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Chapter Six – Look Ma’, No Hands

He felt like he wanted to ignore whatever Angel was telling him to do and just turned back. He was at the wheel, after all. With a sigh, however, he stopped in front of his mother’s house.

The front lawn was a mess. It looked like there hadn’t been someone to mow the grass for at least a few months, if not more. The house itself looked like it was in disarray, with crooked rain gutters from which dead leaves mingled with whatever grime and dirt the wind brought were hanging by a thread and waving in the light breeze.

“Hmm, how the mighty have fallen,” Angel said with an exaggerated sigh.

“Are you going inside with me?” Alex asked.

“Are you afraid of her?” Angel smiled at him.

Alex snorted.

“No, why should I? I’ve never been afraid of her.”

“Hmm,” Angel clucked his tongue. “It makes one wonder why have you felt the need, all your life, to please her, then?”

“It was because …” Alex trailed off. “You know what? This isn’t some therapy session! Cut it out and let’s just do whatever we’re supposed to do here.”

“In a way, it is like a therapy session,” Angel said matter-of-factly. “But I won’t put words in your mouth, my favorite little jerk.”

“Am I your favorite?” Alex asked, looking surprised at his overseer. “Wait, how many guys are in your care or something?”

“Don’t concern your little head with that,” Angel petted him like one would a dog. “And, of all the jerks I have in my care, yes, you are my favorite. I will come inside with you, but only you can see me. Now, let’s go. Seeing how you refuse to open your eyes, you need to take note of what’s going on for real.”

Alex sighed and climbed the stairs. He knocked and waited. The doorbell appeared to be out of order. 

“I don’t think she’s home,” he half turned toward Angel.

“Go inside. She’s home. The only thing is that she’s a little busy right now.”

“Okay,” Alex sighed and pushed the door open.

It looked like his mother didn’t care about protecting her home against robbers. And he was her son, anyway, so there was no point in feeling like an intruder. 

The entrance hallway was dark, and, although it was just late afternoon, the same semi-dark stretched over other areas of the house, as it appeared. Alex walked slowly as if he was expecting some landmine to blow under his feet.

Noises coming from the living room turned him into that direction. There was clearly a man’s voice, murmuring something. 

He threw a look at Angel, and his overseer just made a gesture for him to go further. 

“I don’t think …” he started.

Angel shook his head and pursed his lips.

“You’re here. You decide whether you confront her now. Or never.”

“Maybe later,” he said, wanting to run out of the house more than anything.

“As you wish, Alex,” Angel said, and Alex could tell his overseer was disappointed. 

His mother’s voice, a bit hoarse, and not exactly as he remembered it, stopped him halfway.

“So that’s 50, dear. Next Tuesday, same time?”

50? Alex frowned, and this time, he didn’t hesitate as he pushed the door to the living room open, and walked inside.

His mother was getting up with some difficulty, while on the sofa a man who looked like he was wearing some uniform was busy buttoning up his shirt.

“What the fuck, mother?” he exclaimed.

His mother looked at him in shock. The passing of time hadn’t been kind to her. She was wearing a frilly nightgown, and her hair was styled in a precarious updo, but the heavy makeup could not hide everything. She was heavy as she moved, trying to cover her chest. 

“Alex, dear, what’s with you here?” she asked.

The man on the sofa looked down and got to his feet. He was obviously trying to scurry away, and not witness the family scene that was going to take place. 

“Are you blowing the mailman? Are you nuts?” Alex whispered, not wanting anyone else but his mother, to hear what he wanted to say. “And why are the curtains drawn in the middle of the afternoon?”

Angered, he walked over to the windows and pulled the curtains down. And almost choked on the dust he unintentionally shook from the fabric. 

“What are you doing, child?” his mother became frantic. 

She tried to pull the curtains back, but Alex had already managed to pull them off their hooks. 

“Are you happy now?” she protested. “Now I need to bring someone over to put them back! Who knows how much is that going to cost me?”

“Maybe another blowjob!” Alex exclaimed. “What the fuck are you doing with all the money I’m sending you each month? Seriously, by all means, it should be enough for you to live comfortably!”

“Don’t you dare to talk to me like this, Alex!” his mother pointed a gnarled finger at him, adorned with a huge sapphire ring. “And do you think the money you’re sending me is enough for me to maintain my lifestyle?”

“What lifestyle? The lawn is a mess; the house looks in shambles … At least, it seems that you’re bringing over a maid once in a while,” Alex looked around him. 

