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Author's note: Hi guys, here I am with the first extra for Friends, Sexcapades, And Love Affairs. Since some of you asked about an extra involving Christian, the craziest and naughtiest idea crossed my mind. I won't spoil the fun, and I'll let you discover what this story is all about with each chapter I will publish. 

I also decided to have this story updated on both Sundays (with the exception of those when Hungry Heart episodes are due) and Thursdays so that you don't have to wait so much between chapters. 

That said, please enjoy this new ride! It will be a multi-chaptered story, so buckle up!

Chapter One – The Innocent And The Beast

“They look so happy, don’t they?”

Christian turned his head and observed the man through his eyelashes. “They are happy,” he retorted.

Maybe not as happy as they had been at their first wedding reception, he added in his head, but that was not something he wanted to let the intruder know.

A harsh laugh was the reply to his words. Christian pursed his lips and considered his unwanted companion. He had chosen to sit at a table close to the exit so that he could jet as soon as things got too boring. Edward and Adrian had insisted for him to sit at their table, but he had told them that he didn’t love them enough to stand an entire dull night in the company of the family’s dinosaurs.

“Rhett Brown.” The man shoved a hand in his face.

He could ignore the offered hand. But he was so damned bored, and he recalled everything Ed had told him about Rhett Brown in the minutest detail. Everyone he met admired him for having the memory of an elephant, but Christian wasn’t entirely sure if it was a blessing or a curse. It had definitely helped him get into the Ivy League law school of his choosing, although he was confident his pedigree must have weighed at least as much as his academic achievements.

He shook Brown’s hand and smiled, making sure he looked as sweet and innocent he needed to look when fooling his parents that he had been at the library and not experimenting with life.

That was how he called his incursions into the real world. He truly appreciated his parents’ affection and care, but he didn’t want to stay in a bubble with no contact with what truly qualified as fun.

At a glance, he could tell Brown had bought his innocent act. “Christian Marshall --”

“The Third. Of course, Eddy’s most beautiful cousin.” Brown made a move as if he was about to kiss his hand instead of shaking it, and Christian had to bite back a laugh. Most of Edward’s cousins were bankers, lawyers, and doctors in their fifties. The comparison didn’t say anything about his appearance and attractiveness.

They shared a manly handshake in the end, although Brown kept his hand a bit longer than socially accepted. Christian looked directly into the other’s dark eyes and didn’t remove his hand, either. This could be fun.

Also dangerous, and Ed would never let him. Or anyone else in the family. In a nutshell, a lot of fun. “You’re not bad looking yourself, Mr. Brown,” he said and blinked once lazily.

The predatory glint in the dark eyes came and went in a flash. For a moment, Christian entertained the fantasy of looking into those eyes staring at him from below. Oh, yes, it would be a lot of fun, and Rhett Brown looked like the perfect guinea pig for his next experiment.

It had been an idea he had played around in his head for a while now. Under the perfectly tailored suit, Brown looked like a muscular man, proud of his physique and willing to show it off. On top of everything, and according to Ed, he was also a major prick.

In conclusion, an appealing prospect and a challenge Christian had looked for in a long time. Rhett Brown treated the world like it was his personal amusement park. Maybe he needed a small lesson in humility.

Nah, Christian just wanted to have fun. If that meant that he could teach a prick some manners in the process, it was a bonus.

Ed would stop him if he knew what went through his head right now. For that reason, he needed to make sure that people didn’t notice him and Brown talking. He couldn’t let that happen; he had been a good kid for twenty-one years - with some exceptions - and it was high time that he applied at least some of the things he had learned over the years.

Unlike other people who, from what he had gathered from his interactions with human beings, needed to experiment with various things to discover what they liked, Christian went at it in a roundabout manner. He knew exactly what he liked without properly experimenting with anything. However, merely theorizing about this and that hadn’t been enough for a while now.

He examined Brown again. The man had a square jaw and hard eyes. The suit draped his body nicely, and his broad shoulders were a sign of good genes and a proper workout regimen. Definitely, he wasn’t unpleasant to look at. Ed had an irrational, deeply seated fear of such men or this man in particular, for reasons Christian could only guess. He had never voiced his presumptions because he didn’t want to insult Ed, who was someone he looked up to. Now, his darling cousin was in good hands, and Christian was pretty sure Adrian was more than capable of giving Ed everything he needed.

He leaned back in his chair. “You know, your reputation precedes you, Mr. Brown.”

