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Chapter Eleven – For This Man

Undressing and helping Ruslan take a shower had been a bit of a challenge with the man mumbling a bit incoherently and trying to get Johnny to fuck him.

“Pretty,” he said as softly as he could, as he caressed Ruslan’s cheek, as the man lay on the bed, under the covers. “What medicine can I bring you?”

“Your dick,” Ruslan answered, without stuttering.

“It feels wrong to screw you while you’re like this,” Johnny said.

Ruslan huffed and pushed away the blanket Johnny had used to tuck him in so carefully just earlier. Damn, Johnny needed to look elsewhere. The way Ruslan was touching himself, reaching between his legs and stroking his cock, was too much.

The guy was sexy as hell, even when dressed in three layers of clothes. He was a sex bomb, no matter which way Johnny looked at him. But now, the way he was biting his bottom lip, his eyes moist and at half mast, his breathing coming in short quick gasps, was making Johnny feel the need to run out of the room.

He could control his body. He could watch over Ruslan until the stupid drug wore off. 

“Fuck me,” Ruslan begged. “I order you,” he added petulantly, like a child.

“You order me?” Johnny said amused. “Nah, pretty, you know no one gets to do that with me. I’m my own boss.”

Ruslan was now playing with his cock that was oozing precum like crazy. Johnny swallowed. He wanted to take that beautiful cock into his mouth and relieve some of the pressure.

Wait, he could do that. Maybe Ruslan was going to feel a little better if he came. With that decision in mind, he pushed the guy’s hands away, earning a murmured protest for that. “I’m going to take care of you,” he promised.s

Ruslan’s hands buried into his hair, pulling at it, as he swallowed the guy’s cock in one fell swoop. Damn, he liked to suck cock as a general rule, but Ruslan’s cock was addictive as much as the rest of the man was. Maybe it was only because Johnny craved stuff he couldn’t have. So, in a way, this blowjob was like a stolen meal. 

He licked over the hard shaft, playing with the sensitive area right beneath the crown. By how Ruslan was shouting obscenities at him, he was doing a pretty good job. He liked doing it, too. He went deep again, bobbing his head fast. Ruslan needed it hard and fast. And while he could not fuck the drug out of his system, he could do that. Bring a little relief, the best way he knew how.

Ruslan was pushing his hips upward, off the bed, and he was fucking Johnny’s mouth, while the rhythm of the string of expletives running freely from his mouth was getting faster, too.

When Ruslan kept him there, only moving his hips slightly, and the tang substance landed down his throat, Johnny held Ruslan’s lovely ass with both his hands and drank from his cock until the last shudder of ecstasy faded away.

Ruslan crashed back on the sheets, exhausted. Johnny let the spent cock slip from his mouth and began kissing along the hip bone. 

“Johnny,” Ruslan moaned softly.

“Yeah, pretty?” Johnny asked, moving upward with the kisses until he managed to latch his lips onto a still aroused nipple.

Ruslan shivered under him. “You’re a good man,” he said. “Stay with me?”

“Sure,” Johnny lay next to him and pulled Ruslan into his arms. “I’m going to pull the blanket over us, okay? Be a good boy and don’t push it aside again.”

Ruslan giggled. “Is that an order?”

Johnny squeezed the lithe body into his strong arms. “Yeah, you can bet a sweet ass that’s an order.”

Ruslan turned on one side and pushed his ass into Johnny’s crotch. “You’re hard,” he noticed.

“Yeah, sorry about that. It’ll go away,” Johnny said.

“You can fuck me,” Ruslan said and yawned.

“You know I won’t do that,” Johnny pressed his hard-on against the small of Ruslan’s back to relieve some of the pressure. “Now get some sleep. And that’s an order.”


The sun was up when he opened his eyes. He was on his back, and Ruslan was wrapped around his body, his head resting against Johnny’s shoulder. Johnny pushed away a few damp strands from Ruslan’s forehead and placed a small kiss on his head.

Maybe he could head down and make some breakfast. Ruslan was going to need the energy. He moved slowly, but the slender limbs wrapped around him tensed and pulled him back.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Ruslan asked in a sleepy voice.

“To make some breakfast. You’ll need something warm in your stomach.”

Ruslan snorted. “I never get up so early, so don’t bother with making breakfast. But you’re right about one thing. I do need something warm in my stomach.”

Johnny murmured something to himself. At one point, his dick had let him sleep, but now, at the slightest innuendo, it was standing up to attention.

“Are you still under the influence?” he questioned Ruslan like he was some doctor.

“I don’t need to be to know that all I want right now is your cock in my mouth. So be a good boy, Johnny, and give me my morning milk,” Ruslan joked.

Well, that was good. If Ruslan could joke, that meant that he was feeling better. He wasn’t slurring the words, and he seemed to be okay.

So he didn’t protest when Ruslan moved to pull his pants down. Johnny hissed in pleasure when Ruslan blew hot air over his aching dick.

“I could do without any of that fancy foreplay,” he joked.

Ruslan seemed bent on taking his words at face value. In an instant, his cock was engulfed by moist heat and that talented mouth was at work.

He liked Ruslan’s mouth. He loved it. Everywhere, on his cock, on his body, on his lips. He wished he could say it out loud. But it was hard to do that when all he could do was to grunt and moan while Ruslan was moving his head up and down, making obscene slurping noises. 

It was a damn good thing that Ruslan seemed as hungry for his cock as Johnny had been for his that night. It was like they were equal partners in this thing they had going for them. And that was pretty fucking good.

“I changed my mind,” Ruslan said, raising his head, and keeping Johnny’s cock with both hands now.

