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Overall Experience With The Site Poll

  • Yes 23
  • No 22
  • 2019-05-10
  • 45 votes
{'title': 'Overall Experience With The Site Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes', 'votes': 23}, {'text': 'No', 'votes': 22}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 10, 10, 49, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 45}


Hey, guys, I need a bit of help from you regarding the site. I have had people saying that they find it clunky and difficult to load. I don't know if that's a problem with Patreon all around, or if my posts are too long, or too many, and that makes the system slow down. 

So I decided to make a poll - a simple yes/no model - to see how many people are affected. Also, if you could provide more information in the comment section, that would be really helpful. On my end, I will try to make things more streamlined, by eliminating posts from the past that are no longer relevant, and I will consider giving you the chapters as pdf attachments to posts, rather than load the system with long written information.

Thank you in advance!

So the question is: is the website loading slowly on your device and are you having trouble seeing the posts?


Nora Fitzpatrick

Not only does it load slow but it jumps when scrolling out of the chapter I’m on. As someone said earlier, it’s easier to read through my email and I do that now most of the time.

Laura S. Fox

Thank you for the feedback, Nora. It's good that at least you guys can read the chapters inside the email client. I will see if I can find a solution.


Website doesn’t work properly on smartphones, at least on iphone, but there‘s an app so I use it instead the web. What I think would be great is having an index of the stories to go easily to the chapter you want to read, and could avoid a lot of scroll. Thanks

Laura S. Fox

That's a great idea! A sticky would have been great, but this website doesn't have that functionality, unfortunately. However, I will implement a solution starting with the next series, since the ones in progress right now are close to the end, and I will make them available in book format for all patrons :) Thanks a lot for the suggestion!