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Chapter Six – Sometimes, You Just Want To Eat At Home

“What’s the expiration date on a crush?” Mike asked with a long sigh.

On the other end of the phone call, Jared matched his with one that spelled compassion. It was only natural for Mike to go complaining to him since Jared surely had some kind words for him.

“Go have fun, Mike. I feel guilty that I can’t come with you so that we could party as usual. Actually, I could call Chris --”

“No, listen, Jared. It’s okay. We went last night for drinks, and it was all fine. I’m not going to take over your Saturday, especially since you have a date with a super guy.”

Jared made a small sound like he was melting. “I know how you hate being on your own. But you’re cute and young, and there are many guys out there. I know that the last time I told you to go out on your own, you practically ended up --”

“Sucking off my boss,” Mike completed Jared’s words, but his voice was dreamy, not self-deprecating as he aimed for.

“Right. But I think the best remedy is to go dance with some hot guys, take a few phone numbers, and see where the night takes you.”

“You are so optimistic about my chances to get some hot guys’ phone numbers. But thanks for your trust in me, J. You’re the best friend I could ever hope for.”

“I haven’t asked you. Have you seen Ryan after he came down to your server haven?”

“Just from afar. I promise I wasn’t stalking him or anything!”

“I wasn’t accusing you,” Jared replied, obviously surprised.

“Ah,” Mike groaned, “I’m in so deep. Why do I have to fall for impossible guys?”

“When have you ever fallen for such guys before?”

“In my dreams,” Mike said promptly.

Jared laughed. “It’s okay to fantasize. But don’t lose yourself in such a habit. It could be quite dangerous.”

“So, are you trying to tell me that it’s fine if I dream of my boss?”

“If you can’t help it … But please go clubbing. And yes, I know what you’ll say, even without Adrian and me. Even if you go to the club, stay for one hour, and then go back home, it will still be a win. At least, you won’t be by yourself, moping around.”

“I guess that’s true. But I should think of going to another club. Jimmy might still want to kick my ass over that Gino thing from last week.”

“I told you, Mike. There’s nothing to worry about. You can go to our usual spot. The only thing you should worry about is them proposing you to get into a threesome.”

“Would a threesome heal my broken heart?”

“No,” Jared said promptly. “Please don’t tell me you’re even considering it.”

“I wasn’t. Well, if Jimmy won’t kick my ass, then I’ll go for one drink. He might not even be there. If I’m lucky.”

“Hey, have a little faith.”

“Wait, how do you turn down an invitation to a threesome?”

Jared laughed. “Just say that you believe in monogamy.”

“What if they get into a debate and come strong at me?”

“Hmm.” Jared seemed to ponder. “You can lie, then. Tell them your boyfriend is jealous.”

“Ah, so I managed to get a boyfriend between last Saturday and this one. They won’t buy it.”

“I should point out some things. One, the chances that some strong debate over the delicate subject of threesomes would occur are slim. Two, you almost did get yourself a boyfriend. It just wasn’t meant to be.”

Meant to be. Somehow, those words felt cruel to Mike. Jared wasn’t at fault, of course. But that evening with Ryan had been perfect. It had felt like something meant to be. And Mike was a bit afraid that such things were unlikely to happen too often to someone like him.


Mike took place at the bar, trying to appear relaxed and in the mood for fun. He knew it quite well that his tries wouldn’t fool anyone, but the lights were dim, and people were too busy seeing about their night that they couldn’t be bothered to observe one awkward guy.

“Just the man I was hoping to see.”

Mike looked up and forced a smile. If anything went wrong, he could always blame Jared. No, he would never do that. Going to a different club seemed way too intimidating, so he had settled for their usual spot, as Jared had said. 

“Hi, Jimmy.” His voice was so low that Jimmy had to lean over the bar to catch his words. 

He waited. If Jimmy wanted to curse at him, he was welcome to do it. Despite what Jared and Adrian had said, Mike still had his doubts that the cute bartender would be okay with his boyfriend sleeping around, and especially with someone Jimmy had practically invited because he had taken pity in.

Jimmy offered him a smile from up close. Then, he suddenly closed the distance between them and kissed Mike quickly.

“Wow, what was that for?” Mike asked, his voice even meeker than before.

“You looked like you needed it. So, you just ditched me and Gino that time, huh?”

Mike fidgeted in his bar stool. “I had no idea he was your boyfriend.” That excuse was lame, but also true. “I’m sorry.” He looked down and linked his fingers, to stop his nervousness.

“I am the one who’s sorry. I should have come clean and tell you my boyfriend and I both wanted to get to know you better.”

Mike’s head snapped up. “For real?”

Jared and Adrian had told him this much.

Jimmy smiled at him. Some client shouted something unflattering at him. He flashed an apologetic smile at Mike. “Be right back. Here, something to keep you busy.” He placed a drink in front of Mike.

“I’m paying for it this time,” Mike said, but Jimmy was already gone.

It wasn’t such a bad idea to have a drink. At least, he could work a little on calming his jitters while Jimmy was busy with the other patrons and their parched throats. Was Jimmy going to propose that kind of arrangement? Nah, probably that ship had already sailed, and the previous Saturday had been the only chance for Mike to do something so wild.

He hoped Jimmy wouldn’t say anything. Things were completely different from the previous Saturday. Now, there was Ryan on his mind and, as helpless as it was, the idea of cheating on him with an adventurous couple made up of a cute twink and a handsome alpha top was torturing him already.

Wasn’t he getting ahead of himself? Jimmy had a handsome man like Gino in his bed, and Gino already had a cute twink as a boyfriend. He didn’t need a lesser cute one. 

He was still debating over his shortcomings when someone took the seat next to him. “How are you, birdie?” The husky voice made Mike sit straight in his bar stool.

“Oh, Gino, hi.” He threw some desperate looks toward Jimmy, but the bartender was still busy and quite far away from them to be easy for Mike to call for him, without appearing hysterical.

Mike let out a small gasp as a firm hand rested on his back and began to massage his tense muscles.

“You know, I wondered why you took off like that.”

“Ah, well, I just remembered that I was busy ... preparing ... um, something for work,” Mike blurted out the last words.

“On a Saturday night?” Gino appeared genuinely disoriented over Mike’s lie. “Hey, listen, we wanted to have some more fun with you.”

