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Ch. 2 

Ch. 3 

Chapter Four – Let Me Be Your Charity Case

Why did Jess have to be so exasperating? He fussed and puffed and made everything almost impossible, and Michael worried that it could be that he was doing that only to get on his nerves. 

It wasn’t fair. And what also wasn’t fair was how much Michael wanted him. Or, better said, how much his cock wanted him. 

It was Sunday again, and for the last few days, Michael had managed to dodge Jess so that they weren’t alone in close quarters. The strategy to let lust consume whatever was going on between them hadn’t worked. And, regardless of what Michael had said to Heath, he didn’t want just a sexual relationship.

It had to be wrong. 

Now it was just time for heading out. One second more and he would have to face Jess again. He knew how that would go down: fucking and fighting, or fighting and fucking. An odd couple, that was what the two of them were.


Someone was calling him from behind. Damn, Michael thought and hurried toward his car, pretending not to hear.

“Are you trying to avoid me?”

Michael turned and grimaced, determined to let his displeasure show. “You think?”

“No need to be sarcastic. So I’m that bad in the sack, after all?”

Jess moved and leaned against the car door, cutting Michael any possibility to get inside his vehicle and drive away.

“Bad? That’s not your problem. It’s your personality that’s bothering me. That, and also, sleeping with you is wrong.”

“Funny that you need to screw me three times to reach this kind of deep understanding of our situation.”

“Funny indeed,” Michael said with a small grimace. “Look, Jess. I’m not that kind of person. I don’t sleep around. Yes, I run a nightclub, but that doesn’t automatically make me into someone who would screw everything that moves.”

Jess seemed to ponder over his words for a while. 

“Now, if you don’t mind --” Michael tried to open the car door.

Jess didn’t budge. “So, do you want like a relationship or something?”

“Yes,” Michael said and gave up on trying to get into the car.

It looked like it would take a while to convince Jess to let him see about his business. 

“I can do that,” Jess said. 

Michael frowned. “Do what?” 

“A relationship.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. That’s not how it’s done,” Michael replied with a small huff.

“And how do you do it, normally? Do you go to one of those apps, and pick some guy like you would pick a pair of shoes from the shelf?”

Michael grimaced. He hadn’t thought of it that way, but it pretty much summed it up, all that he had been doing lately. “And what if I do that? In this day and age, it’s a solution.”

“And how did it go so far?”

Jess was staring at him, some of his curls getting in his eyes. He looked good, the fucker, Michael thought. Even in the parking lot light, he looked damned good. He was still in his hoodie, although the weather was warm, and the same skinny jeans. It was like his wardrobe was reduced to that only. Maybe he had a closet filled with hoodies and skinny jeans at home. 

“You’re not answering. Should I go ahead and assume that not that well?”

Michael shook his head. Why was he spacing out like that? “No. It went pretty good.”

“So, you have a boyfriend now?”

Michael hesitated. He could lie.

Jess grinned. “Time’s up. You don’t.”

“Can you be less annoying? And what’s with you, now proposing for us to be in a relationship?”

“I want that, too,” Jess replied. “With you.”

“So that you can screw with my head more often than usual?”

Jess snickered. “That sounds good, too, yes.”

“Look,” Michael said with a sigh, “that’s not how things work.”

“And how do they work? Do you have a worksheet for how a relationship should look like?”

Well, he sort of did. Not a worksheet, but some list, which he had perfected over the years, and had no intention to get rid of. By how Jess put it, it sounded like he was a bore.

“You’re spacing out again. Just let me try it.”

Michael rolled his eyes. “Okay, you’re even more screwy than usual. The answer is no. No relationship of mine has ever started with fucking my partner before even being properly introduced. I have no intention to change that now. Could you please move so that I can get in the car?”

Jess looked down but didn’t budge. “Do you have a couch I could crash on tonight?”

He had said the words quickly, and so softly, Michael barely heard him. He sighed. “What kind of trouble are you in?”

Jess didn’t say a word, staring down stubbornly. 

“So you’re not going to tell me, but you want my help,” Michael pointed out.

“It’s not like I expected you to say ‘yes’,” Jess replied and turned on his heels.

Michael hurried after him and caught his arm. “Just get in the car already.”

“I thought you didn’t do charity and stuff.”

“In regards to my work, I don’t. But the rest of the time, I like to think that I’m pretty charitable. Are you coming or what?”