He was slapping his own mouth lazily with Johnny’s cock. Johnny looked down, enjoying the view.

“Just be careful not to give yourself a fat lip like that,” he managed to joke, not without difficulty. 

Ruslan laughed. “I think my ass is hungrier than my mouth this early in the morning,” he spoke and pushed himself up.

“Hey,” Johnny protested as Ruslan moved away. “It’s not fair to leave a guy half sucked like this.”

“Don’t worry,” Ruslan winked at him.

Johnny pushed himself up on his elbows and looked at the guy preparing himself by generously lubing his behind. “You could make it a show, you know,” he said.

With a small smile, Ruslan turned and presented his lovely ass. He had the perfect ass, even though he was lean. That was no bony ass. His behind was curvy and plump, muscled as it was nice on a guy but round and fuckable. And he knew how to do a good job by pushing his fingers in and out, making small squelching sounds.

“I’d say you’re ready,” Johnny said in an urgent voice.

He kept his cock by the root, squeezing hard. The head was getting bigger and bigger, obviously enjoying the show.

Ruslan waited for no other invitation. He quickly straddled Johnny, aligning himself with the hard cock and beginning the slow, tortuous descent. 

“Damn, you’re bent on giving me my fix,” Johnny steadied Ruslan’s hips with both hands.

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Ruslan placed his hands on Johnny’s chest, feeling his pecs through the t-shirt. “Because I’m the one using you here. I’m the one taking my fix from your big cock.”

“Hmm, I think I like being used.”

“Good,” Ruslan said, while impatiently pushing up Johnny’s t-shirt.

He grunted when blunt nails raked over his naked chest. Ruslan was a bit of a wild cat, and he loved that, too. Also, he knew how to move when riding a cock.

Ruslan was getting seriously into the rhythm. Johnny felt his lean stomach and reached for his nipples, too. Ruslan’s response was instantaneous. So Johnny used one hand to wrap it around his bouncing erection. “Come, baby, come,” he cooed. “Ride me like I’m your friggin’ pony.”

Ruslan needed no second invitation to do that and increased the rhythm. Johnny felt dominated, in the sweetest way that could be, and he had not one regret to care for. 

“Oh, fuck,” he hissed through his teeth.

It was driving him a little crazy to be used like that. He liked it, yet he hated it, in almost equal measure, for the simple fact that he never let his guard down. But, to surrender to Ruslan, to allow the pretty man to use him like that, was an entirely different thing.

He could let go. The only challenge right now was to last enough for the guy to get off, too. This was a challenge cut for him. Johnny wasn’t going to help Ruslan this time around, he decided, and let go of his hard cock. “Can you come like that?” he cooed. “Can you, baby?”

Ruslan laughed and looked at him. “That’s not very nice of you. So you’re looking for a race to the finish?”

Johnny grabbed Ruslan by his golden hair playfully. “Do you think you’re good enough to spar with me?” he grinned.

Ruslan replied with a grin of his own. He grunted as he began riding Johnny’s cock wildly. “Good enough?” he whispered, but he was already moaning and not in control of his voice. “Better even.”

Johnny nodded. He could feel his breath growing rugged, the muscles in his lower belly pulsing from pressure, but he was still going strong, he still wanted to win. Ruslan was squeezing him so well, and he never lost control, but right now, he could feel it, deep inside his gut, that if he were to fail, he wasn’t going to mind it that much.

“Fuck,” he ground his teeth and tensed, as his cock began shooting inside the other.

Ruslan squeezed him with his thighs, like a cowboy dealing with a feisty colt, to stay on top. And, as Johnny was getting down from his high, he was laughing. 

Johnny glared, although he was sure his big ass satisfied grin was going to ruin the effect of what he wanted that to look like. Ruslan was still keeping his cock inside, moving his hips slowly. 

“So, did you just have your ass handed to you?” Ruslan snickered. “I can’t believe it,” he shook his head. “Snake just got beaten,” he added with satisfaction.

“Well, I let you,” Johnny replied, but with no trace of a bite in that.

“Sure, sure,” Ruslan’s eyes narrowed, but his lips were still twitching. “So I should be glad that you came without getting me off?”

“Oh, pretty,” Johnny pretended to be ashamed by covering his face with one forearm. “Do you have to rub it in?”

“Hmm,” Ruslan seemed to enjoy teasing him a lot. “No, but someone does need to rub it, you know?”

Johnny peaked at Ruslan from under his forearm. “Is that a demand or a suggestion?”

“You ass,” Ruslan laughed and slapped him on the chest, as he pulled himself away from Johnny.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Johnny caught him just in time.

Ruslan laughed as Johnny pulled him back and then pushed him into the bed while swiftly getting on top. 

“You need your dick sucked?” Johnny grinned, as he found himself in position to lick the man’s cock root to tip.

Ruslan cursed, and his hands grabbed the creased sheet underneath. “I’d say I want something more, but …” he whispered.

Johnny’s head snapped up so hard, it almost gave him a sudden cramp in his neck. Was Ruslan trying to say …? Shit. Now that was something he had never thought it would be possible. Not with a guy like Ruslan who looked like a perfect bottom boy. He wasn’t going to do it that way. He could never even consider it.

“Are you sucking my dick already?” Ruslan’s protests stopped his train of thought. 

So it had been just a joke. Johnny shuddered. There was no way he was going to be that vulnerable with someone else, no matter how pretty. Or how much he was starting to mean to Johnny. It wasn’t his way of doing things.

“Did I say something wrong?” Ruslan pushed himself up on his elbows.