“Rhett, please.” Brown pulled a chair at the table and sat without asking.

He was a man who took whatever he wanted, as he pleased. Christian could read him like an open book. Still, it was only by chance that no one had wanted to sit in the back with him, and they were too absorbed with mingling and congratulating the newlyweds to notice Christian being approached by a man with an unsavory reputation. A strategically placed large potted plant helped, as well.

Ed had explained to him in a few words when he had insisted, what usually happened at The Awakening and about Brown’s penchant for BDSM practices and ruining other people’s reputation. Still, Christian had a different take on things. The only one who really hurt his bottom line here was actually Brown. Even if his proclivities were not a topic of conversation in polite company, such things tended to seep in and stain anyone’s reputation.

Because why would Brown rather hang in the back instead of mingling with the most affluent families in the city, gathered here?

Unless, Christian considered as he looked at his companion, he had a direct interest in overlooking the possibility to brush elbows with the richest people around, only so that he could stalk his prey.

That was him. All right, things were getting even more interesting than he suspected at first. He placed his chin in an open palm, his elbow resting on the table, and dropped his eyelids. He had an idea about how to do that so that it didn’t look overdone. Never in his life, would he use such tactics on good honest people, but that wasn’t who he was dealing with here, was he?

“You shouldn’t believe everything people say,” Brown replied affably.

“Ed wouldn’t lie to me.” Christian looked intently at the other to gauge his reaction.

There was a sign of defensiveness in how Brown leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. Christian noticed the muscles moving under the suit; the stronger he was, the more rewarding the final act would be. “Maybe Eddy and I don’t see eye to eye --”

Christian leaned over the table and smiled. “Mr. Brown, are you jelly?”

The question appeared to catch Brown off guard. “Jelly? Is this how kids talk these days?”

Christian shrugged. “I’m a kid.”

“Hardly.” Brown gave him an appreciative once over. “You’re twenty-one years old. Almost a man.”

“Almost.” A small sigh escaped his lips. He noticed how Brown stared at his mouth. Would it really be so easy? Christian was ready for many things, but not disappointment.

“Ah, do I sense a bit of regret there? I can help,” Brown offered in a conspiratorial tone.

“I shouldn’t even talk to you.” Maybe acting like a petulant child meant taking it too far.

Nonetheless, it appeared that Brown was taking the bait. Too focused on his prey, he didn’t pay attention to anything else. “Ah, who says that? Eddy?”

“You didn’t tell me. Are you jealous of Adrian? For getting Ed?”

Brown frowned lightly and grimaced. “What would I be?”

“You were interested in Ed, weren’t you? Maybe even in love?” Okay, he was now walking on thin ice. What twenty-one year old talked like that?

Brown recoiled. “Love. I don’t fall in love, pretty boy.” His aggressiveness was the result of a hot head. Good to know.

For someone who played the dom, he surely was undisciplined, Christian noticed. Or maybe he didn’t feel guarded at all and saw no threat while sitting at that table, in the company of an innocent young man.

“What do you do?” Christian asked and sipped from a tall glass. He placed it back and let his hand rest on the table in an open invitation.

“I fuck,” Brown shot back. “I break.”

“China plates?”

Brown offered him a crooked smile. “No. I break men.”

Christian stretched his face into a shocked smile. “Men? Like physically? And don’t they sue you?”

Brown scoffed. “People say you have an IQ of 160. You know what I’m talking about.”

“You’re talking about sex.” Christian patted at his lips with his fingers.

Brown nodded shortly. His dark eyes followed Christian’s every move.

Christian shrugged. “So?”

He could tell what that glint in the dark eyes was all about. Brown, just like him, was all up for a challenge. The man moved with predatory grace as he placed one hand on the table and brushed his pinkie by Christian’s wrist.

A small thrill of anticipation coursed through him at the touch. There was so much fun to be had, Christian thought, as his eyelids fluttered, and his heart beat just a little bit faster, briefly, but still. Mere physiological reactions, he told himself, and just a warning of what would come if he followed that path.

He cleared his throat, looked away, and pulled his hand, but not too fast.

“I’ve noticed you,” Brown said. “Ed never mentioned, and I never heard anyone talking about it, so I will ask you directly. Do you share your cousin’s preferences?”

“In fashion? Books? Cars?”

Brown’s smile thinned. “Sex. Men.”

Christian looked where Adrian and Edward sat. It wasn’t for the reason Brown could suspect, but because he wanted to make sure that his conversation with this dangerous man remained unnoticed. “Adrian belongs to Ed,” he said, wistful on purpose.

