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Author's note: Hi, guys, I hope you're enjoying Michael's and Jess's story so far. I just want to let you know that from now on, there will be an index of chapters at the start of each post so that you can go back to previous chapters easier than now. Also, as soon as this post goes live, I will go back to the previous chapter and add a 'next chapter' link at the end. I truly hope these things will help with the navigation problems you have, due to the laggy website.



Chapter Two - Odd Man Out

Michael was browsing through various apps, each promising either sleazy meetups or finding your soulmate with just a tap of the screen, while trying, and not succeeding very well, to forget all about the torrid affair from the night before.

What was wrong with that guy, anyway? Jess was gorgeous, clearly an accomplished ballet dancer, no, danseur, as he had cared to inform him, and except for knocking on nightclub doors to get hired in the middle in the night, he seemed perfectly fine. Did he have some gambling addiction? Was there some emergency that he could not freely speak about? 

Michael shook his head. He opened his mail and dismissed most of the junk when an ad from a sex store caught his eye. With a smile, he clicked on the link. If Jess wanted an outfit, he would get an outfit.

He wasn’t usually a mean person. He liked to believe that he wasn’t petty, either. But, in this case, Jess was riling him up way too fast and too good to stop him from paying what was due. Also, his dancers could surely use a bit of extra appreciation.

With that out of the way, Michael started again to check the profiles of straitlaced men advertising themselves as serious relationship materials. If he wanted a steady relationship, and all these men wanted the same thing, it should work out, right?


Securing a date for Monday wasn’t extremely difficult. Michael felt a bit better. After all, many other men were looking, just like him, for the same thing: a steady relationship that was based on more than just sexual attraction. He knew for a fact that a lot of guys wanted to jump in bed with him, but Michael wanted more to follow after the moment they woke up together. 

Alan, the guy he would meet was interested in reading, long walks, and watching sunsets. He seemed cute in a geek-ish sort of way, so Michael thought him to be a good fit. They would meet for a late afternoon decaf latte and see how they hit it off. 

And, in the meantime, he would cool off, and forget all about his ridiculous experience from the previous evening. At least, Michael wanted to dismiss it as ridiculous; the moment he let his mind wander to that particular meeting, he was getting an instant hard-on. As an educated man, with plenty of sexual experience under his belt, Michael found that not only ridiculous but also ludicrous. What the heck? Was he some teenager driven by hormones?

At least, he was getting a top-notch asset for his nightclub. Jess was bound to make an impression. And when his customers were impressed, they tended to spend more money. Michael was pleased with that particular reasoning. 

Sunday nights were a bit of a chill experience since most people had to work the next day, but Michael was sure the atmosphere would become electric, the moment Jess would make an appearance.

That, if Jess still wanted to be a dancer and not a danseur. Suddenly, Michael felt his energizing enthusiasm from earlier starting to wane. 

He brushed it off. The sex shop had quick, same-day delivery, even on a Sunday, so at least he would shake up the usual routine the other dancers used. 


“Hi, guys,” Michael said as he stepped into the larger room where the dancers used to chill. 

He stopped in the door, as he noticed Jess surrounded by the others. He was saying something, smiling, and making an intended poor impersonation of someone, while the others were laughing and hanging on to his every word.

What the hell? Michael had worried a little about Jess having troubles getting along with the others. Instead, he appeared to be like their uncrowned ruler.

“Hey, boss,” one of the dancers finally noticed Michael in the door. 

The young man came to kiss him quickly on the cheek, something Michael had learned to live with. Dealing with the usual exuberant nature of his dancers had become the norm, and Michael had learned that the easygoing frivolity was good for him, too. 

“I brought you guys something,” Michael said and handed the cheerful dancer the box he was carrying.

All the young men gathered around and began giggling the moment they saw the neon-colored g-strings. Jess moved as well and took one pair of pink underwear. He stared at it with a critical eye while Michael stood there, observing his reaction.

No wonder there, the beautiful lips twisted in disdain. “Are you asking us to wear such things?” Jess asked, looking him straight in the eyes.

