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Ch. 2 

Ch. 3 

Ch. 4 

Ch. 5 

Ch. 6 


Chapter Seven – At Least There Was Cake

Michael watched Jess’s evolution on the stage. He felt enraptured, and his heart beat a sing-song rhythm while the world around him seemed to fade away. How could have been so worried that Jess would ruin anything with his routine?

His moves told a story, and Michael couldn’t care less if he were the only one to understand the meaning behind Jess’s dance. If everyone present suddenly chose to go home and leave the place deserted, it would still be okay. 

Jess was wearing tight clothes, but it was not the beauty of that body he knew well now that Michael was impressed with. A classy act was a good definition of that. An acrobatic number completed the performance, and the audience, after a short moment of stunned silence, began applauding.

Michael smiled as he saw the smirk on Jess’s face. Of course, he would be full of himself, seeing what an impression he had made. It might not have been ballet, but it hadn’t been the usual striptease or cage routine, either.

It was a breath of fresh air. Michael inhaled and then decided to walk over to Jess and help him down from the stage. “It was something; I admit it,” he said.

Jess wrapped his fingers around his. “People are looking our way. Are you sure is this how you want the world to know we’re together?”

Michael just shrugged. “Not for one moment have I wanted to keep this a secret. So it’s all right.”

“What if the other dancers get jealous?”

“I like to think they’re a pretty cool crowd,” Michael replied. “And any jealousy that they might feel, they’ll get over it.”

“You’re quite in an assertive mood tonight, boss,” Jess said and chuckled.

Michael could feel him leaning in, the ghost of breath on his face. He had a mind to turn his head and kiss Jess, but it wasn’t that what he was in the mood for, or better said, not the only thing. He needed to get Jess alone and fast.

“Where are we going? You’re dragging me,” Jess said, half complaining.

They were barely out in the parking lot that Michael spun Jess around and kissed him. Jess laughed the soonest Michael decided they both still needed air to survive. “You are in a mood. I’m not sure how to define it, but I’m not complaining. Can you wait until we get home or do you want to bend me over the hood of your car?”

Michael pretended to ponder over the possibility. “Not a bad idea. But I’m a traditionalist. I like to fuck my boyfriend in my bed.”

Jess chuckled and pushed one hand into Michael’s crotch. “Good. Your boyfriend agrees.”

“If you agree, you should let go of my nuts.”

“I can’t.”

“Really?” Michael quirked an eyebrow.

Jess laughed again. “I can’t keep my hands off you.”

“That should be my line,” Michael replied.

Jess leaned in for another kiss and tormented Michael’s hard cock through his pants. 

“I’m starting to consider that bending over the car hood scenario,” Michael said once they were both out of breath again. 

Jess took his hand and dragged him to the car. “Your bed sounds better.”

“Isn’t it too boring?”

“Boring?” Jess seemed surprised at that question. “No, not at all.”

Michael could not keep his mind from going places. Someone like Jess should have liked exciting things, dangerous a little. Yes, he could not be pleased with just getting fucked in a bed. Or maybe he was projecting things, and Jess was just as he wanted to be and where he wanted to be. 


They were both busy groping each other so much that Michael dropped the keys to his apartment a few times. “Hush, damn, we’re going to wake up the neighbors.”

“It’s a posh place. I doubt they will chase us with a frying pan,” Jess pointed out while making no efforts whatsoever to stop giggling or touching Michael everywhere.

“They’re civilized, yes. But that doesn’t mean they would tolerate my being uncivilized and waking them up this late in the night.”

Jess placed one loud smack on Michael’s cheek and grabbed the keys from his hand. “Let me.”

Finally, they were inside. Michael watched Jess as he moved toward the bedroom while leaving clothes along the way, throwing them in an artistic display all over the place. When he reached the bedroom door, he was in nothing but the buff. 

Jess stopped in the door frame and threw a look over his shoulder. “You coming or what?”

“I think I like the view,” Michael commented and chose to stare and tease his boyfriend for a little while. It could be considered payback for how much Jess had fondled him until they reached home.

“This view?” Jess grabbed his buttocks and parted them, giving Michael a good view of his dark backdoor. 