“No,” Johnny was curt as he pushed Ruslan back and went for the half hard dick that was now in his care. 

He put his skill and usual enthusiasm into sucking Ruslan’s dick. And, by how Ruslan was moaning and cursing and trying to stop himself from crying out loud, he was doing a good job.

But now, Johnny had some serious stuff to consider. What the hell was he going to do if Ruslan was going to ask for that, point blank? Johnny was no one’s bitch. And he wasn’t planning to become one anytime soon.


“Can you please tell me what happened last night?” 

His papa’s voice was coming through a bit tense and tired. Ruslan rolled on the bed, the phone glued to his ear.

“Don’t tell me he dared to tell you that he wasn’t in the wrong in the slightest,” he replied.

The old man was not going to take this easy. He was going to be so mad once he was going to learn what Nigel Davenport had tried to do. But the idiot was apparently trying to pour poison into his parent’s ear. 

“He just packed his bags and told me that he could not, in good faith, transmit to his family, that we would be doing business together. So I feel I must ask,” the man said, in the same tired voice.

“What can I tell you?” Ruslan pulled the blanket around his body. “I’m a spoiled brat, and I ruined your deal.”

“Russy, you’ve been in my care for enough time to know when you’re lying. Someone told me that this morning when Nigel left for the airport, he looked a bit worse for wear.”

Ruslan wished his non-committal shrug could be visible through the phone. “So he wanted to party a little more, and I wasn’t in the mood. I guess he did get splashed, all by himself, after all.”

“And got himself in a bit of a scuffle, too,” his papa continued. “Apparently, with a certain fighter …”

“It wasn’t Johnny’s fault,” Ruslan said quickly. 

“Ah, so you do know what happened,” the only man said, his voice now a little livelier. “I believe the fighter we are talking about is still present in your home. Put him through, please.”

Ruslan fell silent. Why was his father so bent on talking to Johnny now? No, this wasn’t going to go down that road. “He’s not here,” he lied through his teeth.

“I do have his number. I can call him,” the old man said promptly. “And I am going to do that right now. Which means that you won’t have even the slightest chance to have him lie for you, Russy.”

“There’s nothing to lie about,” Ruslan protested. “All right, I’m getting Johnny.” He sighed, knowing that trying to win against his papa was just not an option.

Johnny came into the room, as if on cue. Ruslan pointed at the phone, and then made a sign to suggest that he needed to keep his mouth shut. As expected, Johnny looked at him, frowning. Of course, he could not understand what Ruslan wanted.

“Now, Russy. Stop dallying,” the old man said into the phone.

Defeated, Ruslan handed the phone to Johnny. “For you. Papa,” he added and rolled his eyes.

And then he began gesticulating again, trying to make Johnny understand what he wanted. Johnny’s frown deepened as he took the phone. 

“Yes, sir.”

It was almost funny how Johnny stood straight when talking to the old man, Ruslan thought. But now he still needed to make Johnny understand that there was no point to upset his papa. 

“He tried to force himself on Ruslan, called him names, and tried to hit him. And he also drugged him.”

Ruslan’s face fell. What the hell? He gestured at Johnny. The man was now looking at him, positively surprised. 

“Yes, I am responsible, sir. That guy needed to be stopped,” Johnny continued.

Ruslan pulled at his hair, sighed, and dropped on the bed. 

“Your father wants to talk to you,” Johnny said, holding the phone for him to take it.

He rolled his eyes but took the phone. 

“It is a good thing that at least Johnny is not trying to keep things from me,” his papa began talking. “Why haven’t you called, Russy? You know how much you mean to me.”

“But you are trying to … oh, fuck it. Nigel is from some important family, right? So there’s not much we can do, I suppose.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Russy,” the old man scolded him. “There is plenty I can do, and I will. What was all about, anyway? How come he thought he was entitled to behave like that toward you?”

“Didn’t your favorite snitch, Johnny, tell you?” Ruslan glared at his lover who was now surprised for real and was holding his hands up, asking, without words, what the hell was happening. 

“He told me what he knew. And it was enough for me to fill in the blanks. I wish that you could talk to me.”

“I told you, papa,” Ruslan sighed. “You can’t stop the entire world from ... You know.”

“What? Trying to hurt you?”

Ruslan could sense the old man’s distress. “I just don’t want you to worry so much,” he said softly, hoping that the old man could understand.

“You’re a good kid, Russy. If only you let me take care of you, always.”

“Well, I should be able to stand on my own. I’m old enough.”

“You’ll always be my boy, so never old enough,” his papa replied.

Ruslan stole a glance at Johnny. The man seemed aware of the intimate conversation he was having with his papa, and could not decide whether he should leave the room or stay. To prevent him from scurrying away, Ruslan walked over to Johnny and grabbed hold of his hand.

“This conversation isn’t over,” the old man said again. “Nigel Davenport and his family will know not to dishonor my family like this.”

“I don’t want you to make such a big deal,” Ruslan tried to protest again.

Johnny’s eyes were hard as he watched him. He needed to get to the bottom of that all. And assure everyone he was fine and there was no point in treating him like he was some wilting flower.

“In this particular case, you don’t win, my boy,” the old man said. “Nigel Davenport will present his apologies, and, as far as business goes, I am the one who wants nothing to do with his family.”

Ruslan knew he was the old man’s soft spot, but this was something else. Although the man’s voice remained calm and even, he could tell his papa was pissed. Really pissed. And he wished he could do something to make it all better.

“Okay, as you wish, papa. Although I’m not crazy about seeing that man again so soon.”