“Jimmy is your boyfriend, right?” Mike asked, trying to sit in such a manner so that Gino would take his hand off his back. Gino didn’t appear to take the hint.

“Yeah. We’ve been together for six months or so.”

“And is he really okay with, you know?”

“Yeah, sure.” At least Gino understood what Mike was talking about and didn’t make him say the words out loud.

“But, he’s cute.”

“He is.”

“Cuter than me.”

Gino laughed, and this time, he moved his hand only to sling one arm over Mike’s shoulders and pull him close. “Two cuties are better than one.”

Oh, fuck. Here came that debate about threesomes. What was he supposed to say? His mind was blank. Automatically, he reached for his glass and downed it all down.

“Wow. Thirsty?” Gino laughed.

Jimmy finally made it back to them. He kissed Gino on the lips, not quickly, as he had done with Mike, but long, sweetly, and lingering. Then he noticed Mike’s empty glass, and, without even asking, he brought a bottle and filled it.

“Thanks,” Mike said politely.

“So, Mike, do you have any plans for tonight?” Jimmy asked, after bringing Gino a drink, too.

“Not really,” Mike mumbled, realizing too late that he would have better come up with a lie.

“Then let’s have some fun. You guys sit here and get to know each other a little more while I’m slaving for the man. Just make sure that you keep something for me, too.”

Before going away, Jimmy kissed Gino again, and then Mike, too, this time, sweetly and lingering, just the same as he had done with his boyfriend.

He was in deep, deep trouble. Mike reached for his glass and drank some more. As soon as he let his glass down, Gino turned toward him and grabbed him, pulling him into a kiss. The tongue in his mouth was firm and persistent, and Mike should have felt like his entire world was tilting on its axis, but it was nothing like that. Instead, the kiss just triggered other memories, such as soft, gentle lips searching his and giving him an internal orgasm without his even being touched anywhere else.

No, he couldn’t think of Ryan. Ryan was off-limits. Ryan was his boss, his gorgeous, awesome boss, a handsome sexy man that had arrested his soul and his mind. 

So that very moment, Mike decided that maybe Jared was wrong. Maybe having a threesome was a good idea.


Jared stole a quick look at Chris across the table and looked back at his plate. He had put on the effort for tonight, getting a casual suit and tying his hair into a discreet ponytail, trying to minimize his usual looks in exchange for something that should work better for dinner in the company of a man such as Chris.

Chris caught his eyes. “You seem a bit stressed out. Is there something bothering you?”

Jared just shook his head. He was not usually this nervous. He had been on dates, but right now, he was, indeed, stressed out. If someone were to ask him, he couldn’t have said what was wrong. Maybe he still felt out of his league. The restaurant was lovely, and Jared was glad he had dressed up or else he would have looked out of place. There was even subdued classical music filling the air, spread through invisible speakers. 

“This place is really nice.” He studied his fork, trying to avoid Chris’s eyes.

“I have a feeling I’ve overdone it. If you want us to go someplace else, please, just tell me. I want you to feel at ease.”

“Oh, no, this is really nice.” Jared knew that he had just said that.

Chris sighed. “Is the age difference bothering you? Is this place making it obvious?”

“No, it’s --” If he said once more that it was nice, he was officially stupid.

“You clearly were more at ease while we walked in the park or at the gym. I didn’t mean to take you out of your comfort zone.”

“It’s not like that. It’s, um,” Jared struggled to find the right words, “I guess I’m a little overwhelmed.”

Chris sat back into his chair. “I knew it. Let me call the waiter with the check, and we’ll be out of here in a minute.”

“No. I wouldn’t want that. It would be like ruining the date, right?”

“The only thing ruining the date is my poor choice for a restaurant.”

“I could have said something when you sent me the list of alternatives. Maybe it’s time I grew up a little.”

Jared pushed the food on his plate mindlessly as he talked. There was also the other issue he needed to bring up, and he didn’t know how to do it without sounding like he was accusing Chris of something. He had visited Adrian’s doctor, and, although he told himself there was nothing to worry about, he still felt a little bad over being reckless. 

“Look, Jared,” Chris said and put one hand over his, the one that just lay on the table, doing nothing.

“Reeves, fancy meeting you here!” Someone called from their right.

Chris withdrew his hand quickly and welcomed the man addressing him. “Porter, what’s bringing you here?”

“I asked first,” the newcomer said in a playful voice. 

Jared took in the guy. He was showing his age, unlike Chris, and seemed in his late forties. The business suit couldn’t conceal his considerable girth, but he appeared to be laid back about his weight and not at all bothered by it. He had the look of someone who enjoyed the fruits of successful endeavors in more ways than one.

“I’ve been relocated for a while,” Chris finally replied. “Business is going crazy.”

“You’re telling me? I’m just in passing and saw that this place had glowing recommendations. What are you guys having?”

Jared felt strange as Chris’s acquaintance studied him briefly. He wondered whether Chris would invite the man to join them, turning that Saturday evening dinner – which was supposed to be romantic – into a business meeting. 

“Actually, we were just leaving,” Chris replied. 

Jared observed his date carefully. Chris appeared detached, but his right hand that had held his only moment earlier appeared rigid like its owner didn’t know what to do with it.

“That’s too bad. What would you recommend? I hope you two aren’t leaving because of the food,” Porter joked.

Chris offered a few suggestions affably, but something in his countenance told Jared that he was almost ready to bolt.

“Hey, how’s Brian?” For some reason, Porter stole a glance at Jared while asking that.

“He’s fine,” Chris replied. “Oh, so sorry, I haven’t introduced you two. Porter, this is Jared, a young and very talented photographer. This old goat here is an old friend of mine.”

Jared shook Porter’s hand, and the sensation that something was wrong came washing over him. What sort of introduction was that? Could it be that Chris was in the closet, at least, to some of his friends?

That was a reasonable explanation. He replied politely to a few questions regarding the city that Porter addressed him while Chris hurried the waiter with an impatient gesture.


Just for how long was this guy going to insist? Adrian stared in annoyance at the list of unanswered phone calls from Edward. No texts, though. It seemed like Edward was bent on having him answer his phone, and there was no other way he would accept as a means of communication.

He also had the habit of calling at the same time every day. Was Edward secretly a robot? Adrian was tempted to think of him in all the unflattering colors possible since Edward was, after all, guilty of seeing through him and quite fast. 