“Yeah, that view,” Michael confirmed with a laugh and rushed to reach Jess.

They stumbled toward the bed and fell on it, laughing breathlessly. 

“You know,” Jess said, “I’m clean.”

Michael pushed himself on one elbow. Jess was looking at him intently. He licked his lips. “And?” The question was tentative.

“Do me raw,” Jess replied.

Michael hesitated.

“Forget it,” Jess hurried. “I shouldn’t have said it. I suppose you want me to bring papers and all that.”

“No, it’s not --”

“No, please, Michael, let me finish. I believe you’re right. I just got a little carried away. Tonight was amazing.”

Michael exhaled. He took one of Jess’s curls and wrapped it around his index finger. “Jess, I don’t want you to think --”

“It’s okay. I told you,” Jess continued in a hushed, hurried voice. “And it doesn’t matter if you think that way of me. After all, I’m just someone who forced himself into your life, coming right from the street. It’s normal to be cautious.”

“You make it sound like I’m a boring old man,” Michael said, trying hard to joke and ease the new tension between them.

Jess caught his hand and looked him in the eyes. “For the record, I know what you must think. And that’s why you’re right.”

“You know?” Michael felt slightly ridiculous now.

“You wonder, right? How come I suck cock as I do? Please, don’t deny it. It’s written all over your face, and, sincerely, I’m not accusing you --”

“Jess, Jess,” Michael stopped him. “Okay. It’s only fair. Let’s put the cards on the table. Are we talking about how many boyfriends here?”

Jess said directly. “One.”

Michael shook his head. “I'm serious. You’re secretive about your past, but that doesn’t mean that you should lie.”

“I’m not lying.”

“It’s a bit hard to believe that,” Michael said, and he could feel the mood in the room, not only his, going south fast.

“I know. It’s the truth. But it’s not the same number if I talk about how many cocks have ever been in me. I always used protection,” Jess added hurriedly.

“Ah,” Michael managed. What was Jess trying to say here? Was he the king of hookups or something?

“For a long time, I treated sex like it was a tool,” Jess said, his voice low and hesitant. “I ruined this night, didn’t I?”

Michael shook his head. “Maybe I’m close-minded.”

“No, you’re not. You’re perfect. I wish I met you sooner. But maybe, I just met you when the moment was right.”

“You’re still secretive,” Michael pointed out. “Why let me in only half a truth? You liked to hook up. Is that what you’re trying to say?”

Jess’s eyelids fluttered shut. “Not quite.”

“Your boyfriend … ex-boyfriend. Where is he now?”

Jess shrugged. “Somewhere I’m not.”

“It sounds like there’s a lot of history.”

“It is. I’ll tell you everything. Just let me be happy a little while longer.”

Michael sighed and straightened up. He raked his fingers through his hair and looked over his shoulder at Jess, who was still lying on his back, his eyes fixed on an invisible point on the ceiling. “Are you using me to get over your ex, Jess? Please, be honest with me.”

Jess looked at him as he spoke. “I’m not. But you’re a good healer.”

“I suppose I should say thank you.”

“Should I go now?” Jess asked. 

“No, stay,” Michael said. “I’m not put off by the fact that you had many sex partners.”

“But it bothers you.”

“Yes, it does.”

“Thank you for your honesty. I should take a hike, though.”

Michael watched as Jess began picking up his clothes from the floor. It took him a few seconds to realize that he had practically dragged Jess home in his stage outfit. That wasn’t a good idea for walking down the streets at that hour. 

He stood up and caught Jess by the elbow. “Stay here.”

Jess looked at him with sad eyes. “I don’t see the point.”

“Hey, it’s an order,” Michael said and made a poor attempt at a deep resolute frown. 

“Really?” A ghost of a smile lit up Jess’s face.

“Oh, yes. Get in bed. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

“Or else?”

“Or else I’ll tie you to the bed --”

“Sounds promising --”

“And tickle you!”

Michael sank his fingers into Jess’s sides quickly, making the other yelp in surprise. Jess started laughing and tried to get away, but Michael was fast, and soon they were back in the bedroom and in bed. 