Michael shrugged. “I thought about how you need an outfit, after all. White underwear may be many guys’ dream, as long as it’s sexy, but I thought about upping the ante a bit.”

“Super idea, boss,” one of the dancers said while the others cheered.

“So are we nothing but sexual objects?” Jess continued.

All the eyes in the room turned on him. Everyone was silent.

“It’s a nightclub. With striptease and racy dancing,” Michael pointed out.

“Still,” Jess commented and pulled at the underwear. The elastic fabric snapped, and the g-string flew through the air, landing on the floor like a deflated balloon.

Michael crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Jess disapprovingly. He was met with a defiant stare. “You, my office, now,” he said through his teeth.

The others had stopped from all they were doing and watched them curiously. Jess set his beautiful lips in a straight line and moved after him, the moment he began walking.

“What should we do?” the cheerful dancer from before asked. “Should we wear these?”

Michael half turned. “Definitely.”

Had Jess just huffed? Damn, the impertinence, Michael thought.


“Are you trying to undermine me?” Michael asked the moment they were alone. 

“I was just making a point,” Jess replied as he squared his shoulders.

Michael didn’t invite him to take a seat, and they were both standing and eyeing one another like fighters before a match. “The point being that guys who are used to dancing naked --”

“In their underwear,” Jess said.

“Don’t interrupt me,” Michael boomed. “Damn, did they fire you from your precious employment because you were a pain in the butt?”

Jess pursed his lips, and this time remained silent.

Michael pushed his hands through his hair and sighed. “The point is what we’re selling here, among other things, is a sexy experience. Not sex,” he added right away. “This means that as long as no certain bits are showing --”

“Really? If I wear that thing, my balls will flap like a pair of owl wings,” Jess said promptly and began waving his arms to make his point.

Michael bit his lips, in an effort not to laugh. “Look, Jess, you either wear the thong --”

“It’s a g-string.” Jess was quick to correct him.

“Fine,” Michael said, throwing his arms to the sides in an exasperated fashion. “Will you let me finish scolding you or you will spend your second day of employment contradicting your boss? Is this some trick so that you don’t have to work?”

At that, Jess appeared to be insulted. “I have a perfect work ethic.”

“That remains to be seen. I’m far from being impressed. Actually, I’m very much impressed, but not in a good way.”

“So, you didn’t like it?”

Jess was looking at him with those deep, intense eyes again. He was not openly flirtatious, but the boldness he used to mention their past indiscretion was leaving Michael speechless.

“If you’re talking about your dancing, I’ve seen plenty better,” he decided to ignore the allusion.

Jess’s eyes grew wide. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. My dancers are the best in town. If you think that cheap moves like you might have learned from twerking videos --”

“Some are pretty good,” Jess pointed out.

“So not what I wanted to say,” Michael said and rolled his eyes. “In five minutes, be dressed in that thong, fine, g-string, and get to work, or you’re out of here.”

That was it. He needed to put his foot down with this guy. He hoped it was working because he had been secretly looking forward to seeing Jess in that kind of getup. Certain bits of his anatomy would have been quite disappointed if he didn’t get to see that.

Jess stood there for a couple of seconds, challenging him with his pretty eyes. Michael crossed his arms over his chest and stood his ground. Jess walked away, not without one last small huff of indignation.


Michael had no idea for how long he had kept the drink in his hand. By how warm it was and unpalatable when he tried to sip from it, definitely a while. The house was on fire, so to speak, as Jess was performing a sexy as hell routine in his cage, dressed in nothing but a black g-string.

Of course, he had had to pick that one. The other dancers were making the customers holler openly, also dressed in minuscule neon-colored underwear, but Michael could only have eyes for one.

Jess had exaggerated. His balls weren’t falling off. However, the underwear left nothing to the imagination. Michael licked his lips as he took in Jess’s perfect silhouette and that perfect bulge. He wished he could see it from up close, but that wasn’t an option. The last thing he wanted was to give the arrogant asshole a reason to believe he could have Michael wrapped around his little finger.