Adrian liked to think he was an uncomplicated guy. But he was entitled to his secrets, and he didn’t want to have them exposed. For days, he had thought about that fucked up way their fucking had ended, with Edward guessing right away that Adrian had been thinking of another dude during sex. At first, he had blamed himself. Then his anger had turned against Edward for meddling where he wasn’t supposed to.

Whatever. The chance was lost. Edward would eventually take the hint and stop calling. And, in the meantime, Adrian had no time to waste with stupid things, like reminiscing the past and wondering if Alexander hadn’t fucked him up good for all eternity. Adrian was in no mood to visit some shrink and listen about how his inability to commit was rooted in a broken heart. He wasn’t made for that kind of stuff.

He knocked on the door to the posh townhouse and waited. Maybe he didn’t attend parties as sophisticated as whatever Edward was used to, in the company of other rich perverts like him, but he could score some more bizarre experiences for himself without pretending to be the hottest stuff that ever walked the earth.

“Wow.” The slim brunet standing in the doorway and wearing nothing but a vaporous see-through threw him an appreciative look. “You look better than in your profile pictures.”


The brunet made a small sign with his chin and stood out of the way, allowing Adrian to come in. 

It was like walking into a fantasy, Adrian thought as he didn’t hesitate to stare shamelessly at the naked bodies populating the gorgeous living room. There were probably a few places in the world, let alone in the city where there could be such an impressive concentration of hotties per square foot. 

The beautiful brunet snuck one hand around his waist. “Hey, everyone. Can I have your attention, please?”

Those who weren’t already looking at Adrian with hungry eyes turned toward him. 

“We have Adrian here, and guess what? He’s our guest of honor.”

The audience started clapping right away, and there were small murmurs of appreciation, and a few little delighted laughs. 

“Can I offer you a drink, handsome?” The host offered, but Adrian shook his head.

“I’m ready if you guys are.” 

“Nice,” the brunet replied and dragged Adrian to a lavish armchair, after helping him out of his jacket.

Adrian plopped down on the armchair and smiled at his host, who got on his knees fast and began pulling down his jeans after a short struggle with the fly. He winked at him as the young man gave a long seductive lick to the entire length of his cock.

“Remember, boys, play nice,” the brunet said as he turned toward the room. “Each one with his condoms and don’t try for seconds until everyone got some, got it?” After that, he addressed Adrian again. “So, are you up to the challenge? There’s only one of you, and ten of us.” 

Adrian nodded with a smug grin. “Come and hop on my dick, and you’ll see how up to the challenge I am. Are you going to be the first?”

The brunet threw him a flirty look. “I wish. But I have the reputation of a perfect host, and that means that my guests have priority. Just make sure you can still keep it up by the time I’m coming for you.”

Adrian grabbed a handful of the host’s ass. “I will.”

“Excellent. Then I should let you prey to these fiends now.”

A tall blond with languid eyes came to rest on Adrian’s knees, straddling him. He had a throaty, sexy voice. “You’re new. I haven’t seen you before.”

“Ah, I just thought I could try this.”

The blond got busy with Adrian’s cock, wrapping it quickly in a condom. “Viagra? So nice and hard.”

“Please don’t insult me. I’m all-natural. You’re enough to make me hard.”

The blond flashed a perfect smile at him. Adrian caught him by the waist and bit on his chest playfully, making him gasp. He could hear squelching sounds as the blond was preparing himself. Adrian didn’t allow him much leeway and pushed him down on his cock. The pretty young man seemed used to such treatment and began bouncing up and down happily.

Adrian tried to grab the also bouncing cock, but the blond slapped his hand away. “I’m all hands-free, honey.”

The squeeze on his cock was delicious, but Adrian found his mind doing tricky things. His cock twitched the soonest he let his mind wander. Only that right now, he wasn’t thinking of Alexander and his betrayal, but of Edward, and that thought unnerved him nonetheless.

There was no need for him to think of Edward now. He was in a room filled with beautiful bottoms, and all wanted a piece of his cock. What need did he have for a sophisticated man who played games with his mind and with his body?

Being the main course at a reverse gangbang party was all Adrian needed to get himself cured. All he had to do was to focus on giving and receiving pleasure while playing with beautiful men who weren’t Edward.

The blond gasped and played with his tits while he fucked himself into Adrian’s cock. He had no trouble keeping it up in a place like this. With a last long moan, the blond began shooting from his cock, spreading juice all over Adrian’s t-shirt. 

He should have taken it out. But it was okay either way. The blond stood up and kissed Adrian on the cheek. “Thank you, sexy. If there’s still something left in your balls by the end of the night, I’ll come to suck you dry.”

Adrian just patted the young man on his behind. Two other beautiful boys materialized next to him and playfully pushed the blond away. Their Asian features made them look like China dolls. 

“Are you going to tag team me?” Adrian joked.

The new guys didn’t offer an answer, but one gracefully hopped on the arms of the armchair and pushed his cock into Adrian’s face while the other was busy replacing the condom on his cock. So tag team it was. It was pleasant to fill his mouth with a small pretty cock while his own was given the royal treatment.

His cock hardened as his mind flew back to Edward. What taste did his cock have? Just remembering the way Edward had laughed while letting Adrian have a small whiff of his manhood made him shudder in unexpected pleasure. The guy feeding him his cock moaned prettily, probably thinking he was the reason why Adrian reacted like that.

He reached between the young man’s buttocks and began fingering him. At the other end, the second guy was happily milking Adrian’s cock with his ass. 

“This guy is so good. Such a hard cock.” Adrian heard the two exchanging impressions while using him as a sex doll.

Well, it was what he had signed for, right? He let go of the cock in his mouth and watched, amused as the guy just slid himself into his friend’s cock.

“You guys seem to be enough for each other,” Adrian commented, as now two guys were bouncing up and down in his cock, but he was just fucking one.

They laughed. The one getting fucked replied. “My friend here is afraid of a big gun like yours. So I’m here to encourage him to try it.”

Adrian had a feeling the two beautiful boys just wanted a bit of spice. But he was okay either way. He wasn’t there to judge.

When they both got up, they were satisfied, and Adrian’s t-shirt had gotten some fresh new marks of victory. 