“Hey,” Michael called softly as he kept Jess under him. “Don’t worry about a thing. Someone as beautiful as you, maybe it’s natural to have seen a lot of action.”

“Don’t go easy on me,” Jess said. “I deserve your thinking this way of me. I’ll work hard to prove myself.”

“And? How do you intend to do that?”

“I promise I’ll wash the dishes every day.”


“And make the bed.”

“Double hmm.”

“What’s ‘double hmm’?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Michael closed the distance between their lips and kissed Jess again. 

“I would. I’d like to know everything about you.”

“Same here.”

“Soon. I promise. There’s just one thing I need to correct first.”

“Okay. I trust you. Just don’t keep me waiting for too long.”

Jess nodded. 

“Now, let’s see … Where were we?” Michael said.

He pulled Jess into another kiss, leaving the giggles aside this time. Jess arched into his touch, as Michael began caressing his chest, teasing the nipples. 

“Please, do me hard,” Jess said with a deep exhale as if he had kept from breathing for far too long.

“I have no idea how to do someone hard,” Michael replied.

“Hmm, like this?”

Jess caught him deftly between his thighs and flipped him to one side. From there, it was easy for him to straddle Michael. He jumped from the bed only to come back with a condom. Michael’s pants were removed as if by magic and Jess was quick to roll down the condom on his hardon that stood up proudly as soon as it was released from the confines of fabric.

Jess got into position again, and it appeared he had managed another magic trick because his hole was already lubed as he impaled himself into Michael’s cock. From there, he began slamming down hard.

By how he winced when he did that, though, Michael could tell that the sudden stretch couldn’t be all that pleasurable. Jess was a trooper, nonetheless, and he continued to slide into Michael’s erection, moving amply and with clear intentions.

Michael could feel his cock was rock hard, and the delicious squeeze of Jess’s ass only increased the stimulation. “Fuck,” he panted, as Jess continued. “Hey, is this how rough sex works with you?”

“No. With you,” Jess whispered back.

The look in his eyes was so intense that Michael felt sucked in it like through a door to another dimension, one in which only the two of them existed. Decided to have his lover get as much pleasure as he did, Michael seized Jess’s cock, stopping its fascinating slap-slap rhythm against the guy’s perfect lower abs.

“Oh, Michael,” Jess moaned. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

Could it be that Jess was even more pent up than he was? That was a possibility Michael wanted to test. A few more strokes were enough, and Jess shot so fast and hard that Michael had to close his eyes fast as his lover’s cum hit his face like artillery fire.

He licked his lips, tasting. “Hmm, nice,” he purred.

“You got me off so fast,” Jess complained but continued to move his hips.

Michael slapped Jess’s ass playfully. “Don’t slack, or I’ll turn you over and truly give it to you hard.”

“Promise?” Jess began moving slowly on purpose.

“I see.” Michael pushed himself up, making Jess lose his balance.

Jess didn’t protest as Michael pressed him into the bed with all his weight. His cock found its way back into that tight heat without too much help, and Michael began hammering Jess without too much preamble.

He would have liked more foreplay, but Jess was too hot tonight. Michael kissed him, and Jess sneaked one hand between them to jerk off.

“Quick, aren’t you?”

“It’s a gift,” Jess said in a hoarse voice.

“Yeah, you’re very gifted. Ready for a ride?”

“Just take me and shut up,” Jess protested feebly.

“My pleasure.”

All right, so he could not quite remember when it had been the last time to slam into another hot body like that, and it was everything. Jess moaned, biting his lips, his eyes rolling in his head, and coming for a second time.

That had to do it for him. He could not keep it in if it cost him five years of his life. “Damn, take it,” he said.

How would it feel to shoot raw into that hot ass? The thought alone sent him flying over the finish line. Jess was whimpering now, probably already feeling the consequences of his smack talk about being taken hard.

Michael pulled out with difficulty and stared in awe at the full condom. “You really know how to squeeze a guy’s balls dry,” he said.

Jess’s only reply was a spent smile. 

How many guys had enjoyed this before him? Michael turned, pretending to be busy taking off the condom and throwing it away. He wasn’t supposed to be jealous. At least, not because of Jess’s past. Nothing could be changed there.

