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Chapter Five - In Which Aidan Learns Lies Tend To Have Short Legs

Heathcliff had his eyes set on Aidan, from the moment he had walked on the set. Even though he really needed all the concentration he could gather since they were now shooting a video, he could not keep from following the cute bunny around, at least with his eyes.

Unlike other times, Aidan had messaged him to meet at the set and hadn’t offered the usual courtesy of transportation. He had tried to brush it off, saying to himself that, most probably, Aidan was busy with other work-related tasks, but he knew his gut instinct wasn’t lying.

The bunny was avoiding him. And there were a few explanations he could think of, and not one was satisfying enough. If there was some issue, it had to be addressed and fast. He had no intention to let Aidan go, but he needed to have the patience to allow the little prey the possibility to surrender on his own accord.

Aidan had run away like a kid who had just done something naughty and was now scared of being found out by his parents. Could it be that the bunny was still living with his folks? It wasn’t impossible.

He knew little about Aidan, Heathcliff thought, as the assistant on the set began talking to him, explaining what he had to do. 

“Just a second,” Heathcliff stopped the assistant and sauntered over where Aidan stood on the sidelines, like an extra with no hope of getting selected for the team.

He could see the guy’s eyes growing wide as he approached. By how stiff Aidan stood, it was clear that he was embarrassed and now trying to save face by pretending to be what he considered the perfect professional.

“Hey,” he said curtly, nodding at the guy.

“Hey,” Aidan replied, just as curtly, and mimicking his nod.

“Aren’t you supposed to give me pointers about this?” Heathcliff gestured with his chin over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving Aidan’s face.

Aidan licked his lips nervously. Was it wrong for Heathcliff that such a simple gesture was making him want to do nothing but lean over and lick that gorgeous pouting mouth? How come there were so many details about the young man that made him look so endearing? How come he hadn’t noticed them right from the start?

As a connoisseur of male beauty, Heathcliff needed to correct that. Aidan’s top lip arched enticingly, and all he needed to do was to raise one hand and draw the beautiful shape with his fingers.

Damn, he shook his head. He was getting absurdly romantic these days. What he needed was to drag the young man to his bed, fuck him into the mattress, and then he was going to see whether he could still behave like a love-struck teenager. He could bet all was going to fade away. Poets were guys who had troubles getting laid; he was sure of it.

“Hey, Earth to Stone,” Aidan waved one hand in front of him.

Heathcliff caught the guy’s hand deftly. 

“Come with me,” he ordered and practically dragged the guy after him.

“You don’t need me. I gave all the pointers to the assistant on the set,” Aidan protested but didn’t squirm, as a few people around were already stealing glances in their direction. “He can tell you everything you need to know. He has all the details.”

“You’re not delegating this, Spark,” Heathcliff shook his head. “I’m your charge, so behave like it. Now, get to work.”

“What’s wrong with working with the assistant?” Aidan whispered.

Heathcliff whispered back.

“I don’t like him.”

“You don’t? By all means, I’d say he is your type.”

They were talking in a hushed voice while the other people were getting busy with the props. The assistant was a tall, slender guy in his 20s, with a charming smile, and come hither looks. Heathcliff nodded perfunctorily at him. Aidan wasn’t wrong. But right that moment, he wasn’t interested.

“He’s not you,” he said into Aidan’s ear, making sure to brush his lips lightly over the heated tip.

“Okay, you spoiled fitness guru,” Aidan replied, a bit annoyed. “Really, guru? This so doesn’t apply to you. Gurus are guys who are definitely not as spoiled as you.”

“It’s your fault,” Heathcliff smiled. “You spoiled me,” he said, as he positioned himself in front of Aidan and crossed his arms over his chest.

“How did I do that?” Aidan crossed his arms, too.

What was with the mimicking? Heathcliff wondered briefly. The little bunny had little, if any control over the situation, so he was trying to put on a brave front. It wasn’t working. Maybe guys were falling at Heathcliff’s feet, but that didn’t mean that he couldn’t go through such defenses, especially since they were so weak.

“By jerking me off,” Heathcliff leaned closer and said the words while looking Aidan straight into his pretty eyes.