The next contender looked down at Adrian. Even naked, he looked like he had style. Also, he had an attitude to go with that. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Do you expect me to hop up and down your dick like these silly rabbits?”

The haughty attitude made Adrian’s cock perk up again. He hadn’t come once, so maybe it was time, by number four, to allow himself that. Although he was there to provide entertainment to these hungry bottoms, there was no rule against seeing about himself and his needs, too. 

“What position would you like, princess?”

A small huff was the initial reply. “Guess.”

Adrian stood up and got rid of his jeans and footwear. Then he walked around the young man and then grabbed him by the nicely styled hair. “I’d say you’d like to be taken on all fours,” he whispered into his ear.

This time the reply was an appreciative moan. Oh, so that was the little masochist in that soup. Adrian pushed him down and slapped his ass, making him push it up lasciviously. 

“Is that all you got? I must warn you. I won’t let you be until my ass is all red.”

So the little masochist didn’t mince words when it came to what he wanted. Adrian obliged and smacked his behind a few more times.

The host hurried by his side and helped him change the condom. “Lube?” he asked.

So far, the others had dealt with that on their own. The current one didn’t appear to care. Obviously, even the host was at his beck and call. Masochist or not, he was pretty dominant in attitude. 

The host offered him a half-smile. “He lubed himself.” His voice dropped a little lower. “Make sure to give him a few slaps from me, too. He’s just such a diva.”

Adrian just nodded. “Damn, why the hell are you this tight?” he shouted as he sank into the perky ass, now a lovely shade of pink from all the slapping.

“Because I like to feel something, not like the other loose holes around.”

Now Adrian knew why the host wanted this one to get spanked hard. He totally deserved it. Therefore, he got to work, sparing nothing. His cock was hurting a little, and it was clear that the guy had used only maybe half the lube needed, but Adrian’s reputation was at stake. He pounded that ass hard, making sure to slap it, too, with all his might.

They even had an audience, as the others had gathered closely, curious about what was going on. Some even cheered Adrian on, and a few also came to touch him and caress him.

The problem was that all that, while he could appreciate it for what it was, didn’t help him allow his mind to wander. Or maybe, it was a blessing, because he didn’t need to come while fucking a guy and thinking of Edward. It would have been too much of history repeating.

Also, the other problem was that the stubborn masochist seemed no closer to getting off, either. That left Adrian no choice. He grabbed him by the hair hard, and then he used his other hand to sneak it under and pinch the guy’s nipples, hard.

“Hey, did I tell you to touch my tits?”

Adrian grinned. “No, and I don’t care.”

“You don’t care?” The haughty attitude seemed to melt a little.

Adrian could only congratulate himself for guessing right.

“Yeah. I don’t give a damn. So go ahead and shout at me while I’m getting my fill from you.”

“Spank me more, please.”

“No way I’m going to do what you want.” Adrian let go of the guy’s nipples and just made his head turn for a kiss. 

Everybody cheered, and Adrian could feel the lithe body under him surrendering to the spasms of orgasm. He continued to kiss him as the young man turned limp into his arms.

That didn’t last long. His partner pushed him and then walked away, with his head high. “Seriously, I think this guy is nothing special.”

Everyone laughed. Obviously, Adrian had played his hand right. Mr. Haughty Ass had gotten his just desserts.

The host hurried by his side. “That was super cool.” He was extra careful when removing Adrian’s condom. “Hey, you haven’t come yet. Are we not pretty enough for you or something?”

“I’m here to give you satisfaction, right? Then that’s what I’m going to do,” Adrian replied. “And you’re all pretty. It’s not that.”


Four more drinks down the road, Mike was still struggling with the idea that he wanted to get into that threesome with Jimmy and Gino. They weren’t talking, he and Gino, busy only to down drink after drink, and kiss. From time to time, Jimmy floated to them with a friendly jab and a bit of kissing of his own, reminding them not to go too far, in a flirty, joking voice.

“I think I need the bathroom.” Mike got to his feet.

“Want me to join you?” Gino asked, getting close and nuzzling his neck.

“No. I mean, Jimmy would be upset,” Mike added quickly.

“I have a great rebound.”

There was a promise in Gino’s voice, but Mike pretended he didn’t get it. “I’ll be back quickly.”

He cursed to himself as he almost stumbled and fell face forward as he took the first step. Gino caught him and laughed.

“I’m fine. I’m fine.”

He was anything but fine. Right now, he needed to get away from Gino and the looming threat of that threesome. Before Ryan, he would have thought that fantasy come true. Not that he would have taken up on such an offer. Now, he needed to. Now, he needed to forget about Ryan.

Right. It was all Ryan’s fault. Mike felt pissed all of a sudden. He went directly into a stall and locked himself inside. He didn’t need the bathroom so badly. It was just that he needed to get away a little.

He put down the lid and sat on it. It was all Ryan’s fault. Yeah, that was such a relieving thought. He wasn’t at fault. Why should he be? Ryan should have known better. The nerve on him, to come down to the servers and mess Mike’s head like that!

And Mike had had to apologize. For nothing! Sometimes, things needed to be set straight. Mike pulled his phone. Although he had promised himself that he would delete Ryan’s phone number, he hadn’t gathered the courage to do it.

With one deep breath, he started typing.

“I’m not the one who should be sorry. You should be sorry.”

Sent. Mike stared at the screen. Was he really doing this? Maybe Ryan didn’t understand, or, right now, he was pretending not to, since there was no reply.

“You should be sorry for being so handsome. Really, who talks like that? It’s like you’re from a hotline ad or something.”

There was still no reply, so Mike felt courageous. He began typing again.

“You should be sorry for messing me up. FYI, two hot men are waiting for me right now so that we could have a threesome. A threesome, do you get it? I shouldn’t be thinking of you!”

Damn. Gino and Jimmy were really waiting for him. He would have a threesome, a nice little threesome, and then go home and still think of Ryan. Mike felt miserable.

“So you’re not saying anything? I guess for you it was just another blowjob. But for me, it wasn’t. For you, it was just another Monday night, going around seducing the shy and nervous type. What did you even mean by that? Shy and nervous is nobody’s type! I will go and have that threesome now.”

Mike made one hand into a fist and pushed away the few tears threatening to fall. His phone ringing made him jump to his feet. Without even thinking, he answered.

