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Chapter Thirteen – Awake

Edward leaned into his shoulder as they walked inside the house as if he was drunk. Adrian was pretty sure they hadn’t imbibed that much so it had to be something else. Throughout their ride back, Edward had proven fascinated with sucking on Adrian’s thumb, and shivering lightly whenever touched.

Adrian just hoped it wasn’t because of Brown’s stupid show that Edward felt like that. It had to be because he had dared to put a collar on Edward, albeit not a suitable one. He would see to that, and soon.

“I’m sure you have a toy room,” he said as soon as they were inside.

Edward nodded and walked in front. Adrian reached for him and then searched for the end of the tie. He pulled at it to make Edward heed. There was no one else around, so they were safe to roleplay as much as they wanted. 

Edward threw him a heated look, but he didn’t protest. He continued to walk, with Adrian holding him like that until they were in front of a black door. Maybe it was a bit too obvious, but Adrian doubted that the personnel who took care of the house ever dared to comment on certain secret habits of the master of the house. 

Edward pushed the door open and then flicked the lights on. Adrian walked inside and stared at the austere design. The furniture was sparse, only a black leather sofa, and armchair, and a table that was covered with a large piece of the same material. The floor was granite or some other type of stone, polished to a shine. 

“Toys,” Adrian asked curtly. “Where are they?”

Edward gestured toward a cabinet in one corner that Adrian must have missed the first time he had glanced around the room. He let go of the tie to walk over and pull open the drawers. Now it was no time to express his surprise; but, after all, he had expected some of that. The first drawer contained nothing but collars in all shapes and sizes.

“Undress,” he ordered Edward without throwing one look back.

The rustling of clothes let him know that his order was obeyed.

“When I turn, I want to see you on all fours.”

Movement followed. Adrian smiled to himself. He took a hard look at the collars. He had to pick and do it correctly. A fussy aristocrat like Edward probably expected him to guess everything now. It was in his DNA to succeed, so Adrian went for the heaviest of the bunch without one moment of hesitation. It was a training collar, the type that came with heavy metal insertions needed to exhaust a dog’s strength and make him yield.

He turned with the collar in one hand and read the surprise in Edward’s eyes. Edward was obediently sitting on all fours, completely naked on the polished floor, a blurred reflection of his nakedness in it. 

He was a marvelous specimen, Adrian thought to himself. Unlike the first time, when he had tried to convince himself that he wasn’t impressed, now he believed Edward to be the sexiest man alive. He wasn’t a twink, and he wasn’t overly muscular, either, but he was beautiful like an old statue, his body lean and strong.

Adrian could feel his resolve shaking. His cock twitched painfully in his pants. Damn, he needed to get off so badly. But this was about conquering Edward for real.

“This one will do,” Adrian said with confidence and walked over to Edward.

He crouched to fix the collar around Edward’s neck. Edward looked down obediently, and his shoulders sagged a bit as if the weight of the collar did that to him. It was pretty heavy, Adrian had to admit. He let his fingers linger around Edward’s neck, enjoying the small shiver shaking that beautiful body. 

Adrian risked one look across the reversed arch of Edward’s back. At the other end, the two mounds of flesh rose enticingly. He barely kept in a sigh. Delayed gratification, he told himself. 

He stood up again and then went back to the cabinet to look for another item. He needed to keep it simple and efficient; that was one way of not doing it wrong. After a few moments of deliberation, he picked a training stick, although he knew that he would use it in ways much different from a real dog trainer.

With the stick in one hand, he moved back to Edward, who was waiting obediently on the floor. That had to start hurting, all determination and arousal aside. He used the stick first to draw an invisible line on Edward’s back from the tailbone to the collar that sat firmly around his neck. Then, Adrian brought the tip of the stick to his own lips and kissed it.

Edward watched it with curiosity. Adrian pointed the stick at him. 

“What?” Edward asked.

Adrian smiled. “I’ve never had a dog, but I know a few basics. You should know what to do, too. It’s not food for you to lick, but --”

Edward rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue to lick the tip of the stick.

“Good boy,” Adrian praised him. “Now, hop on the sofa.”

Edward obeyed, but Adrian could tell that he was unhappy about being made comfortable. Well, they would see about that just a bit later. Adrian plopped down on the sofa, with Edward next to him on all fours. Steadily, he let the stick to the side and opened his fly. With firm moves, he pulled at his strained cock until there was a clear bead of precum in its eye. 

Carefully, he then picked it with the tip of the training stick and then offered it to Edward, who hurried to lap at it this time. 

“Suck. No hands.”

Edward threw him a look as if he wanted to challenge him, but Adrian stared at him. The green eyes looked down, and their owner dropped his head to grab Adrian’s cock between his lips. The training stick was quickly abandoned. Adrian did not need it anymore.

