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Author's note: Hi everyone! It's the last day of the month - phew - and I managed to write the piece Dave wanted for March! It's about Blake and Trey, the two protagonists from No Complications - which I don't know if all of you have read it. Dave wanted a glimpse into their life together after the end of the book, and I was happy to write this small episode.

Please enjoy!

(And here is the link to the book - if you need a bit of memory refresh:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/gift-book-14895941)


You’re The Cutest When You’re Jealous

“Will pasta be okay?” Trey checked the contents of the pantry and the fridge as he kept the phone between his cheek and his shoulder. Blake hadn’t managed to convince him to go for hands-free since, as he had joked at that time, that expression should be used for something else. 

He was a nostalgic, or at least Blake often blamed him of that, and he still had the same phone he had gotten from his lover that first time they had met. Those times seemed like eons away, but Trey had no intention to forget about them; after all, even if they did recall that he had used to be a whore for money, it had been because of it that he now had a beautiful house, an incredible lover, and a job he loved.

In simple words, he had a wonderful life, and seeing how he had used to think that he might not even be lucky enough to have a life, even a simple and a sad one for a while, he was thankful from the bottom of his heart.

In the end, he had stopped working for Blake, as he had fallen in love with being a culinary blogger and vlogger. Blake had encouraged him to do what he liked, although Trey could tell that his boyfriend had been a bit disappointed at the time. Still, he had respected Trey’s wishes, and even helped him set up his cooking channel and website. It was going well, too, since many people liked his easygoing manner and easy recipes.

Blake said it had to be a different thing, though, and that they surely loved his smile more than anything. Trey had smiled at that. After all, it had been because of his habit to smile all the time that Blake had gotten interested in him in the first place, during those times when he had used to work as an escort.

“I have great trust in you,” Blake replied on the other end. “You know I love everything you cook.”

“There was that time when I tried to cook octopus, though,” Trey pointed out.

“We can’t be perfect all the time, right? You know that’s what I love about you.”

It felt nice to have so many confirmations. Blake never hesitated to repeat those words to him, even after three years together. Trey shook his head as he told Blake goodbye; it was like living in a fairytale. Even when Blake had given up on his family and fiancée for him, Trey had feared that it would be short-lived and that Blake would eventually grow bored. It hadn’t happened and that made him happy beyond his wildest dreams.


“Sorry to keep you waiting,” Blake said and smiled at the man inside his office. “Mr. --” He leaned over the card in front of him.

“Hasson. But you can call me Gabe.” A smiled followed.

Blake examined his guest. He was well dressed, and the way he casually held his legs crossed said something about how easy everything must have been in his life. “All right, Gabe. What can I help you with?” The name sounded familiar, as well as the man in front of him. Right at the moment, Blake couldn’t recall, though, who he was. If he were to judge by his looks, he appeared to be at least a small-time celebrity.

“I am interested in certain investments.” Gabe examined his nails, as he kept his hand bent into a half-fist. 

“You work in entertainment?” Blake recalled some of what his assistant had told him about his guest. His mind hadn’t been focused on that, as it was the last meeting of the day, announced at the last minute, and he had been already thinking of rushing back home, to Trey, and enjoy his boyfriend’s awesome food.

“Fashion, events, brand promotion,” Gabe enumerated as he waved his hand back and forth as if all those were easy to juggle for someone like him.

Blake understood as much. Gabe Hasson looked good enough to be on covers of magazines. His dark eyes were a bit strange on a complexion as pale as his, and the platinum blond hair gave him an ethereal appearance. Blake had a few suspicious that a few corrections had been made here and there. However, that wasn’t his business. His business was to find out what his guest wanted, and if they could work together to their mutual benefit.

“Right. So, the question is simple: what can I do for you?”

Gabe changed his position and crossed his legs again. Blake frowned a bit; was there a reason for his guest to be this fidgety? 

“I keep hearing about how one should diversify his portfolio. And I’m thinking, why shouldn’t I?” Gabe had a way of talking, as if any word he said was of the utmost importance for the rest of mankind.