“Mike?” Ryan’s voice came through, authoritative, and impatient.

“Yeah.” Mike froze, all his courage from before gone. He would have expected a battle of wills via angry texts, but not a phone call. He should have never taken that call. Too late now.

“Are you drunk?”

“Probably,” Mike mumbled.

Oh, shit. He had just drunk texted his boss, the same guy he had a huge crush on. Not even Jared would forgive him now. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks. He sat back on the toilet. Now, he needed to start apologizing. His hands were cold, and there was sweat on his back.

“Where are you?”

“Some club.”

“Name, address, your exact location.”

Mike didn’t even stop to consider why Ryan wanted to know that. “I’m in the bathroom.”

“Stay there. Don’t you dare get out of there and go with those people. Understood?”

“Yes.” Mike swallowed hard.

He would get fired while sitting on the toilet, in a club, on Saturday night.


Jared waited patiently for Chris to say goodbye to his friend since Porter seemed to have more questions. Under the pretext that he wanted a bit of fresh air, he had gone into the street and now was studying Chris through the glass doors. There was wariness in how he held himself, and Jared felt a bit guilty. Could it be that something in how he looked or talked made Porter suspicious? But it was not like he and Chris had done anything to draw attention to themselves.

Chris seemed relieved as he walked into the street. “That was an old friend,” he said apologetically. “I certainly wasn’t expecting to meet him here, of all places.”

Jared said nothing as they walked side by side. There was a distance between them and not just a physical one. Jared hated it, especially since he was under the impression that Chris was trying to make things work, and he was the one blowing things out of proportion, even if only on the inside. 

“May I ask you something, Chris?”


“Does your friend know you’re gay?”

Chris felt silent.

Jared hurried to talk. “I know that my friends and I are all out and proud as they say, but it’s okay if you’re not. It would be nice to know, is all I’m saying.”

Chris drew a long sigh. “You’re quite sharp. I guess I assumed that the chances to run into someone I know would be slim. I guess I was wrong. Wait, is this blowing off my chances with you?”

Jared shook his head. “No. I just noticed how tense you were when your friend came by our table. I wanted to know why. And don’t worry. I’m not going to annoy you with advice on how you should tell everyone and blah-blah-blah. You must have your reasons.”

Chris chuckled and put one arm around Jared’s shoulders. “For someone as young as you, you’re quite wise, Jared.”

Jared felt warm and snuggled closer to Chris. “Then it’s okay if we engage in such public displays of affections? You’re hugging me.”

Chris looked at him, and his eyes were smiling, too. “I suppose it’s okay to take risks, sometime.”

“Okay, but please don’t let me be your downfall.”

“You couldn’t be.” Chris leaned in for a kiss.

Jared enjoyed it, despite its brevity. “Can I ask another thing?”

Chris was still close, and they were looking into each other’s eyes. “Anything you want, sexy.”

“Who’s Brian?”

It was just for a split second, so Jared thought he must have imagined it. Chris’s smile faded only a fraction. “A close business partner. Porter knows him well.”

“Ah, it’s all business with you people.” Jared shook off any awkward sensations as Chris’s smile returned in full force.

“Quite boring. Which is why I want to drag you to my lair so that I can finally have my fill and some fun.”

He just needed to put his mind at rest, Jared thought. The only one messing the date was he, with his suspicions. From that moment on, he planned on switching off the part of his brain, always looking for problems. He was in the arms of a handsome man, and he would have fun, no matter what.


After number five, the pretty bottoms became a blur for Adrian. He had a recollection of having taken a cute Latino on his back directly on the floor, and of another in nothing but a cowboy hat and boots who had jumped up and down his dick like he wanted to win the race, as well as of the group of three sweet friends who used both his mouth and his cock switching between them and giggling all the time.

And by the end of all that, his cock was still hard, and Adrian was pretty sure that he could hammer nails with it and wouldn’t feel a thing. On the other hand, the others seemed quite satisfied as they lay on the lavish sofas, fanning themselves, laughing, and drinking pretty pink cocktails. So at least there was that.

The host came to take it by the hand. “Saving yourself for me?”

Adrian smiled at him. “You bet.”

A short musical laugh was the only reply. The host dragged him out of the living room and into a small alcove with a love settee by the window. With another giggle, he pushed Adrian down and began licking his cock up and down.

“What’s your name?” Adrian asked.

The host shook his head. “No names. You know the rules.”

“You know mine.”

“That’s because we need to know who we fuck. But every one of us likes the illusion of sharing a beautiful sexy stranger for a night of hot, anonymous sex.”

“You make it sound like you have more to gain than the lucky fuckers like me who get the chance to stick it into some of the sexiest asses in the city.”

“We do,” the host replied. “We are all friends, and having this particular experience to share only makes our bond stronger. There are no jealousies.”

“Whatever floats your boat,” Adrian said with a small shrug. “So don’t you want me to fuck you, too? Like I fucked your friends?”

“Am I not good at sucking your cock?” The brunet cocked his head and stared at him.

“You’re great. But I feel like fucking.”

“Should I hope to succeed where all my friends failed?” The host stood up gracefully and removed his see-through.

Adrian didn’t reply. Instead, he reached for the other and pulled him into his arms. The rich ringlets of hair were soft under his fingers, and he took pleasure from kissing him. The young man was eager, pliant in his arms, and Adrian felt that he needed to make that beautiful face transfigure with pleasure.

The brunet pushed himself down fast on Adrian’s cock. It was clear that he had waited for that moment, kindled by watching his friends getting fucked, growing impatient with each orgasmic cry filling the room.

That should have been enough. Each one of the other nine young men Adrian had fucked tonight should have been enough. Yet, still, his cock was hard, and it was relentlessly doing its job, stuck at a threshold, with no possibility to soar higher.

His grunts and moans were now dipped in frustration, and his partner slowed down. “Am I being too impatient? Do you want me to do something different? No matter what you want, I will try to make it happen.”

Adrian didn’t reply and, instead, dragged them both on the soft carpet. He moved his hips, pounding hard into the other. The brunet’s faint cries turned delirious. Blunt fingers were digging into Adrian’s back, leaving marks, without a doubt.

His partner turned rigid into his arms for a few moments, and Adrian was sure fresh stains on his t-shirt would be there as soon as he unglued himself from the other.