“You’re such a good cocksucker,” Adrian praised him. With one hand, he began to caress Edward’s back. Bobbing his head up and down like that, with the heavy collar on, had to be a feat, but Adrian could tell that Edward welcomed the strain by how enthusiastically he did his job.

His cock was released for a moment. “If you’re too gentle, I won’t like it,” Edward warned.

Adrian stopped his caress. So someone wanted to play a little rough. But Adrian had his own set of values, and he would impose them on Edward without fear. He grabbed one muscular buttock, squeezed it, and then slapped it hard. 

Edward had already returned to his sucking, but he gasped and dropped the cock from his mouth when Adrian spanked his ass. If Edward thought he would go easy on him, he needed to reconsider. Adrian could still recall the spanking he had gotten from Edward, not such a long time back. And he remembered that Edward had spared nothing while reddening his behind that time.

“Suck,” he ordered curtly.

Edward seemed even more enthusiastic now. To think that he had had the man all backward. The things he wanted to be done to him, Edward did to others in the not so transparent hope that he would be served his own lessons back. Lucky for him, Adrian was a keen observer.

Also, it frigging paid off. His cock was in absolute heaven. Edward slurped and used his tongue to tease the head and the sensitive skin under it over and over again. Adrian continued to spank Edward’s glorious behind, but this time, Edward didn’t stop. 

Like this, he would come way too fast. He needed to up the ante somehow, and he recalled one particular thing Edward had seemed to like watching earlier that night. He snuck one hand between Edward’s legs from behind and caught his hard cock. Pulling it back, he brought it into a position he could use. Edward’s slurping intensified. 

Adrian could feel his lips quirking into a smile. If Edward thought it would be this easy, he needed to think again. He removed his hand from Edward’s cock and pulled his own from Edward’s mouth, as well.

“Get on the floor,” he ordered.

Edward obeyed fast. Adrian could swear that if the man had had a tail, he would have wiggled it furiously by now. With one hand, he grabbed his cock and began pumping it slow, his release too impending to risk spilling it prematurely.

“Open your mouth. Here comes your treat.”

Edward stuck his tongue out, and Adrian could swear that he had never seen a sexier image in his life. Maybe he would snap a picture sometime and then put it in a super-secret folder so that he could fap to it later.

Right now, there was no time for that kind of stuff. Adrian pumped his cock hard as he got closer. He pushed Edward’s head back, pulling it by the hair, enjoying the gone look in the beautiful green eyes. 

“Move your tongue, show me how much you want it,” Adrian whispered. 

Edward began rolling his tongue slowly, lasciviously, licking his lips in passing. Adrian cursed and began spraying his lover’s face, making a real mess out of it. Edward’s tongue moved so fascinatingly now, trying to catch everything but failing. 

Adrian laughed as he regained his breath. “You’re such a messy boy. Here, I need to teach you how to eat properly. On all fours again.”

Edward obeyed while he still used his tongue to catch the elusive drops of cum. Adrian knelt next to him, grabbed his cock from behind again, and began moving his hand fast. Edward started breathing sharply, and his entire body shook.

“Let me help you, you messy boy,” Adrian said lovingly and began licking Edward’s face for every droplet of his earlier release, only to push it into his lover’s open mouth.

The position was awkward, and the arm he used for jerking Edward off was starting to hurt, but it was all in the presentation. He was sure now that Edward would come and fast.

He didn’t have to wait long. Edward gasped and moaned into his mouth while still being fed cum, as he exploded in Adrian’s hand. 

Adrian didn’t suppress a victory shout. “Yes!”

He pulled Edward into his arms and brought his face near his. Resting with his back against the sofa, he stood there, listening only to the sound of their breathing for a while.

Maybe Edward was a bit tired now, but Adrian didn’t intend to put him to work. On the contrary, he wanted Edward just to lie down and welcome everything obediently. He stood, and Edward followed him with sleepy eyes. Adrian made a small gesture for the sofa, and Edward climbed on it.

“On your back,” he asked softly.

Edward obeyed. His chest was still rising and falling a bit fast; his lips were moist, and his gaze was dreamy. Rogue locks had evaded the carefully brushed hairstyle and now glued to the tall forehead, a sign of being spent. Adrian climbed on the sofa, too, and pushed Edward’s knees to his chest. He observed the naked body in front of him for a while, in silence.

With two fingers, he began teasing Edward’s backdoor. A small shiver was the answer. Adrian stood only so that he could get what was needed. His cock was conveniently hanging out, as spent and delighted as Edward, but Adrian trusted his stamina to get it all back in full force.

This time he teased the tight hole with lubed fingers. Some he poured on his cock, making it slick and ready for action with steady pulls, which Edward observed slowly, through his eyelashes.