“Don’t worry about that. First, I will make sure that he will receive the proper chastisement from his father. Later, just so that he doesn’t forget and believe that this was some slap over the wrist, he will apologize to you properly.”

“Sure,” Ruslan agreed. “You’re the only one who knows best, right?” he added, with a small laugh.

“When it comes to you, that’s what I hope,” the old man replied. “I expect you and Johnny to join me later today for dinner. Here. Martin is cooking all your favorites. I will not take ‘no’ for an answer. I know you two must eat, at some point.”

“Well, we must, that’s for sure.” Ruslan snickered, hoping he could make the old man feel more at ease if he didn’t seem too shaken with Nigel’s attempt to assault him. “We’ll be there.”

He said his goodbyes, anxious to focus his entire attention on Johnny. 

“We’ll have dinner with my old man later,” he said promptly. “At his place.”

Johnny’s hard expression was replaced by confusion, and quickly by sheer panic. Ruslan burst into laughter.

“It will just be us; don’t worry so much.”

“No way. I’m not ... Shit. Count me out, pretty,” Johnny sputtered.

“Why? Do you have plans with someone else?” Ruslan crossed his arms over his chest, hoping he looked pretty much like he could not be told ‘no’.

“No, but come on, it’s your old man, and I bet he lives in a place that’s bigger and fancier than this.” Johnny moved his hands to point at the surroundings, to make a point.

“That he is, and it doesn’t matter,” Ruslan hurried to appease him. “Come on; don’t tell me you’re scared of my old man. I thought you weren’t easy to scare,” he teased his lover.

“Ruslan, please.” Johnny looked away. “Don’t make me do this. I’d look like a fool. You can’t put a monkey in a suit and pretend that’s a man. I’m sure your old man has dinner with five types of forks.”

Ruslan grabbed Johnny by his shoulders, to stop him. “Seriously, Johnny, there’s nothing to worry about. No one forces you into a suit. I would not do anything to make you feel uncomfortable. And we’re just using regular forks in that home, I promise. Look, don’t be embarrassed. This is absolutely huge. Papa wants to get to know you. And he had never met any of my lovers.”

“We kind of already met. Me and him,” Johnny said gruffly.

“I know,” Ruslan rolled his eyes. “But I promise. This is different. Hey, I can barely wait to have you two properly introduced. And also, I so want you to meet Martin! He’s the butler, but don’t let the livery fool you. He’s like family. What the hell am I saying? He is family! If I didn’t know better, I’d say he and papa are married or something. Plus, they both love to box. They train weekly and everything. Come on, Johnny, just say ‘yes’!”


Johnny wanted nothing more but to have the strength to run away. But that meant that he first needed to escape Ruslan’s hands and that was definitely impossible because the pretty man had latched onto him, not wanting to let go, and was talking about his family so excitedly that his beautiful eyes were shining.

But, hell, he was going to make such a total fool of himself. Ruslan had no idea what he was talking about. Everything Johnny had in his wardrobe were sports shoes, tracksuits, jeans, and tees. There was no way he could have dinner with Douglas Kent dressed like he was about to hit the gym. 

And the worst part was that he had to spell it for Ruslan to understand it. And he doubted that was going to make him feel too proud of himself. He was going to let down the pretty man this time around.

He grabbed Ruslan’s head and looked him in the eyes. Damn, why were people so beautiful in the world? He couldn’t think straight when he felt the smooth cheeks under his fingers, and he was looking into eyes so blue that he felt dizzy.

“I’m not like you, pretty. I don't know what to do with myself at this fancy dinner.”

“Papa will be upset. And I already promised. Oh, Johnny, stop fretting already. Papa is more laidback than you think. Why do you think his butler stays with us at the table? He’s not that kind of aristocrat or whatever you’re imagining. It is dinner in the family, and I mean it. Do you understand what this means?” Ruslan placed his hands on Johnny’s wrists firmly, but with the intention to caress them. “Come on, do it for me. I want you to come with me. Don’t make me drag you. It’ll be hard, but I’ll manage somehow. Ah, I know. I’ll have papa send Martin to help me. I’m sure he can deal with you,” he added with a mischievous smile.

Johnny groaned. “You’re bent on laughing at my expense. And how do you think your old man will like seeing me in my jeans and tee at his dinner table?”

“Is this what’s bothering you?” Ruslan exclaimed. “Let’s go shopping!”

Johnny seriously needed to curb Ruslan’s enthusiasm. “No,” he said firmly.

Some of Ruslan’s enthusiasm vanished. The shiny eyes became duller. And Johnny hated that. To be the cause of it.

“I suppose I got a little too carried away,” Ruslan looked away, and his hands dropped by his sides.

Johnny wasn’t going to let it go, though. He didn’t let go of Ruslan’s face and forced the guy to look at him.

“You want me to do this fancy dinner? Okay, I’ll do your fancy dinner. But don’t go crazy, buy me stuff, and shit like that. If I’m going to look like a fool, at least I want to wear my own clothes.”

Ruslan bit his bottom lip pensively. “Then you’ll come?” he asked, his eyes shiny again with hope.

Johnny wanted to kiss him so badly right now. On his closed eyelids. On his nose. On his cheeks. And on his lips. “Yeah, if it’s such a big thing for you,” he said. 

“Great.” Ruslan placed a long kiss on his lips, ending it with a smack.

He thought he could get away now. Johnny had no plans of letting him do that. Ruslan yelped when he was swiftly manhandled and made to walk back to the bed.

Johnny liked it like crazy how well they fit in that bed. In any bed, if he thought better. He was resting on his forearms, catching Ruslan between them. And they were staring into each others’ eyes until their breaths fell in synch. If Johnny were to believe in stupid fortunetelling crap, he would say he had met his half, the destined one or whatever because it was too freakish how he and this pretty man could be such a good fit for one another.