“And she costs me a fortune,” his mother dropped her arms in defeat. “Just for a little cleaning …”

“How come she’s not taking care of these curtains, too?” Alex pointed at the windows.

“She’s not allowed to touch those,” his mother said sternly. 

Alex took a look at his mother and frowned. In the light filtered through the windows, she looked much older than 50. The foundation was caked into the deep wrinkles, and the choice of eye shades was not flattering at all for a woman her age. 

“Mother, where does all the money go? Aren’t you still receiving some from your ex-husbands, too?”

“Well,” the woman shrugged, “two had the indecency to die, and one just disappeared after some bad investments. I have practically nothing.”

“Just what I give you,” Alex said bitterly. “Still, it should be enough. Why the hell are you getting on your knees for money?”

“Well, honey,” his mother talked to him like he was hard-headed and a bit stupid. “I’m planning some new surgery and seeing how little you give me, I have to save. So, for all the other things that cost money, you know, I must do some side gigs. I did tell you all about side gigs, didn’t I?”

“Yes,” Alex replied, “and I wish you’ve never done that to me.”

“Oh, aren’t you a bit ungrateful?” his mother placed her hands on her hips, forgetting, for a moment, about her disheveled state.

Alex looked away. 

“Put something on, mother.”

The woman murmured something, as she gathered her frilly nightgown over her chest, but she walked away. When she got back, she had a little cardigan on top of her gown. 

Her beautiful hair, once one of her biggest assets, was now hanging in loose strands, the updo disturbed. 

“Now let’s talk about that surgery,” Alex pursed his lips. “You know it’s not a good idea. It’s only this much you can go under the knife without turning into a goddamn freak.”

“Well, if you had only sent me more money, I would have gone through better surgery before,” his mother said.

“You don’t need surgery, mother,” Alex insisted. “You’re old, and you should live with it.”

The slap that followed was little surprise, but it still stung. She had never hit him, but now the situation warranted it, as far as he could tell. He shook his head, and then looked at her. As angered as she was now, her wrinkles were deeper, and the uneven coloring of her face even more apparent. Alex wanted to shake her and yell at her. Instead, he found himself talking.

“Aron and I are getting a divorce.”

His mother’s jaw became slack and, for a few seconds, she gaped like a fish.

“That’s great news,” she finally managed.

Alex frowned.

“Seriously, mother? My marriage goes down the drain, and it’s good news? For who?”

His mother no longer seemed interested in what he was saying. She began pacing the floor, linking her hands together and rubbing them. 

Alex threw a look at Angel, feeling embarrassed for his overseer witnessing such a family meeting. But Angel wasn’t looking at his mom, but at him. He seemed serious, and finally, Alex saw, with utmost clarity, why he was there. For a few seconds, his eyes traveled from Angel to his mother, and back and forth like that. Was that what Angel wanted to say about his future? He definitely didn’t want that for himself. 

“It’s your first divorce, I cannot believe it,” the woman was almost bouncing up and down with happiness.

“Oh, so you’re expecting me to go through more than one divorce?” he snorted.

“Are you trying to act all smart now, Alex? It doesn’t make you look cute, you know,” his mother scolded him. “Aron has proved to be a difficult husband. You’re better off without him. And it’s the surest way to have access to his wealth this way.”

“So, should I strip him of everything he’s got?” he pursed his lips.

“You’re putting it crudely, but yes,” his mother now was looking at him, trying to understand what was off. “He could give you, and me, as your mother, so much more. But he chose to be a cheapskate.”

“A cheapskate?” Alex snorted. “He bought me a friggin’ Spyder!”

He seriously needed to defend his husband. Soon to be ex-husband. It didn’t matter. It had never occurred to him that he was ever going to contradict his mother and protect Aron, but there he was. The time spent in the In-Between, now a clear reality to him had not been in vain, no matter how much he had strayed from that lesson during the last weeks.

“Psh,” his mother shrugged. “When I was your age, I was offered castles.”

Alex rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, right. And where are those castles now?”

His mother frowned and wagged her finger at him again. 

“I understand how you might be upset about the divorce, but that’s no reason to take it all out on me.”

“I’m not taking anything out on you,” Alex sustained her gaze. “And no, I’m not going to strip Aron for all he’s got. His parents worked hard for their money. And I’m not going to hurt anyone with the divorce.”

“His parents? What do you care about his parents? Why don’t you care about me, your mother?” the woman pressed one hand, heavy with rings of all shapes and colors, over her chest. “Could you stop thinking only about yourself?”

“I only care about myself? Funny, I thought you were accusing me of caring about Aron’s parents just earlier. Whatever. You’re babbling, and I don’t even care,” Alex clenched his fists tightly. “I will give Aron the divorce without any troubles.”