You’re so beautiful like this, Adrian wanted to say, but he rightfully feared that Edward would scoff at such a declaration. The man in front of him needed something else to let down his guard and allow anyone in. Doe eyes and soft words were not enough to break him.

“One thing,” he said.

The sleepy eyes made an effort to stare at him.

“Have you ever been involved with that asshole?”

“Brown?” A quirked eyebrow expressed surprise.


“No. I would never.”

Adrian placed his cock at the tight entrance, ready for delving. “Have you ever thought about it?”


“Fantasize about it, then?”

There was a short hesitation. “No.”

“I will never be a prick like him, and that’s a promise.” Adrian pushed in, eliciting a short gasp from Edward. He didn’t wait for another reply; he clamped his mouth hard on Edward’s and kissed him deeply. There was still the faint taste of cum there, but that only made Adrian more heated. 

He moved amply, making sure to gain momentum before slamming down hard and making Edward squirm. All the time, he didn’t allow either of them to breathe; Edward needed to understand that there was someone in the world who could give it to him as he desired.

Adrian withdrew each time to the point of almost being out completely, only to bottom out inside Edward’s ass over and over again. The stop and go strategy was arousing, but Adrian knew he needed more if he wanted to achieve his goal. So he started to speed up. At one point, he released Edward’s mouth only so that he could hear him moan and curse and say all the dirty words that surely didn’t belong on the tongue and lips of such a person of high status.

Adrian wasn’t sure if he was the only one to bring Edward to his level or whether, secretly, that was who Edward truly was. They were two acrobats, walking the same rope, from opposite directions. If they were careful, they would reach each other into a tight embrace.

“Adrian,” Edward whispered. “No more, it’s too much, I’m going to --”

Adrian bit down hard on the arched neck, presenting itself so prettily. He was sure it was a mess between them and that maybe Edward wouldn’t be able to sit once the arousal and the pleasure of the night would fade away. But, for that moment, it was everything they both wanted.

Later, Adrian kept Edward close to his chest while touching his collar once in a while. He was dying to ask a lot of things, but tonight was not, by far, a good time to do that. They were scratching the surface, and Adrian liked what he discovered. Now, he only needed to be patient.

“That guy, will he be all right?” he asked instead.


“Brown’s … I don’t know how to call him. Sub?”

“I will check on him tomorrow. We’re not close, but I feel like I should do it.”

“How do you think happened that he fell under that asshole’s spell?”

“That wouldn’t be hard. Brown knows too much about everyone. And he’s a real charmer when he wants to be.”

“Still. It’s written all over him that he’s an asshole.”

“Callan is young, and,” Edward sighed, “he has been kept on too short a leash by his parents. I have no idea how Brown got to know him in the first place. I’ve only seen him once at The Awakening.”

“The asshole knows how to pick his victims,” Adrian said through his teeth.

Edward laughed softly. “Your pissing contest tonight was a sight.”

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I have to admit that yes, I did, albeit shamefully. I should be above such things.”

“Was it really okay to leave this young man, Callan, in Brown’s clutches tonight?”

“Brown wouldn’t dare to go further than he had already gone. And he achieved his purpose.”

“Or not. I kinda pissed on his parade.”

“You did. Callan will be fine, Adrian. I don’t want to sound cynical, but people with a lot of money often tend to fly over any sort of trauma like it barely touches them.”

“He appeared pretty desperate to me when that asshole exposed him.”

“Yes. And yet, I still wonder whether he would not dismiss everything the moment I call him tomorrow with the intention of offering him comfort.”

“Because of pride, maybe.”

“Or because not many things can touch someone like him. Momentarily, I’m sure.”

“How can you know that? You don’t really know the guy.”

“That’s true. But Brown has pulled all kinds of shenanigans up till now. People tend to forget all about his misdeeds, for some reason.”

“For some reason? You don’t know it?”

Another sigh followed. “I do. Rich people keep to themselves and are a pretty tightly-knit group. No word of Callan’s humiliation will ever get out. And I have seen people forgiving Brown for more than this.”

“I don’t even want to know.”

“Correct. And I won’t tell you, either. You’re too pure to be contaminated by such things.”

“Me? Pure?”

“Yes, you are. You have no idea.”

Adrian wondered what sort of comeback he could have to that. “I’ve done plenty of stupid things in my life.”

“Shut up. You don’t even know what truly stupid means. All right, maybe you do, but at least, you’ve never been evil on purpose.”

And like that, the balance between them was reversed once more. Edward might have been the one with the collar, but he was in charge again, and he made Adrian feel the age gap between them and not only that.

Edward stood with a groan. “I have a feeling I will experience some well-deserved pain when I wake up tomorrow.”

“I can offer a bit of massage first thing in the morning.” Adrian smiled and took in Edward’s behind, while his cock twitched in sympathy.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to pass. You should go, Adrian.”