The guy had moves. Michael had to give it to him. Even if he never praised his dancers for no reason, Jess was obviously in a league of his own. Well, he was capable of doing splits in mid-air. That had to count for something. 

At the same time, his acrobatics were complemented well by lascivious moves that were making the guys in the room threw all kinds of things toward Jess’s cage, most probably their phone numbers and condoms. It was all in good fun, but Michael had a suspicion that some guys really hoped they could have a real chance with the latest addition to his dancing crew.

He didn’t wait for the performance to end. There was a slight issue he needed to deal with, and not in a fun way. He liked to have at least some resemblance of control over his own body.


The dancers came and kissed him, as always, while he handed them their bonuses. Michael liked to be generous, and his dancers were on the top of the list. Jess was hanging in the back, like a shadow. He was wearing a dark hoodie and skinny jeans, but Michael could still only have eyes for him.

Soon enough, they were alone in the room. Michael handed Jess his envelope. 

“I only danced for one night.”

“And made a great impression on my clientele,” Michael pointed out. “This is not your paycheck. That will come a little later. But you deserve a bonus, just like the others.”

“I didn’t do as much as them,” Jess admitted.

“Don’t worry. It is proportional with your effort,” Michael said, as he struggled not to sigh.

As determined as Jess was when he didn’t want to dance in his underwear, he was strangely shy when it came to money. Michael took his hand and gave him the envelope. Jess took it somewhat hesitantly.

“Are you in some trouble, Jess?” Michael said softly. “People say I’m a trustworthy person, so you can confide in me. I might be able to help you.”

“I thought you didn’t run a charity here,” Jess replied, but there was no bite in his voice now.

Instead, the nervousness Michael had heard before was back. 

“I don’t. But this doesn’t mean I’m a heartless asshole who wouldn’t help someone in need. The only thing you have to do is to tell me what you’re dealing with.”

Jess looked away. “How did you find my performance?” he asked, out of the blue.

“Enthralling,” Michael said, with a smile. “And I noticed no flapping of balls.”

Jess smiled. Damn, he was even more handsome when he smiled. Not that the brooding, intense look didn’t become him. Michael had to admit to himself. He liked Jess, a bit more than he was supposed to like an employee.

“Can I keep it?” Jess asked.

“What?” Michael felt a bit out of the loop, caught up in recalling Jess’s electric dance from earlier.

Jess turned and pushed down his jeans. Michael swallowed hard as Jess’s perky bottom appeared from under the large hoodie. Maybe there was some g-string in there, or maybe Jess’s gorgeous ass had just eaten it.

“Well?” Jess insisted.

“Yes,” Michael replied, in a daze. “You can keep it.”

“Do you think it was effective tonight?” Jess asked, but didn’t hurry to dress up.

Instead, he was moving his hips, but only slightly. Michael was fascinated by that. “Definitely.”

“Did it get you hard?”

Michael shook his head, trying to get rid of the spell. Jess had to be some ass wizard if he could make him lose his head like that. “Now what kind of question is that?”

“A simple one,” Jess replied.

He pulled his pants up, and Michael exhaled. He had no idea he was keeping his breath. Jess walked over to him and brushed his hands over his crotch. 

“You’re hard,” Jess said matter-of-factly.

“Jess, I’m your boss,” Michael said with a sigh but made no move to push Jess’s hand away.

The said hand was busy giving his traitorous dick a massage through his pants.

“Ah, sorry. You’re hard, boss,” Jess said in a thick, full of promises voice.

Michael closed his eyes and groaned.

Wrong move. A second later, he could feel warm lips on his. Against his better judgment, he opened his mouth and let Jess kiss him. At the same time, Jess didn’t stop from jerking him off through his pants.

What was he thinking? Tomorrow, he would meet a nice man who liked the same things as him and could be a prospective boyfriend. Instead of being serious about that, he was letting an employee rub his cock and kiss him.

Michael was about to protest and prevent things from going too far when Jess dropped to his knees. “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Jess’s eyes flickered. “I’m giving you a blowjob, boss. You look like you need it.”

