what to do, although he needed it. “Just to be clear,” he whispered, “I’m doing what I want.”

Things hurt, but not as much. Christian leaned forward and caught Brown’s mouth into a kiss. To go through this, to see the end of it, he needed fuel. After a short moment of surprise, Brown reacted. His tongue shot into Christian’s mouth, aggressive and a bit frightening, but now he stood his ground.

He kissed back and placed his hands on Brown’s chest. He squeezed the pecs, enjoying how firm they were and big, and found an anchor in the hard nipples. There was a hiss from the other when he leaned back, breaking the kiss.

“You’re going to rip my tits,” Brown chided him.

“I’m sure you’ll live,” Christian replied.

“Without my tits?”

Christian would have laughed at the image of a pissed off Brown, staring at his own nipples in the mirror. But his ass was too full, his lips were tingling, and his mind a mess. His lack of experience would end tonight. Armed with practical knowledge, he would know more about how to deal with men like Rhett Brown. Not with him, him, though. What he was doing was dangerous, so it had to be a one-time thing. Ed would kill him if he knew, and not only him.

He rose and pushed back. An unfamiliar sensation shot through him. He had never pushed that dildo too far in, and the cock in his ass was deep inside. His entire body shook. He found reassurance in fondling Brown’s pecs and nipples again and attempted to move again.

“Okay, okay,” he whispered.

“Christian,” Brown moaned softly. “You can untie me anytime.”

“I can, but I won’t.” Slowly, he began falling into a rhythm. So this was it, right? He just needed to ensure enough … friction.

Brown didn’t stay still. He moved his hips upward, meeting each of Christian’s moves. He would have protested if he still had anything left in him. But his entire attention was focused on what happened inside him, the myriad of sensations shooting through him with each move, each thrust.

He had heard plenty about the advantages of a big cock. For his first time, he could have done with someone less endowed. But he didn’t want to let go and give up. The pain lessened and lessened, and now he could sustain that pace without too much discomfort. “Is it good?” he asked, in a timid voice he hated instantly.

“Your ass is perfect,” Brown whispered.

“Good, that’s good,” he breathed out and went for another kiss.

His hips moved more amply as the kiss deepened. Brown didn’t have much control over how they fucked, but he sure knew how to kiss to blow Christian’s mind to smithereens. The clumsiness from before was fading, and his rhythm became more controlled, sensual even. Pleasure rose in him like a tide. Brown struggled with his position and began hitting him inside just right.

He collapsed against Brown’s shoulder and wrapped his arms around his neck as the man did his best to fuck him like that. It was so amazing that tears flooded his eyes. His skin was all goosebumps. He loved it. He pushed back, helping his partner in their common quest for a release that seemed elusive at the moment.

“You’re good, Christian, you’re good,” Brown praised him gently. “Give me your lips.”

He felt tired already, but he obeyed. This time, he used his tongue, too, and new pleasure flooded his entire body, like the two connections, through his mouth and his ass, were enough to make him come completely undone.

“I’m dying to touch you,” Brown whispered. “Touch your cock for me, Christian.”

Wasn’t he supposed to come just from getting fucked in the ass? Actually, if he thought better, those guys in porn videos often jerked off. The idea annoyed him a little, but the pleasure didn’t leave his cock unaffected, either. The stimulation in his ass was enough to make his little guy itch for action, too.

Despite his determination to disobey each of Brown’s commands, he grabbed his cock. Oh, it felt so good. The hard cock in his ass was working him good, so good that Christian wanted to have a dildo modeled after it to use it when alone. But no, it wasn’t just the size or the shape.

Everything about this man was making him lose his sanity, temporarily, but still. Maybe he wasn’t Brown’s type, but Brown was his. As far as first experiences went, this one was fantastic, and he would remember it forever.

He let go of the other’s mouth so that he could lick his jawline and neck. He couldn’t get enough. He wanted to taste his partner thoroughly. How would his cum taste like? He was dying to know but had a feeling that his curiosity would remain unsatisfied.

“Are you close?” Brown’s voice reverberated, strained and ragged.

“So close,” Christian murmured in reply.

Feeling so much pleasure had to be illegal all around the world. No way would anyone in their right mind want to do anything else day in and day out if it weren’t. He had come in the past. He had jerked off, watched porn, teased other boys. But it had never been like this. That kind of pleasure trampled all.

A strange sound escaped his lips, and he sat deeper, as deep as he could, in the other’s cock. Brown was breathing hard, and something had to be happening to him at the same time because through the all-conquering sensations spreading from his ass, Christian could identify something else, something that didn’t belong to him.

“Are you coming?” he whispered. “Are you really? In my ass?”

“Yes, yes, you crazy boy,” Brown whispered back.

Christian shuddered through the last recoil of his orgasm. He had done more than he had thought possible. He had made Brown come, too, and it was crazy even to think that because, come on, the man was experienced and had who knew how many lovers, and Christian was just a virgin – had been until minutes ago.

He kissed Brown softly, enjoying how their lips fit. It didn’t matter how much of an asshole the guy was. Everything about that night had been perfect, beyond his wildest dreams.

He let go slowly and stood up on trembling feet. He stared at the full condom and peeled it away. Brown’s cock was still half-hard. To test it, he touched it with hesitant fingers.

“Wow, you came so much, Mr. Brown.”

“That was just the entrée,” Brown said. “Now untie me so that I can show you how it’s done.”

His words had the effect of a cold shower on Christian. Hadn’t that been perfect? Was he the only one to think so? “What do you mean?”

Brown moved his wrists impatiently against their restraints. “You’ve had your fun, boy. Now it’s my turn.”

“I made you come,” Christian pointed out.

“And? Who do you take me for? I appreciate the appetizer, but I’m the kind of guy who likes a full course meal when the prospect is so appealing.”

Christian was sure his ass needed a serious break. There was no way he would have sex again tonight. And Brown was downright insulting him. He opened his mouth to say something and heard a phone ring. His eyes found it on the nightstand. It was Brown’s phone, and sudden, irrational jealousy flooded him. Who could be calling so late? It had to be one of his many lovers. It had to be fun to have beautiful guys at your fingertips like that.

Everything was clear. No matter how special he had thought this night to be, that had only been him. And he had made a promise to himself that he wouldn’t lose his head during this little adventure.

As for the guy lying on the bed, he had been good for one thing. Good, if he were trying hard enough to have cynical thoughts, in the end, he would manage to feel that way, too.

“Christian?” Brown asked tentatively. He was moving his head around in a hopeless attempt to get rid of the blindfold.

Christian began dressing up.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m punishing you.” He wanted to sound hard and sophisticated, but all he managed was sound like a child who couldn’t have his way.

“For what? I could tell that you came all over me. You had your fun, hadn’t you?”

Christian stared at Brown’s hard abdomen. Yes, that immense pleasure he had experienced earlier, the one without equivalent, had its proof there, drying on the other’s skin. “I suppose I did. But that’s what you do with all the others, don’t you?”

Great. Now he sounded jealous, too.

Brown laughed. Big mistake. For a second, Christian had considered untying him before leaving. But no, he had to go ahead and behave like an asshole, which he was.

“I’ll be off, Mr. Brown,” he said airily.


He headed toward the door.

“Christian? Christian, come back here, you little devil!”

“You can’t tell me what to do.”

He hadn’t meant to slam the door, he had been taught not to do that no matter how upset he ever got, but it felt good to do it. It took the edge off a little from how he felt inside.

Which was, in short, a complete mess.


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