Was he letting his mind run away with him again? Maybe he needed to go to that fancy dinner, and see, outside the bedroom, that there was no way he and Ruslan were a fit. Whatever they were doing in the bedroom was one thing. Outside of it, there was the real world. And Johnny knew enough about the real world to be aware that that bitch always won.

“You have such a worried look on your face sometimes,” Ruslan said slowly, caressing his face, drawing the deep frown between his eyes with cool fingers. “I should not pressure you into this. I’d rather still have you than let my family have you, even for one hour. There’s no way I’d choose losing you, you know?”

There was no way he could answer that. What the hell was going on between him and Ruslan? Never before had anyone spoken to him nicely like that. It was dangerous to believe such words. But Johnny felt that danger had lost its shine ever since Ruslan Kent had walked into his life. Like nothing and no one could shine as brightly.

So he just dipped his head enough to kiss Ruslan. The pretty man responded eagerly, wrapping his hands around Johnny’s neck, to pull him closer.

Damn, how could he so hard from just so little? Ruslan was quick to pull his cock out, giving it the skillful rub and squeeze, as Johnny was already used to by now. 

And all the time, they were kissing, wrapping their tongues around one another and devouring each other as their next breath depended on that, on kissing until they could breathe no more.

“Fuck, do you think you could let me, pretty?” Johnny asked, as his hands got busy pushing the robe from Ruslan’s body, to uncover the hot naked skin. “I need to fuck you right now.”

“Don’t ask. Just fuck me,” Ruslan hurried him.

Johnny reached quickly for the lube on the nightstand. They were both going to go at it without too much preparation, and he felt guilty for it. Ruslan, however, seemed the more impatient of them both, as he managed to guide Johnny’s lubed cock to his entrance and use it pretty much like a dildo, pushing it inside. His impatience made Johnny hiss, as the familiar warmth and tightness welcomed him.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry,” Ruslan cooed like a mantra. “My body knows you, Johnny. It’s all yours. Just make it yours already.”

“Fuck, pretty,” Johnny moaned, as he impaled himself into the willing body more through Ruslan’s will than his own volition. “You’re good to me, so good for me. I fucking want you,” he admitted simply to his desire.

“Then take me already,” Ruslan hurried him, shivering with each of Johnny’s thrusts. “Fuck, this is so good. Your cock in me is just so good,” he murmured, through small licks and bites he was using to attack Johnny’s ear.

He didn’t mind it. Ruslan was everything he wanted. Not just right now. He pushed the man’s knees up and looked at how his cock was moving in and out that fantastic body. Ruslan’s was rubbing his cock fast, and his soft inviting lips were moving, hurrying Johnny, praising him, encouraging him, and he couldn’t think of anything else but what he could do to make this man happy.

When he crashed on top of his lover, making the fresh cum squeezed from Ruslan’s cock act like binding between then, he knew he was going to endure more than just fancy dinners for this man. As long as Ruslan was going to want him, he was going to be like a faithful dog. He was going to bring this man his fucking sleepers if that’s what he wanted.

“Oh, Johnny,” Ruslan murmured into his ear, “I love your cock in me.”

For a second, his lungs, mind, and heart stopped. But of course, Ruslan loved how Johnny fucked him. That was something he was good at. And he could use it to make Ruslan happy, so happy that he was going to forget that there were other men in the world, except for Johnny.

“I’m afraid we’ll need to get out of the bed, though. We have to wash and everything else,” Ruslan mumbled.

“And I need to go to my place and get some clean clothes.”

“Ah, don’t leave,” Ruslan protested and squeezed him in his arms as if Johnny was going to get up that second and run out the door.

“I will have to, though,” Johnny replied as he caressed Ruslan’s sweaty forehead and hair slowly. “I don’t think your papa will like seeing Nigel’s blood on my t-shirt.”

Ruslan snickered. “You’re underestimating papa. I bet he’d love to see that. You got Nigel good. Seeing how I can’t lie to him about the whole incident since you snitched on me,” he glared, “I bet he’s now plotting some revenge that will leave Nigel’s family beggars on the street.”

“Wow. Remind me never to get on your old man’s bad side,” Johnny replied, although he felt happy to hear Ruslan was so well cared for.

“I’m just exaggerating. But I think he won’t let the Davenports get out of this hassle that easily. He will squeeze some balls.”

“That dude’s family is bad news,” Johnny said with a frown. “Can your dad take care of them? Because that would be awesome.”

“I’m sure his word has plenty of weight in their rich people’s world,” Ruslan said with a small yawn,

Their rich people’s world? Johnny wondered. Why wasn’t Ruslan including himself in that world, too? Was he trying to make Johnny feel better about his lack of money and status? The thought was endearing. But Johnny didn’t need anyone’s pity.

“Ah, wait. I almost forgot,” Ruslan said. “How come you know about Nigel’s family?”

“Long story,” Johnny replied curtly.

He was about to have dinner with the big kahuna, and he had been invited. At the moment, he wasn’t going to jinx his chances to be more than just someone Ruslan liked only to screw, by talking about history that had to be almost dead and buried.

“I’ll tell you all about it one day,” he added, sensing Ruslan’s disappointment.

“Don’t worry. I’m used to secretive people. Papa sometimes talks like he’s about to tell me some fantastic truth I’ve been waiting for all my life, and then he shrugs it off like it’s nothing.”

“Maybe he’s just trying to protect you,” Johnny offered.