Edward’s voice was switched to neutral in a heartbeat.

“Excuse me?” Adrian wasn’t sure that Edward really meant that. He was turned, and Adrian couldn’t see his face. “I thought I would spend the night.”

“Hmm, not a good idea.”

Adrian ran one hand over his face. So Edward wasn’t that easy to conquer after all. “What’s this about?”

“Sundays are dedicated to certain activities, and I can’t indulge a bed partner, as sexy and satisfying as he might be.” Edward turned to him and smiled. Then he caught Adrian’s chin and shook it gently. “I need to be at my best tomorrow.” 

In charge. Adrian couldn’t believe he had fallen for the act. Could it be that Edward had played him and had him walk right into a well-crafted trap? No, it couldn’t be. There were way too many uncontrollable factors involved.

“Really? And what were you tonight? At your worst or something?” He didn’t want to sound petty, but he couldn’t help it. They had just had the best kind of sex, and now he was dismissed like a random booty call.

A shadow passed quickly over Edward’s attractive features. “I believe you could say that.”

So maybe not so much in charge and in control, Adrian thought. He stood and pushed his cock back in his pants. “Talking about being damned hot and cold.” Suddenly, he wasn’t that much in the mood for games. They had just shared something real. Or was it only in his head?

“Adrian,” Edward said reproachfully. “Sleepovers are earned.”

“Right? What do I have to do to you next time? Strangle you while I fuck you?”

It was annoying to see Edward just slightly amused at the suggestion. “Let’s not slip. We had fun together. Now each of us should sleep in his own bed. After all, I am quite certain my body would hate me if I gave in again, and that is why I should keep you as a reward. If we’re getting too familiar, I might get bored of you.”

Adrian could feel his jaw hurting. “Fine,” he said through his teeth.

“Come now,” Edward grabbed his ass and gave it a tight squeeze. “You know I like you.”

“But not too much.”

“Maybe too much.”

“How is that a problem?”

“It can be. I don’t do relationships, Adrian. I have my reasons.”

“Care to share them?”

“Let me fuck you, and I’ll tell you.”

“Ha! Nice try.”

He would find out, all in due time, Adrian was sure. Now he needed to rein in his neediness. As much as he would have loved to sleep in Edward’s bed and wake up with him, the fact that Edward was playing hard to get only made things more challenging. And he was always up to a challenge.

“So, when are we going to see each other again?”

“Next weekend would be a safe bet.”

“Are we going to that stupid club again?”

“No. I’ll take you somewhere truly nice.”

“I hope it’s nothing like this Awakening crap.”

“Nothing like that. I promise.”

“Will you call?” Adrian wanted to slap himself silly. He needed to tread carefully. Edward didn’t have to think that he was desperate; it would just ruin things.

“On the dot, as usual.”

“Can I kiss you?”



“May I kiss you? That would be the correct phrase.”

“Shut up, already.” Adrian pulled Edward close and relished in how the taut body in his arms relaxed as they kissed. He would find out all about Edward and get the satisfaction of truly bringing him to his knees.

It wasn’t even about that, but Adrian didn’t want to admit that he felt smitten. There was a vague sensation, hovering at the edges of his mind, that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t have any idea what he was getting himself into. So far, Edward’s penchant for a bit of tough play hadn’t come as a big surprise. But how Edward acted, how cool he can be after being in the throes of ecstasy just earlier, Adrian couldn’t quite wrap his mind around it.


Jared tossed and turned the entire night. In the end, he had managed to avoid Chris and his husband at the restaurant, although he had thought a few times about how making a scene, there would have gone down. He would have shocked Sam and Mrs. Daniels, for sure, and they would have only been collateral victims. Also, he didn’t need to cause a scene. That was beneath him, he had decided.

Still, the mix of anger and disappointment he was feeling got the better of him once he was back home. How could he have been so stupid? Chris’s avoidance of talking about their relationship in a serious manner, his affable, but distant behavior whenever Jared had tried to make things clear, even his somewhat offhanded methods while having sex, all those made good enough signs for him to have read them already.

Maybe Chris was so aroused when they were together because of the illicit nature of the affair. And to think that he would catch the eye of a man like that! He had thought it a bit strange at the time, and now he knew the reason. Chris just wanted a side piece; only chance had made it that Jared had managed to occupy that position.

What else could he have lied about? Was it all true about his profession? Or not? What about that penthouse where he lived? Could it be it was only a fuckpad? It didn’t sound that hard a thing to believe, looking at things retrospectively. 

Jared grabbed the pillow and smashed his face a few times with it. How was he going to handle the situation? Only the thought of confronting Chris about it made him sick to the stomach. The thought that he had been picked up and used as if he were an object, not a person. 