“Wait, I know what this is all about,” his mother seemed to remember something. “Did Aron catch you in bed with that other guy? What’s his name?”

“Simon,” Alex said with a sigh. 

“Yeah, him. Small time fish, if you’re asking me,” his mother shrugged. “Just so you know, Alex, because I care about you and your wellbeing, I looked into the guy’s family. And, I’m sorry to say, but they are just some white-collar workers that had a little luck playing the Stock Exchange roulette.”

Alex could feel his temples throbbing. And his mother was the cause.

“Simon is pretty well off,” he commented.

“Alex,” his mother frowned, “do I have to sit down with you and explain to you about money again?”

“No, thank you,” Alex replied icily. “I believe I got enough advice from you. Now it’s time for me to decide what to do next.”

“I don’t like how that sounds. I don’t like it at all,” she began jabbering. “Don’t do this to me, Alex!”

“To you? And what, pray tell, do you think I’m doing to you?” Alex crossed his arms over his chest, determined not to back away at all. 

“You’re leaving me without my money!” his mother yelled. “And I worked so hard. To raise you right. To make you understand why you should use your looks to get ahead.”

“Oh, isn’t that a little bit too honest from you?” Alex quipped. “And, just to let you know, I’m not taking more from the divorce than what I’m entitled to.”

“You need a lawyer!” his mother exclaimed, as she had finally understood what Alex was going on about.

“I have a lawyer, and I will instruct him not to make the divorce a mess.”

“But …” his mother started.

“No,” Alex raised one hand. “Marrying Aron was a mistake. Taking his money would be an even bigger mistake. So, so that you know, I’m only keeping the car!”

Angel shook his head while looking at him. He frowned. What? Not even the car? And he thought he was making an awesome impression on his overseer with his decision. He sighed. He was going to talk to Angel about that.

“Of course, the car,” his mother moaned. “Your toy!” she added, with venom in her voice. “Why don’t you send me to live at some retirement home?”

“Mother, you’re exaggerating,” Alex scoffed. “I’m going to put some order in things around here. I’ll pay the maid so that you don’t have to worry about that, at least. But stop offering sexual services to all kinds of people.”

He didn’t hate her. No matter how much he had longed all his life for her genuine affection, without getting it in return.

“I will pay someone to repair the house and take care of the lawn. But I want something in exchange.”

The woman was looking at him like he was suddenly growing horns. Only that, this time, he didn’t need to check to see if that was the case. Angel, from his corner, was nodding at him and smiling.

“Pull yourself together. Let the sun in, for fuck’s sake,” he said, feeling weary in the stuffy air.

“Language, Alex. What did I tell you about language?” the woman said, but it looked like some of her energy to protest was gone, too.

Alex wasn’t buying into her apparent surrender. 

“I will make sure you have enough money to live comfortably.”

“And how do you know what that means?” his mother pulled out her claws again. “You’re kicking a millionaire husband at the curb!”

“For the record, Aron left, and he’s with another guy now,” Alex pursed his lips.

His mother stared at him in shock.

“He’s cheating on you, and you leave him off the hook like this?” she gasped.

“No, he wasn’t sleeping with the guy when we were still together,” Alex chose to be honest.

He couldn’t deny it. If he wanted that kind of future never to happen to him, he needed to avoid making his mother’s mistakes. And that meant a clean break from Aron. Although he really wanted that car. He only hoped he could plead with Angel so that he could keep the Spyder.

“You can still turn that to your advantage,” his mother accused him. “You just don’t want to do it!”

“No, I don’t!” he shouted. “Do you want the truth, mother? I should have never listened to you! You made your choices, and I’m making mine! And you know what? You’re getting half of what I make each month as a model! It’s a lot of money! So stop blowing any dick that walks in here, and get a normal life, for once!”

It seemed clear that his mother was shocked by his attitude. For years, he had been avoiding her, visiting her only when she called, or on special occasions. Right now, he could not remember when it had been the last time they had spoken before today. 

It had been a duty, and something else mixed in that had determined him to take care of her for years on end now. And now, facing her ungratefulness, it fucking hurt.

“Psh, you make lousy money,” his mother went on. “With your looks, Alex, you should just make men get you anything you want. Without lifting a finger! You’re wasting time, your best years, modeling?”

“I thought you approved of my line of work,” Alex said.

His mother scoffed.

“Your line of work was supposed to be the entryway for much more profitable venues.”

“Like what?” he dared to ask.