Blake had seen the type plenty of times before. People with money tended to believe they were the center of the universe, especially when said money had been gained without too much work. Or maybe he was judging the person in front of him when, only a few years ago, he had been the same. Or, it was possible that he knew that well enough to be capable of reading the signs in others.

There wasn’t much to read when it came to Gabe Hasson. He appeared to be as superficial as other celebrities Blake had had the chance to meet. Evidently, he knew that his looks were capital, and he was using them to get everything he wanted.

“I’m glad you’re thinking of investing in other venues than those you already run. I’m assuming correctly, right?”

Gabe nodded.

“Then, before we proceed, and I present you with some possibilities which I believe would be attractive for you, may I ask you a question?”

“Shoot.” The single word had been said from the tip of the lips, as if Gabe had just sent him a kiss.

“Why this company? We’re a boutique firm and --”

“Oh, don’t sell yourself short, Blake,” Gabe said with a broad smile, and waved his hand.

Blake didn’t recall when he had allowed his guest to be on a first-name basis with him; but since the man liked being called Gabe even by a stranger who was supposed to be in charge of some of his finances, maybe that went without saying.

“We are hardly known. We do okay, but, as I recall,” Blake remembered once his mind switched from thinking of Trey to the man in front of him, “you were on some list of famous ‘30 under 30’ or something like that.” He had seen Gabe’s face and name before, and now he knew exactly where. The figures Gabe ran were in the range of tens of millions. The fact that he was there, in Blake’s humble office – humble by comparison, at least – was in the realm of astonishing.

In other words, hard to believe. That made room for suspicions to flourish, and that wasn’t a good soil for a new business to grow. Blake straightened up in his chair. If his mind hadn’t been filled with thoughts of Trey, his cooking, and especially his warm open arms, he would have paid a little more attention. Not that he had any regrets. After all, he ran a small office and business because he wanted to be home every day at a decent hour and enjoy the life he had built with his boyfriend.

“I’ve been on many lists,” Gabe said. “Gabe Hasson is a household name.”

For a moment, Blake had a feeling that he had heard a tiny lisp at the end of that phrase. Could it be that the fashionable Gabe Hasson had a bit of a problem with saying his own name correctly? Blake was now curious, and paying much more attention.

“You run an empire.”

Gabe smiled in satisfaction. It appeared that the fact that he needed to make an introduction for himself stimulated him in a way. “Oh, you know how it is, Blake.”

The way Gabe said his name was irksome, to say the least. Blake didn’t know why it annoyed him so much. Running a small business also meant that he could afford to be familiar and informal with his customers, but he and Gabe didn’t know each other that well. Again, maybe it had to do something with the line of business Gabe was in. Maybe everyone called each other by their given names in the entertainment industry.

“I’m sorry if I feel a bit at a loss. But I don’t see how a small company like ours could interest someone as influential as you.” Blake had chosen the word carefully since he had a feeling that pointing at how much money Gabe had could be thrown back at him somehow.

“Well, there’s no need to remain a small company. Yours, I mean. I could make you big.”

Gabe leaned forward as he spoke. Blake pursed his lips. “We’re fine this way. You know what they say. Small is beautiful.”

Gabe snorted. “Anyone who says that has never been big. Hence the sour grapes.”

Blake quirked an eyebrow. “The expression about the sour grapes is about criticizing something one cannot have. I said nothing of the kind. I’m telling you, Mr. Hasson, we’re fine.”

Gabe leaned back into his chair. He bit his bottom lip and even chewed on it as he examined Blake. “You keep saying ‘we’. Who is running this small company of yours, except for you?”

“It was founded by me and my boyfriend.”

“Ah.” Gabe’s eyes warmed up. “So it’s true.”

“Pardon me?”

“Look, Blake, I hope you don’t mind my calling you Blake, I’m going to be honest with you. I wanted someone who’s exactly like me to run the diversification of my portfolio.”

“Like you?” Blake pretended to be puzzled. “I am no fashion model, nor am I involved in the entertainment business.”

“You are involved! Your boyfriend’s channel is absolutely fab!”

Blake found himself smiling at that. “Don’t tell me fashion people now watch cooking channels.”

“But, of course I do! I still have to eat, and your boyfriend’s recipes are just what I need. Even I cook from time to time.”