He stood back, looking down. With precise moves, he tore the condom from his cock. “Where should I throw this?”

His host sighed and took it from his hand. “You’re an amazing lover, Adrian. But do you mind me asking? Why are you here?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

There was a small reproach in the kind eyes inspecting him. “The only obvious thing is that whatever you want is not here. Or whoever you want.”

“Everyone’s a psychic these days.” Adrian got up. 

“I will bring the rest of your clothes.” The brunet slid out of the room almost without a sound.

He came back quickly, though, carrying Adrian’s jeans, jacket, and footwear.

“Was I bad, after all?” Adrian asked. “I see that you want me out the door.”

His host just shook his head gently. “You were the best in a long time. Everyone agrees. But I don’t want you on my conscience. Who knows what may happen to your beautiful cock if you don’t come at all?”

Adrian laughed. Under any other circumstances, he would have had the time of his life. He took the jeans and began dressing up. 

“I will ask for your t-shirt, though.”

“It’s night. Are you worried someone might see me wearing a t-shirt all covered in spunk like this?”

The brunet laughed. “Let’s call it a little souvenir. We are entitled to one, aren’t we?”

Adrian laughed, too. “Here.” He took out his t-shirt and threw it to his host, who caught it deftly.

He was busy putting on his socks and his shoes when he felt a gentle touch on his back. His host was busy wiping him with a towel. He allowed it, as the other moved to wipe his chest, too.

“Normally, you would shower here, but only after we got to come on you a few times. However, I can’t allow that kind of treatment toward a man who’s already taken.”

Adrian snorted.

“Whoever that man is, just tell him he’s lucky to have you,” the brunet whispered in his ear.

“Lucky? I’m at some crazy reverse gangbang party.”

“And yet, you didn’t come once. I’d say that’s a pretty huge commitment.”

“Commitment, right.”

Adrian knew not to overextend his welcome. His host gave him a sweet, lips only kiss, before sending him on his way.


“Wow, your apartment is amazing. O.M.G., the views!” Jared hurried to the floor to ceiling windows and looked down. Everyone appeared so small from there.

Chris pulled him close from behind. “Tonight, I am going to fuck you against this window while you look down at the entire world.”

Jared shivered slightly and leaned into the embrace. “Promise?” he asked teasingly.

Chris was about to reply when his phone went off from the coffee table where it had been abandoned. Jared hoped Chris would ignore it, but instead, he released him from his arms and went to get it. Even with his back at Jared, he appeared tense.

Jared could bet he was frowning. Chris turned to him with a strained smile. “Make yourself at home. I’ll be with you in a minute.”

With that, Chris marched out of the large living room, taking his frown and phone with him. Jared began looking around the place, taking in the post-modernist paintings on the walls, the minimalist, but expensive furniture, and the few business books on the coffee table.

Chris emerged back into the room. “I am so sorry, Jared. It’s an emergency, and I need to take care of it.”

“It’s all right,” Jared said. “We could meet at another time.”

To say he was disappointed was an understatement. 

“No.” Chris seemed categorical. “Let me take you to the bedroom.”

What for, was the question on Jared’s lips, but he followed nonetheless. Chris proceeded to take his jacket, taking him by surprise. And then he pushed Jared toward the bed. “But your emergency --”

“I’ll take care of it.” Chris arranged a pillow at Jared’s back and then planted in his hand a remote control. “The TV is there. I have all the streaming services, browse, binge watch, do all you want. I’ll also take your shoes.”

Jared said nothing, lost for words, as Chris took care of taking off his shoes, one by one. 

“Feel free to undress if you feel like it. I would love to come back and find you naked in my bed.”

“Is your emergency going to take long?” Jared asked, finally regaining his voice.

“I will make it as short as possible.” Chris kissed him quickly. “And since I suppose you’re considering it, you’re not allowed to leave. That’s why I’m hiding your shoes,” he added playfully.

“All right,” Jared said and smiled, too. “I guess that’s what I get for dating a hotshot financial advisor, right?”

Chris offered him an apologetic smile. “I can barely wait, Jared,” he said and kissed him quickly again, before disappearing through the door with Jared’s shoes in his hand, as promised.


It was way past two a.m. when Adrian got in front of his building. Preferring walking to riding in a cab home, he hadn’t even felt that he only wore his jacket over his naked skin. A bit of fresh air was supposed to clear his head, but his head was anything but clear by the time he reached his neighborhood.

Was he now – what? – in love with Edward? That couldn’t be. The idea was simply ridiculous. They barely knew each other, and it wasn’t the same thing as what had happened with Alexander. Not that he was still in love with Alexander. He was in hate with him if that was a thing.

He was lost in thought, but even like that, he could sense a foreign presence close by. The streets were supposed to be deserted at that hour, at least in that neighborhood. Otherwise, it was Saturday night, and everyone was out, partying downtown.

Adrian raised his eyes from the sidewalk. Leaning against the door of a dark vehicle that looked elegant and expensive in the street lights, was no other than the man responsible for his inability to come, not even once, tonight, while in the company of the sexiest bunch of bottoms around. 

“You’re not taking any of my calls,” Edward said, instead of an introduction or a greeting.

“I’d say you should take a hint.” Adrian tried to ignore the unwanted visitor and headed toward the entrance.

Edward was quick to cut his way. “I could, but I won’t.”

“Look, I’ve just got back from some crazy reverse gangbang party where I was the top, all the bottoms were top-notch, the most delicious things you’ve ever seen, but I didn’t come, and now I have a bad case of blue balls. So, if you’ll excuse me, Your Majesty, I need to go and put my balls on ice. Unless you want to hold them for me, please don’t let me keep you.”

What on earth had urged him to be that honest, Adrian couldn’t say. But it felt good to dump all that surely unwanted info on Edward so that everyone could let him fucking be. 

“I would hold them, but I have a better idea.”

The reply took him by surprise. He was only inches from the door now. “Are you going to keep your chauffeur sitting here while you come up to nurse my balls?”

Edward offered him a thin smile. “I understand that your balls are in a not so great condition, but I was unaware you needed prescription glasses. I came by myself.”

Adrian only then looked at the car and noticed that there was no one in the driver’s seat. “At least that means that you’re a bit human,” he said, mostly to himself. “You know, not getting the poor man out of his bed on Saturday night, while you’re on some wild goose chase.”