“I’m talking about real money from rich people,” his mother looked at him crossly.

“So you expected me to ... go around, prostituting myself?” he barely whispered.

His mother looked away, more in annoyance than guilt.

“You know you were lucky you didn’t do time for that,” he said firmly.

“As if someone like me could go to jail,” his mother shrugged. “Sometimes, Alex, I feel like you have learned nothing from me. How long do you think you’ll be young and beautiful? Profit now, or you’ll regret it. And I tell you this, like a mother to her child.”

Alex exhaled.

“I think the problem is I’ve taken way too much after the advice you gave me. But I’m changing things, and right now. No more servicing the male population of the neighborhood. I mean it. Or I’ll cut you off.”

It was maybe Angel’s presence that gave him enough courage to tell her off like that.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she hissed at him.

“I would,” he stood his ground. “I’ll take care of the expenses with the house and its maintenance. But you will start changing your ways.”

His mother seemed a bit at a loss, and he almost felt sorry for her.

“Okay,” she said, pursing his lips.

He nodded.

“That’s all. I’m leaving now. But I’ll come around, see how you’re doing. And just think about how your actions would reflect on me.”

“You have some nerve,” she shook her head.

“Well, I’m the one who’s taking care of you now. When it was the other way, I did what you said. So, will you do what I say now?” he insisted.

She looked away but eventually nodded.

He walked to the door, without another word. The only thing he could think about was how much he wanted to breathe in some fresh air.


“You did a good thing,” Angel confirmed, and he managed a smile. “Now, you’ll have another stop.”

“Okay, slave driver,” Alex moaned, as he kicked the engine into gear.

It was funny how relieved he felt. Like he was, again, on top of his game, without being weighed down by guilt and misery.

“Still, the car,” Angel said.

His smile faded.

“C’mon,” he begged. “I promise I won’t ask for anything else. I really like this car.”

“Yeah, it’s a nice car. But you can buy one yourself,” Angel pointed out.

“If I tightened the belt for several years, sure,” he glared.

“Alex,” his overseer warned.

“Let’s talk a little later about it,” Alex said quickly. “Now, what else do you want me to do?”

“You’ll have to say proper thanks to Carter,” Angel said. “I know where he is right now, and that’s where we’re heading.”

Alex shrugged.

“Okay, I can do that,” he said.

“Are you sure? He’s marrying Aron soon.”

“Yeah,” he exhaled.

It wasn’t an easy thing to live with, but the guy had saved his life. So it wasn’t difficult to say proper thanks.

“And you’ll tell him you won’t make any troubles with the divorce.”

“Okay,” he nodded.

That was easy, too.

“And you’ll give your best to Aron, through him.”

He bit his lip hard.

“Okay,” he said, now with some difficulty.

“You didn’t love Aron,” Angel pointed out.

“Yeah, but still,” he mumbled.

“No point in crying over spilled milk,” Angel reminded him.

“Okay, I get it,” Alex admitted. “Anything else?”

“We’ll talk later,” Angel beamed at him. “And it’s all for your karma. You don’t want your karma to kick your ass, right?”

“Of course not,” he said with a forced smile. 


“You couldn’t keep yourself from talking about the car,” Angel said amused.

“Hey, my karma won’t suffer that hard, right? And I suppose you heard Carter. Aron wouldn’t want a gift back.”

“No, because he’s a great person, but you’ll offer the gift back,” Angel chirped.

“C’mon,” Alex complained. “There’s no way for me to keep it?”

“Of course it is. Pay Aron what he paid for it.”

“Oh, shit,” Alex murmured. “I don’t have that kind of money.”

“Tough luck, then.”

“Why are you so against me keeping it? Don’t you like it?” he said, as they rolled onto the street.

“You know, I could tell you that you’re going to die in a car crash ...”

Alex almost killed the engine that instant.

“But I won’t play you like this,” Angel added. 

Alex exhaled, relieved.

“It matters that you have a clean cut with Aron. You don’t want something to remind you of him, of how you two were married.”

“I’m not sure that Aron would want such a car, though. But, okay, I’ll give it back.”

“Do something else,” Angel offered. “Sell it, and just give the money to Aron. As a wedding gift.”

“One hell of a wedding gift,” he murmured. “And you know I won’t get the same price as for a new car.”

“It will still be enough,” Angel nodded. “Now, Alex, doesn’t it feel good to have nothing to tie you down? You’ll be able to pursue your true love.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Alex set his eyes on the road.

“Oh, you do. But, first, you’ll sit down with your husband, and get properly divorced.”