“That was ...” Aidan trailed off and gulped nervously.

“Pretty good,” Heathcliff offered an encouraging smile. “But I think there’s room for improvement. And I believe I can give you plenty of pointers.”

Aidan was so cute when blushing.

“Heathcliff, are you ready?” the assistant on the set interrupted them.

Heathcliff looked at the guy, and by how the assistant froze on the spot, he knew his laser cut stare was working flawlessly.

“Not yet,” he said brusquely. “And, please, Mr. Stone. Let’s not get confused.”

The assistant mumbled an excuse and walked away.

“Mr. Stone? Really?” Aidan asked him, quirking an eyebrow.

“Yeah, why not?” Heathcliff said. 

“But why don’t you let me address you like that, then?”

“Hmm, I might reconsider. Although, in your case, I’d like you to address me as ‘sir’.”

For a moment, Heathcliff thought he had had a glimpse of something, as Aidan’s eyes lit up.

“You’re so not a ‘sir’,” Aidan snickered.

Heathcliff rolled his eyes.

“Spark, I think you need some discipline and tough love. Didn’t your parents teach you how to behave like a good kid?”

“They did, but, well, I’m no longer living with them,” Aidan replied promptly.

“Ah, good to know,” Heathcliff nodded.

Aidan looked at him a bit questioningly, but let it drop.

“You’re the one who needs a bit of tough love, Stone,” he said. “Come on, let’s get you ready, or we will be here all day. And, seriously, why did you snap at the assistant? He was just trying to do his job.”

“One, I didn’t snap,” Heathcliff raised one finger. “I don’t snap. And two, he was trying to get you away from me. Seeing how you’re the babysitter, I have no idea how you can agree to something like that.”

“I’m the babysitter? Then you’re the kid,” Aidan snickered again. “Should I call you ‘young master’ instead of ‘sir’?”

“Master would be suitable,” Heathcliff played along.

Aidan snorted.

“Damn, you’re so full of yourself. Let’s shoot the ad already.”

“Only if you call me master,” Heathcliff pressed the matter, as amused by the situation as Aidan seemed to be.

“Get on the set, Stone. And stop being such a big baby,” Aidan pushed him to move.

Heathcliff liked that. Aidan Spark wasn’t the kind to be yanked and jerked around. Yeah, he very much wanted that.


Standing his ground in front of Heathcliff Stone was no easy feat. Nonetheless, it was nothing he couldn’t handle. Well, at least he hoped that was the case. Now, he needed to focus on getting the ad perfect so that he could report back to the headquarters with another accomplished task.

After all, his probabilities to get ahead on the career ladder lay on his success in taking care of Heathcliff and enduring the guy’s shenanigans to get the job done. So, he had every reason in the world to be the perfect professional with the occasional leeway for Heathcliff’s strong personality that seemed to need to manifest the way the guy wanted.

That was what he was saying to himself while following his charge as Heathcliff was doing his best on the set. The man was, indeed, a natural born star. People were going to buy whatever The Healthy Shakers were selling if they were one percent as taken with the guy as Aidan was, and everyone else around.

The thing was he could not let it show. He could appreciate Heathcliff Stone from a professional standpoint, and that was that. And he had already sworn off offering handjobs, as soon as he had gotten home after the man’s birthday party. From that moment forward, he was going to be nothing else but the perfect professional.

Of course, getting the guy to forget about the incident seemed to be a challenge. By how much attention Heathcliff was getting from the male population so inclined everywhere he went, one would have expected him to have forgotten already about a rushed handjob given by someone who definitely didn’t have enough expertise in pleasing others.

The guy had enjoyed it at the time, by what Aidan could tell. But it had been a breach of conduct, and it was Aidan’s job to correct that. The simplest way to do it was by being nothing but the perfect professional, as he had already told himself a thousand times.

It didn’t seem such a simple thing to do. He could feel his breath catching in his chest as he looked at Heathcliff. Maybe the guy wasn’t anything like the dark, brooding character from Wuthering Heights, but he could draw a sigh or two from anyone he met, and not due to some misplaced reverence.