“Yes, I’m coming. You don’t have to pull at my arm so hard.”

Michael let go of Jess in an instant. “Sorry.”

Jess took the seat next to him and put on the safety belt without saying another word. Michael stole a glance in his direction, taking in the grim line of that beautiful mouth and the sad look in Jess’s eyes. “You don’t have dangerous drug dealers or the FBI after your sexy ass, I hope,” he joked.

To his relief, Jess snickered. “Nothing like that. I had a place to stay, but --”

“No need to explain,” Michael stopped him. “And I would like to help you, anyway.”

Jess exhaled and nodded. “You’re such a kind guy, you’re not real, boss.”

“Just call me Michael.”

“Are you sure?”


“But the other dancers call you ‘boss’.”

“Well, I don’t sleep with either of them, so let’s say that standard rules don’t apply to you.”

Jess threw him a gorgeous smile. Michael took a closer look. “Are you kidding me? Do you even have dimples? Just how sexy can you be?”

This time, Jess broke into laughter. “You’re funny, boss.”


“Michael,” Jess said, and this time, as he looked out the window, a smile was still tugging at his lips.


“Wow, your house is really nice,” Jess said as soon as they were inside.

Michael didn’t like empty spaces, and that’s why his house was the epitome of comfort. Plush carpets, heavy furniture, pillows wherever it was possible to have one thrown, all in vibrant earthy colors. 

“What? Did you peg me for the type to like minimalist designs and such?”

“Not quite. You’re warm. I thought your house would be warm, too.”

It wasn’t blatant flattery, no matter how much Michael wanted to see it as such. 

Jess was looking around, touching a vase in passing, leaning in to smell the potted flowers Michael had spread around, and finally plopping himself on a cozy couch. “Wow, this is so much better than most beds I’ve ever slept in. I must warn you. I might fall in love with your couch and never want to leave.”

Jess grabbed one pillow into his arms and sighed. 

Michael shook his head and smiled. “You must be dead tired after the performance tonight, which was amazing, by the way.”

“I’m beat,” Jess confirmed. 

“How about a light snack before heading to sleep?” Michael asked.

Jess hesitated.

“What, are you on a diet or something?” Michael asked. “I have non-fat yogurt.”

Jess cocked his head and looked at him, a bit surprised. “You don’t look like the kind to eat non-fat yogurt.”

Michael sighed. “I’m not. It’s what I got left of my last boyfriend. Ah, I should probably check the expiration date.”

“So, you’re the kind who doesn’t clean his fridge regularly?” Jess questioned.

“Are you trying to insinuate that I’m lazy?” Michael pretended to feel slighted. “I just couldn’t bring myself to get rid of his yogurt, that’s all.”

“Then it must have been tough to kick his ass out the door,” Jess said. “Were you in love with him or something? And how long had it been since you need to check the expiration date on that?”

Michael felt laughter bubbling in his chest. He had already forgotten everything about his last so-called boyfriend. If there was something Michael couldn’t forgive, that was cheating. The moment he had caught wind the fact that his partner was a two-timing bastard - after Heath had insisted that something was fishy with that man-, he had carefully packed the guy’s luggage and left it outside the door. He had ignored the desperate phone calls, and maybe the only part of that period in his life that truly left a mark on him was how his ex had tried to stalk him for a while.

“You make a funny face. Hey, are you making fun of me?” Jess said and pouted so prettily that Michael wanted to walk over to him and kiss him.

“A little. I can’t be particularly bothered to clean my fridge, especially if there are things left on the last shelf. The maid that comes around twice per week can’t be bothered with it, either. It’s probably not her cup of tea,” Michael replied with a shrug.

“So you’re not hurting over your last boyfriend?”

“Not really, no.”

“So you two weren’t serious.”

“I proposed,” Michael said matter-of-factly.

Jess stared at him, wide-eyed, probably wondering if Michael was pulling his leg, this time, too. “Proposed? Did you want to marry him? Then how come you don’t hurt after him? It’s not like you proposed to others before, right? You must have felt like he was the one or something.”

“Ah, I proposed before. Twice.”

Jess threw the pillow he was holding, taking Michael by surprise. “Get out of here! You proposed three times, and you’re not married yet? Wait, do you have a basement somewhere filled with torture devices, or are you secretly a Pokemon master?”

Michael laughed. “Do you want the non-fat yogurt or not?”

Jess grimaced. “Do you have some ice cream or something?”