Blake had a hard time believing that but, now that Gabe had revealed himself as a fan of Trey’s recipes, he saw no reason why he couldn’t lend his guest an ear, as well as all the advice he needed.

“That’s great to hear. So, what would you like me to help you with, Gabe?”

“You know what?” Gabe stood up. “My throat is parched. Let me take you out for drinks.”

Blake wanted to say ‘no’ since Trey was probably cooking right now, but he felt that there was an opportunity here that he might not want to miss. “Sure. Let me just send my boyfriend a text so that he doesn’t wait for me with dinner.”

“Oh, he’s waiting for you with dinner, how cute!” Gabe seemed quite enthusiastic now. “Then please, do, and let’s have a bit of fun, okay?”

Blake didn’t want to think of social drinks for business purposes as fun, but it appeared that Gabe liked to use that type of words a lot. He quickly messaged Trey and then grabbed his coat. Maybe he would only offer Gabe a bit of advice and that was all, but it did feel nice to hear people admiring Trey’s work.


“Oh,” Trey said to himself as he read Blake’s text. 

His boyfriend was going to drinks with a client. That meant that dinner could wait, and Trey wasn’t at all bothered by that. After all, Blake was still the biggest money maker in the household, and that meant that some sacrifices were expected. Being a little late for dinner on a Friday night didn’t seem like much.

He could always find something to entertain himself with. There was a movie which he wanted to watch together with Blake, but he could sneak a peek, and see if it was worth the watch first. 


“I was expecting a place where we could hear each other talking,” Blake shouted over the blaring music.

Gabe seemed completely in his element, and he was moving to the rhythm, even though he was sitting. “I thought it would serve if you saw how I live and what I love,” he shouted at Blake. “Would you like to dance?”

Blake shook his head. Now going along with the airhead Gabe appeared to be seemed like not such a great idea. Trey wanted to watch a movie tonight, and Blake really wanted to make it back home and fast. 

“Selfie time!” Gabe exclaimed and grabbed Blake so fast that he made him lose his balance.

Blake forced a smile, while Gabe placed his cheek next to his. The overly familiar behavior of his would-be client was starting to get a little on his nerves, but he had agreed to this outing, he needed to play along for a bit, until he could understand what Gabe Hasson wanted with his tiny investment firm, seeing the size of his ego and bank account.

“Gabe,” he said in a voice he hoped that it sounded stern and loud enough, “if you want us to talk business, we need to go somewhere we can talk.”

“Just a second, let me post this,” Gabe replied, as his fingers danced on his phone. “I tagged you,” he added and showed Blake the screen quickly. 

Blake kept in a grimace with much difficulty. In the pic, Gabe was making doe eyes at the camera, as if he and Blake had known each other since forever. Suddenly, he felt that being there, and allowing a flighty character like that to take selfies with him was a bad idea, when he had a boyfriend at home. He was about to say something to excuse himself, but then Gabe stared at him and began talking.

“I’m looking to invest some of the money, but I’m also interested in charity work.”

“Donations. They’re not exactly my area of expertise.”

“But I know you can point me in the right direction.”

Rapidly, Gabe began talking about how much he was interested in helping poor kids in Africa, and saving the whales, and whatnot, and Blake felt obliged to listen. As much as he regretted being there, for the sake of the greater good, he needed to lend an ear. After all, if Gabe could part with some of his millions so that he could help some people in need, it was something Blake needed to do his best to convince him of. 


Trey got bored with the movie quite fast, so he switched to his phone and began browsing through the comments people posted on his cooking videos. Most of them were kind and encouraged him, but some were a bit mean and Trey felt like he needed to listen to all of them equally. Blake had chided him, telling him that he was better off without reading nasty comments, but he secretly feared that there could be some truth in them, so he read them anyway. When he had an argument in his favor, he replied, but most of the time, those bad comments made him feel down. 

The upside was that most of the time, people were nice, and they preferred to ask him questions about his recipes. Trey was happy to reply and he loved that he could help. Right now, there were quite a few comments on his last video he had uploaded, so he began to read them dutifully, and replying when an answer was due.

Do you know where your boyfriend is right now? Check this out.