But regret. Aidan considered himself way too young to qualify for a proper list of regrets, but, in this case, he could tell he had just met his first serious one. Nothing was going to happen between him and Heathcliff Stone, and that was final. How could he lose his head like that? 

Okay, so the guy had kissed him. And fondled his ass. Aidan could feel his cheeks warming up only thinking about that incident. By all means, he needed to become better versed in flirting with guys if he was to survive around the sex bomb that Heathcliff was. Some training in that kind of dealings was required. All he needed was a plan and to act accordingly.

Discreetly, he looked at his watch. The less time he spent in close proximity of the guy, the better. But he could not just take off. It would have been a terrible breach of his contract. He had a job to do. With a long, heartfelt sigh, he looked at Heathcliff, how the guy was looking straight into the camera, and saying the words from the script with a broad smile that was lighting his entire face.

Definitely not a Heathcliff. It was like the entire set was alive because of him. And even if it was just a regular commercial for advertising a mundane product, it looked like everyone around was looking in pure rapture at the guy.

It was, most probably, a perk only truly beautiful people had. Heathcliff seemed to have a talent for getting on his nerves, but Aidan knew he could not be mad, really mad, at the guy. No one really was; he was sure of it.

When the team on the set began wrapping up the video shoot, Aidan shook his head as if he was awakening from a dream. Yes, he needed to get a hold of himself and fast.

“So, what do you say, Spark?” Heathcliff sauntered over to him.

“You killed it,” Aidan said with a smile he couldn’t stop.

“Bro fist?” Heathcliff offered.

“Sure,” Aidan shrugged and pushed his closed fist against the guy’s.

“See? My job is to make you happy,” Heathcliff leaned in.

Aidan could sense the man’s intentions from a mile away, and he needed to do something about them. And fast. But the problem was whether he could bring it up, or was it a better idea to let the guy initiate?

He had his denial already prepared. But what if Heathcliff wasn’t going to say anything? What if all had been nothing but harmless teasing, kissing, and ass fondling, and handjobs notwithstanding?

That could be, and it was damn disappointing if he was to think about it. But, it was for the better. Two fingers pressed against his forehead, between his eyebrows, and stopped his internal struggle.

“What monsters are you fighting in your head, my valiant knight?” Heathcliff joked.

“Ah, nothing,” Aidan shook his head. “I mean, I’m not fighting ... And I’m not a knight.”

“I think you are. You single-handedly annihilated those paparazzi. And saved my reputation, in the process.”

“Oh, you give me too much credit,” Aidan said, but he could feel his chest puffing out on its own accord. “Plus, you’re no fair maiden.”

“Only fair,” Heathcliff played along. “Let’s talk.”

Aidan felt a bit out of balance, as the man took his arm and made him walk. That was Heathcliff Stone. A man of action. Only that Aidan could feel sweat pooling at the small of his back, just thinking what the man wanted to talk about.

It looked like Heathcliff knew perfectly well where he was heading, as he practically pushed Aidan through a side door that seemed to open to a small empty room, filled with cleaning supplies.

He was about to open his mouth and ask what the hell they were doing in a janitor’s closet when Heathcliff made their lips meet. 

The first automatic instinct was to open his mouth and let the man sneak his tongue inside. His eyelids shut, and, despite himself, he voiced a small, meaningful moan. Heathcliff almost slammed him against a wall and got busy right away with his hands. Then he grabbed his ass hard, and Aidan could feel his knees giving in. 

What was his plan again? Definitely not this. With some difficulty, he pushed his hands between them and Heathcliff away along with that.

“Wait,” he breathed out.

Heathcliff watched him, a bit thoughtfully. And annoyed.

“What are we doing?” he asked.

He knew the answer. But he was too much of a coward to lead this conversation properly.

“Well, in a nutshell,” Heathcliff drew their bodies close again, “I’m trying to get into your pants.”

Aidan evaded the second kiss in time.

“What?” Heathcliff murmured, seemingly a bit surprised at being denied his desires. “Okay,” he took one step back. “I suppose a place like this is not ideal. But, bunny boy, you gave me a taste and ran away. Forgive me if I think this is sort of due.”

“Due?” Aidan mumbled.

“Yeah,” Heathcliff looked him in the eye. “But I have nothing against taking this to my house. Or do you have to go back to work?”