“Do you like that man?” Brown spat.

Oh, the guy was plenty jelly, Christian thought. That was good; at least, Brown wasn’t an emotionless bastard, or he would be hard to read. Whatever he was doing, playing dom, could be the result of inevitable internal struggles and shortcomings, imagined or not.

But he was getting ahead of himself. Right now, the canvas was blank, waiting to be filled with new sensations and experiences, and that included getting to know Rhett Brown well and learning what made him tick, truly tick.

“What’s not to like?” Christian said quietly. “He’s tall, dark, handsome --”

“Other men are all that and more.”

Christian turned his full attention to Brown. “Are you talking about yourself, Mr. Brown?”

“Please call me Rhett.”

“It doesn’t seem appropriate.”

“Why? Because I’m older than you?”

“That’s one consideration. I was warned regarding you and your habits of playing and discarding your toys.”

“Of course you were. That is because no one understands what I’m doing. I am giving men what they want.”

“You fuck them and you break them,” Christian pointed out, citing the other’s words from earlier. “Who wants that?”

Brown leaned over the table to look into his eyes. “I am a good reader of people. I always give them what they want.”

“That’s not what I’ve heard. But,” Christian added, weighing his next words carefully, “I am intrigued.”

Brown quirked an eyebrow. “You are? I can satisfy your curiosity then, no strings attached.”


“Yes. Let’s ditch this party. I can show you what others don’t understand about me.”

Christian looked down in a demure gesture. “I don’t know. I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”

“Because others say so? A young bright man like you, I’d say that expectations are high, including on my part. What’s the worst it can happen?”

Lose self-respect. Dignity. The offer was tempting. Christian leaned back in his chair, taking control of the situation as he observed Brown. “I have to warn you. You won’t be able to pull your usual tricks with me. Ed told me all about you.”

“I am merely misunderstood. C’mon, Christian. We’ll have great fun. Don’t tell me you enjoy this party.”

“Aren’t you?”

“I’m here only because of obligations, not because I’m crazy about hanging out with this kind of crowd.”

Christian hesitated for another moment, just to give Brown the satisfaction of having to chase down his prey for a little while more.

“I can show you real fun,” Brown added.

“Can I say ‘no’?” Christian asked and smiled. He had to act like a flirt a bit, just to entice the beast.

“Only after seeing what I’m talking about.”

For good measure, Christian threw one last look around as if he was trying to find an anchor in his surroundings. “All right. But just for one hour. I need to be back home or my parents worry.”

“Aren’t you a bit too old for curfews?”

Christian shrugged. “My parents care about me.”

“As they should, of course,” Brown replied courteously. “Now, shall we?”

“Did you drive here, or is your chauffeur going to know I spent some time with you?”

“We’ll take my car, and I’m behind the wheel. No eyes and ears you need to worry about.”

“Then go first. I’ll meet you in front.”

Brown hesitated for a moment, and Christian cursed inwardly. He shouldn’t show signs of wanting to take control so early, or he would raise unwanted suspicions.

“All right. Be there in ten,” Brown said in a tone that brooked no contradiction.

That was good. Brown needed to establish himself as the dominating partner from the start, which meant that it would take his focus to maintain that position, instead of noticing that he was being manipulated.

So far, so good. Christian let the small flutter of excitement in the pit of the stomach work through him for a moment more. It was nice watching Brown go, too; he was a good looking man, a bonus in his book. Yes, he would have a lot of fun.


Rhett descended in the parking lot and leaned against the hood of his car. He had shooed away the valet after his vehicle was returned to him and now was waiting for Christian to show up. It was vain of him to show off his Aventador. Still, he had chosen that particular vehicle because he knew the parking lot would be filled with limousines and too conservative looking means of transportation. In that sea of black cars, his white supercar was bound to draw attention.

It was everything he wanted and thrived on. Eddy had been polite as he had addressed his congratulations, but Rhett could swear Eddy’s husband kept with much difficulty from pushing him away from his beloved.

Adrian Rossi was a handsome bastard, and he knew it. He had a brain to go with that body, which had come as a big surprise to Rhett and not only to him. It was humiliating to lose to someone like him, but he hadn’t played his cards well with Eddy, so he had no other to blame but himself for that.