They had the present, and that mattered. But Heath was wrong. He could not be practical and enjoy Jess for a while. Crazy sex aside, he felt something for the guy, and he wasn’t supposed to do that, either.


“It’s a surprise,” Jess told him over the phone.

“I can hear you doing something in the kitchen. Should I worry? I can have the firefighters over within seconds, you know?”

“Really? Is there an airborne division there now? And stop fretting so much. I’m just making a cake.”

“A cake? What madness drove me to give you a key to my apartment?” Michael joked.

“Hey, I’m your boyfriend. It’s normal that I can use your kitchen. For experiments.”

“Experiments?! Are you sure I don’t need the firefighters on speed dial?”

“I am sure,” Jess said as if he was slighted. “And do you really want to share your cake with the firefighters? Because that’s the only reason you should call them over.”

“Is it my cake? What’s the occasion?”

“Hmm, it’s just a little anniversary. Two months together.”

Two months. Michael wasn’t sure when the time had flown like that. It felt like just yesterday he had seen Jess performing in front of him for the first time.

“Also, I told you I’m keeping my cheat days for something special.”

“Who said you could have a piece of my cake?”

“What a selfish boyfriend!” Jess laughed at the other end. “There’s plenty for the both of us.”

“Not if it has chocolate in it,” Michael replied.

Jess snickered. “I gotta go now. There is stuff melting and all that.”

“All right. As long as you can vouch that I’ll still have a home when I get back --”

“Don’t worry! Gotta go! Bye!”

Jess in the kitchen. Michael shook his head. Well, he would love to see that even if the cake turned to be a major disappointment, taste wise.


It was late in the night when he finally got home. Michael took in the sleek sports car parked in front of his apartment complex. Could it be that someone new moved in? Anyone driving a car like that should be at least eccentric for choosing to live in an apartment instead of a mansion. As well-off as the neighborhood was, it wasn’t the type where millionaires would have stepped over each other’s feet to get there.

He parked his car and just climbed out when a loud conversation broke through the ground floor doors. He remained by the car when he noticed Jess walking quickly behind someone else. That particular someone else made Michael stop and observe the scene.

“I’ve come to fetch you, and that’s final,” the stranger said.

He was the one talking loudly. Behind him, Jess said something in a quiet voice, but Michael could not make the words. The stranger was a good looking young man in his late twenties, dressed up to snuff in designer clothes. Michael began walking toward them. Jess’s unknown visitor placed one hand on the door of the vehicle that had drawn his attention earlier. 

“I was wondering why the people at the Opera House said they expected you sometime next month. Now get in the car and stop making a scene.”

“You’re the one making a scene.” Now Michael could hear Jess’s voice, hurried and hushed, like he wanted this, whatever it was, to be over already. 

“What’s going on?” Michael intervened.

Jess turned toward him and paled. Even in the street light, he could tell Jess was disturbed. That wasn’t a good sign, Michael thought. He turned his attention toward the stranger. 

“Who are you?” he asked.

The stranger was, indeed, very good looking, blond hair swept back, perfect jaw line, and an aristocratic nose. There was, however, something opaque about him, something Michael felt like a wall standing between that guy and the world. Maybe he had never seen a millionaire from up close because that was exactly what that man looked like.

“I’m Jess’s boyfriend,” the stranger said, and his lips curled into a cruel smile. “By how Jess almost jumped out of his skin one second ago, I presume you two know each other. The question is,” he leaned in as if he was trying to patronize Michael, “who are you?”

“He’s --” Jess started.

“I’m Jess’s boss,” Michael intervened.

“Your boss?” The stranger turned toward Jess. “I see you didn’t forget everything I taught you. Well,” he continued, this time addressing Michael, “I’m here to take Jess home with me. I hope it’s not that much of an inconvenience if his employment with you stops now. I mean, effective immediately.”

“I think Jess can decide such things on his own,” Michael said, stealing a quick glance at his boyfriend.

His boyfriend? The stranger had said the same thing, and Jess didn’t appear eager to contradict him. 