Trey stared at the comment and the link that followed. No, Blake was working, and Trey had no business to suspect him of anything. He ignored the comment and continued to reply to the comments about food.

I know that you’ve seen my comment. Do you like sharing your boyfriend?

Trey felt annoyed. What kind of person harassed others like that on the Internet? He had mentioned, in one video, that he was in a relationship and that he had a boyfriend, but no one presumably knew who the boyfriend was. It wasn’t a secret, but it wasn’t something Trey flaunted because he felt that things that were private were also supposed to stay that way.

He moved to a different video, to see if there were any new comments, and there, the troll was already hard at work. Maybe the best thing he could do was to turn off his phone and continue to watch that movie anyway. 

Then, a picture came into view since the troll obviously needed to draw his attention. Trey paused, as he stared at the photo. It looked like a selfie, and it seemed to have been taken in a club, somewhere. And, as much as Trey didn’t want to believe what he was seeing, it looked like his boyfriend of three years was in that picture, cheek to cheek with a hauntingly beautiful young man. 

Could it be that it was Photoshopped? Nothing was impossible, and someone, somewhere, really wanted to get on his nerves tonight. Trey didn’t know what to do. The troll continued to post message after message, taunting him. Grabbing his phone, Trey decided to find out for himself where Blake was and what he was doing.

The phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. Trey could feel a small tremble in his body. Blake wouldn’t do that to him; no, they were deeply in love, and they were making a life together. But he couldn’t stop staring at that picture, and especially at the man next to Blake.

He could just wait for Blake to return and ask for an explanation. But Trey felt like a coward even thinking that. He needed to own up to his own feelings, and, right now, what he felt was pure jealousy. What business had that man with his Blake? So often, Blake complained that he was the only jealous one in the relationship, playfully, or, at least, it was what Trey had believed.

It wasn’t like Blake to give him reasons to be unsure of himself and jealous, but Trey felt like rational thought was starting to evade him. He needed to clear up this situation, and see what was going on, for real. He tried Blake’s phone a few more times, but without any success.

Where is this?

Trey waited for the troll to reply to his question. The moment he learned the address, he grabbed his coat and he was out the door in an instant.


Blake was getting bored with Gabe’s droning about possible charity venues, something he hadn’t known could be possible. It was probably made more annoying than anything else by the fact that they needed to shout and repeat every phrase. Blake wasn’t exactly the type of guy to spend his nights in clubs since Trey preferred a quiet life, as well, so he felt that he was getting tired, too.

“Gabe, look, I really think it would be better if we met sometime next week. Preferably, at my office,” he added. “Now I should really head home.”

“No, why so soon? Please, we have so many things to talk about.”

Gabe was sort of jumpy, and he was checking his phone like a social media addict. Right that moment, he checked some new notification and he smiled, forgetting about Blake briefly. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea for him to check his phone, too, Blake thought and reached for his pocket. Gabe caught the move right away and seized his arm. 

“I know you want to hurry back home to that sweet boyfriend of yours, but tonight, you’re mine,” Gabe said with a strange smile.

“It’s difficult to talk here.” Blake leaned closer so that he could get his point across. 

It was strange to stare at Gabe from so up close. The damned music made them behave much more familiar than they were supposed to. He pulled back, but Gabe didn’t let go of his arm, apparently determined to keep him there by any means. 

“You didn’t even touch your drink,” Gabe pointed at the tall glass on the table.

“I did,” Blake lied, only so that he could get Gabe off his back. He never drank when he was working, and the last thing he wanted was for Trey to smell alcohol on his breath when he got back home. What kind of boyfriend he was to leave his better half at home so that he could drink with some celebrity in some club?

Gabe was looking around, fidgety like a squirrel, and that unnerved Blake for some reason. Could it be that the guy was high on something? Following him to that club had been a really bad idea.

Finally, Gabe stood still, his eyes staring at something, or someone behind Blake. Then, he jumped into his arms, as if he was trying to kiss him. Blake put one arm up quickly, surprised by the sudden attack, so Gabe’s face connected with his elbow. 

Gabe cried out in distress. 

“Oh, damn, I’m so sorry,” Blake started. “Are you okay? What were you trying to do?”