“Or he tries to protect himself,” Ruslan sighed.

Johnny could feel the tip of his ears getting red. Wasn’t he doing the same thing? Wasn’t he protecting himself? 

“Okay, let’s just freshen up, and then I’ll come with you to change your clothes,” Ruslan said. “You know, you could pack some essential things and bring them here. What do you say? So that you can have access to them without going back and forth so much?”

The words had been spoken casually, but Johnny could tell that Ruslan had strategized every single one of them. Was the pretty man trying to invite him to spend more time together? Even more than what they had already? Nah, it was too much to imagine that. 

“Do you want me to spend some nights here? For your protection?” he tried to sound just as casual as he spoke.

Ruslan was up on his feet and was fiddling with the robe, pulling it close to his body. “My protection?” he blinked as he looked at Johnny. “Sure,” he added, with a small mysterious smile. “Make it a bigger bag, then. I feel like I need serious protection.”

Johnny laughed and covered his face. “Fuck. I’m so going to lose that tournament, right? Is this some cunning plan of yours?” 

“Frankly, I don’t give a damn about that stupid tournament,” Ruslan shrugged. “I want you here, Johnny. Do you want me to say it out loud?”

Johnny pushed himself to his feet and walked over to Ruslan. The man tilted his head back so they could look at each other.

“I’m going to win that tournament. For you,” Johnny said. “Although having you so near is going to be a problem.”

“Don’t worry,” Ruslan said quickly. “On most days, I have a lot to work, and I’m not going to stand in your way. Also, there’s plenty of space for sleeping arrangements, and I can have the gym better appointed to suit your needs and ...”

Johnny stopped Ruslan by pulling him into his arms. “Have you been thinking about this, then?”

“For a little while, yes,” Ruslan admitted. “Seriously, Johnny, I’ll let you train. And I’ll live with the ‘no fucking’ rule. I want you to succeed since that’s what you want.”

“Hey, I told you I don’t need to hold to that rule,” Johnny protested.

“I don’t know, Johnny. I don’t want to be responsible for your losses.”

“So you’re going to keep me away from your bed?” Johnny laughed. He grabbed the man’s ass. “Away from this?”

Ruslan pushed him away playfully. “Let’s do something today already. If you keep your hands on my ass, we won’t be able to make it to dinner. And papa won’t forgive us. Trust me, you don’t want to be on his bad side,” he smirked.

Johnny kissed him. “Ah, so I have to be afraid of your papa, after all?”

“Of course you have to.” Ruslan snickered. “But I’ll let you make your own opinion of the man. I hope you two get along. What am I saying? You’ll get along. You’re so similar in some ways I can’t believe it.”

“Meaning that we both want what’s best for you?” Johnny asked.

Ruslan’s eyes were honest. “And that’s just the beginning of it.”

Johnny wanted to know what else made him and the guy’s dad so similar. But it looked like Ruslan wished to have that shower by how impatiently the guy dragged him after him on their way to the bathroom.


His room seemed so drab and uninviting after he had spent the night at Ruslan’s place. It was his room, though. He needed not to forget that simple truth. Yet, as he grabbed his toothbrush and a few changes of clothes, he could not stop the pure happiness he felt bubbling inside his chest. It was like he was leaving for summer camp or something. He had only been once, in fifth grade or something if he remembered well.

Ruslan was standing by the door, leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets, dressed casually in slacks, a polo shirt, and a long coat to protect him from the November cold. Johnny stole a glance at him, and Ruslan smiled. It was like he had imagined. Ruslan could make even that ugly room look like a palace when he smiled. 

“I could help you pack,” Ruslan pointed out.

Johnny waved. “Nah, it’s not much anyway.” 

“Okay,” Ruslan’s smile widened.

They were staring at each other like two silly teenagers at this point. He needed to finish stuffing his knapsack with all the necessities and hurry out the door with Ruslan. “Are jeans and a sweater okay for your dad’s dinner?” he asked.

Ruslan snickered. “I’d rather have you naked, but let’s just say that I don’t want to scandalize my family.” 

“C’mon, don’t be like this, pretty,” Johnny pretended to complain. “I want to look good for your papa.”

“You saved his son from getting a good beating and worse,” Ruslan said matter-of-factly. “Trust me. What you wear at the table won’t matter in the slightest.”

Johnny shook his head. “I hope this won’t come back to bite me in the ass.” 

The only thing he had troubles with was not his wardrobe now. It was dealing with how giddy he felt inside. And giddy wasn’t good. It was a way for him to let his guard down, and he could not bring himself to care about that, either.


Johnny pushed his hands through his hair to control some of the nervousness he felt. It was just damn funny how he could face any opponent in the ring, but he felt so challenged by a simple dinner. The thing was there was nothing simple about that dinner. He had had no time to prepare for it, and now he needed to make a good impression on Ruslan’s dad. 

All in all, it wasn’t the kind of battlefield he knew. But he had promised Ruslan’s old man that he was going to prove himself, and that was included, too. So he was going to eat little, speak even less, and not drink at all. 

Ruslan grabbed him by one arm, leaning against him. “Papa and Martin will adore you,” he said softly.

“I don’t think I’m that kind,” he said dryly.

“You worry too much,” Ruslan laughed. “Damn, I should take a picture. Yeah, why don’t I do that?”

Johnny was too surprised to react when Ruslan pulled out his phone and snapped a selfie of them. He laughed when he showed Johnny the picture. “You’re so damn serious.” 

And you’re way too beautiful, Johnny wanted to say when he looked at the picture. Too beautiful for me. 

“Let’s just get inside so that you can finally see there’s no reason for you to worry.”