“Hmm,” the stranger said with a small shrug. “Come, Jess. Chasing you down started to lose its shine about one month ago. You don’t want me to lose my patience now, do you?”

Michael frowned. “Hey, listen --”

“No, you listen,” the stranger said. “Jess belongs to me. Whatever fun you two had together stops now.”

Michael turned toward the other party involved in the conversation, although he appeared to be conspicuously silent. “Jess.” 

“I will solve this,” Jess said and began walking toward the stranger.

Michael looked at him. “Are you leaving with this guy?”

“I must.”

“Oh, I see.” Michael pretended to fiddle with his keys. 

“No, it’s not like that.” Jess hurried after him and caught his arm. “I’ll solve this, and I’ll get back to you.”

Michael could feel a small tick in his jaw. It was hard sometimes to pretend to be polite when he felt his blood boiling. “Don’t bother. It looks like you made your choice.”

Jess didn’t let go of his arm. “I just need to straighten things out --”

“Jess, let me be clear. You leave with this guy tonight, I don’t see any point in your coming back.”

Jess released his arm. “I will explain everything.”

“Two months can be seen as a long time, under the right circumstances. I think you had enough to tell me what’s going on. I don’t need to get back from work and find myself in a new episode of ‘Cheaters’.”

“This is not what it is!”

“Isn’t it? FIY, Jess, having two boyfriends clearly qualifies you for that type of show.” 

“He’s not my boyfriend! Not anymore.”

“He’s saying otherwise, and I don’t see you in any hurry to tell him differently.”

“I did tell him. He just doesn’t listen.”

“So tell him again.”

“You don’t get it --”

“I don’t. It’s true. But it’s your fault I don’t. My fault is that I should have seen how wrong you were for me from the start. I have no idea why I played along with this charade. I knew it would come down to something like this.”

“You knew?” Jess’s eyes were swimming in hurt now. 

“You were too hot for me and too damned full of secrets. I think I’ll stick to my list from now on. Yes, it might be boring, but at least it will save me from such drama.” Michael made a small gesture toward the stranger who was leaning against his car, had his arms crossed over his chest and an annoying smug grin on his lips. 

“Michael, wait!” Jess hurried after him. “Could you please just listen?”

“Could you please just stop humiliating me? Your boyfriend is having a blast. Just look at him.”

Jess shook his head. “He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Then why do you have to go with him? Tell him off.”

“He has something I want.”

“Ah, sure, that changes everything. And I used to have something you wanted. Obviously, that something changed, and with it, you must change the bed partner, as well.”

Jess made himself little, his shoulders slumped. It was like he was imploding into himself. “I should have told you, but I thought --”

“Jess, stop fretting. I don’t care, all right?” Michael said and caught Jess’s trembling hands. “You don’t have to look so stricken over it. Go have fun with your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my --”

“Goodbye, Jess. I should say that it was nice knowing you, but it would be a lie.”

Michael dropped Jess’s hands and walked through the door without one look back. His head was a mess, and he felt like he wanted to choke someone. Maybe he could start with himself. That sounded like a swell idea.


His apartment seemed so quiet when he turned on the lights. Michael felt like he just wanted to crush and stop thinking of anything. How could he be so blind? Of course, Jess had to have a hot, rich boyfriend. Of course, he had to be a cheater and a liar.

He entered the kitchen, not really in the mood for eating, but more because of habit. The table was dressed festively, with cloth napkins and silverware. Michael shook his head and walked over to take a closer look at the cake. 

For an experiment, it looked pretty good. Then he noticed the small card next to it. He took it and read out loud. “Happy anniversary! It’s a crappy way to tell you this, but here it is. I love you, Michael. And this is Jess, in case you were wondering. I also made the cake. Sorry if it sucks.”

He sank into the chair and rubbed his face with one hand. Just how much of a joker could that guy be?


Next chapter 


kevin tilden

To describe someone who is std free as “clean” is highly offensive.

James LaPrade

It’s fiction, and it’s also common slang wherever I have lived, so...

Laura S. Fox

I wasn't aware of that. What would be a term that could be used in casual conversation?

Laura S. Fox

I was thinking the same thing. Not for one moment, I thought it to be an offensive term.