Fury and disappointment mingled in his mind. Maybe he was young and not at all versed in this world of dating, but he couldn’t fathom why Chris had thought it would be a good idea to pick him up from all the young people in the city. Why him? Was it written on his face that he was gullible? Was he too polite? Was that a sign of stupidity? He felt tempted to reply ‘yes’ to the last one.

He stood and sat on the edge of the bed, his face buried in his hands. He needed to end things and fast. And he had to do it without showing how affected he was. That kind of satisfaction was not something Chris would get out of him. Jared imagined himself being cool and collected, telling Chris their relationship, whatever it was, couldn’t work out. If he were someone versed in the ways of the world and sophisticated, he would do that.

Only that Jared Boyle was as far from being that as someone could be. That meant that he needed to enact a different type of scenario in his mind. But first, he wouldn’t call Chris at all for several days. Maybe it could all die on its feet, whatever they had, and Jared could continue without going through the shame of being used by a married man.

He ran his hands over his face, again and again, rubbing his eyes and trying to chase away the last grains of insomnia from them. If he couldn’t sleep anymore, he just had to wake up. Maybe coffee was a good idea, after all.

He was in the kitchen, fixing the bitter medicine when his phone rang. It was seven in the morning. Adrian was probably sleeping like a log after a night spent fucking, and Mike, well, he probably did the same if things had worked out with Ryan.

As he walked back into the bedroom, Jared played different scenarios in his head. Could it be it was some emergency? He hurried to pick the phone from the nightstand. His face fell when he saw the caller ID. 

For a couple of moments, he debated whether he should take it or not. But postponing it meant that he would only prolong the uneasiness and disgust he felt with himself for falling prey to a player like Chris. At twenty-five, he should have known better. He hadn’t been born yesterday.

“Yes?” he asked in a voice he hoped that it sounded calm and collected.

In his ears, it was too loud and strained.

“I can’t sleep anymore. I’m thinking of you,” Chris said in a low, seductive voice.

Was his husband still sleeping, so Chris needed to whisper so that he wasn’t caught in the act of calling his lover on the side? The thought alone made Jared’s gut recoil.

“Hmm.” That was all he could manage. How did one react to such a situation?

“I was wondering if I could see you today. And sorry for calling so early. I was hoping to hear your sleepy voice. But,” Chris hesitated for a moment, “you sound awake.”

Awake. That was a good word to describe the situation.

“Yes, I am very much awake,” Jared said, trying to rein in the need to shout obscenities at Chris and then end the conversation.

“Good.” There was another moment of hesitation. “I have the perfect place in mind. I heard seven different publications consider it as one of the most romantic getaways around. Don’t worry; I will take you back before midnight so that you can catch some sleep in your own bed.”

Oh, how considerate.

“A romantic getaway?” Jared could feel his hackles rising. “Do they have rooms for three?”

“Three?” Chris made a small pause. “What are you talking about?”

“Ah, you know. Since your husband must be coming with us.” Jared hoped to dear God he didn’t sound bitchy. It was only this much he could do to rein in his emotions.

Chris remained silent. Then, the seductive whisper from before turned to ice. “Have you been following me?”

Jared let out a small nervous laugh. “Isn’t it rich to accuse me of stalking you when you’re a fucking cheater?” As much as he had told himself to keep his calm, it didn’t look like it was possible. 

“Then how do you know?”

“Are you still busy accusing me? Aren’t you even going to apologize?”

“Saying ‘sorry’ won’t solve anything.”

Jared couldn’t believe his ears. He had a mind to end the conversation and finish things right at that moment. “Why are you cheating on your husband, Chris?” He couldn’t ask why Chris had cheated on him, Jared. That was not how things worked, regardless of how he felt inside. And Chris’s husband was, even more, a victim because he had said and heard some vows and had trusted the man next to him to value what they shared. Jared couldn’t even fathom how that man would feel if he found out about his husband’s philandering. He didn’t think he was the first illicit affair Chris was indulging in, as a married man who should have known better.

“And no, saying ‘sorry’ won’t solve anything. But it would at least prove that you’re a human being, not a fucking asshole.” Jared didn’t shout this time, and he was proud of himself for being able, at least, to control his voice.

“I never meant for you to find out.”

Jared squeezed the phone in his hand. “No shit,” he said through his teeth.

“Not like this, I mean.”

“Not like this? Were you planning to tell me? How? Dropping it in casual conversation? And by the way, you’re a side piece, and I’m actually married!” Jared stopped and bit his lips hard. Without intending to, he was shouting again.

“You’re making things unnecessarily complicated.”

Jared could swear he was starting to see red. “I don’t know what you mean by that. Wake up your husband and ask him whether he thinks the same thing. I’m curious what he has to say.”