Edward caught up with him and grabbed his arm somewhat hard. “Let’s see what damage you’ve done to yourself tonight.”

“I was kidding,” Adrian said, realizing too late that maybe honesty wasn’t that good, given the circumstances.

“You need a bath,” Edward said airily. “You don’t have a t-shirt on, and you stink of other people.”

“No shit, Sherlock,” Adrian replied. 

Nonetheless, he allowed Edward to push him inside and then inside the elevator. On their way up, Adrian stood at a distance from his visitor and tried to ignore the eyes scanning him without one trace of guilt.

“Haven’t you seen people before?” he asked in an irritated voice.

“We’ll have a good long talk, Adrian. But after you take a bath and of course, after you come.”

Adrian grimaced. He had had plenty of reasons to come tonight. It wasn’t like he wanted to give Edward satisfaction by coming at his hand. Was that what Edward was thinking? A handjob? It seemed like a lousy appetizer, compared to the five-course meal he had been presented earlier that night. 

“I think that boat has sailed. I got my dick to calm down, and I don’t want to start all over again,” Adrian said.

The elevator stopped. 

“We’ll see about that. I told you, Adrian. No blue balls while you’re in my care.”

Adrian shrugged and took out his key. Edward waited patiently for him to get inside. He didn’t even follow and just stood in the door.

“Are you coming or what?”

“I was waiting for an invitation,” Edward said.

“You already invited yourself over minutes ago. Come in and stop playing. I don’t think I’m in the mood tonight.”

Edward walked in without another word. Adrian would have taken a bath anyway, but it annoyed him to no end that Edward thought he was in charge. Abruptly, he began shedding the few clothes he had on, throwing them all over the place.

As he turned, he was shocked to see Edward out of his suit jacket, and now carefully unbuttoning his shirt.

“What are you doing?”

“I would not want to wet my clothes while I’m tending to you.”

“I’m not a baby. I don’t need tending.”

So what now? Did Edward want to baby him, wash his back, and all that? As much as Adrian tried to convince himself that he was displeased with the idea, his cock had a different opinion. With a sigh, he looked down at what used to be his best friend.

“Your cock seems pleased with the prospect.”

Edward continued to undress, placing his clothes in a neat heap on the sofa. Adrian watched him as off went the pants and the underwear, too.

What was about this man? Tonight, Adrian had had the chance to fuck a bunch of gorgeous bottoms, with perfect bodies, perky butts and lips to die for. But, as he stared at the shiny chestnut waves of Edward’s hair, his angular features, his thin lips curled into an all-knowing smile, Adrian knew there was no one he would have kissed.

Edward had a slim waist and beautiful lean muscles, but he couldn’t have held a candle to the youthful beauties Adrian had had tonight in his arms. Edward was nice looking. Those guys were gorgeous. They were exuberant and willing, and they wanted sex just because. There was nothing of Edward’s complicated games in them. Or maybe, Adrian just wanted to believe that there was a more significant contrast.

No matter how and why, it was still Edward he wanted to bend from the waist, and penetrate until his cock was deep inside, pound and crush under him. The small calculated gestures, the perfectly brushed hair, the inherent restraint that seemed to be that man’s true nature, he wanted to crush all that.

Without thinking, he walked toward Edward, but he was stopped by a hand on his chest. Edward moved his head away when Adrian leaned in for a kiss. “I believe you should brush your teeth.”

Maybe he was a masochist deep inside, Adrian thought without one trace of humor. He wanted, truly wanted, this guy who loved to put him down like he was some rabid dog. The funny thing was that he couldn’t find it in him to be mad.

“It’s not like anyone came in my mouth,” he argued, just for the sake of pretending that he didn’t go down without a fight.

“But you did have their cocks in your mouth,” Edward pointed out right away.

So like Edward to say that. Predictable. All right, predictable was fine. But there were other issues that Adrian wanted to say that he could predict how they would find a resolution. “My cock hurts now,” he complained.

“Let’s go.” Edward pushed him gently, placing one hand on the small of his back. “I told you you’re in my care. This little slip-up of yours doesn’t mean much. We’ll talk.”

Adrian didn’t oppose any resistance as he was guided around as if that wasn’t his home. He leaned against the door as Edward fixed his bath, his eyes wandering down the curve of that shapely ass, between the thighs, where he could catch a glimpse of a pair of heavy balls, maybe not as big as his own, but still close. 

Tonight, Adrian had fucked guys barely past their adolescence, seeking a thrill. They had been soft and pleasant, but Adrian didn’t want that. He wanted something hard and harsh, muscles that could fight him, a man who could stand up to him and challenge him.

With a small grunt, he brushed one hand over his cock. Yeah, what his cock wanted was right there. That reminded him that he needed to brush his teeth. He went to the sink and began, without throwing another look at Edward. If he watched any longer, he would need to rub his cock and finally make it spit.

“Get in,” Edward said shortly.

“Are you getting in with me?”

“Do you want me to?”

“Can we make it less of a game and more of a real thing?”

“You’re right.”

Now that wasn’t expected. Adrian looked at Edward, searching his eyes. His guest was frowning a bit, and then he reached for Adrian and wiped the corner of his mouth. 

“A bit of toothpaste.”

Adrian climbed into the bathtub, thankful for having a large one that could accommodate two grown-up men without a problem. Edward climbed in, across from him, but he took the soap and began to wash Adrian’s chest.

“Tell me about your night.” 

Edward’s hands were efficient. They didn’t stop to caress or make that erotic. Adrian knew, somehow, that Edward must have been upset with him. Yet, even that, the fact that Edward was pissed, was good. 

Adrian exhaled and allowed Edward to knock himself out. He grunted shortly when a hand reached between his legs. His silence should have been enough of a reply.

“Get up and let me wash everything.”

Adrian obeyed, acutely aware of how Edward was facing his cock, and then when he turned, his ass. This time, the hands lingered, soaping his cock from behind, pulling at it and stroking it.

“Are you going somewhere with this?” Adrian couldn’t believe how low his voice was as he spoke.

“I am upset with your little running around,” Edward said matter-of-factly.

“Are you sure? Could’ve fooled me,” Adrian murmured.

“So, if you want me to make you come, you need to offer something, too.”