Aidan grabbed that straw with the desperation of a drowning man.

“Actually, I need to report back. And there are many other things I need to work on.”

“Are you trying to tell me I’m not the only one you’re babysitting?” Heathcliff joked, but he was frowning.

“You’re the only one I’m babysitting. But my work entails other things. Like filing reports, doing market research ...”

“All right. When you get away?”

“It all depends on the boss,” Aidan said with a small shrug.

“It doesn’t matter. As soon as you leave work, you’ll come straight to my house.”

“Don’t wait for me,” Aidan said quickly.

“Why?” Heathcliff’s frown deepened.

Damn, he needed to cut and run. Aidan moved from one foot to the other. 

“I’m not gay,” he blurted out.

Was the lie going to hold? He had no idea. But it was the only card he could play.

Heathcliff cocked his head to one side.

“You’re kidding me, right? So it’s just a habit to give handjobs to guys? When you’re working? Shit, that must be one hell of a job description, Spark.”

“No, it’s not a habit,” Aidan scowled. “It was ... I mean ... It was ...”

Heathcliff put one hand up.

“Enough. I get it.”

“You do?” Aidan breathed out in relief.

“Yeah. You’re confused,” Heathcliff smiled. “Well, I’m available if you need to work that confusion out of your system.”

“I’m not confused!” Aidan protested. 

“Sure,” Heathcliff grinned. “Well, suit yourself. My offer won’t stay for long. I need to get laid.”

“And? Why don’t you get laid?” Aidan questioned. 

“Hmm, I don’t know, maybe because making my bed partners sign some NDA doesn’t sound like the perfect kind of foreplay,” Heathcliff replied. “And I’m all for perfection when it comes to lovemaking.”

Now there was a decent distance between them, and Aidan was grateful for it.

“Sorry about that,” Aidan offered. “But you signed the agreement.”

“That I did,” Heathcliff admitted. “So you’re not gay?”

“That’s right,” Aidan hurried to confirm.

The guy was still staring at him as if he didn’t quite believe him.

“Well,” Heathcliff shrugged. “I suppose my gaydar might fail once in a thousand years. Then let’s get out of this closet already,” he joked.

Aidan nodded. He should have been relieved to see Heathcliff taking things so lightly. Yet, he could not stop the little pang of disappointment he felt as he walked out the janitor’s closet, after Heathcliff.

“So, see you tomorrow?” he asked, feeling a bit nervous as he stood face to face with Heathcliff.

“What do you need me for?” Heathcliff questioned.

Aidan was a bit taken aback. The man had taken the rejection well. Too well. But now he sounded pissed.

“Just to look together over some marketing materials. Also, I can help you with, you know, pointers.”

“Send them by e-mail,” Heathcliff said, rather clipped. “And I think I’m done with taking advice from you. I know what I need to do. Just do your job, Spark.”

Aidan watched in disbelief while Heathcliff stormed off.

“Would you like me to give you a ride?” he called after the man.

“I’ll just Uber home,” Heathcliff threw over his shoulder.


It wasn’t like him to let his emotions show, Heathcliff thought as he climbed out of the car that had taken him back home. But the thing was: he was pissed. First, he had played things cool. If Aidan felt the need to lie about his sexuality, that was fine by him. It was none of his business.

Spark was gay as a rainbow unicorn. Okay, maybe not that flashy, but it was clear as day that the guy was eating him up with his eyes whenever they were close.

Yet, for some reason, the young man had chosen to lie. And Heathcliff could not take it easy. The fuck was wrong with him? If a guy didn’t want him, it wasn’t the end of the world. But not being able to get his hands on that corporate bunny was making him frustrated.

He needed to collect himself a little. So his pride had just taken a hit. But that wasn’t it. He could still taste Aidan’s sweet lips on his. The bunny was frigging tasty. Heathcliff wanted to eat him whole, probably starting with his beautiful mouth and ending with his sexy bubblegum ass. And that particular dessert was not going to be served to him on a silver platter as he had expected.

So, he was not the kind of man to get caught up in some dilemma. The bunny wanted him. He was going to come around, eventually. If not, it wasn’t a disaster. But Heathcliff didn’t really want to write off the guy as the one who got away. Guys didn’t get away from him, usually.