“Chocolate or vanilla?” Michael asked promptly.

He liked chocolate and always preferred that his partners chose vanilla. There was no one he needed to battle over his chocolate ice cream.

“Chocolate,” came the prompt reply.

Why wasn’t he surprised? It was totally like Jess to prefer what Michael didn’t like to share. With a sigh, he opened the door to the refrigerator. “Let me grab two spoons.”

Jess came next to him and leaned against the kitchen counter. Michael placed the ice cream can between them and handed him a spoon. For a few minutes, only small murmurs of delight came from both of them. 

Michael was a bit lost in thought, and when his spoon scraped the bottom of the can, he made a small disappointed sound. Jess stopped mid-air, his spoon filled with ice cream goodness. He smiled and stretched his arm, pushing the spoon under Michael’s nose.

“I couldn’t,” Michael protested.

“No, seriously, take it,” Jess insisted.

“But it’s from your spoon.” Michael tried to explain being so petty over a spoonful of ice cream.

“And? We kissed. Are you freaking out over eating from my spoon?”

Michael felt a bit awkward to have the spoon pushed into his mouth, but took it quite enthusiastically. Jess smiled again and shoved the empty spoon in his mouth right after.

Michael shook his head. “How come no jealous boyfriend is trying to burst through my door this very instant?”

“No boyfriend,” Jess said quickly. 

“All right.”

Michael had been worried a little. Just as he disliked being cheated on, he tried never to do that to others, even by accident. He felt relieved that Jess was single. After all, they had fucked without caring to ask each other if they had anyone special in their lives.

“Okay. I’ll take a quick shower,” he said. “Or would you like to go first?”

“No. You go,” Jess said. “That if you trust me enough not to run away with the silverware.”

“What silverware? I prefer stainless steel. It doesn’t rust, and I don’t have to throw it away like plastic and ruin Mother Earth,” Michael joked.

Jess smiled. He looked so nice when he smiled. And some of the tiredness from earlier was gone from his face. 

“Make yourself comfortable. I’ll make sure to leave some clothes in the bathroom for you to change.”

Jess nodded. Michael headed to the bathroom, wondering why on earth, Jess looked not one ounce out of place in his kitchen. He had had some troubles before to let people into his life, and especially his home, always needing time for adjusting to seeing another man walking around his house and using his appliances.


“So, do I get a blanket or something?” Jess asked as soon as he was out of the bathroom.

Michael stared him up and down. Jess’s lean thighs showed nicely in the shorts Michael had left for him. Unconsciously, Michael had chosen a tight pair. The thin fabric left little to the imagination, and he could make the shape of Jess’s cock through the shorts. 

And his ass. At least the t-shirt was a bit loose. Michael couldn’t trust himself if Jess were as good as naked around him. But what did he fear anyway? This was an excellent occasion to prove himself that he could rein in his desires. 

“No,” he finally remembered to reply.

“No? I know it’s summer still, but the nights can be a little chilly, right?”

“You’re not sleeping on the couch,” Michael said.

“I’m not? Where then?”

Michael gestured with his chin toward the bedroom. “I can’t risk my top dancer to wake up in the morning with a stiff neck or back. My bed is large enough for both of us.”

Jess didn’t seem surprised. Instead, he rushed after Michael and slid under the covers as indicated without the slightest whiff of a protest. The smile that hadn’t left his lips ever since he followed Michael home was tenfold that.

“Don’t go thinking naughty things,” Michael said, wagging his finger. “We’re just going to sleep.”

Jess quirked an eyebrow. “Are you sure, boss?”


“Are you sure, Michael?”

“Yes, I am. I’m tired, and so are you. And it would be bad taste to ask for sexual favors in exchange for food and board.”

“So I’m like a charity case for you?”

“Something like that,” Michael replied, with the hint of a smile. “I just remembered I forgot to force some old ladies cross the street just so that I complete my required number of good deeds for the week.”

“All right, then,” Jess agreed. “Are you getting in bed already? By the way, you’re pitching a tent there, boss.”

“Michael! How many times do I have to tell you?”

“Are you ordering me to call you Michael?”

“If that’s what’s needed for you to stop teasing me, yes. I order you. And I’m not pitching a tent.”

“But I made you look.”

“If you’re not asleep in the next five minutes --”

“Are you going to fuck me?” Jess questioned.