“Sure,” Adrian agreed, his eyes on the wall in front of him. “I could jerk you off, too. Or I could suck your cock.”

“No. You’ll accept my fingers in your ass.”

Adrian chuckled. “Some might say that you have an anal obsession.”

“In your case, I do. What is it going to be, Adrian?”

Edward’s hand was moving slowly on his cock, knowing what it needed and stopping only a little short of giving everything. 

“Sure, why not?”

He expected Edward to gloat, but nothing like that followed. Instead, soapy fingers began pushing against the tight ring of his hole, threading lightly, but insistently.

Adrian rested his arms against the wall and put his feet apart to allow Edward to do his thing. The hand on his cock was heaven, moving now at a steady rhythm, one that was no longer just teasing.

At the same time, the fingers in his ass weren’t progressing too far, just probing around. But Adrian knew what Edward wanted. It wasn’t a waste of time, either. Adrian enjoyed having his prostate stimulated, just like the next guy. The trouble appeared when someone wanted to put his cock inside him. That was where he drew a line. That he couldn’t allow.

Edward flexed his fingers for the right angle and began moving, making Adrian gasp in pleasure. 

“Faster, please,” Adrian begged.

Edward obliged, and now the hand on Adrian’s cock was squeezing a bit more, but getting faster and faster. Adrian could hear his voice, ragged and gone, and he began moving his hips to meet the rubbing of his cock and then the fingers pressing against his prostate at the other end.

When he shot, it was one of the best orgasms in his life. A bit limp, he let himself down into the water. Edward took him into his arms and kissed him on the forehead.

Adrian wouldn’t have it, though. He turned his head and forced Edward to accept his kiss. Knowing well he was superior, in terms of physical strength, he didn’t have to work much. Or Edward was in the mood to let him win tonight.

Yet, the aristocratic lips pursed, without letting him in easily.

“What?” Adrian growled impatiently. “I brushed my teeth, I cleaned my mouth, the only thing I didn’t do is floss, so what’s the deal?”

“I am still upset.”

“Tough luck. Me too.”

“You? Why would you be upset?”

Adrian pondered for a second. Edward was close to him, clearly not wanting to push him or himself away. “That time. It wasn’t your fucking business.”

Edward chuckled, and Adrian felt his annoyance growing. “It wasn’t – let me phrase this as you did – my fucking business that you were pounding into me while imagining you were having sex with another?”

“It’s nothing like that. You didn’t stay so that I could explain.”

“I don’t think you wanted to explain anything, Adrian.”

“True. But I don’t want to fuck that guy. It’s just that I can’t help it, and I do think of him once in a while.”

“When you fuck.”

“When I fuck.”

“And did you think of him tonight? At your little party?”

Adrian wasn’t sure if he could read Edward right. The last word had been thrown with a bit of hostility. Could it be Edward was jealous? The thought made him laugh.

“Well?” Edward insisted.

It was funny how they stood in hot water, Edward half wrapped around him, and they somehow managed to fight.

“No, I didn’t think of him.”

“Hmm. Lying doesn’t suit you, Adrian. I’d rather know who my rival is.”

“You arrogant asshole.” Adrian laughed and kissed Edward hard on the lips. “I thought of you. I didn’t want to think of you. The problem was as soon as you came to my mind, uninvited, by the way, I was about to cream. And, since I didn’t want to do that, I tried to push you away, hence my blue balls situation.”

Edward sighed. “So, you had the decency to treat those partners of yours at that party and not come while thinking of another man, but you didn’t care to offer me the same respect?”

There was still some lingering upset in Edward’s voice, but it was thawing slowly. “What can I say? Your ass that time was much better than all the asses I had tonight. So I couldn’t help myself.”

“Liar.” Edward chuckled. “Now, let’s get out of the bath. I wouldn’t want you to catch a cold. Plus, we need to have that talk.”

“Later.” Adrian pulled Edward to him and bit his lips. “First, I want you.”

“Aren’t you a presumptuous little shit?”

“Wow, Your Majesty. Make sure you don’t bite your tongue. Who knows what might happen? You’re the one saying that you want to tend to me. One handjob is not tending. It’s a pat on the back.”

Edward threw one look over his shoulders and appeared to observe something. “Your drying cum on that wall says it was more than a pat on the back.”

Adrian laughed. “Let’s say you just popped the cork. Now I want the whole enchilada.”

“And if I say ‘no’?”

“Are you going to say ‘no’?” Adrian liked the slippery feel of his hands on Edward’s skin. The position was not ideal, but he could still make his intentions known.


“Then why waste time with what-ifs?”

“You always have an answer ready,” Edward said, a bit reproachful.

“I told you, Your Majesty. You might have met your master in me.”


Adrian knew Edward was flattering him with some obscure purpose in mind. But he loved the game, so he stood up and pulled Edward to his feet, too. “Here.” He took Edward’s hand and placed it on his cock. “I’m not mincing words and wasting time. I want you like I haven’t wanted someone in a long time.”

“So, are you trying to tell me I’m better than those perfect bottoms you met tonight?”

“Your Majesty, do I smell a whiff of insecurity? I thought you were above that.”

“It’s just an assessment and nothing else.”

“Have it your way. Now let’s take this to the bedroom. And it’s a good thing no chauffeur is waiting for you. I would have felt like a prick for holding him up all night.”

“Do you expect me to spend the night?”

“Yes. I’m going to chew your shoes if you don’t plan on staying.”

“Just like a dog possessive of his master,” Edward teased him. “All right. But we will still have that talk.”

“Yes, the talk. Whatever that is. We’ll have it. Sure. Now give me a real kiss.”

Edward grabbed him by the hair hard. Well, at least now, his annoyance was manifested not through resistance but aggressiveness. And that, Adrian could appreciate.


Next chapter 



While I prefer some characters over others but then you reel me back in. Laura you bring all of them depth and nuance and that is why you are a great storyteller.

Laura S. Fox

Thank you for your praise, Margaret! You are very kind. I'm glad you're enjoying my stories and have so much faith in me!

Rosemary Lyons

I’m just catching up on this story and I like it, but I have a feeling multiple shoes are going to drop soon.

Laura S. Fox

He-he, you're definitely right. I must be in the shoe-dropping business a great deal. I'm glad you're enjoying the story, Rosemary!