Hmm, he could not be so petty. The guy didn’t want him. It was fine. Totally fine.

Also, he just needed to get laid. It was the best medicine to cure that unexpected rejection. And he could put Aidan Spark out of his mind. It wasn’t that difficult, after all.


Aidan took his phone and headed for the bathroom. Bathroom mirror selfies were clichés, but there was no other way to take pics of his ass, without having to call someone and have that person do it for him.

The snafu with Heathcliff would not have existed if he had just gotten laid. With that sexual tension out of the way, it was going to be simple to keep things professional with the fitness guru. 

So, he needed to take action. Heathcliff had praised his ass, which meant that there was a good chance that others were going to appreciate it, too. 

Torso and ass pics were going to do it. He wasn’t going to show his face, at least, not until he was going to secure a hookup.

He could not believe he was going to do this. Never before had he used a dating app. But desperate times called for desperate measures. All he needed to do was to convince himself that nothing bad was going to happen, that he wasn’t going to stumble upon some trolls who only wanted to catfish him, or ... worse ...

He gulped. All that his parents had told him about being careful was rushing to mind, right now. But there was no other choice. He had to get rid of his V card and stop acting like a love-struck teenager around Heathcliff. That was the key to his professional success, and he needed to be courageous about it.

Also, who knew? Maybe he could find some guy interested in more than just a hookup? He had never really tried a gay dating app, but now it was a good idea to start. He was 22, and that was an unacceptable age to still be an ass virgin. 

With a frown, he selected a few pics which weren’t blurred and had good lighting and proceeded to create his profile. Soon enough, notifications began to pour in.


Heathcliff was swiping through guys’ profiles, feeling rather bored, when his attention was suddenly piqued.

“Shy22yo, looking for something casual or serious,” he read out loud. 

Hmm, the guy’s pics were nice, really nice. Heathcliff straightened up. Now that was the kind of ass he liked best on a guy. Actually, the kind of ass he had come to like lately. Well, fucking some youngster who had the same body type as Aidan Spark could be a solution to his problem. 

Definitely delicious, Heathcliff decided, and he began palming his cock through his tracksuit pants while he contemplated how to approach the guy going by Shy22yo. 


Aidan could feel his palms sweating as he looked at the various profiles contacting him. One drew his attention in particular. In the off chance that he wasn’t dealing with a pro catfisher, that guy that had CrazyFitness as his handle looked terrific. Aidan could see himself worshipping those washboard abs for hours. And other things, he thought, as he felt getting hot under the collar.

“Hey,” he typed, not knowing what to say.

“Hey,” the reply came right away. 

He had no idea what should come next. Luckily, his convo partner had no such issues.

“What are you looking for?”

“Hooking up,” he typed in, feeling his boldness fading away with each tap of the screen.

“Where do you live?”

Aidan gave the name of his neighborhood. He hoped the guy wasn’t looking to find out his precise address.

“That’s not so far from me,” the reply came.

“You’re not a catfisher, I hope,” Aidan hesitated, but eventually sent the message.

“I’m definitely not.”

“That’s good.”

Again, he had no idea how to continue. How did other people handle these things?

“You don’t have a lot of experience,” the guy sent another message.

“I don’t,” Aidan replied quickly.

Maybe he could just forget about the whole thing. It didn’t seem right. All the words of caution hammered into his brain by his parents were coming back to haunt him.

“Your pics are really nice. You have an amazing ass,” the guy wrote down.

“Thank you. You have a gorgeous body, too,” Aidan chose to offer a compliment in return, as well.

“Are you available tonight? I’d like to know you better.”

Aidan hesitated before replying. But it was easier if he was getting this out of the way and fast. 

“Yes,” he typed quickly now, that the decision had been taken. 

It was hard to focus, as contradictory feelings and thoughts were assaulting him from all directions.

“You are a quiet one,” the guy messaged him.

“I’d say I’m efficient,” Aidan replied.

A laughing emoji was the answer. Good, that was good, Aidan thought as he liked his lips nervously.

“All right, Mr. Efficient. What would you like to do?”