Still, the sting of that particular encounter with Adrian Rossi lived inside him. It was a good moment to soothe it with some well-planned revenge. The boy was legal and free to do what he wanted. While Eddy would throw a hissy fit over having his sweet, beautiful, and innocent cousin defiled by the likes of Rhett, he wouldn’t be able to blame him entirely or take action against him.

And if he did, Rhett would welcome everything thrown at him. After all, he thrived on being the center of attention, and if scandal were needed for that, he wouldn’t stumble on pebbles. Edward Hastings would regret allowing his husband to humiliate Rhett. He should have known better.

He checked his watch. For each minute Christian was late, he would get an extra slap on each of his pert buttocks. Rhett desired to see that young body naked and vulnerable, all at his disposal to abuse and break as he saw fit.

Yes, the boy was lovely. Rhett had grown tired of his subs lately, and a new appearance on the scene would stave off the boredom for a while. Even if he did this because he had a score to settle with Eddy, it was undeniable that he would have a lot of fun breaking Christian. It had been a while since he got someone so beautiful in his den of pleasure.

Those big blue eyes would look so luring drowned in tears. Rhett had particular plans with those luscious plump lips; the simple thought of having them wrapped around his cock, while the boy looked at him, pleading silently for mercy, was enough to give him a raging hard-on.

But no, he needed to refrain from thinking ahead like this. He had to plan his moves in such a manner that no one would suspect him of foul play. Christian Marshall should have nothing to complain about, except for his own weakness of character.

It would drive everyone crazy, not being able to touch him, despite his behavior and acts. That was, as well, the thing he thrived on.

No one could touch him.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. Rhett grimaced when he noticed the caller. He rejected the call. Clingy people were the worst, but it said something of his abilities. Who wanted to be fucked and broken? The boy had wanted to know.

The answer was simple: plenty of men wanted that, and Rhett was the right person to deliver and make their fantasies come true. Unfortunately, that also made some believe that they were entitled to a part of him, and that was where they were wrong.

He didn’t belong to anyone; he was his own person, always doing what he wanted, to hell with consequences.

He saw Christian walking up to him, hands in his pockets, his unruly golden hair sticking everywhere. It awakened a sudden irrational impulse in him to run his hands through those silky strands, have them behave. That was unusual for him. He was the type of man interested in a man’s beauty, but his attention was focused on the male attributes, those erogenous zones that could be stimulated to turn a grown-up into a quivering mess at his feet.

Christian Marshall had a striking beauty. Before one could notice the slender body that moved with confidence that should have belonged to someone older than twenty-one, the big blue eyes, cherry lips, and wild hair stole all the attention.

Even Rhett had to admit that breaking this boy would require a higher degree of sophistication, one that would involve seduction besides the physical pleasure of the basest kind. He could see himself, for a moment, forcing Christian’s head back so that he could plunder those amazing lips to his heart’s content.

He shifted his position. It was enough to think of a kiss, and his blood ran hot. No, this game was about control, and it had to remain this way.

“Wow,” Christian said and let one hand ran over the hood of the Aventador, the tips of his fingers barely touching the surface.

Rhett stared in fascination at that lover’s caress. The boy didn’t know what he was doing, and that was part of his charm. But that was no reason for him to lose control and give in to the urge of hurrying through this only to satisfy fickle desires and nothing else.

“It’s the latest, right?” Christian asked, excited like a kid. “Can I drive it?”

Rhett sobered up instantly. “I heard you totaled your mother’s Lexus while learning how to drive in your parents’ parking lot. It was so incredible, people everywhere talked about it for a week everywhere I went.”

“I wouldn’t say ‘totaled’,” Christian argued. “It was just a dent.”

“Funny. Your mother never struck me as the wasteful type. She had to order a replacement, rumor has it.”

Christian pouted. Rhett curled his hands into fists; they itched to reach for that boy, grab him, and kiss him. Such an urge was unnatural for him. “Let’s go,” he ordered.

Christian obeyed without being told twice. His excitement was infectious, and Rhett had to keep a smile from curling his lips. When it came to enjoyment, he was a man of particular tastes. It never included silly emotions and fun just for the sake of it. Whatever he did, he did as a means to an end, which, in this case, was having Eddy’s cousin at his mercy, turned into a lustful creature who wouldn’t think twice about tainting his family’s name by associating with someone well known for his somewhat scandalous private life.

“Are you ready?” He climbed behind the wheel and kicked the engine into gear. The roaring sound put a big smile on Christian’s face right away.

“Everything’s so nice,” Christian said in awe and brushed his fingers over the dash.