Michael rolled his eyes. He climbed next to Jess and turned off the bedside lamp. “Goodnight, Jess.”

“Goodnight, Michael.”

It was a miracle that Jess fell asleep within minutes. Michael listened to his soft breathing for a while, trying to tell himself that he wasn’t disappointed that their banter hadn’t led to anything more substantial than a bit of verbal sparring.


Michael blinked, trying to make sense of what he was feeling and why his dream seemed to continue even though he was awake. Small slurping sounds made him push himself on his elbows and look down. Jess winked at him without letting go of the hard cock in his mouth. 

“What are you doing?” Michael asked, his voice still sleepy.

Jess let go of his lollipop. “This thing,” he said, grabbing Michael’s cock at the base and manipulating it to make his point, “was peeking at me when I woke up. Seeing how you were also murmuring in your sleep something like ‘Jess, yes, suck it’, I felt it was my duty to comply.”

“That can’t be,” Michael protested meekly. “I’m sure I had shorts on.”

“Like this flimsy thing could keep a cock like yours inside. It was more than just the head out of your waistband when I looked at it.”

“You’re lying,” Michael joked.

Jess shrugged and returned to sucking him in earnest. From time to time, he was looking up, as if he wanted to check he still had Michael’s undivided attention.

Was there anything, particularly in the sexual repertoire that Jess hadn’t mastered? Michael let his head fall back on the pillow and moaned. He was defeated. All he could do was to enjoy it.

Jess was artful in many ways, including the way he gave head. Michael could not quite remember the last time he had gotten a blowjob like that, except for when Jess had gone down on him in his office several days earlier.

He used just the perfect amount of tongue, and just the right suction and the way his lips curved around the object of his fleeting attention and affection was simply fantastic. Michael looked down from time to time and decided to close his eyes, afraid that too much stimulation would make a fool out of him.

He grabbed the sheets with both hands while struggling to avoid bucking his hips higher and too abruptly since he didn’t want to give Jess an unexpected tonsil checkup with his cock. As good as Jess was at deepthroating, it was highly unlikely that he would appreciate such rough treatment.

It was better to let him lead the show. He wasn’t a headliner for nothing. It was in his blood, and Michael had to be careful. Jess was nothing like his worksheet presented his ideal boyfriend.

What was he thinking? They were hooking up. And having fun in the process. At least, he was. Michael pushed himself up on his elbows again. “Are you good down there?” he asked in a throaty voice that he almost didn’t recognize as his.

Jess’s eyes smiled in return. 

“I’d like to do you, too,” Michael said.

Jess just shook his head a little since his busy mouth couldn’t let him talk or move too much. The tongue circling the head of his cock was heavenly so that Michael couldn’t get frustrated over that refusal. He wouldn’t have minded tasting Jess’s cock first thing in the morning, but he was too weak in the bones at the moment to protest too much.

In the morning, sex wasn’t usually on the menu, but, for that kind of fantastic blowjob, Michael was willing to make concessions. 

Jess also knew the importance of being efficient, as he was now helping himself with one hand and was moving his head up and down faster and faster. 

“Oh, fuck,” Michael moaned. “Jess, just --”

What he wanted to do is to warn Jess, but it appeared that it wasn’t necessary. As he came, Jess didn’t let go of him, and even as his cock grew soft, his unexpected bed partner continued to lap gently at him, doing a thorough cleaning job.

“Thanks for the milk,” Jess said as he finally let go of his cock.

He winked at him and smiled, showing off his dimples.

“Sexy fucker,” Michael mumbled.

“Did you say anything?”

“No, not at all. Where did you learn to suck cock like this?”

Jess giggled. “It’s a secret.”

“Fine, you don’t have to tell me.” Michael threw one arm over his eyes.

“Thanks for letting me sleep here. You saved my life.”

Jess stood up, and then Michael noticed that he was already dressed. “Going already?”

“I need to solve my accommodation situation,” Jess explained.

Michael found himself talking. “You can stay here.”

Jess rewarded him with another gorgeous smile. “I took enough advantage of your hospitality. But thanks.”

Michael found it hard to hide his disappointment. “Just know that my door is open.”

“And isn’t it drafty around here?” Jess joked.

Michael smiled. There wasn’t any point in insisting. And nothing was going on between them anyway.

But why did he want to remind Jess of their talk about relationships from before? He was still deliberating whether he should talk or not, but Jess was already gone.


Next chapter 


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