“Are you threatening me? That you’re going to tell my husband?” Chris’s voice was still cold, and Jared could bet, calculated.

“I’ve just had enough of you. No, I’m not going to tell him. Although I should, because he deserves to know. But I don’t know him, I don’t know who he is, and I was taught a long time ago to stay away from getting involved in other people’s business unless they’re my closest friends. I just have one question. How the hell do you live with yourself?”

“Watch it, young man --”

“True, I am young, compared to you, at least. But I really thought we were together.” Jared hated himself for letting that last bit slip. It was clear as day that Chris was an unapologetic asshole, and that he didn’t appear to have one ounce of remorse in him. 

“I was trying to curb your enthusiasm. And I thought young people are more about flings than serious relationships.”

“Young people. You make it sound like I’m just another person walking by. If you truly believe that about me, then you’ve never listened to a word I said. And I think it’s fine. Because it proves that you’ve never wanted to know me at all.”

“That’s not true.” Coldness turned into sharpness.

“Chris, let’s face it. You just wanted someone convenient so that you could get laid whenever you felt like it. I just don’t get it. Your husband is very attractive.”

“So, you did follow me.”

“No, you arrogant fuck.” Jared couldn’t believe he was capable of talking to someone like that. “It just happened that one of the agents I work with invited me to dinner yesterday so that he could introduce me to a client. I guess I was lucky to set foot in the same restaurant as you.”

“Lucky?” A small snort accompanied that single word.

“Yes, lucky.” Jared set his chin high, although Chris couldn’t see him. “Otherwise, I would have just continued to believe you. What did you think, Chris?” He needed to ask, even if it made him sound pathetic. “That I was just some stupid kid you could play as you wanted?”

“Not exactly.”

“This is the last conversation we’re ever going to have in this life,” Jared said. “If you have anything else to say, go ahead. I have a life to live. And rest assured, your husband will find out. Not from me, don’t worry. You will slip one day. And then you’ll lose him. It’s true that I don’t know him, but I have a hunch that it will be your loss, not his.”

A short laugh was the answer. “It’s true.”


“I did think you would be easy.”

Jared could feel the blood draining from his face and then rushing back to his head. “Oh, did you?” The words fell from his mouth, tumbling one over the other.

“Yes. But I’ve come to know you a little, despite what you’re saying. You’re more than a pretty face and a nice body, Jared.”

“Should I address my deepest thanks?”

“This sarcastic act doesn’t suit you.”

“Tough luck. It’s the only one I have available right now.”

“My husband knows.”

One single sentence and Jared fell silent. “Do you think I’m a complete idiot? And what? He also sleeps on the side, so it’s all ‘kay. Is that it?”

“We’re in an open relationship, yes.”

Jared shook his head. “I don’t believe you. Why didn’t you tell me anything, then? And when you say that he knows, he knows about me or about you sleeping around, in general? Fuck, I can’t believe I went bareback with you!”

The realization hit him in the middle of his chest with the force of a hammer. Caught in his disappointment, he hadn’t even though about what that meant. 

“We’re responsible adults. We test regularly.”

“Like that’s supposed to make me feel good. You could sleep with who knows how many people. And your husband, too, if what you’re telling me is true. Why did I trust you?”

That was a rhetorical question. 

“You trusted me because you wanted to.”

As much Jared wanted to come back with a nasty retort, he knew that there was a grain of truth in that. “Yes, I think so.” There was no point denying it. “I wanted a relationship so badly that I decided it would be better if I ignored the signs.”

“That’s not it.” Chris sounded so full of himself that Jared wanted to reach him at the other end and strangle him. “You trusted me because you liked me. I like you, too, Jared.”

Jared caught the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed. “Of course. I’m very likable. I’m totally side piece material.”

“That not what I meant. You put words in my mouth and thoughts in my mind.”

Jared decided that he wouldn’t allow being pulled in an argument that couldn’t lead to anything good. “I’m done with you. I have no idea why I feel the need to tell you this since it’s obvious.”

“It’s not. We do have something, Jared. I see how learning about my being married must have shocked you --”

“That’s the understatement of the year. You and your husband can go and have fun for as long as you want and with whomever you want. But I don’t see things the same way. You cheated on me, the way I see it. And you can’t stop being a prick about it, too. Talking about adding insult to injury.”

“That’s not my intention, and you’re overreacting. We can talk about this like adults. I can even introduce you to my husband.”

“No, thanks,” Jared said dryly.

“I don’t want what we have to end. Think about it, Jared. We can have a lot of fun together.”

“Seriously? It’s not fun what I’m after.”

“Sure. You imagine yourself an idealist. Maybe you need a bit of a wakeup call.”

“I just got it, thanks. I’ll know better from now on.”

“Well, I see that you’re difficult to talk to. If you reconsider, you have my number. I hope that you call.”