Johnny felt a bit assured by Ruslan, his weight as he was leaning against him. Like he felt grounded. Better than ever in his life.

Ruslan pressed the doorbell and gave him an assuring smile. Maybe he was going to live through this fancy dinner after all.

An aging butler in beautiful livery opened the door. The man looked tall, and Johnny felt dwarfed a little. Not by the man’s height. But by how the guy was carrying himself. Johnny suddenly felt little.


They were all seated at the table, and Johnny still could not shake off his nervousness. The old man had insisted for him and Ruslan to sit by each of his sides, and now Martin was also seated, across from his master. To his surprise, they were having dinner in a very intimate room, not the huge dining one he had expected. Even the table was made for four people, and it was located in a room that looked pretty much like the kind of space the rich and affluent would spend relaxing evenings. There were many books around and a small corner with what looked like smoking accessories.

“I hope you will enjoy your meal,” the old man spoke. “Come on, don’t be shy and dig in. Martin outdid himself, but Russy is such a picky eater. I hope he will learn the importance of a healthy appetite from you, Johnny.”

He nodded solemnly. At least Ruslan had been right. There were no confusing forks. And the artfully decorated steak on his plate was making his mouth water. As everyone began eating, he dared, as well. And almost let out a groan of pure pleasure when he took the first bite. 

“I can’t believe you’re telling on me,” Ruslan protested, talking to his father.

“Russy, just eat,” the old man said to his son. “You’re skin and bones. Don’t you think so, Johnny?”

Johnny patted his lips with the impeccable cloth napkin placed next to his plate. “Maybe he could eat a little more,” he agreed.

“See, Russy?” Mr. Kent said triumphantly. “Even your boyfriend thinks so.”

Boyfriend? Johnny reached for his wine glass. But he loved to think he was that to Ruslan. But maybe Ruslan was going to deny it, and he was getting all excited for nothing.

“Good job, papa. Rallying my boyfriend under your flag. Johnny, you’re a traitor, just for the record,” Ruslan turned to glare at him.

“Eat,” Johnny said with a small smile.

So Ruslan thought he was his boyfriend, too. It wasn’t only the wine making him warm on the inside right now. ‘Boyfriend’ had a nice ring to it. What was even more rewarding was how Ruslan dug into his plate, with an exaggerated sigh.

After that, they ate in silence, as, apparently, that was the standard rule in that house. Johnny didn’t mind it. The food was delicious, and he could tell, well balanced, calorie and nutrient wise. 

He was a tad intimidated by sitting at the same table with a real butler and a man who was pretty much like nobility, no matter what Ruslan was saying. The master of the house was also casually dressed, just like Ruslan, but Johnny thought he was still sticking out with his way too ordinary clothes. 

The dessert was a light option, but at least that was something Ruslan seemed to enjoy eating without being told to. Johnny accepted Martin’s offer of a fruit salad instead of the vanilla pudding Ruslan was eating with undissimulated pleasure.

After dinner, the butler took care of the table, and Ruslan hurried to help. When the old man gestured for him to join him at that smoking table or whatever that was, Johnny realized, too late, that he had been tricked into remaining alone with the master of the house.

Mr. Kent fiddled with a pipe for a while, and Johnny watched, without being able to control his curiosity. The old man looked at him through the veil of smoke and then invited him to take a seat on a small couch by the window.

“I must apologize,” the old man started.

“What for?” Johnny said, a bit gruffly, and regretting it right away.

“For accusing you of being trouble for my son when, in fact, I was the one inviting trouble into our lives,” Mr. Kent replied promptly.

“You couldn’t have known about that guy, sir,” Johnny said simply.

“I could have, and I should have,” the old man said while crossing his legs and putting the pipe into his mouth once more.

Johnny waited patiently. Whatever the man wanted to tell him, he was going to listen, and listen carefully.

“I might ask too much to tell you to watch over my son ...”

“There’s no need to ask, sir. I’ll do it anyway,” Johnny cut the man short.

Mr. Kent examined him with his scrutinizing eyes. “Are you a bit nervous about being here, Johnny?”

How could the man tell? Johnny watched his hands. Maybe he was just too rash, talking too loud, speaking out of turn.

“There’s no need to. You’re welcome here. Although I should ask. How come you were there when Ruslan got assaulted by that man?”

“I was looking after him,” Johnny admitted.

Great. Now the old man was going to think he was some stalker.

“We were all lucky you were, then,” the man replied. “You see, Johnny, Russy is the most important person in the world for me right now. His happiness is everything to me. And you make him happy.”

Johnny looked at the old man, wondering, in the most absurd manner possible, if the guy was joking or having some twisted fun at his expense. But no. The inquisitive eyes searching his soul sustained his and their exchange was honest and transparent.

“So we’re good?” he asked, for lack of better words. 

The old man smiled and nodded. And then he offered Johnny his hand. 

“Come tomorrow. I intend to train you myself,” Mr. Kent said as they shook hands.

“Train?” Johnny wondered out loud.

“I don’t know if Russy told you, but I’m no stranger to the sport. There are a few tricks you can learn from this old dog,” the man said with a small smile.

“I’m not sure I could spar with you, sir,” Johnny said, feeling some of his nervousness returning.

“You won’t be sparring with me, sonny,” Mr. Kent laughed. “I’ll give you pointers. You’ll spar with Martin.”

The thought of sparring in a ring with the quiet butler wasn’t supposed to be this intimidating. After all, Johnny had half the guy’s years and all the advantages that came with that. 

“So now I suppose I have to promise I’ll be gentle,” he found himself talking. “No offense, sir,” he added quickly.