Rhett cleared his throat. It was uncanny how much he wished for those long fingers to touch him like that. He pushed the thought back and grabbed Christian’s hand. “Let’s not touch anything that could send us to the hospital.”

Christian pulled his hand free and leaned against the door on his side. “You’re no fun.” He looked away, too, but Rhett could bet he was pouting again.

“And you’re a naughty boy who needs correction.”

Before pulling the car out of the parking lot, he stole one last glance at the back of Christian’s head since that was all he could see of him. As a short test, he placed one hand on the young man’s knee. The immediate reaction was a stillness followed by a small sigh.

He would have so much fun with this one.


Christian had expected Brown to do something sleazy and drag him to a hotel or a dungeon somewhere. Instead, the beast had chosen his residence, probably in a gesture that could be interpreted as a sign of trust.

It pleased Christian to think that at least Brown didn’t believe he would be an easy lay, someone he could be done with by morning. He knew for a fact that he would leave that place with his cherry in mint condition.

Rhett Brown lived like a bachelor. An obscenely rich bachelor, he considered, as he examined the artwork on the walls. By his knowledge, the artist hadn’t ever sold a piece for price tags under dozens of thousands of dollars. The entertainment system dominating the open living room must have cost as much, if not more.

The top floor penthouse appeared sparsely furnished, but as a statement for the owner’s confidence in assuming that, under that pretense, a deeper type of individual lay. Christian wasn’t so sure of that. So Brown preferred to have few things, but extremely expensive. But that wasn’t how he lived his life. According to Ed, his subs never lasted long, so human beings were expendable.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Do you have orange juice?” Christian asked and threw a candid look at Brown. The man was at the mini bar, his hands already busy with two tumblers.

Brown snorted. “I thought this was about your decision to become a man. No, sorry, no orange juice for you.”

“Then I’ll have vodka,” Christian said with a shrug. He unbuttoned his jacket and sat on the sofa when his host gestured for him to have a seat.

To the dismay of the entire family, Christian appeared to have inherited one of his ancestor’s sturdy liver. Experimenting with different drinks had been on his to-do list as soon as he realized that he could get away with it as long as he didn’t seem drunk. When he had learned that his time of accommodation with alcoholic beverages was very short and his tolerance threshold was incredibly high, the appeal of trying them had diminished considerably. The only thing that had given him away had been the empty bottles his parents had discovered afterward. Since that time, Christian had devised better trash management.

Therefore, Brown could hope all he wanted that getting him drunk would be an easy feat. His host approached him and offered him a glass, only to touch his against it with a faint clink.

Christian stared into his glass with an intense look on his face.

“Don’t worry. I may be a lot of things, but not the kind of guy to spike my partners’ drinks. I prefer them alert and willing, as well as well aware of everything I’m doing to them.”

“It looks to me like you believe that something is going to happen between us tonight.” Christian sweetened his words with a sheepish smile. His father had consoled his mother over their son’s ability to control his face in minutest detail to convey the message he desired – and fooling everyone in the process -, by envisioning a thriving career in politics for him.

“Something will happen.” Brown took off his suit jacket and threw it over an armchair. He did the same with his tie and opened a couple of buttons in front.

Christian watched him with avid curiosity. Were they starting already? He sipped from his drink, only dipping his lips. He wasn’t crazy about vodka, the burning sensation too much to be considered pleasant, but he had chosen it as well played bravado. After all, he wanted Brown to think that he was a kid looking for a thrill and stupid enough to bite more than he could chew.

Brown rolled up his sleeves with measured gestures but stopped there. He drank his straight scotch while his eyes never left Christian.

“Do you have any games?”

“Games?” Brown quirked an eyebrow. “Are you in the mood to play already?”

Christian shrugged. “Why not? I can live through the boring type of function we both attended tonight, only because I have my video games waiting for me at home.”

Brown stared at him for a moment, his eyes thinning. “Video games. I’m afraid I don’t have that kind in mind.”

Christian cocked his head to one side. His host sat at two solid feet away from him. Could it be that Brown didn’t want to scare him? Christian wanted to laugh so hard. “What do you have in mind?”

Brown stood up and placed his glass on the coffee table. He took Christian’s, too, and then offered his hand. “Come with me. It’s better to see for yourself.”


Next chapter 



Oh gosh Rhett? This is going to be interesting. The very best was the the #powerbottom. 😁

Laura Polacco

Very interesting!!! Looking forward to seeing where this goes! Has all the makings of an excellent story line (and match!)