Gabe stared at him and gave him a crooked smile. “What we’ve been doing all evening. Don’t tell me you forgot.”

“What?” Blake asked. 

Gabe’s eyes kept sliding to one side. Blake tried to turn, but Gabe took advantage of his inattention to wrap his arms around him and pull him back.

This time, Blake pushed him away with all his might. “What the hell is wrong with you? I have a boyfriend at home!”

“That he has,” a loud voice intervened.

“Trey?” Blake stared at his boyfriend who, for some reason, was there in flesh and blood, looking as good as usual, but also mighty pissed. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his beautiful lips were twisted in a pout. 

Trey moved his eyes away from him. “Who are you?” he interrogated Gabe.

“Oh, you don’t know me? Allow me to introduce --”

“I don’t care,” Trey interrupted him. “What are you doing, trying to crawl all over my boyfriend like a disgusting slime?”

Blake could feel his jaw going slack. Trey was nice. He was the nicest person on the face of the earth, and Blake was trying so hard to make him see the bad in some people. Yet, right now, his sweet and nice boyfriend was standing there, giving Gabe Hasson an earful, and he wasn’t mincing words. 

“Really, such language,” Gabe said. “Your boyfriend is obviously looking for something he doesn’t have at home.”

Blake frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m here because you told me you wanted to discuss business. What’s with the lies?” 

Now he got it. Not that he understood why Gabe was doing that, but he understood why he had been dragged to that club, and he knew why he had thought Gabe was behaving strangely all the time. He had been set up.

And now, he had the problem of an angry boyfriend who seemed in no mood to be as nice as he usually was, but quite the contrary. “What’s the meaning of all this?” Blake turned toward Gabe. “Who put you up to this?”

“I don’t know what you mean, honey,” Gabe said with a large fake smile. He tried to reach for Blake, but his hand was slapped away.

Blake watched Trey in disbelief as he grabbed him and pulled him to his feet. Gabe tried to stand, too, but Trey pushed him back, with one hand flat against his chest. Gabe squealed in surprise as he plonked down on the sofa. 

“We’re getting out of here,” Trey said with determination, and Blake just nodded.

“You will pay for this! Where are the damned bouncers?” Gabe began to shrill like a mad man.

“I think we should hurry,” Blake said, and now he was the one to drag Trey out of the club, into the safety of the street.

Once out, they started running, hand in hand, while some of the bouncers from the club rushed out. They crossed the street, jumping dangerously in front of moving cars, and causing quite the ruckus until they reached the other side. 

“Taxi!” Blake shouted and gestured at a yellow cab happening to come their way.

They were soon in and away from the angry mob that seemed to hurry after them. Trey looked through the rear window. “Wow, I think that was close!”

“Trey, what are you doing here?” Blake asked, as their cab took them away.

“I should ask you the same thing, mister,” Trey said with aplomb. “Since when do you entertain fashion models in your spare time?”

“I was working!” Blake said in his defense. “All of a sudden, the guy was all over me. You saw everything!”

“Oh, really, and what’s this?” Trey pulled out his phone and showed Blake the selfie from earlier. 

Blake scoffed in disbelief. “I have no idea what that guy’s deal was. He came into my office just as I was about to leave, and then he asks me out for drinks so that we could talk business!”

Trey crossed his arms, pouted, and looked away.

Blake couldn’t believe his eyes. “Oh, fuck. You’re jealous! I can’t frigging believe it! You’re jealous!”

“You’re hanging out with fashion models when you should be home with me!”

“That wasn’t what I was doing! You saw me, how I tried to push that guy away! He went all cuckoo! Come on, Trey, you know me. I’d never do that to you.”

Trey pursed his lips, and he seemed to consider.

“And how did you know to come here?”

“Some troll kept pestering me on my channel that I didn’t know what my boyfriend was doing. Apparently, he was right.”

“I can’t believe it,” Blake murmured. “What the hell?”

“Would you, boys, mind if I gave you my two cents?” the cab driver intervened. “I think someone is trying to break you two up.”

“Oh, damn,” Trey said and covered his face. “I can’t believe I was so blind.”

“I think you were just jealous,” the driver said.