“I really can’t believe you.” Jared could feel the bitter taste of disappointment on his tongue. “Whatever you think you’re doing right now, stop. I’m not interested.”

“Be it as you say. For what is worth, I did and do like you. And the sex has been amazing.”

Jared closed his eyes and exhaled. “Telling me I was a decent fuck won’t change how I feel about you. And you could go ahead and find plenty of guys who might be interested in what you offer. A lot of people wouldn’t mind having a sponsor instead of a boyfriend. I guess that’s what you wanted to provide.”

“Just as a token of my appreciation.”

“My head hurts already. Goodbye, Chris. I hope what you say about your husband is true so that he doesn’t suffer from your cheating. Or I don’t. I don’t know which alternative is worse. But you should delete my number. I’ll do that with yours.”

Jared didn’t wait another moment. Trembling in anger, he ended the conversation, and then he did as he had promised. For good measure, he turned off his phone, too. Now he had the entire Sunday to wallow in misery with no one to disturb him from it.


Moping around the house proved to be a tedious affair, after all. Jared tried to work for a while, then he fell asleep, only to wake up with a headache. To think that he had wanted a relationship that badly. It hadn’t been worth it, after all. He needed to create a different strategy. Maybe he needed to wait for a boyfriend to happen as a natural thing –

It hadn’t been like Chris, and he hadn’t happened naturally. Jared had thought the attraction to be real since, at the time, he had had no idea of Chris’s careful strategy. Could it be that Chris had waited that night for just any young man coming out of the club so that he could pick him up? It sounded like something Chris would do, the scumbag.

Their last conversation had been the most honest they had ever had. At least now, Jared knew who Chris was, for real. He rubbed his forehead and grimaced. He wasn’t going to start crying now, was he?

A loud rap on the door startled him. Had Chris gone completely out of his mind and was now trying to bring down the door? He stared through the peephole and then opened the door quickly. A much disheveled Mike was standing in front of him.

“Oh, thank God you’re okay!” Mike cried out.

Jared accepted Mike’s tight embrace without reacting, first. Ah, damn, he had forgotten his phone turned off. And for a worrier like Mike, that must have been an ominous sign. 

“There was no sign of you on your social media, either,” Mike began jabbering. “I was worried sick.”

Jared knew better than to make fun of Mike’s reaction. He patted Mike on the back and then closed the door, taking him inside.

“Were you working? On Sunday?” Mike peeked into the space Jared had appointed as a small office. “Wait, why are you so quiet? Did anything happen? Something happened, I’m sure.”

Jared placed one hand over Mike’s mouth and smiled at him. “Mike, it’s okay. I’m here. Breathe, okay?”

Mike nodded but pointed at Jared’s hand, clamped over his mouth. Jared moved his hand away quickly. 

“Something did happen,” Mike said with conviction. “I rarely see you sad.”

“I’m not sad,” Jared protested, not really knowing where and how to start. It wasn’t like him to complain all the time, and he didn’t feel like starting to do that now. “It’s just that --”

“Yes?” Mike asked, his eyes wide. 

Jared felt the need to comfort Mike. Secretly, how Mike needed him made him feel good about himself, and he thought that it must be proof that he was a decent person. Why would Mike hurry to him each time he had a problem?

“Wait, what happened with Ryan?”

Mike’s face shadowed. “Later. What happened to you?”

Jared sighed. “Chris is married.”

“What? Is he cheating on his wife? I mean, he’s cheating on you? I mean --”

“He’s married to a man.”

Mike stood there for a moment, baffled. “Wow,” he whispered, and the corners of his mouth dropped. “I don’t know if that’s worse or not.”

Jared shrugged. “I found out by accident. Last night, he canceled our plans, and it happened that Sam, one of the guys who bring me clients, contacted me and invited me to a business dinner. And in that posh restaurant, guess who I see?”

“Chris, with his husband?”

Jared nodded.

“What did you do? And what did he do?”

“He wasn’t aware I saw him. And I kept a low profile all evening. I confronted him this morning.”

“Did he come here?”

“No. Over the phone. We had a really interesting and eye-opening conversation. Apparently, Chris is in an open marriage, but he didn’t care to let me in on that little secret. Actually,” Jared added with a small snort, “he pretty much said that he would have told me at one point. What point that could be, he didn’t say. Hell, he even said that he would introduce me to his husband. Can you believe it?”

Mike shook his head, and his eyes were filled with empathy. Jared smiled when Mike embraced him again. “He’s a total scumbag, and he doesn’t deserve you.”

“Thanks for saying that, Mike. I think it serves me right. I was so obsessed about having a relationship that I lost track of what was the most important thing. I needed to make sure Chris was the right choice for me, not just find excuses and explanations – But never mind me. I’m much in the mood for a romantic story.”