Presumptuous little brat, Michael thought. But his cock enjoyed being taking out from the confines of the pants and soon covered by beautiful full lips. Jess continued to look up, as he used Michael’s cock to smack his mouth with it before starting to lick the crown with much enthusiasm. 

“Is cock the only thing that shuts you up?” Michael asked as he looked down and ran his fingers through Jess’s hair, pushing the hoodie down.

Jess laughed, his teeth a bit too close to sensitive skin. “That, and being told I’m right.”

“Well, you might end up waiting a lot for the second.”

“It’s all right. I’ll take this for now.”

For now? Michael wanted to comment on that, but a deft tongue wrapped around his cock effortlessly, giving it a nice massage. Nice? That wasn’t the word. Jess was not only a professional dancer; he was apparently an expert cocksucker, too.

Oh, and he knew how to deepthroat. Michael liked to think that he was above average in the downstairs department, and some bed partners had complimented him by telling him how they loved to choke on his cock. Not that he wanted anyone to find himself in that kind of predicament when giving him pleasure of the oral variety.

Jess had no troubles with choking, though. He was doing a terrific job, looking up from time to time, as if he wanted to make sure Michael was still paying attention.

Like he could do anything else. Well, he wanted to do something different. In a ragged voice, he said, “I want to fuck you in that g-string.”

Jess stood up as if an internal spring activated him. He was quick to present his ass and only pulled at the string to show Michael his smooth hole. All this time, his cock and balls remained secured by the flimsy piece of garment in front.

If that wasn’t a lovely display of surrender, Michael had no idea what could be. “Wait, I need a condom,” he said.

Jess fiddled with his jeans and threw one at him. 

“Do you happen to have lube in there, too?” Michael asked.

Jess made a bit of a show pushing two fingers in his mouth, wetting them, and then using them to make his backdoor slick.

Michael struggled with the condom, as Jess continued to open himself up. The sight of those wet fingers going in and out of that tight hole was enough to drive him nuts. “All right, here I go,” he said with some difficulty.

Jess trembled slightly when Michael started to push. He gasped, and there was something so wanton in his voice when he did that, Michael wanted to keep it on record, and sell it as natural Viagra.

He grabbed the string with his thumb to keep it aside, and to allow Jess to sit more comfortably. “Do you like it like this?” he asked. “No lube, and from behind?”

Jess looked at him over one shoulder. “Do you like dirty talk?”

“It was merely an observation,” Michael said and grunted as he slid in another inch.

“And I just want to know if you wanted me to start yelling obscenities at you.”

“I think I like you with your mouth closed best,” Michael said.

His cock entered another inch. He could feel Jess’s ass stretching around it, giving in.

“And I thought you liked my mouth best when full of cock.”

Another grunt, another inch. Almost there now. Michael grabbed Jess by his shoulders and bottomed out in his ass. “It looks like you’re the one who likes to be full of cock.”

Jess moaned softly and appeared to put one hand under his t-shirt to rub his chest. 

“Are you pulling at your nipples?” Michael asked.

“Yes,” Jess replied breathlessly.

“Twist them hard for me,” Michael commanded.

“How hard?”

Oh, so that was the kink. With his big mouth, Jess probably scared a lot of people. Also, he was hot, which, again, might have made plenty of guys lose their heads around him.

“Make them hurt a little,” Michael said, as he began moving in and out. “Let me hear your voice now.”

Jess didn’t mind performing. He soon began to gasp, grunt, and moan, as he continued to torture his own nipples. 

Michael moved one hand to circle Jess’s waist. Curious, he then let it travel up, taking in the contour of Jess’s fingers. Wow, the guy meant it; by the frantic moves of those fingers, his nipples had to be on fire by now.

Michael let them be. Jess knew how to work his nipples, for real. But he was neglecting his cock. Michael grabbed it through the satin fabric and began jerking it off like that.

Jess’s repertoire was diversifying. There were small curses, complaints, and begging, thrown into the mix. 

Who was Jess, anyway? Someone great in the sack, Michael’s brain, high on endorphins, hurried to supply the answer. 

The table they were leaning against was shaking with them, as Jess collapsed on it, moaning and thrashing like he was somewhere at a threshold between pleasure and pain.

