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I am overwhelmed by all the support you keep on giving to me, guys! I haven't even thought about reaching this number, and now it happened. So, for the second time here, I can say: goal reached!

As promised, I will offer everyone a new book as my deepest 'thank you'. Currently, it receives the latest touch-ups and I'm waiting for the cover.

It should be ready by Christmas time, and I cannot wait to offer it to you.

Thank you for being here for me!

All the love,



Ron Cox

Thank you so much for just being you. I love your work and wish I had more to give. You are an inspiration to me and probably most of your readers. You are one of the best. ❤️

Laura S. Fox

Thank you for your kind words, Ron! They mean the world to me! And I hope you'll continue to read my works and enjoy them!

Natalie Ynigo

Thank you for always posting. I have an extremely busy schedule, but reading your stories add adrenaline to my blood and a smile on my face lol so I always make time to read. Thank you 😁😆

Laura S. Fox

And I must thank you for being such a great reader and supporter of my work. Nothing equals knowing I'm so appreciated. Hugs!