Trey looked at Blake, feeling guilty now. Now that the adrenaline was purged from his system, he could see things a bit more clearly. Blake was looking at him in a funny way. 

“I fought his advances, as you saw,” Blake said.

Trey nodded. Now who was the stupid one? “I did. I’m sorry,” he said in a meek voice. “I was just blinded by --” He swallowed his words.

“Jealousy. Come on, Trey, admit it. You were jealous.”

“How couldn’t I be? You were in a picture with a beautiful man! I thought I would strangle him! Then you!” Trey covered his mouth in a futile attempt to stop himself from spewing all that insanity.

“Well, I’m glad you didn’t,” Blake replied.

Trey looked away. “I’m glad, too,” he said quietly. “And I shouldn’t have thought that way about you. I’m sorry.”

Now Blake had every right to be angry at him. To think that he would jeopardize his relationship for a jealousy fit. He would make amends, and show Blake how much he valued him, and how much he trusted him. Maybe it would take a while –

Blake started laughing. And then, he took Trey’s hand. “You know, I’ve always thought you must be the cutest guy I’ve ever met in my life. But, actually, I now believe that you’re the cutest when you’re jealous.”

Trey gasped in disbelief. He was ready to put everything he had into making things right, and Blake just found everything funny. 

“You are so making fun of me right now.”

“I am. You’re like a tiny animal, angry and cute.”

“And I was thinking how I had to make things right after insulting you like this.”

“Ah, no need.” Blake pulled him close. “I think that I’m a little flattered that you can get jealous, too. I thought I was the only one to have the bug.”

“You know I’d never do that to you. You know, right?” Trey asked, feeling a little anxious now.

Blake’s body was warm and reassuring. Trey sighed and put his head on Blake’s shoulder. “I know. But I also know how some guys look at you, like you’re dessert, and they’re on a strict diet.”

“They don’t.”

“They do. So I get jealous all of the time. But now that I know that you can get jealous, too, I’m happy. It means that you must love me as much as I love you.”

Trey looked up and smiled as Blake kissed him gently.

“I’m glad you worked things out, boys, but now can you tell me where you want to go?” the driver asked, and pointed at his meter.

With a small laugh, Blake gave the driver their address. When they got there, he left a generous tip, and the driver thanked him profusely.


“You know, that couldn’t have been random,” Trey said, as they were in bed, all satiated after their intense lovemaking. Apparently, the little storm they had just weathered had worked wonders for their appetite. Not that Trey had anything to complain about. Blake was an impeccable lover. 

“I know,” Blake said with a sigh. “I will look into that guy, Gabe, and his connections. I don’t want to go that way, but I’m afraid that it must have something to do with my family.”

“After all these years, they still don’t want to leave us alone?” Trey knew that Blake’s father had made some attempts to make Blake come back home, and forget all about living with a man and shaming the family name.

Blake kissed his head gently. “They will get it, eventually. I have no intention to let you go, and they just have to live with it.”

Trey embraced his boyfriend and held him close. “Please, never go to clubs with hauntingly beautiful men.”

“Hauntingly beautiful? That guy has nothing on you,” Blake said with a snort. “And, don’t worry. I learned my lesson. That asshole really knew what buttons to push with me.”

“What do you mean?”

“He got under my skin, telling me how much he admires your cooking channel. And then, he kept talking about wanting to donate to charity.”

“Oh, what an ass,” Trey commented. “Anyway, it doesn’t matter if anyone tells you they’re my number one fan or whatever. Don’t go with them, ever.”

“I won’t. Although --” Blake left the word hanging.

“Although what?”

“I do love it a little when you get so jealous.”

“You ass!” Trey exclaimed. 

He tried to pull away, but Blake pulled him back. “And angry. You’re cute when you’re angry, too.”

That was all Trey could take. With his fingers curled, he launched his formidable tickling attack. Blake just counterattacked with his whole body. It was only fair, after all, like everything in love and war.




You left a cliffhanger... possible follow up story on who it was that played them? Nice to see them still happy years later ❤❤


Definitely left it open to continue. ❤️

Laura S. Fox

He-he, maybe if Dave wants the follow up ... I wasn't even aware of leaving a cliffhanger, lol!