Mike fidgeted. “I don’t have one to tell. We did dance on the roof --”

“On the roof? Wow!” Jared massaged Mike’s shoulders and guided him toward the kitchen. “Let me make you some cocoa. I know exactly how you like it.”

Mike’s phone went off. “It’s Adrian. He asks me if I found our mother hen.”

Jared rolled his eyes. “Tell him ‘no’ just to see how he would react. No, no, no. Just tell the truth. Although I bet, he gave you hell for being too worried.”

“He did say something like maybe you took a trip to the Bahamas and now make some beds shake in rooms with the ‘do not disturb’ sign on the door. Therefore, your phone turned off,” Mike said quickly.

Jared offered a crooked smile. “Oh, yes, and he had called me this morning to ask me to go with him to some romantic getaway. I think I will never get some people. Or all of them. I don’t know. I suck at relationships and that, without having any experience whatsoever.”

“It’s not your fault,” Mike said as he typed a message for Adrian quickly.

“So, you danced on the roof.”

Mike made a sad face, and with him, it was for real. “And then he told me we could not happen. Do you remember how Adrian said something about sexual harassment lawsuits and whatnot?”


“Ryan almost lived through one. He settled, but --”

“Wait, did he harass someone?”

“Not really.” Mike sighed. “He used to date some guy from the company he was in charge of before coming here. And then, things got stale, and that guy wanted some cash.”

“What a story.” Jared didn’t want to taint Mike’s image of Ryan with his current disappointments regarding men, most of all because he honestly thought that there had to be good people in the world left.

“So, Ryan had to pay him so that he didn’t sue, but Ryan’s family is now adamant that he must keep a clean image and all that.”

“Oh.” Jared didn’t know what to think. “But he has never harassed you.”

“I told him that, but he said, just like Adrian, that people wouldn’t see things the same as me. They would start spreading rumors.”

“Oh, damn, poor you.” Jared pulled Mike into a hug.

Mike’s phone let them know there was a new message. “Adrian wants to come over. Also, he says that you should turn on your goddamn phone.”

“Oh, right. I simply didn’t want Chris to call again and ask me for a threesome.”

Mike put his hand up. “I’ve been in that situation. It’s not as funny as people might think.”

“Sure it isn’t. How does Adrian do it? How does he waltz from one kinky situation to another, with no regrets?”

“I think he just likes having fun,” Mike said with a shrug. “You know Adrian.”

Jared sighed. “It’s definitely good to be at peace with yourself. Also, since he doesn’t care about relationships, he doesn’t need to get annoyed with the same things as us. So what are you going to do about Ryan?”

“I don’t know. He tells me he can’t remember feeling about someone the way he feels about me, and then he gives me the boot. I mean, not the boot. I mean --”

“Here’s your cocoa,” Jared interrupted him. “There is one solution, as you know.”

Mike nodded. “I can quit and work somewhere else. This should eliminate any conflict of interest or whatever that is. I don’t know much about these laws.”

“I’m no better myself. So, what do you feel about quitting?”

Mike stared at his hands for a while. “I don’t know. I’ve never worked anywhere else. I don’t know if I can adapt.”

Jared patted his arm in sympathy. “Take baby steps, Mike. And maybe try to learn a bit more about Ryan first. I don’t want to be a cautionary tale, and I’m sure that Ryan is a great guy, but you need to show a bit of interest in him.”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll ask Google.”

“It’s a good place to start.”


“Am I late to the party?” Adrian said jovially and gave Jared a hug.

“If by party, you mean cocoa and biscuits, you’re not late. I have plenty left.”

“Don’t bother.” Adrian patted his shoulder energetically, making Jared sway a little. “Why was your phone turned off?”

“Long story.”

“Good. I have plenty of time.”

“And I don’t mind hearing it again,” Mike added, as he emerged from the kitchen.

“Is it that good?”

“No. Actually, it’s pretty bad,” Jared replied.

Adrian didn’t smile or joke. He watched Jared with a serious expression on his face. That meant that he paid extra attention. 

It was good to have friends, Jared thought. He could cry on their shoulder and tell all the bad things he wanted to say about Chris, knowing someone will listen. And that was a pretty important thing, after all.


Next chapter 



Edward is a psychiatrist, right?


It’s funny how Adrian’s closet friends are unaware of this ‘transformation’ - it was there all along?

Laura S. Fox

No. Reconstructive surgery. It was only mentioned briefly in Ch. 3. He works on difficult cases, such as burnt victims, birth defects and the like.

Laura S. Fox

Adrian was introduced through the reader's eyes, but he was mostly revealed - he and his true nature - with the progression of the story. For Jared and Mike, there was no transformation. For them, Adrian has always been a good guy, and they wouldn't have been best friends otherwise.