Aron was looking at him, from across the table, a bit warily. He couldn’t blame the man. Even if Carter had delivered his message, Aron had no reason to trust him.

“Well, we don’t have to waste anyone’s time,” his lawyer started talking. “We have no demands. My client doesn’t want anything, except for personal belongings.”

“One of them being a rather expensive car,” Aron’s lawyer began.

Aron placed one hand over the man’s arm.

“It’s okay.”

Aron’s lawyer didn’t seem pleased with his client’s decision, but he nodded.

The meeting was soon over, and, when walking out, Alex called for his now ex-husband.

“I want to tell you something.”

Aron nodded shortly, and for long moments, they walked side by side.

“Well?” Aron interrupted the silence.

Alex pulled the envelope out of his pocket and offered it to Aron.

“What’s this?” Aron asked, the frown never leaving his face.

“Just a wedding gift from me,” Alex patted his arm.

And then, he walked away. Well, Angel was right. It felt damn good to be free.

“Hey,” Aron called for him from behind. “This is ... quite a lot! How did you manage ... Alex, I can’t really take it!”

“I sold the Spyder,” Alex said with a smile.

“Really?” Aron smiled, too. “Wait, do you need a ride?”

“It’s okay,” Alex said brightly. “I’ll walk.”

Aron laughed out loud at this.

“And Aron? Have a nice life,” Alex waved.

“You too,” Aron shook his head, most probably still not believing his eyes and ears.

Yeah, it felt damn good to be free. He hadn’t felt so free in a long, long time.


“So, it’s all okay now? Is my karma in balance or what?” he almost shouted joyfully as he walked over to his overseer who was waiting for him by the side of the road.

“I guess,” Angel teased. “Nah, you’re on the right path now. Just keep it up,” he gave him the thumbs up.

“Well, I think I’ll have to get a cab,” Alex said, looking around. 

“Oh, you think I’m done with you?” Angel began laughing.

“Don’t tell me,” Alex pursed his lips. “I hope you don’t need me to do some community service now or something.”

“An attractive idea, but no,” Angel grinned. “I need to jet, now that I saved your sorry ass, but here’s the last thing I need to tell you.”

Angel stepped into his personal space, but he held his ground. He had really good reasons to feel proud of himself.

“Go love that man the way he loves you,” Angel whispered into his ear and hugged him.

Alex felt his eyelids heavy for a second, but then he opened his eyes. A bit disoriented, he looked around. Ah, he needed to hail a cab. And see Simon since he was completely free.

There was a strange sensation nagging him as he waved for a yellow car. Like he forgot something. Whatever it was, it was going to come back to him. Right now, he felt elated. It had been pretty crazy to walk out on his marriage with Aron, without a dime, and only with the clothes he still had at the house, but it felt great.

He felt like a new person. He had no idea how come he was and felt so changed, but it was damn great.


“Hey,” he embraced Simon from behind.

The man stiffened and shrugged him off. Not forcefully, but firmly. Alex could feel some of his earlier elation disappearing. Was Simon rejecting him?

It was true that he had been quite harsh on the guy lately while he had tried to get Aron back, but he could fix that.

“Simon,” he caught the guy’s hand.

“What do you want, Alex?” Simon turned to face him.

He inhaled.

“I’m no longer married to Aron,” he said in one breath.

“Good for you,” Simon grimaced. “Or better said, good for Aron. He and that guy, Carter, make a nice couple.”

Alex could not lie to himself. That hurt. 

“Well, that’s not important,” he began talking quickly. “What’s important is that I’m now free to be with you.”

Simon threw him a strange look.

“And what makes you think I’m free to be with you?”

Alex could feel any trace of happiness from before vanishing.

“You’re not free?” he asked, his voice dropped to a whisper. “What are you saying? Are you seeing someone else?”

Simon shrugged and looked him in the eye.

“And what should I have done? Cry my eyes out, stuck in a corner, waiting for you to figure out what’s going on with you and your husband?”

Alex gulped nervously. This wasn’t something he had been expecting from his lover. His former lover. His heart clenched painfully.

“Simon,” he said quietly. “I … I want us to be together.”

“Alex,” Simon replied in kind. “Maybe I don’t want the same thing.”

This was bad. He blinked hard, a few times. 

“If you want me, you’ll have to do something. For me,” Simon said.

With hope in his eyes, he raised his head.



Ron Cox

Thanks, you’re still doing great. 🌹

Laura S. Fox

Thank you, Ron. Tomorrow I'll post the last chapter of Alex's adventures, and you'll learn the conclusion :)