Michael continued relentlessly. They were both getting closer; he could feel it. This time around, he was the first to come, but Jess followed right after, regardless of how erratic Michael’s hand over his cock had become.

Michael looked at his sticky hand. Jess’s cum was all over his hand, as it must have seeped through his g-string. Maybe he would buy another pair for Jess. That was surely ruined.

It was the second time he was throwing caution to the wind. Jess was handsome, but it wasn’t like Michael hadn’t met handsome men before. So what was it that made them humping like rabbits the moment they remained alone? 

Maybe it was because they were at each other’s throats, kind of. Jess was getting at him in all sorts of ways, making him all kinds of hot and bothered, in the process. On the one hand, Michael found the whole thing out of character for him; on the other, Jess was an amazingly great fuck, and it wasn’t like Michael to praise anyone, even if only silently, for nothing.

“So, maybe next week, I can introduce some new elements to the routine?” Jess asked.

“I thought you already did. Those splits were something.”

“Those were to impress you. Now that you know what I can do --”

“Did you perform like that for me?” Michael asked.

Jess appeared confused for a second. “Of course. It’s you that I must keep happy, right?”

Michael repressed the need to scratch his head. What was going through Jess’s mind right now? “Keep the audience happy, and I’ll be happy, too.”

“Can I tell you more about the routine I was thinking of?” Jess insisted.

“Do you happen to see sex as foreplay for getting what you want?”

Jess blushed, just like the day before. Like he was angered at being asked that.

“What?” Michael challenged him, seeing how the other remained silent. “You’re the initiator.”

All right, that had come out wrong. Michael wasn’t the type to pass responsibility to others for his actions.

“Will you have kept me here otherwise?”

The question took Michael by surprise. “Of course. Wait, what the hell did the person who recommended you this place tell you about me? That my dancers need to go through my bed so that I would keep them? For the record, I’m not that kind of boss. I never sleep with my employees.”

“Except for me,” Jess pointed out, staring at him with those intense eyes.

“Yes, except for you. Ask me what got into me to fuck you like this, and I wouldn’t know what to tell you. And you’re really in a class of your own.”

“Thanks, I guess,” Jess said, without much conviction. “Can I tell you about my routine?”

“Again with that,” Michael said, frustration growing inside him again.

Jess was in a class of his own all right. Michael could not remember ever having a guy who could give him so much sexual satisfaction and frustrate him to no end, just the same.

“So you don’t want to listen to me. Why?” Jess crossed his arms over his chest.

“It’s not personal,” Michael explained. “I like to keep with what works. And you’re a bundle of contradictions --”

“I’m not --”

“That likes to contradict people! You work here; you play my rules! Understood?”

Jess pursed his lips and looked down. Michael felt a bit disarmed by that sad look, but he felt awfully played. 

“Why don’t you do ballet anymore, Jess?”

“I can’t,” Jess gave an elusive answer. 

“Fine. I can’t force you to talk. Here, you’re at a nightclub. I’m your boss, and I’m the one to tell you what to do. I’m sorry. It’s just how it works.”

“Whatever,” Jess said and shrugged.

He pulled his hoodie over his head, clearly bent on heading off for the evening.

“Are you always this impolite? The least you could do is say ‘goodnight’,” Michael scolded him.

“Goodnight, boss. I’ll keep thinking of a way to convince you to watch my routine,” Jess said, stopping for a second in front of him.

“You’re wasting your breath,” Michael replied.

Jess took out his phone and began typing on it. Michael sighed. Just how rude could this guy be to start texting someone while still talking to him?

“What’s your number?” Jess asked.

“Why would you need my number?”

“Do the others have it?”

“Yes, but --”

“So I’m the odd man out.”

“Fine,” Michael agreed and began telling Jess the number.

“Thanks,” Jess said, and he appeared a little more appeased now. “For this,” he pointed at the phone, “and for the fuck, too.”

For the fuck? Michael stared in disbelief as Jess walked away gracefully. What was he getting himself into? 


Next chapter 


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