“None taken. But we’re not doing this for our fun. We’re doing this because we want you to be the best for our Russy.”

Ruslan was right. The old man was talking as if he and Martin were married. Or, at least, like they were family. Could they be brothers? But no, that couldn’t be. Who would use his brother as a butler? 

“We’ll see tomorrow how much leeway you believe you should leave us.” The old man patted him on the shoulder.

Johnny nodded curtly. So he was welcome to the family in a way. “That dude’s family,” he began, “they’re powerful, right? I should know.”

“Do you know the Davenports, Johnny?” the old man asked, a bit surprised.

“You’re the one who looked into my past. You should know,” Johnny pointed out.

“I’m afraid that’s not a detail I came across,” Mr. Kent replied.

“Someone with that name is, you know, who took an inch of the pelt on my back,” Johnny said.

“Forgive me if that’s something I have a hard time believing. I don’t see any of them getting handy with a whip. It was a whip, right?”

“A special kind,” Johnny said wryly. “But no, the man who swung that whip wasn’t the same with the one who gave the order.”

“Oh,” Mr. Kent admitted. “That I didn’t know. But how come you got entangled with their business, Johnny? I know your father had some serious debts to certain unsavory characters, but ...”

“It was a lot of money. By our standards, at least,” Johnny said. “I thought what you just said, too. Until they put me in a ring, and Francis fucking Davenport told me that I have to repay what my old man had stolen. With my life, if need be. For some reason, it was personal with him. That’s why he had me beaten within an inch of my life. When I said enough, when I didn’t want to take any drugs and told him I was done, he did that and cared to let me know he was behind it. But it was just between him and me, I guess. No one knew. And maybe one or two of his men.”

Mr. Kent listened in silence. “Personal, you say? And how come he let you live, then?”

Johnny chuckled and shook his head. “He told me that I’d get to repay him in installments if I survived the beating. I did. So he let my mom and me alone. At least, as long as I pay him back.”

“I will take care of that. Just name the amount of the debt.”

“With all due respect, Mr. Kent, I can’t let you do that. It’s my debt.”

“You’re a man of honor, Johnny. That’s so rare these days,” the old man said pensively. “You have me intrigued over this Davenport business. Francis has never struck me as the kind to hold petty grudges. How much did your old man take?”

“Something around one hundred grand. And with interest and everything, it’s more. But I got less than one quarter of that to repay it completely. If I win your tournament, there won’t be much, and I’ll be there. Half a year, one year, at max, and I’ll settle that shit my old man caused.”

Despite himself, he was getting worked out, moving his hands too brusquely, too fast. He cast his eyes down.

“That’s good to know, Johnny. And all this time, you’re taking care of your mother, too. I must commend you for the man you are. And I want you to know that I could not hope for better for my son. I should have known better when I allowed myself to be blinded by issues such as status.”

Johnny nodded, embarrassed, but happy with the old man’s praise. “My mom,” he said and swallowed hard, “she’s not all ... she’s not herself anymore.” He had no idea why he was pouring his heart out like that, but it was like he couldn’t stop.

“We all have baggage,” Mr. Kent said with an understanding nod. “Don’t believe, for one second, that I would judge you for something like that. I only wished you would let me help you. At least with the expenses ...”

“No,” Johnny said stubbornly. “I will take care of her. May I ask something, sir?”

“Go ahead,” the old man gestured with his pipe.

“How come you didn’t tell Ruslan about my past?”

“It wasn’t my business to talk about it. And Ruslan is convinced you are going to tell him everything when you think it is right to do so.”

“Thank you, sir. You are a man of honor, too,” Johnny said looking straight at the man.

“I can’t wait to see you in training tomorrow, then,” the other said. “Make sure you don’t let Ruslan keep you up late. Or you him.”

Johnny could feel his cheeks burning. What was the old man thinking they were doing all the time? Not that he would have been far from the truth. But now he felt like a schoolboy caught by his parents with skin mags under the bed.

Luckily for him, Ruslan chose to walk into the room that very moment, leaning against the butler’s arm and laughing. Anyone could see Ruslan felt at home there, with his two daddies. It almost made him feel jealous. Ruslan could be just as carefree with him, too.

“So, did you two have the big talk?” Ruslan asked, as he left Martin’s side and hurried by Johnny’s.

“How did you know we had some big talk?” the old man questioned, voicing precisely what was on Johnny’s mind, too.

“You wanted Johnny to yourself while putting Martin to take me out the door under the pretext that I should see how he remade the greenhouse. I know when something is afoot, papa. So, is it some secret or you could let Martin and me too, on it?”

“Johnny will be training with us, starting tomorrow,” Mr. Kent said right away. “So, don’t keep him late.”

“I would never,” Ruslan said dramatically while putting a hand over his chest in affectation. 

“You know what I mean. Be good, children,” the old man said with a smile.


“So, what do you think?” Ruslan cuddled next to him on the backseat of the taxi. 

“Your old man is bent on having me trained. He wants me to spar with Martin. I will hold back, don’t worry.” He stretched one arm around Ruslan to pull him closer.

Ruslan snickered.

“What?” Johnny asked with a frown.

“You’ll see,” Ruslan said secretively.

For minutes, they said nothing, the radio station picked by the driver being the only thing filling the silence. It was cozy, and Johnny could not remember when he had felt at peace like that.

“The most important thing is that you survived,” Ruslan teased, slowly caressing Johnny’s cheek with his lips.

“I did, didn’t I?” Johnny smiled.

He had done that, and, this time, it wasn’t only about surviving another day.



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