Aidan pondered for a while. So it was like a date? Not like a going straight to business kind of thing? Were they going to grab a bite and stuff like that?

“Do you like Chinese?” he typed.

“Only if that’s what you are, sexy,” the man replied.

Ah, so the question was about sex. Aidan could feel his Adam’s apple going up and down, and he couldn’t swallow normally. 

“Handjobs?” he wrote tentatively.

“That would be a start. Dick pic?” the man replied.

Aidan almost dropped his phone as he tried to take a picture of his dick. He was only half hard and cursed, pissed at himself. But he sent the pic anyway.

“That’s pretty nice. Legs, too,” the man commented.

“I’m not as well built as you,” Aidan replied.

“How would you like to see more of me?”

“Sure,” he sent the next message.

“What would you like to see?”

Aidan inhaled and exhaled.

“Your dick,” he typed down.

He needed to show a bit of courage if he was going to do this. He almost gasped as he looked at the pic sent. That was a gorgeous cock right there, fully hard, not like his.

“Wow,” he sent his reaction right away.

“Now that we broke the ice, what would you really want to do?”

“I’d blow you,” Aidan typed down without even breathing.

“That’s nice. I’d blow your cute cock, too,” the man replied right away.

“It’s not cute,” Aidan protested.

“It is if I say so,” the reply came right away.

Well, his own cock was much appreciative of the to and fro sexy banter. Now he was fully hard.

“Would you like another dick pic?” he asked, feeling hopeful.

At least, now he had a chance to show that he wasn’t that lame.

“No. I want a close up of that glorious ass.”

Aidan turned slightly and took a picture from above. It was the best he could do.

“Nice,” the reaction came promptly. “Now put two fingers in your ass.”

Damn, the guy wasn’t shy about what he wanted. Aidan could feel his heart beating faster. He did his best to get a good angle, as he stuffed his backside with two fingers. That was as much as it had ever gotten in there, so it wasn’t that impossible. Or bad. Actually, he felt quite thrilled with the sensation.

“Good boy,” the reply was all he needed.

Aidan smiled. It felt nice to be appreciated like that. Now he wanted something in return.

“Can I see some ass cleavage?” he sent his message.

“Ass cleavage?” the reply read.

“Like when you show the cock and balls, but also the crack below,” Aidan dutifully explained.

“Coming right up.”

Wow, the guy looked good from all angles. And that ass cleavage was to die for. The man was also flexible, his legs parted and showing possibilities. Aidan had no idea whether he would like to top or bottom, but, right now, he had an inkling that he wouldn’t mind knowing what the man’s ass cleavage kept hidden.

He began stroking his cock. This was easier than he had imaged. 

“Would you stick something up your ass?” he eventually dared to ask.

“Quite daring. I like it. Let’s trade face pics, too, and then take it from there. We’ll do anything you want once we get together.”

Was he really going to do this? He hesitated for a little while.

“Let’s do it both at the same time,” the phone pinged again.

Aidan drew a long breath and then decided he needed to bite the bullet. CrazyFitness, whoever he was, seemed like a normal person, not someone who was lurking dating apps to find victims like a psychopath on a killing streak. Maybe, just maybe, he had watched way too many TV shows. Also, the guy was hotness on a stick. If he managed to score with the guy, he was going to be a happy camper. 

So, there was no hesitation when he snapped a selfie.

“Ready? I’m dying to meet you,” the man sent another message.

He sent the pic and waited. But not even for a second. He gaped at the screen and dropped the phone. What were the frigging chances for that to happen?

His phone began ringing. A good idea was to let it ring. For lack of anything else to do, he jumped to his feet and got dressed up in less than five seconds. What the hell was he going to do? That was bad, like really bad.

His phone continued to ring. Hysterically if he could say so. He could not possibly avoid this. So, with trembling hands, he took the phone from where he had dropped it on the bed.

“Aidan Spark, you’re coming straight to my house, and you’re coming right now, or we’ll have a real problem,” Heathcliff’s voice came through, calm and steady.

How could the guy act so cool? Yet, he sounded somewhat menacing, too.

“Yes, sir,” Aidan mumbled and cut the conversation.



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